Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


53 entries this month

01:40 Dec 31 2020
Times Read: 553

OMG. My Movie Signifier is on. Actually never saw it.

Where is Sia

San Andreas




17:53 Dec 30 2020
Times Read: 564

Test on the dress. . . . Someone sped an stopped 3inces in front of me, at the bus station. Whew. And, a couple of horn beeps. For a dress that I didn't think was sexy.. ..

Should not have given Scooby Doo roast beef in the can. They all love it but. ... And, Poe can eat a whole bag of meatballs from the dollar store. Wanted to get them 2 toys. But, neither store had anything.




16:29 Dec 29 2020
Times Read: 576

I did another spell. Different. You have to go far back in history. Will leave a hint if I can. Felt vibration this morning. Beautiful out side. Beautiful Day. Jafar would love me. . . .

Washed carpet last night. Bleach and Gain. Used a mop, instead of a scrub brush. Think the fleas jumped on poor Poe. Had to bath them off. The others, I am happy about. But, dry food is not doing well, w them. Can't use Meow Mix, Friskies, that Purina Brand for old cats, Chicken Soup. . . . And the Kitten Chow goes fast. But, that's the best so far. . . .

, . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
. .

Job hunting was a failure. . . . When I went in the mall, I had to look for steals. . . . Incase I find a dress job again. . . . Which means. . . .found some nice stuff in Nordstroms. . . . 25 percent off clearance. . . . But, the hems were to long. . . And a lil to dressy. . . . So went to Forever Twenty One. . . .got a nice interview dress. . . . For 5.. . . Same price as if I went Thrift.

And the Dollar Tree a
Had Lavender Toilet Paper. . . Lol



18:21 Dec 30 2020



15:18 Dec 28 2020
Times Read: 606

There is a black guy here, that has been knocking on my door. Lives across, to the left, up. What? Why? Never said hi, bye or otherwise. By now he should know the door next to me. Younger. Maybe the guy that shot down on the ground, on side of the drainage. Who knows. Lots of crasies, which I will be without a job.

Speaking of crazy. . . .I can't believe that a bomber blew up that wonderful trailer. Wow. Would be interesting to know why. Nashville.




15:55 Dec 27 2020
Times Read: 623

Yup, Caddyshack is on. With all rhe characters:. . . . Greens Keeper, Assistant Greens Keeper,. Judge, Playful Architect, Buddhist Enterpreneer, Senator, the Immenace, the Doctor, the Caddies, Sexy Neice... I only to sympathize with the Gopher.

Well, pets ate, horderves last night. But, ate roast beef in a can this morn. Lol. Only Poe hasn't finished, yet.

I bought a new thing to clean the carpet. Lol. Maybe better than the scrub brush.

Job searches again. Talked to someone at an old job. Said it closed down. So much for the guy who calls himself Satan.

UK has a new vaccine. Wonder if it treats the new mutation.

Sooooo need a job. So sick of applying. . .

Some believe that the time is the judgement. . . .

I don't think so. . .
Major signs
A huge black cloud of smoke (dukhan) will cover the earth.
Three sinkings of the earth, one in the east.
One sinking of the earth in the west.
One sinking of the earth in Arabia.

Or, maybe,. . . This one. . .

Judgment Day. In the New Testament, the day at the end of time. According to the Gospels and the Book of Revelation, on this day the Earth and the sky will be in an uproar, the dead will rise from their graves, and Jesus will return to judge all the living and the dead.

I guess he would, if the dead rose. . . That would be awesome!

I saw Valentine's in the dollar store. That was the last fun time. Before the virus. Had just got an extra job across the restaurant. . . Have to find work, so me and my boo can go back. . . .




