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4 entries this month


When I first finally admitted I was a vampire

18:24 Sep 09 2006
Times Read: 486

This is not a popular topic, and everytime I talk about it I do not get positive comments. Oh well. This is my experience and what happened. If it sounds cranky and pessimistic, oh well, this is how it was for me.

Over the years I had drained little bits of energy from people or plants, especially when I was low, but never much, and never enough. I did use it in magics a few times as well. I have been in the occult community for quite some time, and the view of psychic vampires is *very* dim! They are shunned, insulted, put down, told they are not doing magic properly and so on. So not like I wanted to go exploring this side of myself more :P.

Well I have been low on energy and in pain since about age 12. Many many doctors and emergency room visits. Lots of different diagnosis. Iron and B12 shots and still low iron, and so on... I would excersize daily and that would not improve my energy. I would eat as healthy as possible and still had problems.

I had had people tell me I was a vampire, but I had no idea what that meant, or how I could use it to survive. Well I fell very ill, to the point of not being able to get out of bed most days. One day I was doing some magical enemy work, and to enhance that was draining the person quite a bit (this is someone who ruined many people's lives deliberatly so I wasn't too worried about affects to him). Well for 3 days straight afterwards I was bouncing off walls and full of energy for the first time in my life!

Well wasn't going to ignore that! So I learned to feed off others, and found a donor. I also discovered that to be able to psi feed and function well blood every 3 days was necessary. Well I found all this to be a royal pain in the ass. I could not see any positive aspects to this whole thing, just the inconvenience of finding people to feed from, and the greater inconvenience of finding blood. I at least learned very quickly about food subs. Many of them are things that I ate/drank lots of throughout the years anyways.

So I find vampirism to be a plain and simple pain in the ass! Well I figure perhaps some of the abilities I use for magics come from being vampiric, but that is about it for the positives. I figure eventually I will get used to it. I wish I had discovered this years and years ago! I had no idea there were vampires (besides the cheesy hollywood rendition) until a few years ago. Otherkin, didn't even hear about them until 2 years ago. So I have to say, it is pretty cool that these resources are now so prevelent :)

The annoying bit though... is the whole vampirism is so romantic thing. Well OK maybe when one isn't vamping out or such. I have always also had a blood fetish . But still, people actually wishing they could become a vampire? Ha! I think they have nooooo idea. Having the option to feed I guess could be intersting, but the having to feed to function, not something I would have chosen to say the least. Ah well, it is what is. I wouldn't change it, since without my odd experiences through life I might have ended up some boring mundane lamer or something lol.

/end rant

Btw, I warn you, my writings tend to be very opinionated and tend to piss many people off. So if you get pissed off easily, best to find some different journals.





BDSM and Magic

17:44 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 496

by reading this page you certify that you are 18 yrs old or older and that you understand that this page contains some references that some individuals may find disturbing and if you proceed, it is with the understanding that you are an adult who takes full responsibility for their own actions and will not hold the webmistresss liable in any way including whining about it on forums, discussion groups or emails..

My first experiences with sex magick were raising energy or

kundalini. My next expereinces were concentrating on a specific

goal or sigil at the point of orgasm. I had been practicing magick

for about 5 years before I experimented with this, as I had no idea

how to do it, or had no partner that would be interested. I used

sex magick with several casual sex partners (then disconnected us

energy wise afterwards). Each of these people were either

magickians or starting to learn magick. I have never tried it with

a non magickian. I have always told my partner what I was doing.

I married another practitioner who had never experienced sex magick

before. He was in a daze for the first 2 weeks of us dating.

Apparently a lot of energy can be raised by 2 magickians!

At one point I asked a friend online for an enochian sex magick

ritual. He outlined a ritual that included reading certain enochian

calls during the sex act, then attempting to skry. He then ended it

off with the combining of the sexual fluids. Well unfortunatly my

husband (at the time) found this to be a great turn off, and we did

not try it again lol! My husband was into magick, just apparently

did not like the idea of the vibration of enochian calls during the

act :)

I used a technique that I can't really describe to enhance my

partners pleasure during sex for a few years. This turned out very

well and I kept getting "your the best sex partner that I have ever

had". The method I use consists of feeling the energy being raised

and amplifying it. I also sometimes move energy up and down through

the chackras in both of us at the same time, or back and forth.

I read Modern sex magick, and used a bunch of intuitive ideas.

Also, Kali is my patron Goddess, and I got a lot of ideas by

connecting with her.

