Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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14 entries this month

Odd thoughts

02:31 Dec 31 2006
Times Read: 920

I made Sire on Dec 4th. Okay it was very exciting on a personal note but I didn't really see that much difference as I'm very happy in my house and do not wish to start a coven. I worked hard to earn favor for my house and was lucky enough to be marked by Master Jason at 10,000 favor. So I do believe I earned my mark. I bought a lifetime membership because I could do so and thought it was a very good way to show my support for this site which has given my friends and I such a very enjoyable time. It apparently earned me the mark of the Prince. I admit I was very proud to have that mark on my profile. But then today there was a thread in the forums today that more or less insulted those of us with the mark that didn't "earn" it in her opinion. Okay I didn't ask for the mark but do enjoy the extra boost it gave to my status to make sire faster. I don't know how exactly one goes about "earning" it in her opinion but if enjoying and caring about this site qualifies then I think earning it involves much more than "buying" the mark as was insinuated. I don't know why that thread bothered me so much as I've seen and ducked my fair share of mud in life but I think the way it was done was what got to me. If the mark was taken from me tomorrow, would I cry foul and leave the site. No I don't see that happening as the fun and friends I have found here are among the best you can find but the general acceptance of the majority of the members of this site is it's very best attribute. Oh well I just needed to get this off my chest.




Outright stolen from Jason cause it's too funny

23:49 Dec 28 2006
Times Read: 928

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Countess-Palatine Connie the Convincing of Pease Pottage
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title




Holiday blah's

05:41 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 932

Well my family are here and all in the bed now, thank the goddess. I'm so tired of being surrounded by people. I know it's my own family and that's it only for a few days and it's supposed to be a joyous time. Problem is, I'm just not that social a person. I worked most of my life in a career that had me working holidays usually alone. Just me and 17 telephone lines, 3 radios and any moron who walked into the dispatch center on a holiday expecting it to be full of people. Just me sitting there behind a desk, behind a glass wall looking over a huge radio console and half a dozen computers and recording devices. For a big woman to get lost in so much stuff took some doing but it happened. My family would be at home having a wonderful dinner that my Mom would fix after I'd done all the shopping earlier in the week. Then they have dinner, throw everything in the fridge and settle down to watch sports or movies. Me, I'd often have a sandwhich that I made at home or just whatever was in the snack machine as nothing was open of course. But the thing was I was pretty much alone and it was so nice and quiet. Now I'm surrounded by people wanting to talk to me and want answers back that actually make sense. Dang it I want my simple quiet holidays back.




Great Day

22:59 Dec 20 2006
Times Read: 937

I had to rush my Mother to the hospital emergency room Sat night and by Sunday morning she was headed into ICU. Very scary stuff since she's 76 years old and this is the first time she's been in the hospital in 40 years, when she had her last baby. They were all amazed at that since she has emphysema. But since we lost our Dad nearly 20 years ago, it terrified all 4 of us kids. Yes I know, 40 year olds and up are not kids but when it's your mom, see if you don't feel the same. I've spent the last 3 days and nights at the hospital with her and at times was so worried I was sick with it. But our prayers have been answered and she's on the mend and now back at home. I want to thank my good friends here on vr and in real life that sent good energy and prayers our way. Kay & Nita, thanks for your presence and phone calls, you kept me sane.




Christmas Presents

04:21 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 944

Nothing ruins my holiday spirit like wrapping presents anymore. I got the mess all out tonight and got started. Then the phone calls started, seems every member of my family had to talk to me tonight something that just couldn't wait. Stupid questions every one of them! If they had bothered to thought about it at all but no it's so much easier to ask Connie. But then when we all get together I'm the one they treat like she's stupid and the joke of the family. Yes I am different than the rest of them but not that much. Anyway if I'm so damn odd why do they constantly ask for my help or my opinion or for me to find the answers for them. Assholes, I managed to get 12 packages wrapped but at least I started with the biggest ones so can get them out of my way now. I have waited much too late to start this year and probably should see if my sister could help but then there's the problem of her 2 little kids that her husband resents watching. Wow, his kids, but he don't want to keep them. Shit head! Boy I really hope this rant gets the venom out of me so I can work some more on this stuff. I need to put the dang christmas tree up sometime this week. No I don't put it up at Thanksgiving, I like my holidays seperated a little bit. Holidays hell I celebrate Yule but my sister is the only member of my family that knows about my religion and she has no ideal what that means. Yes I am in the broom closet and this is how my life must be for now. You are open about it, Great! for you but this is my life and I'll be the one living it so keep your pissed off attitude about me to yourself. Yep someone did say something about me not being open about it, Once! They don't talk to me now :)

I can be one real bitch when I need to be.