12:44 Dec 25 2020
Times Read: 633

Aaaahhh. A Christmas Story. . . . Yup! My story of when the fam was young. . . The furnace in the basement that farher yelled at. . . . The nasty crossing gaurds. . . .the dares. . Gifts in the mail. . . . That's when the vegetables companies, and others. . . gave stuff for labels. A and P sticker books, and many more. . . . The problem neighbors across. . . . Having to see Santa. But, I was a cryer w that one. . . . Back when all the kids got a toy. . . . Really, so much like our family when children. Ha ha ha

Man Back in the Day. . . . No need for a sled back then, a car tire tube did the job. . . . .



02:37 Dec 26 2020

ooo that would've been so fun to watch:)


12:52 Dec 24 2020
Times Read: 642

Shut off the air an hour ago. And just heard Jack Frost, coming through the crack on the door. Maybe should switch to heat. Feels like a Northern Holiday.

Lol. The siding must have came down again. Bang bang bang. At least the pigeons scattered. Not sure which one is worse, for noise.




21:58 Dec 23 2020
Times Read: 653

Santa came early. . . .

Baring frozen pizza, lunch meat, pork rinds, breakfast sandwiches, and Ice. . . .

I Believe!



23:58 Dec 23 2020

Ooo ooo merry merries! Good for you:)


04:15 Dec 23 2020
Times Read: 660

Beautiful Skies over Stonehenge tonight, as seen on Twitter.

Dec 21
Something magical is happening in the skies tonight: along with a minor meteor shower (Ursids), you'll see a rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, known as a great conjunction.

Visit Skyscape to see a livestream of the skies above Stonehenge Rightwards arrow http://bit.ly/37khajd




20:14 Dec 22 2020
Times Read: 674

Well, I didn't see anybody shot Monday, over here, in the news.

Had to run to Walmart on yesterday's bus ticket. Made it. There have been no steals, since the Holiday Season started. I was goin to tell Boo, that I'll treat for pizza, after I start working. But . . . . Walmart had a Dress George's Sport Shirt for 3. And a pair of shoes, for me for 3. Plus, they had cookie mixes, for .50. I Love Cookies! . . . . Got 3 big bags . And, of course, all the pet food I need. Kisses . The cookie monster is pleased.. . . . Pepermint, Sugar, and Candy cookie mixes. . . . .Ho Ho Ho

I saw a place w a pool, that looks cheaper. But, the pets might be an issue. Let's see.

They are a lot heavier than the dollar store ones. Can't eat any more of the blue cookies. They make 3 small cake pans of drop cookies. I over cooked the first, getting better. Lol the bags are over in that special cake section in the aisle. Over in Gentilly. Back to apps. Wish I had my high speed. Not for 2 days more.




07:48 Dec 21 2020
Times Read: 705

For those who are partaking at Stonehenge. . . . I am at the Blood Stone, trying to move the energy forward and positive for all those who attend except my enemies. I am noticing spotted light circling. . . Could be from my candle in the glass. . . .I am trying once again to move the energy forward for myself and everyone, except enemies, to aquire great for this coming year. . . . .Blessed Be So Mote It Be. . . . . The people have begun. . . . I am getting the messages. . . . Again at the Blood Stone, within the Healing Stones. . . . Astrally (it is hard to type when one is trying to stay unconscious. LOL. Hope all that read understood.)

This was an open circle, . . . . But, an Vampiric Coven came in. . . . And I joined in that one. . . At first the witches came in and we were going to do teirs of circles. But, the one circle is a sufficient to unite.

We made a large mesh within the circle. . Covering the inside. . . It extended more, when the ⛅ started to rise. . . . I think there was so many coming in that we were beyond the blue stones!

There were a few break-ins. . . . Into our lil spot. . . .

One, with a image of a baby, not in the mood was I. . . . Another with an image of a child, again not in the mood. . . . Another tried to put his fingers in my mouth and said shred. . . I got mad, put my fist in his. And said shred. . . . Lol

Dressed my Red Robed friend in White, when I noticed he was in usual red garb again. . . . (He said that his white was towel like, lol, a dead give away. And he ripped his sleeves off.) Had think of something white for me. . . .only white dress I ever wore was my mothers white wedding gown. . . .that I used for Halloween and a venture. . . Lol. Looked fine in white. Although, at home I wore a black dress.