I did a 'great rite', or more like what I perceived a great rite to

be with my husband a couple of times. We cast an earth magick style

circle, then invoked a god and goddess into ourselves (I called

Kali), then we had sex. It was amazing, I could partially feel

myself, but mostly feel the pressence of Kali. When I looked at my

lover, his energy was overpowered by the god he invoked. It was a

very powerful experience, and my best invocation to date hehe.

More recently I have been the dominant in a 24 X 7 BDSM

relationship. I had experimented with bdsm for years, but never

combined the two. The person that I work with is submissive, and

has been in the scene for 20 something years. I have been teaching

him magick for a year now. He had practiced basic metaphysics and

meditation for 30 years, but had not done ritual or evocation.

This person cross dresses during our sessions.

My submissive is extremely good at skrying and had a very intense

vision the first time that he tried it. After we had skryed several

times, we started to incorperate bdsm. When we start to get ready,

we make a sort of ritual of the setup process. He dresses up as his

female self, and I prepare the temple and dress in my corset etc. I

then apply his makeup. We spend awhile discussing the ritual, who

we will evoke and what questions we will ask. This is sometimes

done before we even start to get dressed, and sometime it is after

we are ready. I feel that the energy needed for the operation

starts to construct itself when we first start discussing the

ritual, then builds from there.

When we combine the bdsm and magick, we first cast a circle around

the area and start with the standard ceremonial magick opening. We

currently use a rope for a physical circle as I have not completed

the goetic circle on canvas yet. We don't always use a physical

circle, but do most of the time as that seems to help build the

energy. This helps to get us into an altered state as well. I next

chain him and flog, paddle, whip, and violet wand him for about 1/2

hour to an hour. We then move to the evocation area. We sometimes

use a triangle outside of the circle (when working with goetia, and

sometimes enochian), and other times have the skrying device on the

alter (when working with enochain). I put nipple clamps on him and

bind his wrists behind his back. He said that this really helps him

to go deeper. I then flog him a bit more, or stick needles into

him. The needles have produced much more vivid visions as he is a

pain slut and they bring him into a much deeper state.

I then recite and vibrate the evocations until the entity appears n

the mirror. The slave then states what he sees and hears and I

write it down. We ask the questions that we wrote down beforehand.

We have found the visions to be more intense and more real when we

combine the pain with the evocation. I have also led him deeper

into sub space by telling him to completely submit and be receptive,

this seems to help as well. During the evocation, I have the

submissive/skryer wear one sigil of the entity around his neck, and

place the other one in the triangle.

After we finish, we either have sex in the circle; or dismiss the

entity, close the circle, banish etc. then have sex. We haven't

tried skrying during sex yet.

One ritual that we performed together was the use of sigils. I

created 2 sigils out of copper, etched with sigils contructed from

the rose cross. We did the usual warm up and flogging etc., then

moved into the ritual space. We raised energy with a mantra, middle

piller etc. I then placed a couple of needles into the side of his

arm and let the blood drip onto his sigil. I then stuck one of the

needles into the side of my arm for the same effect. We than had

sex in the circle and concentrated on the object of the ritual at

the point of each of our orgasms. We then combined the fluids (we

had used condoms) and spread that on the talismans as well.

We then closed the circle. We wore our talismans under our shirts

for a week.

The magick worked.

We have more recently been doing knife play, which elicits (sp?) a

lot of fear in the sub, and produces some blood. We will be

experimenting to incorperate this in our rituals. I use the same

dagger to cast my circles. I read that the lbrp dagger for example

should not have been used to cut flesh, so I am not sure if this

would have some negative reprocussions, but it seems to feel fine.

I'm sure I forgot some things, and left a lot out, but maybe this

will help to give others some fun ideas

Most of my sex magick has been designed using intuition. I have not

read any books on the topic other than DMK's book which doesn't

cover a lot on the bdsm part. IF anyone has any specific ideas on

how to combine bdsm and magick please let me know :) I wish they

had a spell check on this!!




