1 entry this month
Reminder ~ Seems It Needs Said Again20:29 Oct 15 2021
Times Read: 359

I have walked my path since 2006. When part of myself died, and the other awoke and was reborn.
Since I awoke I have been bound. I am bound to my chosen family. The blood and oaths run deep. Over the years, I became a conquest to a certain group. It would seem that
there needs to be another reminder. No matter the amount of time that passes, no matter whom you put in my path, to hold any place in my life. The answer will remain the
same. My loyality and oaths will always remain with my Sire and Lineage.

I am aware of just how deep it truly goes. You have placed people in my life to do whatever it would take to change my mind. You have grown frustrated to the point you
simply wanted to remove me from this life, as if the next plane would be any differnt. When that failed, a new sense of use was born for me.
I do wonder if the ones whom are blindly loyal to you, understand that your conquest for me, out weighs their use to you? They seem so expendable to you. Ironically,
I cared more for them, the one who they sought to destroy or use, than you seem too.
I still stand tall and firm. I will never submitt to you for your use. You may hunt me all you wish. I am not for you. I am aware of you. I do see you.
I have come to realize that yes you may be a annoyance, but your no threat to me.

I Stand before you, I have vowed to Seek out our Lost Family, to educate and guide them, of the old
ways and traditions. I vowed to Seek out ways to better serve
our Community and our family. To give back, and pay forward the knowledge
I have been given. I vowed to , Explore, Learn, Inspire, Honor and Enforce the laws of my community. I vowed to uphold the
the laws, Codes of conduct and traditions of the vampyric community. I Vowed to uphold The Seven Principles, The
Black Veil, and The Pillars and Traditions.I stand at the beginning ,and I stand at the end. I vowed to be both the
shield and the sword for my family. I vowed to be a pillar and support for my family. I vowed to teach with Honor and

I vowed to be a vessel in which the teachings of our community and family will pour forth.
I vowed to honor this Oath and hold it sacred. Every breath and every sweet drop of blood as a celebration of what I am.
I took this oath as a symbol of my Dragon And the darkness that encircles my soul.
I am a Guardian
I am a Destroyer
I stand at the beginning
And I stand at the end.
I am Eternal!

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23:14 Oct 15 2021