All and all. . . I think it went pretty good - over there. . .

Thanks: to those who made the circle. . . .

And . . . It seemed like I moved the energeis positive enough. . . . All around the blood Stone was white dots ( small orbs, or Sunday) . . Had to promise them incorporation, in a great way to them and theirs . . .

Again, Thanks to everyone who attended. . . . Sweet

Shakira - Empire

*** Note: I choose this video quickly. Someone suggested I put a song in. So. I typed into YouTube vampires unite and her video came up. . . . I can't believe how perfect w the white dress, the white circles the flame of the Sun. Honestly. It wasn't planned. It just came up so perfectly.

Part of this writing, was at the beginning, at about 1:30. The rest, was written after . All over now.

So dead where I am at. For a Holiday week.

When I was walking to the bus, some black guy fired a gun three times, where the water drainage is, in Holly Grove. I looked on the right side off of Airline, under the bridge. Saw only a tarp bundled up. I don't think it was anything, cuz I saw 2 black guys running in front of me. But, if any cop wants to check. Was a fat black guy with a grey t-shirt, had a picture on the back, w low rise jeans showing multi-colored underwear. I was thinking of calling the police. But, looked like he was just jerking off w the gun. If I'm wrong, Sorry.




01:23 Dec 21 2020
Times Read: 709

None of my tests are kicking in. Nor, able to get in a few. Maybe, cuz of Sunday.

Will have to go weekly, to renew my phone. . Might last 2 more weeks. I don't know what for. Saw in UK , so many fleeing lockdown. What a damn thing. Astral at Stonehenge for holiday!

1 am wake up call on top of everything. Was so tense. Lukily had a lil nip.

Goin to have to go for different jobs, this week.




01:22 Dec 21 2020
Times Read: 710

None of my tests are kicking in. Nor, able to get in a few. Maybe, cuz of Sunday.

Will have to go weekly, to renew my phone. . Might last 2 more weeks. I don't know what for. Saw in UK , so many fleeing lockdown. What a damn thing. Astral at Stonehenge for holiday!

1 am wake up call on top of everything. Was so tense. Lukily had a lil nip.

Goin to have to go for different jobs, this week.




14:43 Dec 20 2020
Times Read: 720

Clean clean clean. Gawd

Have Land of the Lost movie Remake. Lol. Reminds me of something. Actually, is the future. That Lil guy w the crystals reminds me of Nemo.




02:16 Dec 20 2020
Times Read: 730

Boo was not an angel, again.

I kind of messed up on the timing. So I went Astral about noon. Saw, the guy w the big beard. But, did my thing anyway. Think it went well. Going to do another for the 21st. Which would be very early morning as sun rise. Think there is a seven hour difference. Will have to check.

Been watching lots of movies on YouTube. Music Box, Spiritualist, both English. Future World.. . . . Not bad for YouTube




02:16 Dec 20 2020
Times Read: 730

Boo was not an angel, again. 😈

I kind of messed up on the timing. So I went Astral about noon. Saw, the guy w the big beard. But, did my thing anyway. Think it went well. Going to do another for the 21st. Which would be very early morning as sun rise. Think there is a seven hour difference. Will have to check.

Been watching lots of movies on YouTube. Music Box, Spiritualist, both English. Future World.. . . . Not bad for YouTube




18:01 Dec 18 2020
Times Read: 744

I feel that this is the year for the Vampire, coming up!

As, for me, got to get some fresh air. I feel like a shut in. But, didn't spend any money.

First clean boo, cuz he smells. Clean Poe to keep the fleas down. Then finish the apartment. Lol.

Plus, there is a pigeon, desperately trying to get in. Threw the vent in the bathroom. Must have felt the heat. Lol. Bless him if he does. I'm sure my pets would be happy. He wouldn't. Lol.

Saturday, only a day away. . . .

Only Marketing job offers. Really need something firm and reliable. There has to be something. . . . Trying to break into medical.