Hoodoo, Conjure and Rootwork, my experiences

17:03 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 497

My interest in HCR started with my interest in Santaria and Voudo. I started out with Ceremonial Magic as a path, but then was constantly drawn to Voudo. I read as many books on Santaria and Voudo as I could. I tried to get ahold of folks on those paths, but being white and trying in the early 90's, no such luck. So I practiced using the books and talking with the Orishas and the Lwa (yes I mixed and matched a bit, it was mostly the Orishas I worked with though since there was more information about them). The spell that I found in the books worked quite well, even though I found out later that the books I was reading were watered down crap LOL. I set up alters for the Orishas (at least this information was accessable), and did offerings for them. Fortunatly I had a cuban store in my neighborhood in which to get supplies from. I did the daily songs to a couple of my favorites, as well as offerings to the others. I had a couple of really neat experiences during this time. I came home one day to find that in an offering dish to Obatala with cornstarch in it, was a smile and two eyes drawn, part of a happy face. At another point, I found a toy on Eshu's alter that I had never seen before. It was red and white though, not red and black. No one could have gotten into my apartment to place these things there, so I thought it was pretty neat. I had not had physical affects like this before with my magics. At another time, I had fed the Orishas in the wrong order (oops) without realizing it. Well my whole apartment felt like doom, mostly like I was doomed LOL. Boy had I pissed someone off. Well I finally discerned what was up and corrected the situation, the overbearing feeling went away. There is nothing quite like a pissed off Orisha!

Well I did finally find a group that was Santaria. They told me the books I had been reading were crap. I now know what they meant. I had a ifa reading which was pretty awesome and suggested I would be on the path for quite some time, as well as gave me a few other hinters. They did tell me that I was not part of the religion because I was not initiated though, and their initiations were pretty pricey (I was a student and working at the time, so not that rich). Well I became very discouraged with that, and moved anyways. I did keep up my practice for a few more months in my new location. Some might find it amusing that I was smoking cigars backwards (don't know how else to describe that) and blowing rum :) For some reason people seem to think women don't smoke cigars. Well I don't usually, but will for the Orishas or Lwa. The Cuban ones aren't too bad actually, those American ones though are pretty bad LOL. Well I went through many many bottles of Florida water, lit many many 7 day candles, tried some spells and was generally enjoying the practice. I was also practicing my Ceremonial Magic. I had not combined the two yet, as I was not sure how to. My CM practice had evolved more into Enochian magic, and away from the standard GD practices as I learned more about the systems. I did avid research and practice with Enochian especially. I then started to bring the Afro/Cuban practices into my Enochian CM work. It worked amazingly well. Neither the Lwa nor the Orishas seemed to mind the Enochian energies.

Over time, I practiced the Santaria/Voudo stuff less and less since I could not really find much information on it. I basically just worked with a few of the Lwa in the end, regularly giving offerings and working magic with them. This was for about 5 years. My spells and magic were becoming more and more of a combination of the two. I then did the Abramelin operation, and mostly stopped my practice of modern CM. I had started on a path of further exploring the old grimoires (I had been doing evocation for years, but wanted to start using the original sources). I started to slowly merge Grimoiric practices, Enochian and Voudo. After I completed Abramelin I did a spell to find a teacher with my interests and a shitload of experience. Well it came to be :) Apparently he noticed my interest in herbs and spells (I had been making incenses, magical homeopathic mixtures, and working with herbs for years). Well he started to teach me HCR. Oh it was SO very annoying at first! The Hoodoo spells worked, kind of. I entirely stopped the CM practice at this point (aside from evocation) to further learn about HCR. I had been used to spells working very easily and what I needed naturally coming into my life. Well I seemed to have hit a year of a dead period as I was learning this new system! I was doing spellwork and making powders regularly, and they worked, but I couldn't bring in money for the life of me! Also, a few other things didn't work magically. It was one frustrating year. After about a year, it slowly, far too slowly started to build. *Finally* the spells started working as they should. Oh that was nice. Why did I stick with it for a year? Well I felt naturally drawn to the working methods and could just tell that this was definatly the way to work magic (well at least for me). Fortunatly I guess I have a stubborn streak somewhere.

Finally there seemed to be a shift, most of my spells worked, I moved to a place I love, I started to actually make money with this website, and my workings with the invisables were improving. I also started to get client work from people online (I had worked for my friends very successfully before this, but not complete (nearly) strangers). Fortunatly during the year and a half before the magics finally started working as they should, I had the spell powders, that seemed to work even when I didn't. The business drawing one didn't seem to work for me, but boy did it change my friend's life around. I beleive I wrote about this in the powders section. Needless to say her income quadrupled. And those compel powders, they were my favorite. They work wonderfully for job interviews, getting apartments, having one's landlord be agreeable, returning items to a store when you have already opened them, and so on.