I just don't enjoy it that much, friendly is so much funner.

Okay rant over, time to clean all this stuff up and fight my way over to my bed. ho, ho, ho!




Madrigal dinner

01:39 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 955

Last night was a wonderful time, well except for the dinner but I'll get to that later. My friends and I went to a college about 50 miles away and attended their yearly Madrigal Dinner which is a christmas music pagent type affair with dinner and choir singing. It's usually great but this year didn't really compare to last year's performance but it was still good. The dinner on the other hand was just revolting to me, Quail with Hunter sauce on wild rice with shavings of carrots and 6 whole green beans beside it. Just sickening to me, I ate the bread roll and gave my dinner to Bill. Yuck! I didn't even like the smell of it. Thank goodness Kay was willing to stop off at Wendy's on the way home.

But all in all it was a very fun night as anytime I'm with my friends usually is but I sure hope next years goes back to the old program. Only 2 of the twenty something songs were in English. Now this may not be politically correct but this is Eastern Ky and not too many of us speak a second language or 3 or 4 or 5th as the songs sang were in.




Christmas VR Style

04:36 Dec 10 2006
Times Read: 964

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the Rave

Not a creature was stirring not even a shade

The forum was filled with threads held so dear

In hopes that come morning they’d all still be here.

The whelps were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of sire hood danced in their heads.

Requiem in her kerchief and Stabb666 in his cap

Had just settled in as Dominar’s this night.

When out on the net there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my pc to see what was the matter

Away to the window I flew like a flash

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash

The moon on the breast of new fallen snow

Gave a magical luster to objects below

When what to my wandering eyes should appear

But a bright red sleigh pulled by eight freaking deer

With a darkly cloaked driver so gothic, so cute

I knew in a moment the Prince had arrived

More rapid than bloodlust his orders they flew as

He messaged and shouted and called them by name

On ElderD and Images, on Jason and Daire

Now Darkness Bound, Now Nicnivian

And Deity, so there

To the top of the server, to the top of them all

Now dash away, dash away, dash away, don’t fall

As marplots that before the Acolytes do plead

For help to develop the skills they do need

So up to their computers the admin’s they flew

With a sleigh full of changes and the great Cancer too.

And then in a twinkle I saw it begin as each keystroke

And update made the vision expand.

As I drew in my hand and was turning around

In the vamp box was where Cancer was found

He addressed us all on the changes he’d made

And his image got tarnished from the complaints as they came.

Updates and improvements he had on his mind

And he brooked no argument as demands were made.

His eyes were aglow with the passion he felt

For the site he began and now guides so well

From his sexy mouth poured forth his wisdom

And his goatee-covered jaw was strongly set in decision.

He was tall and slender, a dark dream of Goth

He drive and intelligence, so sexy on a man

I found his dream intoxicating in spite of myself

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread

He spoke few words but went straight to his work

And fulfilling his vision, he turned with a jerk

And laying his finger aside of his nose and

Giving a nod, out of the box he arose

He sprang to his sled to his team gave a whistle

And away they all flew, just like a cruise missile

But I heard him exclaim ere he flew out of sight

Happy darkness to all and to all a fun night.

The above is obviously paraphrase of C. Moore's famous poem. We being, Vampirewitch39 and Nightgame just wanted to make a VR version for fun.

No offense intended as we both enjoy and care deeply for this home away from home and the people here.





19:29 Dec 09 2006
Times Read: 967

Okay, I admit it, I'm a stalker here on VR. There are several people that I enjoy following along in their journals. Since I check my favorites list several times a day I find new entries quickly. Now I have to wonder what they think when they see my name keeps popping up looking at their work. I'm not really trying to get to personally know them or nose into their lives but I read them because they have shown an intelligence or sense of humor or scarasm or just a beautiful turn of phrase. These people are on my favorites along with my friends that I do know. But for the ones who have no ideal who I am it must be strange for me to keep showing up on the list of who's reading your journals. I try to never send any messages to them but admit to having occasionally done so especially when it involves a birthday or special occasion they mentioned. I like to surprise people with an unexpected happy birthday, or congrats from a stranger. Just another form of human contact that makes this place special and I like doing my little part. So if anyone is actually reading this and finds me looking at your journal a lot, don't worry I'm not stalking you for real just enjoying your talent.