15:24 Dec 17 2020
Times Read: 760

Well, a lot of the vaccine was frozen wrongly. Right on, considering how people are now-a-days. Who wants to take the first dose. I guess we should look up what happens if it isn't refrigerated right. You know that there going to try and use it.

California still in the red. So much for the rich sector.
Sia. . . California Dreaming. . Official San Andres. . .

Temp is too cold. Was going to print out a landscape of Stonehenge. But, forgot. Was trying to do something for my boo boo. But.. . . Got to link w Stonehenge soon. Hate cold weather.

I found another job app, that is great.

Had someone try to put the bag on. Somebody that wants me to do a lot of traveling, without meeting. Sounds like a Fraud from long ago. Can't be from Indeed, cuz it claims, that you need to have an interview up front.

Another day! They are so precious!

And. My pets, are Angels.

The Holidays are coming. So I think, mabe, yes. . . .

Shirley Bassey, Get the Party Started, Official Video....




15:24 Dec 17 2020
Times Read: 761

Well, a lot of the vaccine was frozen wrongly. Right on, considering how people are now-a-days. Who wants to take the first dose. I guess we should look up what happens if it isn't refrigerated right. You know that there going to try and use it.

California still in the red. So much for the rich sector.
Sia. . . California Dreaming. . Official San Andreas. . .

Temp is too cold. Was going to print out a landscape of Stonehenge. But, forgot. Was trying to do something for my boo boo. But.. . . Got to link w Stonehenge soon. Hate cold weather.

I found another job app, that is great.

Had someone try to put the bag on. Somebody that wants me to do a lot of traveling, without meeting. Sounds like a Fraud from long ago. Can't be from Indeed, cuz it claims, that you need to have an interview up front.

Another day! They are so precious!

And. My pets, are Angels.




15:11 Dec 17 2020
Times Read: 765

Well, a lot of the vaccine was frozen wrongly. Right on, considering how people are now. Who wants to take the first dose. I guess we should look up what happens if it isn't refrigerated right. You know that there is going to try and use the crap.

Temp is too cold. Was going to print out a landscape of Stonehenge. But, forgot. Was trying to do something for my boo boo. But. Got to link w Stonehenge soon. Hate cold weather.

I found another job app, that is great.

Had someone try to put the bag on. Somebody that wants me to do a lot of traveling, without meeting. Sounds like a Fraud from long ago. Can't be from Indeed, cuz it claims, that you need to have an interview up front. Could be from a sponsor.

Another day! They are so precious!

And. My pets, are Angels.




15:10 Dec 17 2020
Times Read: 768

Well, a lot of the vaccine was frozen wrongly. Work, considering how people are now. Who wants to take the first dose. I guess we should look up what happens if it isn't refrigerated right. You know that there going to try and use it.

Temp is too cold. Was going to print out a landscape of Stonehenge. But, forgot. Was trying to do something for my boo boo. But. Got to link w Stonehenge soon. Hate cold weather.

I found another job app, that is great.

Had someone try to put the bag on. Somebody that wants me to do a lot of traveling, without meeting. Sounds like a Fraud from long ago. Can't be from Indeed, cuz it claims, that you need to have an interview up front.

Another day! They are so precious!

And. My pets, are Angels.




15:10 Dec 17 2020
Times Read: 768

Well, a lot of the vaccine was frozen wrongly. Work, considering how people are now. Who wants to take the first dose. I guess we should look up what happens if it isn't refrigerated right. You know that there going to try and use it.

Temp is too cold. Was going to print out a landscape of Stonehenge. But, forgot. Was trying to do something for my boo boo. But. Got to link w Stonehenge soon. Hate cold weather.

I found another job app, that is great.

Had someone try to put the bag on. Somebody that wants me to do a lot of traveling, without meeting. Sounds like a Fraud from long ago. Can't be from Indeed, cuz it claims, that you need to have an interview up front.

Another day! They are so precious!

