JaydeBloodaxe's Journal


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6 entries this month

00:43 Sep 27 2017
Times Read: 264

Well it is good to be back on line. Thank GODDDESSSSSS I am back on line got a new laptop and we just got internet.
Blessed be the what the fook happened writer in me.
So while not on line I did the following. Went to doctors up the yin yang and also got injections in the neck and also more iron infusions. I was not against the pain but damn the neck injection hurts and wow did nothing.
Then my psych dr decided to get blood tests and also a pee test which I thought was for checking drugs no it was a pregnancy test. So what is she going to hear from me tomorrow? BITCH what the fook were you thinking? I have not been sexual in awhile. So I was like you dont believe me??? ohhh it is on like Donkey Kong. Tomorrow she will get an eye opening experience of poking this bear and what this bear does. Growls and snarls and well maybe a hiss or two. hehehe




01:56 Sep 08 2017
Times Read: 285

Today was a busy day full of iron fusions and goodness good weather again. I got suckered into the wind and just let it calm me down while waiting my turn in the cab on the ride home. I just calmed down and felt the air flow and was cool in the front seat letting the wind flow through me and the cabbie was late and such for he had been given three people in three different areas which was not right at all. Since I was going home I was like what can it hurt. At first I thought I was going home right away came out that I was not going home till the other two were safely at their places. I was like I wish they did that this morning but they didn’t and I was a bit late. But luckily the iron fusion nurses where nice and where like okay lady strap in for a ride. Hehe Sadly the one I got decided to get my vein and jiggle a bit. She was preggies so I was nice to her and did not say bitch what the frick are you doing?!!! Pregnant women get stupid and klutsy for some reason. I just keep it real if I know the person but I did not and in fear of making her cry I was like um okay it is okay… Just get it done,,,,,,,
I guess nice weather makes me nicer. It is also soothing to me for some reason it is relaxing and brings me to dream again. Maybe even feel the delight of the wind and hear it call my name. Who knows not sure what it is but it is nice. Clouds and all. I guess I am felineish for I was catnapping with my cat with the window wide open and the sun and breeze were hitting us just right. Kind of needed a nap after the morning I had playing nice with people.




01:22 Sep 07 2017
Times Read: 294

Today was a good day. A wonderful 70 degree day fill of sun and clouds and I am hoping it stays windy for the rest of the week. Goodness it felt awesome just to ride out and let the wind blow my hair and feel the sun on my face. I was like this is what I am talking about. This right here is a little bit of heaven on earth..
Well today I did a lotion (helping hands) to a cab driver for she sounded stressed out and such. The car was running ragged and she shook us lost my wallet, and she came to my house and gave it back to me and realized that I was the one that she found my wallet and brought it to my door step. I was totally amazed.
When I got home I had Kizzy on one size then on the other Atka looking at me like love on us!!! Kizzy is a bit bigger then Atka so it is . So huge doggie coming to you for love you know you need to one buckle down and two pray that the new knee braces work to hold you up. Which they did. Thank God!




02:18 Sep 06 2017
Times Read: 302

Learned about skin today Yep I was learning it for I redid Mary Kay stuff and this was a clear sign of the under studying we do to knowing skin that we don't touch...

So here is some cheat sheet facts for skin that I made..

Normal Skin
Normal skin is healthy-looking skin with a smooth texture. It contains a balance of oil and moisture and has infrequent blemishes or clogged pores. When properly cared for, lines and wrinkles are less likely to form on this type of skin until later in life.
Dry Skin
Dry skin is characterized by small pores and a matte (dull) finish with little or no superficial oil or shine. Expression lines are quick to form on dry skin, especially around the eyes and mouth. Dry skin is more common as you age, or if you live in low-humidity climates. Women who don’t take care of their skin can also develop dry skin.
Oily Skin
When the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, it results in skin with a shiny appearance. Oily skin is also characterized by having larger pores than other skin types, and it is more prone to clogged pores and blemishes. Oily skin may tend to wrinkle less readily than drier skin types because oil on the skin’s surface helps the upper layers of skin retain water. The oil also helps protect skin from environmental causes of dryness.
Combination Skin
Combination skin is healthy-looking skin with a smooth texture and some oiliness in the T-zone areas (the area forming a “T” across the forehead and down the nose and chin) with some signs of dryness on the cheeks and outer edges of the face. When properly cared for, lines and wrinkles are less likely to form on this skin type until later in life.
Blemish-Prone Skin
Blemish-prone skin is a remarkably common skin condition. While many adolescents may experience acne, this condition also can appear for the first time in adults in their 20s, 30s or even later in life.
Sensitive Skin
Sensitive Skin is defined as skin easily irritated by topically applied products or environmental factors. Look for Mary Kay® products that say “suitable for sensitive skin”. The claim was substantiated by clinical tests which showed that these products are suitable for sensitive skin.
A chronic and often progressive skin disease characterized by redness and acne-like lesions over the cheekbones and nose. Over-the-counter acne medications are not suitable for treating rosacea. This medical condition should be treated by a physician.
A skin condition consisting of blemishes (blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or cysts) which is a result of a build-up of bacteria, oils and keratin proteins in hair follicles and pores.
A brown to grayish-brown skin discoloration. It usually appears on the forehead, cheeks, chin and above the upper lip. Although it can affect anyone, melasma is particularly common in women, especially pregnant women and those who are taking oral/patch contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications.




22:52 Sep 01 2017
Times Read: 307

Be bold, be brave, be you.
I am one that I have to say the motto is something that goes much further than just being you. Courage is what takes to being who you are sitting down and listening. I am not one for sitting down and surely not one for listening to myself and celebrating being brave kind of makes me wonder how to. Sometimes shaking the dust off and feel the fear. Why? I do that for I don’t like fear but being brave takes courage and it also takes a boldness I am learning to have. I choose to play it safe. Normally, I am timid today I was not and this is what followed :
Bravery brings you up….
Upping the game in your game believe in yourself
Up your confidence work
Up your significance
Up your level proficiency
Up your impact on the world
Up your standards
Up your confidence in yourself
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Go forth and conquer with bravery.




01:15 Sep 01 2017
Times Read: 304

Not used to the situation I was in today. Strawberry had her in laws over all day. Yesterday she did a massive overhaul of cleaning like I have never seen. Now I would not be so like what the heck is going on the world coming to an end but she separated from her other half a month ago. Now she claims they are dating. On top of which in laws don’t know they were in a rough patch. Though the son is not at home and he is working and she is here by herself. It was just weird and I am like you are on again off again on again with your other half make up your freaking mind.
Shit the crazy part is I have been burning candles praying they get back together for they do love one another but damn it they are so messed up in the heads about what they are wanting in their own worlds now I am not sure healing is the correct word I am looking for them both. He does pot and she does not like it. She is a control freak and he does not like it. Funny thing is they are both addicted to their vices. Shrugs drama of their kind makes my life seem calm in comparison. Just trying to find stability and focus in my world.



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