So it took about 1 and a half years of nearly daily work (I do slack some days) to finally get myself over to the new way of doing magics. It really is different then modern magic. A LOT different. It works differently, you work differently, and you work with different energies. No you do NOT charge the spell powders!!! When you make them, you ask/tell them what they are for and to help you out. The herbs, roots, resins etc. have natural magical properties. They are a living thing (in a spiritual sense), and do not need some magician to grab a bunch of energy from some sphere of the tree of life and try to pump the mixture full of it. Why would we work with certain herbs, if we are just going to try to override their natural affects anyways? Might as well just use talcum powder (that is another rant). Also, one works with the invisables (you know the spirits, those who are invisable sometimes and at other times we wonder why they are called such) a lot more then with modern magic. With the modern magics one calls the presence of the spirits or uses them sort of like a spell component. No relationship is built, nothing is done to strengthen them, and they are worked with very regularly. There is no circle of protection or triangle for them to manifest in, they are just called and asked to help.

When I work HCR magics, I work with the powders that I make. I was given several recipes, and now am working on creating a few of my own with the knowledge gained. I work with my ancestors (have for years) as well as other dead folks. I also work with the Enochian entities. I am sure that this is not a popular take on HCR, but it is how I work, and it works well for me. The Christian aspects of Hoodoo, I swap out for Enochian or prayers to my particular Deities. I strive for using the Hoodoo methods as close to the original as I can find, so that my alterations thereof aren't just added on top of 10 other generations of alterations. For example, some rootworkers work with the Saints and the Psalms. I work with the Enochian calls or prayers. Not that I haven't tried a psalm or 2, but it just does not mesh with me as well that way. Apparently this approach works quite well. I sent a few spell powders to one longtime practitioner of CM, and he said that he was amazed, they worked just as well if not better then a long drawn out CM ritual. He is now experimenting on using them in his CM rituals to see how that goes.

One of my favorite aspects of Hoodoo is those ever so amazing mojo bags! They have worked so well for me and my friends that I started to make them for clients. One lawyer friend and client went from only making about $1000 per month (his was for business increase and winning some court cases) to clients all day everyday and about $1000 per day he works. He lives in a small town, so the business is more difficult to get in his field. I made protection mojos for a family, that is just thrilled with the outcome! The problem they were having with another magician basically dissapated after they started to wear them. It was like night and day for them, and they are still going on about the mojos. I made another one for a client who was living in his car at the time due to lack of funds. Well he made $200 in 2 days after he received the mojo. Before this he was making no money, or barely enough to afford dinner each day. He was also given a free place to stay and do ritual. When I make mojos I always request a bit of hair, a photo etc. to make them. Especially if the client is long distance. I also charge $100 for them. So needless to say, I have only had about 6 orders for them so far LOL.

Another aspect of HCR that I quite enjoy is working with the dead. I have always liked graveyards, and all of my life I have heard dead folks speak to me. This was a little more then unnerving when I was a kid! It is nice to put that talent (odd word for it) to use. I work with local dead folks, ancestors, dead magicians etc. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from my work with them. They can also help out in spellwork, or helping with tarot readings, or assisting with evocation, and so on. That is one thing that seems to be lacking in modern magics, the working with one's ancestors and other dead folks. This is not something written about in books, so I guess that is why. It is not like they are all that difficult to talk to though. Now that I have said that, I also have to say I don't recommend work with the dead, apart from one's ancestors, without some training or know how. Yes, there are dangers to it, check out my necromancy page for more info.

Then there are the baths. Modern magic does not make nearly enough use of baths! There is the cleansing bath, and the salt bath, and a few herbal baths but that is about it. In HCR however there are hundreds (if not more) baths!! For every purpose. The first bath I ever took HCR style was an aura repair bath. Wow, I couldn't beleive it, it was amazing! I felt about 100 times better and oh so refreshed after it. I have also tried white baths, uncrossing baths, money drawing baths, peace bath, uncrossing baths, and so on. They ALL work amazingly well! Who would think that a simple 3 day bath can increase your income dramatically? :) Or that an uncrossing bath can get rid of that much shit. Or a white bath help that much after spending too much time with nasty deads in the graveyard. I highly recommend to everyone to try out the baths. I will have to put up a section for the baths I sell. For now, you can special order my aura repair bath, uncrossing bath, road opening bath, money drawing bath, luck bath, and glamour bath. (they are $10-$50). With the HCR baths, usually, they are boiled or simmered on the stovetop, then dumped over oneself after a shower or regular bath. Then you air dry or put your clothes on while still wet. Some are actual baths though, where you add the ingredients to the bathtub and lay in it. Oh those are sooo nice!