And. My pets, 👼 👼 👼 👼




15:32 Dec 16 2020
Times Read: 782

Pets R Cute today! Back to themselves. I thought, it would take a while. Awwwwwww Boo just went in the window. I know he sees the other cats out there. But, . . .no, too dangerous.

Yesterday, I didn't stop cleaning after them till noon. Today, is normal. They been eating a lot of kitten chow. Breakfast consist of Beef Stew, Cocktail Frank's, tuna. Lol. 🐈🐈 🐈 🐕

Saw an jealous one, have pebbles fall on her when she was sleeping. ??? I myself don't work like that. It's a very quiet invoke. Lol. Her"s is stupid and her movie is crappy. A typical usual. Would never, see or hear from me. May catch me doin something, in the act, if your protection is real good. Otherwise. . . Lol

I don't know about that Hecate's site. Seems to be a lil too dark. Maybe, they pulled something else in, w her.

Well, not much on job search. And my resume and some app dates were messed up. Can't believe I did that. Well. . . Got to check my apps..... And apply apply apply. . .



06:42 Dec 17 2020

Crossing my fingers you get something soon:)


19:13 Dec 15 2020
Times Read: 796

Alright Satan, that's it. Man O man. What a morning. Boo peed on me again. Scooby won't go in the box when I'm cleaning. Aaargh. Just finished cleaning everything. Even scrubbing the floor.

Just got rid of the tomb, and statue off phone. Put the Sun, and a symbol of Hecate's. Why not, I use her w it anyway in the past.

What am I going to do with these 🐈🐈🐈🐕

2 day back with kitten food. Hopefully, they will be back in gear soon. The other food was supposed to support their urinary tract. Guess it did. Mon Dieu. Honestly. 😈

Can't believe I saw a nice witch movie, in between clean up. Aaargh. Nanny McPhee. So sweet. Nice to see something sweet, for once about us. Cute.

Ok. Back to coffee, and apply, apply, apply.

Was going to listen to carrolers yesterday on YouTube. But turned out to be like a theater group. Was in the mood for dramatic. So switched off early. Was at the library anyway.




02:05 Dec 15 2020
Times Read: 806

So far pets aren't irregular. But, still early. Lol. The plate of dry, almost gone. Gave them that .60 cent meat. And the dog, his favorite w a lil meat. Let's see.. Scooby didn't meow. Boo still dry. Baby was cuddling for a few hours. . . Hmmmmm

Take it back, Boo just Fartted Aaaaargh Still possessed.

I saw Signs on the TV menu. Will be almost 150 times, I watch. . . . Lol

🐈 🐈 🐈 🐕

Has been some great holiday cheer shows. . . Toys of Terror, or home alone, with that horrid kid, lol, Satanclause. . . .



05:30 Dec 15 2020

Satanclause LMAO!! I had to bust out laffn' with that one:)


12:13 Dec 14 2020
Times Read: 812

My oldest was very naughty. Woke me up early. Luckily he hit me. Like the Excorcist. Lol.

Thanks for the twenty friend, goin to change the food back. He isn't leaking, sooooooo. Gawd, threw him off the bed 6 times. And he is sleeping next to me. Lol. I give up

Busy day today. But, got to check when store opens. To go back to the kitten chow.

Tried to check the museum for artifacts regarding the Hecate site. But. No luck yet.

Got to get my oldest cat back to being an 👼. He is being like this now. . . . 😈


Someone last week was Astral, that I should get a water fountain. And, Lord and behold, the dollar tree had one. Works great. Even the 🐕 drinks from it. The youngest can't play in this one. It sells for 5 at Walmart. The first great gift for a dollar. Great.

Well, the store opens at 8. Having my dollar monster coffee. Than got to shower the dog, . . . . Then all work related after. . .




12:13 Dec 14 2020
Times Read: 812

My oldest was very naughty. Woke me up early. Luckily he hit me. Like the Excorcist. Lol.😎

Thanks for the twenty friend, goin to change the food back. He isn't leaking, sooooooo. Gawd, threw him off the bed 3 times. And he is sleeping next to me. Lol. I give up

Busy day today. But, got to check when store opens. To go back to the kitten chow.

