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Inspiration or madness

11:30 Jun 20 2020
Times Read: 438

I don't mind isolation as while I enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and a good rave, sometimes your own company allows you to meditate on things, put more thought into your goals. Sometimes you can get lost in such soul searching but ultimately it allows you to figure out what you really want out of life. It is quiet a learning experience if you open yourself up to it.

Of course this is not true of all people, sometimes isolation and being alone with your own thoughts can simply drive you mad or at least highly irritable and unable to relax. Cabin fever I believe they call it.
While I can respect that not all people have good mental strength, I do find simply becoming unhinged due to boredom and isolation to be a bit, well weak if I have to be blunt.

Is your own company really that bad? Is peace and quiet really a problem?

You know some people strive for years for that kind of tranquility for their domiciles.
Think of the opportunities you have while in your own private domain, projects you can work on, experiments with food recipies or even try making alcohol.
Build a bunker, a treehouse, a mancave. Learn a language or new skills. Painting and writing.

There is a lot to do when you are on your own, the problem is not the isolation, it is the lack of imagination.

Besides, you are not really alone because all you have to do for some socialisation is to use the internet. Whether its messages on forums or face to face via skype or something. The advantages of today, like I mentioned in a previous entry.




The future matters not the past.

15:21 Jun 15 2020
Times Read: 457

I am seeing a lot of apologies in the news as of recent. Comedians mostly, they are apologizing for what anyone with a half a brain can tell is clearly just humor (and not racism).

Comedies and movies decades ago did use dated humor, but it was still meant to be humor and not deliberate and intentional racism or other bigotry.

Sure there are probably cases of these shows and movies using such language, behavior and plots seriously and offensively. After all, there is a lot of tropes built on stereotypes and treating non-whites in a degrading manner. I don't agree with any of them. I find bigotry such as racism and homophobia to be one of the most stupidest of flaws in people. Sheer pettiness and fear of differences.

But I digress.

Just because someone finds a joke offensive, doesn't mean that the joker is a bigot or wrong, so long as its not coming at someone's expense. People have different tastes, you are not always going to like the content of some shows or jokes. It doesn't mean that the person working with it should be condemned or forced to apologize.

Take Tropic Thunder, in this movie Robert Downey JR plays a character who is basically an extreme version of a method actor, so that character ends up using blackface because he is playing a black man.

Note that I said character and not actor.

The character is so over the top in his method acting that he dyed his skin black and got too in character. There is a funny scene in the movie where Ben Stiller makes a comment about not trusting "you people" with a map or something, note that he is not saying that to the black characters but to the entire group who all deranged or incompetent in some way or the other.

Robert's character however is portraying a black man who is easily offended and over the top in his behavior, as when Stiller's character says "you people", he buts in with "What do you mean you people" and brilliantly, another character who is actually black says to him. "What do YOU mean you people"

So the humor and intent in this film is obvious but today's atmosphere will make a movie like this nearly impossible to make again. It might actually get taken down from streaming sites like others have so far.

People should not always have to apologize for the past (unless of course they deliberately used such language and behavior to offend i.e actual racism or other bigotry) because it can't be changed and it was a different time.

I am not saying some of the humor was appropriate, hell some of the jokes in these different shows were very inappropriate, but in most cases that usually was the point. The humor comes from the absurdity and insanity of these situations. I do agree some things shouldn't have been done but its not good going on about something decades ago, all you can do is learn from it and make sure you work within the current moral situation.

Times have changed and people should respect it but they should also respect that the past was a different time, good or ill it should not be erased from existence. You can't learn from the past if its no longer there. Trying to create an idealized past is not going to work.

People need to deal with it and hopefully in a mature manner. Instead of removing movies and shows, they should just give a an advisory warning about the content.



15:56 Jun 15 2020

The problem is that not everyone is adult enough to handle such humour. Most will be offended, like you said. I take it as dark humour, one based on reality, people's perceptions, and social truths. Not everyone sees it this way, sadly.

16:16 Jun 15 2020

Unfortunately that is so true.


The adavantage of today.

14:42 Jun 12 2020
Times Read: 487

There is a lot of people complaining about the lockdowns and I suppose they have every right to but look at what is available in your homes today. You got discord, skype, facebook, instagram, this site and all sorts of modern day tools to stay in contact with each other.

You can still have parties and get drunk, you can still chat and have a laugh. You can occupy yourselves with movies and games. These advantages of this age seem to be taken for granted.

Imagine this happening over a century ago and assuming they knew good quarantine practise. Those people in lockdown definitely would have it bad. No tv, no radio, no computers. Just books.

So I think dire as the situation may be to some, people need to enjoy the little things they have access to. So don't take what you got in your homes for granted, because imagine what it would be like without it.



15:17 Jun 12 2020

15:24 Jun 12 2020

This is so true. I admit, I do take the amenities of modern living for granted, somewhat.

Thanks for the reminder, HaSatan!

18:35 Jun 12 2020


19:08 Jun 12 2020

Party on!...

While I am here, I am so going to grab that back of illicit thumbs up. hehe


The art of partying.

11:07 Jun 07 2020
Times Read: 512

Partying isn't as simple as some would think, a good party or night out requires a little bit of strategy and choosing the right time and location.

To illuminate you on what I mean, those who simply indulge too fast by drinking excessively in a short time span or expend their energy dancing or fighting too soon, will find themselves either passed out, too sick or wiped out.

And before you say well isn't that point for some?

Sure but if you do all that, then you would have left the party before it even reaches its apex. You don't want it to end too soon because not only are you missing out by being sent home early or barred from further drinking but your coterie will suffer for it as they are now a person down in their night out.

The best way to party is to make it last, to extend the moments of social engaging, drinking and sex. There is no rush to get drunk no matter how good the feeling is, you want to be able to remember the night and make the most of it. Make good memories.

Contrary to what some people believe, food does not stop you getting drunk nor does it sober you up but it does slow the process or more accurately delay it.
So eating here and there is essential to keep the pace at a nice level, just don't be a dick by being sick.

Also I cannot believe I am saying this.....but know went to quit. Being able to go back to your domicile and say "that was a darn a good night" is more rewarding than stumbling about and passing out as soon you go through the door.

That all being said, I am all for excessive drinking and partying as that is my domain but there is a time and a place for that and I feel that a good party is one that should be savored and remembered, which requires pacing yourself and taking in the energy of your surroundings.

Live well and keep the party going.




Live free.

22:01 Jun 06 2020
Times Read: 541

I think it is time to start putting down some thoughts. I think I shall start with me favorite subject. Pleasure.

Day in and day out, people bottle their feelings and while in the short term, it can be managed as for example, such as holding your tongue when a superior provokes the anger within in you.

Longterm however, it will bite you in the ass. Repressed feelings will always find a way to surface and believe me, there will be a time where that darkness seeps through at the wrong moment and you may not immediately be aware that you said that out of character statement.

It is important to look deep within, acknowledge your feelings and thoughts, your virtues and your flaws, don't shy away from them if you don't like what you discover, instead learn to accept them and you will find that you can deal with them in a much healthier way. It is the key to being enlightened, otherwise your shadow self will take over.

Now its also important to have days of release, to just go out there and party like its the end of the world, pour all your repressed energy into dancing, drinking and even an orgy. Within reason of course, you don't want to start something you can't finish.

I bid thee all a good time in this strange times.



22:38 Jun 06 2020

22:49 Jun 06 2020

Now that is my language, wine and pleasures of the flesh.

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