Then there are the crossroads. A place to leave offerings, spells, discard spell components once used etc. Crossroads do definatly have a different and interesting feel about them. Also, different crossroads tend to feel different. A busy crossroad in the center of town, definatly feels different then a back country crossroad for example. Some crossroads just "feel" like a crossroads should to me. I have also built a mini "crossroads" on my property, but that is probably cheating LOL. I just use it for evocation sometimes, or to leave offerings. If one looks at olde manuscripts on necromancy and evocation, you will often find that the rite is done at a crossroads. I have heard them described as the place where the worlds meet, the place between the worlds, and so on. This gives quite a bit of explanation to their nature, and there is much more to them as well. The gatekeeper can also be called at the crossroads.

Spellwork is a large part of HCR. Very handy for practical magics. I use the best herb, root and resin suppliers that I can (within reason), and use fresh products. I also sometimes use fresh if it is in season. Fortunatly it is very wooded where I live, so there are many herbs that grow wild around here. Fresh roots work amazingly well! Some recipes can be made VERY potently with fresh herbs and roots, so spring is a great time for this. A garden also helps. I use the roll the candle in the spell powder method quite often for casting spells. I also use oils on candles, but have found that spell oils made with just essential oils (or even worse the ones made with fake oils) do not work as well. Also, some recipes work better as a powder, and others work better as an oil. The ones that I work with regularly tend to work better as a powder, and there is the added benefit of being able to sprinkle them on the floor, in a shoe and so on.

Well now I still go through bottles and bottles of Florida water, (and rum) but I have started making my own Florida water (unfortunatly this is not for sale, since the ingredients are all pure essential oils, musk and so on; it would be far too expensive to sell). There is truly nothing like homemade Florida water though! The invisables just love it, and I am still wondering if I can afford a bathtub full of the stuff LOL I now make all of my own spell powders, incenses etc. as uposed to purchasing them from your average occult store (most of those products don't contain much more then food colouring and oil or talcum powder). I also work far more with the invisables, and have gotten to know them much more closely. I still experiment a bit, but have settled into combining my Enochian, HCR and other work. After years and years of experimentation this is what I have found to work best. The Harry Hyatt books (and Draja, Zora, and Darren) are my now faves, right up there with the Grimoirum Verum, Agrippa and Dee.




Crazy ass magical experimentation

17:01 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 498

After 15 years of practice and a lot of creativety, there is a lot one ends up doing. For me, I did not just stick to one path, but started to incorperate other practices as I went along. Below are some of my posts about such experiences and experiments.

On my experiences and experimentation with Enochian

Since there were a couple of requests for me to elaborate on what I

have done with (more like how I have warped ) the Enochian

system, I will post some details.

I started off magic in a GD paradigm with DMK's book, then joined a

GD order. So I was stuck with the GD ideas at first... So I

practiced Enochian GD style for a couple of years. I then went

online to discuss Enochian and 2 wonderful folks (St. Parker and

David R. Jones) told me that the GD Enochian is actually a bit

different than is in the Dee/Kelly diaries! I had just spent a

month painting my Enochian tablets to perfection GD style (there is

a photo of those on my site of those ones I made 10 yrs ago LOL),

and had been pronouncing the Enochian words and names with far too

many vowels (GD style). So it was time to re-learn it. I did. I

read A True and Faithful (boy does that one take some getting used

to), had a really good amount of teaching by very patient people,

and started to branch away from the purely GD methods. I also had

started Goetic evocation previous to this...

I did not have a magical teacher at that point, so I started asking

the Goetia beings and the Enochian Entities (EE from now on for

short) for ideas on how to do evocation and work magic. I have

found that the EE's, with me anyways, liked to teach by helping me

to experience whatever it was that they were trying to get across.