Tried to check the museum for artifacts regarding the He ate site. But. No luck yet.

Got to get my oldest back to being an 👼. He is being like this now. . . . 😈





01:12 Dec 14 2020
Times Read: 832

OMG. My oldest cat. Lol. Well let's just say, my friend brought cat litter, soda, and pizza. My oldest cat was so excited and so happy, that when my friend opened the 🍕 box, he jumped, all fours on the pizza center; from the bed. I think I saw this in a comedy once. Poor baby, my friend didn't eat much, I felt bad. And, I ate too much. Should have filmed that High jump. Mon Dieu

Malat kalikey mucka. Lol

Mele Kalikimaka 🌲 🐈 🐈 🐈 🐕-- 🎅. . . . 😎 Oooops




15:08 Dec 13 2020
Times Read: 846

Almost a year ago, it was Saturday night Live, Star Trek the final voyage.

Now. . . . Saturday night Live, Star Trek V, the Restaurant Enterprise.

First Voyage: Phantogram, Funeral Pyre.




17:34 Dec 12 2020
Times Read: 867

Froze myself, for flea control. Lol. Sucker for pain. Was thinking of the Gretna, hospital beginner job, just to get me out of the area. But it will take me 3 hours to get there safely. And low pay. If it was a higher pay wouldn't mind. There was one that looked at my app 3 times. Thought I would hear from. Oh well.

I didn't want to give my pup a shower, cuz I had Fea powder on him. So glad I gave him a shower just now. Think it is the best.

Still working on the Hecate grounds. The disk portrays Hecate's essence behind the good and evil. And, so far, hate to say, I think she used the cross. Although, I'm sure the upside pentacle is fine.

What I saw though, was more box like. It had scroll lines that sort of looked like snakes. Not as scrolled as the disk. But no face was upon it. The snake scroll was holding a glass, that was holding glowing light, that moved. I tried to look for a picture. But the best I could pick up was the disk. Although, I thought it was oblong. Sort of reminds me of something with N. Telsa wrote about. The light, anyway.

I did see squares in the matrix of the stones. But nothing that could house an entity yet.




18:30 Dec 11 2020
Times Read: 877

I think the agency sent two texts. One was heavy lifting, which probably is for a man. The other a tech, at low pay, that would take 3 hours to go to and only five to work. This other looked at my resume 2x. But, it has to be 3. Many administration in.. . .

Well looks like that the vibration a year ago; that we were a part of, is not to blame. Cuz. The disease started in late December, and we are almost there. There would be a retract. People are going back in the red, zone. Even NY, is goin to stop eating in, again. . . Sooooooo.

Astrally, I saw a container, w glowing somethingair. And a black and white dog. Think someone human is sending the image. Was not in the project.




07:36 Dec 10 2020
Times Read: 886

Hi, Trelane. I see a hospital w you! Hmmmmmmmm

So weird yesterday. When my friend took me to the place to work. Was weird. For the first time, he said, I'll wait, in case. He never said that before. So when we came in, the guy behind the counter said that I was supposed to be there at 7. I said no, I wrote everything down. So he called his boss. He said to come back at 7. But he said 7. I said never mind, I wrote it down. Was no mistaking 1 to nine. None.

Plus, the guy gave my friend a real nasty look. Could be retarted. Or, who knows. Could be killers. Nobody around for a distance. Bayou country. I guess he wasnt expected.

When I got in the car. My friend said. Maybe, he couldn't tell you that he didn't want to hire. I said there are a lot of ways to do that. Like I'll call back after I review everyone. Was weird that he didn't take my info. But I had people do that before. Under the table.

Maybe, I finally met a murderer.

Then he dropped me off in the city. Looks almost like a ghost town now. Lots of polce though. There were some good feelings I hate to say. But, ghost.