New friends

16:33 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 973

I was in a very cheerful mood this morning and decided to see who was in the vamp box. There I met NobodysFallenAngel and Weffie and later VampyreHeart. These ladies are a ball of fun, we were able to crack jokes like old friends in no time. Hey they even liked my weird sense of humor. NFA then wrote the most beautiful journal about meeting me. It was so cool, I've been hesitant to talk much in the vamp box as I'm not that confident I don't sound like a moron and I'd hate to provide proof for anyone. :)

NFA and Weffie are both quite younger than me but it didn't matter as their minds travelled right to the gutter with mine about eating chocolate santa's. mmm I love people who like a bit of smut trawling so early in the morning. lol





23:18 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 979

I reached a big milestone for me here on VR. I made Sire very early this morning. I was staying quiet about it though waiting for my best friend to get in from a work day out of town. Mostly I just kept expecting a message saying it was just a joke or a mistake in the math. Like I could figure that out. I've read that it's 7th grade math to figure it out but I don't even want to try. I hate math and numbers, they get all goofy with me. Give me words anyday. Anyway back to the point, now my best friends both know and I feel much better about it. They are happy for me and that makes it so much better. Now I finally feel like dancing about and celebrating. It truly is an accomplishment that I have worked toward and am happy about completing. Now if my friends will just get here with me, that'll be the icing on my cake.




Another one bites the dust.

05:00 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 983

Well another weekend has ended and while I had some fun and got some of the things I wanted to do, done. There are still many jobs I want to finish. I did get all my clothes sorted out now I just have to decide wether to store them or give them to goodwill. My heart says goodwill but my brain keeps warning me that the weightloss that has allowed me to drop 4 sizes might not be permanent and then I'd miss all my old comfortable big clothes. But it's been 8 months since I started loosing and so far no regain at all. I think if it was going to happen it would have by now or at least shown some sign of it. Instead I'm still enjoying getting smaller, I'm smaller now than when I graduated from highschool. Pretty cool to think that next month I turn 46 and will be wearing cooler clothes than I had at 18. Funny thing that I've started thinking about my birthday earlier than usual for me this year. I don't know if it's all the birthday threads I always post to as I think everyone should get a happy birthday note or what but I'm thinking about it. Not really sure how I feel just yet I mean mid 40's sounds better than down side of 40's but does it really matter? I don't feel older mentally and my health is better than it's been in years. I'm off of insulin completely now and no pills either. It's so great everyone always said once you start taking insulin shots you never get to quit them. But I got to and though I still give myself shots of Byetta they're small and just twice a day. I can handle that for however long I need to. I do get tickled though when I read someone's profile or journal and they mention they're afraid of needles. I wonder how they'd feel trying to find a new spot each day somewhere that is very soft and tender and slipping the neddle inside themselves and pushing the plunger. I used to be terrified of needles too. Strange how life teaches us what's really there to fear and it's not needles...




You'll never believe the word I got!

02:21 Dec 03 2006
Times Read: 987

Hey dearest best friends in the whole wide world as you know I'm playing hangman like a fiend and tonight you will both appreciate the word I got (and got it right too) Novitiate!

Yep that evil word I used on you and you've never let me forget it. Well see it paid off finally that I knew that word. Got me 1 whole favor with it. :)





18:47 Dec 01 2006
Times Read: 990

I have to live in the strangest place in the US. This morning at 6am it was 72 degrees F on December 1st. By 12 noon it dropped nearly forty degrees down into the 30's and we've got snow flurries and the wind is between 50-60mph. No wonder we have to take allergy medicines year round. Just too damn weird.




Blue Screen Warning

04:59 Dec 01 2006
Times Read: 950

Look out the blue screen is flashing, I'm about to have a mind dump. Hey if the computer can do it, why can't I? I seem to have so many things chasing about my brain that I can't settle down and take care of any one of them. It's about to drive me crazy so I'm just going to dump this load of faulty data and start over. Maybe that can clear up this mess. Wish me luck on my reboot.



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