ElayneCross's Journal

ElayneCross's Journal


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17:12 Feb 26 2009
Times Read: 957

Elayne’s Response

She moved through His mind as quickly as she could. Her eyes blazing as she searched for answers. He was the only one she had seen so far so He was the one who had to deal with her. she caught an internal struggle within Him and a strong sense of loss. His need for someone. a slight thingy of her head as she felt Him lead her to where He wanted her to go. Her mind went with Him willingly, following without a struggle. Confusion leaking into her mind, He had been through so much. His internal struggle vampire or demon, half-breed, was the word that echoed through her mind. She had been so angry that she had though of no one but herself. This was a trait that he had been punished severely for in the past.

The images that flowed into her mind created a crinkle in her brow. She knew sadistic and brutal but not in this context and stood in shock as her mind tried to process the horrors that assaulted her. Yet she felt something else, something she could not grasp. She was lost in His mind she felt His anger and loss. She tried to clear her mind to focus on Him to look into His eyes to see what He saw but could not. It was not that His mind was all that powerful, but it seemed to cry out for someone to see to witness what He had seen.

Her soft white hair licked at her face as it slowly fluttered and lay to rest. Her energy returning to her and she did not draw any from around her. He seemed to seek answers. Startled she realized He had spoke, a slight reprieve for her as she was finally able to look at Him and see Him. her eyes widening to late as she watched without comprehending as the fire slammed into her body. She put her hands up to block a direct hit but it was to late the flames hit her body only seconds before she felt Him slam into her. Crying out softly she felt herself go back but not to far for some reason.

Every fiber of her being screaming out to stop, that this was not what she was supposed to do. She was supposed to stop, drop to her knees and beg she had been wrong. For a moment she felt her body and mind beginning to slip. Relax and accept what was given.

Shaking her head softly, her clothes burnt off in spots leaving her exposed. Her pale skin sporting burns. Dark deep smudges against her pale skin, places all along her upper now bare body singed. She emitted a soft low sound, almost a growl as though an animal prepared to fight yet knowing they were out matched. she felt Him grab her and throw her against the wall. A soft almost sensual moan escaped from her lips before she could stop it.

Her eyes glazed over her mind fighting its own internal struggle for which she was unprepared. She fought for some sort of control, her eyes narrowing as she brought the anger, the hurt, the way she was betrayed back to her mind. She clutched at it grasping at the strength it gave her. The energy flowing around her once again, it crackled more powerful then she had ever felt it. She could not go into His mind but needed hers to free herself. she had to fight the years of training. This Man here was sadistic but in her own right she was not afraid of pain, for she welcomed it. It was who she was, who she was trained to be, who she had become and nothing could take that from her. Summing all the strength she had she pushed at Him hard hoping it was enough to get Him off of her.

Amon’s Response

Slamming through the flames, He felt His body hit hers with enough force to knock her through the doorway. His arm reaching out and grabbing her, throwing her against the wall, He almost lost control of Himself, His claws ripping into her flesh. hearing her moan of pleasure, He snapped out of it. she had been a slave! she was not only used to this kind of treatment, she probably got aroused by it. He slackened His grip, and as she pushed, He let go. as she dropped back to the ground, He backed away and turned around.

"I don't know what you thought would happened when you attacked Me, but don't do it again. if you want someone to help you, then just ask. don't attack someone from behind," He cracked His neck, and walked out of the room. He felt the anger release from His body as He walked down to the garden. as the cold air hit His muscular body, He smiled. He looked up into the sky and flexed His wings. the large black wings spread out, His legs bending and tensing. as His wings beat downward, He jumped up. He flew into the air, feeling the breeze flow through His hair. He smiled, the only time He ever felt free was in the air. He looked down, wondering if elayne had followed Him.

the dark sky was so clear tonight, the stars shining brightly. He landed on the top of the mansion, His clawed feet digging into the solid stone to keep Him from falling.



00:52 Apr 17 2009

great stuff

01:18 Sep 04 2009

Very interesting!

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