They always have appeared quite strongly for me, and tended to do

the flip my reality upside down for 1/2 hour while they explained

things LOL, not always in words either. For example if I was asking

about healing, I would feel the energy they were trying to teach me

about waft at me and through me. As far as communication I have

more often gotten impressions than actual words, but at times actual

words as well. With the impressions they would flood in, then I

would interpret them into my own words. Fortunately

I have taken a lot of evocation notes over the years (unfortunately

my years worth of magical diaries are for the most part in storage

in another city, ARG!) There was actually a lot of info I was given

when I started skrying that made no sense to me at the time, but I

wrote it down anyways as I figured I would understand it later. So

I am really wanting to go over the old notes :)

When skrying during Enochian evocation, I get anything from just

seeing the entity I am working with, to seeing a complete landscape,

to experiencing their energy and/or their world. I have also done

evocations where I did not use a skrying mirror, just a triangle and

smoke. In those cases I would either get a REALLY strong presence,

of the entity and/or see a ghost like vivid image. I have found

that the EE's appear brighter or more vivid somehow then other


Another interesting things about the EE's for me is that they tend

to show up randomly more so than any other type of being that I have

worked with. They seem to be a lot more in one's life. Helping

out, making themselves known etc.

Well with magic (and other things) I love to experiment, so I spent

several years trying different techniques as well as combining

various systems of magic. Below I have a list of quite a few of the

workings I have tried. The things listed below are workings I have

tried for extended periods of time, or at least more than 10 times.

Enochian and Vodou/Santaria

With this one most folks will think I have lost my mind probably

LOL. I had been working enochian for a number of years, then

started working with Santaria/Vodou for awhile. I did not know a

lot about the systems, but worked with the Orisha's and Loa quite a

bit, and had some truly amazing results, and I felt a good

connection with them. So I experimented with calling various Loa

AND EE's during the same working. I am not going to go into exact

details on this one though. I believe it worked. I believe the

beings from each system worked well together. And I found that

setting up the temple with one system then calling the beings of the

other worked very well, as did setting up the temple in a sort of

combo way worked well as well.

Enochian evocation done with Sex Magic

Basically doing evocation of an EE, and using sex to build the

energies in the temple. Monofocal and with partners.

Enochian evocation done with BDSM session

Used BDSM techniques with and without sex (depending on the

occasion) to both build energy and to get the skryer into a very

deep altered state. This has worked extremely well with skrying

visions! At first I was a little concerned that the EE's would be

offended or really wonder about us LOL, but they did not seem to

think any differently of it from what I could tell. If you really

want the details check out the Dark Lodge archives, I think they are

there. Or check out my site in a couple of weeks they should be up.

Enochian and GD, my version

Well everyone else seems to have written Enochian versions of the GD

rituals, so I gave it a try LOL. Mine differ a bit from the others

I think. I have also written quite a few of my own rituals that are

purely enochian. Some with pentagrams and hexagrams and some not.

Basically I have created Enochian phrases that go along with each

part of my temple setup such as the cleansing and purifying etc. I

have found this to work the best for me of any ritual I have


Outdoor Enochian cacodemon workings

For about 6 months I lived in the woods in TX very close to the land

(no cabin), well nearly, I did have food supplied a good deal of the

time in a rustic kitchen by my employer (I was working outdoors). I

was renting property off of my employer, so I had about 20 acres to

myself to do evocations in :) During this time I wanted to know

more about the cacodemons, so I was doing daily evocations of them

to ask them about themselves as well as various magical things.

Communication with them was not as clear as with the other EE's, but

still got some things back and forth. It was definitely an

interesting experience and actually went well. However when I moved

back to the west coast and did some cacodemon evocations indoors in

my temple with my Satanic friend as skryer, my life suddenly turned

upside down, lost my house etc. LOL, I have no idea if it correlated

but the timing was sure close! So I figured I best leave them alone

for a bit! It all came out for the better in the end and I learned

a lot over the next bit of time though. So worth it in the long

run, just a really odd feeling and intense experience.

Experimenting with and without the combo of a circle and triangle

With and without the long conjurations

I went by the books for years, you have to use a circle and you have

to use a triangle. So of course I had to try it without LOL. It's

not like Dee/Kelly used a circle/triangle. I did most of my EE

evocations with my skrying device on my alter and conjurations in

English or Enochian. I used the keys a lot as well. I have also

tried Dee's prayers for the work, but changed them to fit my beliefs

more. I also did quite a few enochian evocations using a circle and

triangle. A rope circle, a salt circle, a canvas circle, GD astral

circles and my Enochian method astral circles.

All methods seemed to work quite well, even the Enochian rituals I

wrote based on the LBRP/BRH etc. The specific rituals had an

amazing effect of setting the space/energy up for the working, sort

of fine tuning things.

With skryers from various systems including one Satanist

I have worked with quite a few scryers, as well as scryed on my own

multitasking, as well as skryed for others. I have found that when

I scry on my own that I sort of have to switch modes, from calling

to more receptive and perceiving. The only catch to having other's

scry for me instead of me scrying is that I feel as though I am

missing half of the experience, yes things are said in words, but

not felt as a whole concept. However, with having others scry they

perceived the beings and answers slightly differently then I do, so

it is a very interesting experience. Also, sometimes it can get

very intense and vivid when there are 2 practitioners working on an

evocation. (however personally I have found that group evocations

don't seem to work that well). With having other people as the

scryer and me as the operator they were able to fully lose

themselves in the evocation and come out with some pretty amazing

communication! I have had to psychically drag people back before

(has anyone else done this, and what on earth do you call it?). I

also tend to get more intense visions when I scry for someone else,

but tend to get more intense feelings of the entity's presence and

more manifestations (like translucent images) when I skry for myself.

With the various scryers I have worked with a Thelemite, a Satanist,

a few students, Ceremonial Magickians and one person who had never

done any magic but had done 30 some odd years of meditation.

Amazingly enough, their perceptions were similar in a number of ways!

Heptagram enochian rituals

I used pentagrams and hexagrams and unicursal hexagrams, so why not

heptagrams for the 7 planets :) Used the King and Prince names as

well as the senior names for these workings. Basic planetary

workings to bring in the influence of that particular planetary

energy then charge a talisman, light a candle etc. for the working.

Enochian Solomonic circle and triangle

I came up with an Enochian version of these 2 tools, didn't use them

much though, it was right before I moved...

Ideas for a septahedron (is there such a thing?) shaped astral

temple that relected the dayside/nightside

One of those amazing insightful visions. Did a lot of work in the

temple, it had enochian names down the sides etc. At that same time

period other people that I know that were working Enochian magic

also were working with octohedron visions or ideas.

Nightside aethyre traveling

This is the one where folks tend to worry about me LOL. Basically I

found Crowley and Kenneth Grants ideas about the Nightside tree of

life really interesting and proceeded to do a lot of my own travel

there. I then wondered about whether the Enochian aethyres also

contained a nightside. Interesting anyways :)

Shamanistic journeying into enochian realms

Astral evocation of enochian entities

Basically head off to my Enochian astral temple and do an evocation.

It is half the time just visualization though I think. It is really

hard to concentrate and really hard to not kind of float away

sometimes LOL. I got past that turning 360 degrees thing though, at

first that got confusing, was calling the directions, would get to

earth and couldn't turn to East to complete the circle without

losing the vision. This is not something I have the skill or

concentration to do very often. I just did it about 3 or 4 times.

Seemed successful, results came to be :)

The 19 day working

I did the Enochian 19 day working as mentioned in the Enochian MS.

The instructions did not seem to be exactly specific, but I worked

it out to where I felt my version was as close to the original as

possible. I also consulted with the entities. I basically used the

method out of James' book but slightly different.

Enochian talismans

Talismans with Enochian letters, charged with the help of EE,

created using Enochian rituals etc. etc. Also sigils for the

talismans created out of the great table etc.

Enochian letters and words on various objects

Enochian letters have a power about them, self explanatory.

Simple spells, chanting etc.

Same as any other system but in Enochian with Enochian rituals.

(yeah I'm getting tired of typing LOL)

A healing spell like Dee did with the bonorum with a lead disc

It worked, got a lead disc, inscribed the letters/numbers etc. on

it. Doesn't work the same way if the person has certain letters in

their name that aren't in the bonorum though LOL!

Bringing others into the enochian aethyres

Having the enochian angels help me with healing, and teach me healing

Anton LaVey's version of the calls in a few Satanic rituals

Having one of the EE's act as a tour guide through various aethyres

Vodou and Kabbalah, didn't work

49 crystals

An idea given to me by one of the EE's that I work with. Basically

the triangle for evocation (if used) made out of them.

The reverse god names

I worked a few rituals with these forces, they were easier for me to

work with then the cacodemons, however I did not come up with a lot

of uses for the work/info so I did not continue.

Abramelin experiences

I started the Abramelin operation using Enochian keys, prayers,

rituals etc. but then found as I progressed through the months that

I had to drop any system specific energies / beings that I was

working with. My Abramelin working was by the book, but not by the

Christian/Hebrew bits. I started out with Enochian and moved into

no system or religion etc.

This may seem like quite the list, but I have been at it 15 yrs or

so with daily work, so of course I was going to experiment just a

bit :)

A note on this, so I do not experiment haphazardly as something fun

to do, as it might seem by this odd long and strange list, I take my

magic work very seriously as well as my experimentation. Any

experimentation I have done if after I have worked a lot with both

systems or methods, and was worked up to gradually.

On Afro-Cuban magic combined with Enochian and Goetia

I find Frater Alistor's ideas on this interesting :) I'm not sure yet if I

agree or not. But I would definatly say there are some things that definatly

work, and many cultures seem to have incorperated them independantly of each

other as well. Of course the spirits themselves teach as well, and teach us

what works, no matter which culture we are from.

I started out with ceremonial magick GD style, thanks to Kraig's book. Joined a

GD order for a bit, and also did the Pagan thing for the nature aspect I

beleived CM was lacking. That is where I started to learn my Enochian as well.

Fortunatly I did meet a couple of very good Enochian teachers that set me

straight LOL. After about 5 yrs of CM I started to branch out more. I started

Goetia evocation to get some teachings and ideas from the entities and did

Enochian evocation as well. I have always been drawn to the Afro-Cuban

practices. As a kid I made a joke to my mother to drop me off in Haiti on her

way to the Carribean...

I started to read every Santaria and Vodou book I could find, as well as looked

into a Santaria group. I did not have a teacher or recieve an initiation into

these practices (the group just wasn't right for me), but did practice on my

own. I set up alters to my fave Orishas, did spells (that worked really well),

put out offerings (that were changed, vanished etc.) and "talked" with the

Orishas a lot to get some more info on the practice. I also have worked with

some of the Lwa. However there was far more info on the Orishas. When I first

started out with the Afro Cuban stuff I did not give up my CM practices, I just

did them seperatly. I beleived that you should not combine systems until you

know a good deal about both, so I spent a year or 2 getting to know the

Afro-Cuban stuff better before doing the combination. As far as how I started,

just drawn to it. I also quite like the Orishas/Lwa :) (btw if anyone needs

cuban cigars I would be willing to do a trade ).

After I felt more comfortable with the practices, and that I knew the entities

better, I started combining my practices. I started out just doing an Enochian

opening ritual that I had written then would do the usual calling of the Orishas

or Lwa with the gatekeeper first etc. I then started combining spells from

both systems to see how that would work and it seemed to go fine. What I mean

by combining spells is to call on the EE's of a specific group in charge of what

I am after, then to also ask an Orisha or Lwa for help with it, while doing the

whole cigar, blow the rum and food offerings thing. Hey the EEs like Florida

water too :)

Most of my combo rituals were Enochian based. I found that the Kabbalistic

based ones combined with Enochian produced conflicting energies, they didn't

seem to get along. So I did not bother to continue with that experiment. I did

use CM techniques, but not Hebrew names from then on when combining.

I also experimented with Goetic evocation and Afro Cuban like practices

combined. I called upon the Lwa as my protective crew instead the names of the

Kabbalistic Gods and angels. I also would ask Legba to open the gate prior to

the evocation, would sprinkle the area with Florida water, might sprinkle water

around, put out some offerings etc. That also seemed to go well much to my


I have also done rituals and spells where I will call both types of beings (Lwa

and Goetia) to be present and help out with a certain working. This seems to

work as well, yet I have not done as much experimentation with it.

More recently I have taken up the practice of HCR (hoodoo, conjure, rootwork or

whatever you want to call working with spell powders etc.) and have gotten some

ideas from this.

Presently I do the temple setup more Afro-Cuban style. I will do the wall

washings with the sprays and mixtures, set out offerings, use Florida water

liberally (gawd homemade kicks ass!) and a good deal many other things that seem

to transfer over quite well, for my Goetia work. I also find that the Hoodoo

spell powders work really well with Goetia work, and Goetia work works quite

well with the spell powders, oils and spells etc. I have also combined the

spell powders, oils and spells with Enochian magic , entities and rituals with

good results :)

I also combine my work with the deads (which has a lot of Afro-Cuban elements in

it) with the Goetia work.

I have added enough to give some idea on what I have tried, what has worked for

me, and maybe a few ideas. There is a lot that I don't feel comfortable sharing

at this time though, as it was either taught to me by my teacher, by a demon, or

a personal method that I would like to keep to myself. Questions are more then

welcome though :)

I still have never been initiated into any Afro-Cuban tradition. (I have been

GD and Pagan initiated tho) because religion really is not my thing. I honour

many beings, however the whole religious praise and prayer thing etc. aspect

still baffles me (I was not raised in any trad) and it not something I am drawn




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