So next someone texted me w a job. My phone is working so we'll. It stop me from filling out the application. Said there was someone else on the line.not to press further. Because they might go for my credit card or other. Put in a lot of apps. Something else.will come.

And for the first time to go to the other job, I saw a navigation pop up. And it worked. What a great cheap phone. Couldn't tell him how to go, I came back using Lapalco. The phone navigated. So awesome, of an experience. Never even saw that feature before.

This year, for the first time, I'm not depressed by Christmas. Not even thinking of it. Or having to deal with it.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:35 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 898

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




19:34 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 899

I told that guy where I was living so he may have done it. But, just as I was going to get in the shower. Water off. Didn't come on. So called friend who was goin to pick me up, what happened and he picked me up. But, before that my shirt ripped. Lol. Switched to dress shirt. Dressed waiting. Got there an hour early, said I was supposed to come in at 7. Gawd. I wrote everything down. Another bad employer. So I said that is it.

In city, lots closed. Took test on phone got a great. For a sit down.

Meanwhile, temp service called on other side to interview for a 14 an hour job.

Hmmmmmmmm So much for the country. I'll work in the warehouse for 14. But, let's see. Need a bicycle.




12:49 Dec 09 2020
Times Read: 906

First day today. Got a ride. Let's see. Like that walk, they have close by. Fishing. . . .

The site of Hecate. So far. In my blanket. Lol. The best spot was where the pillars are lined up densely. I thought it would be that sort of circular thing like Stonehenge. But, where those pillars are forming sort of a wall, draws.




22:13 Dec 08 2020
Times Read: 925

Sooo stupid, sooooo stupid. I cleaned the carpet over the weekend. Was a faint oder near the garbage can. Thought is my fault. Usually, I leave the litter there before I leave. Now of course Baby likes to play in the dogs bowl, so might be there. Nope came back and odor getting worse. Where the hell. . . .

For the hell of it, I threw bleach in the garbage can. Bingo! . . . . Sooooooo stupid. Will leave in over night. And, hopefully, the water outside will be on.........

Oh, I got the job. . . .

Can't believe someone cut the water off. Heh. Not funny. I meant the outside nitwits.

Lol and no ghost definitely a human did it. Lukily I have water left for my pets. Will give it a lil while. Think someone told them of my diary. Maybe. There are prostitutes here, cold be one of them, from word of mouth.

Heh who knows. .
. my new employer suggested a place, if it works out. Who knows😳



05:46 Dec 09 2020

Yes! Congrats! I was hoping for you:)


16:09 Dec 07 2020
Times Read: 944

I waited this morning to see if the cashier job, was going to text back. Did to set up an interview for tomorrow. Opens 5 to 9. The bus may not provide if it is the far out one. Thinking. . . .

Goin in tomorrow, talked by phone. Way out. But, I live in a motel. I could get a motel there. Don't have much of anything to move.

Damn, could have went there today, last min. But, damn, just started the sheets and close. May not be my color. And, each color wants there own. So let me see. Bleached most of the carpet yesterday. . . .

Meanwhile, later, will walk around.

Pup. Next in the shower.....

Today Officially, is the end of the link. A year and a day! If something dwindles then ooops, if not, then I didn't do it.



08:22 Dec 08 2020

I hoping the best for ya :::crosses fingers::: good luck:)


Early Prep for Hecate Ritual, at Stratonikeia Lagina . . .

13:33 Dec 07 2020
Times Read: 953

Things to remember. . . .

3rd qaurter moon rises at midnight, and retires at noon is close to the. . . . When the moon rises at Dawn and sets at dusk. . . .

Or Astral, at night would be the morning there, or day would be the night there.

Mugla, Turkey

Sunrise at 8:07
Sunset at 549

Right now anyway.

4:33. PM to our time 7:33 AM

It is the same day. Monday right now.




09:11 Dec 06 2020
Times Read: 964

No Stonehenge this year!. . . . They have a live Stream. . . . But, going to stay clear. In case that was the cause for something. Sorry, Sorry Alien Creature. Will play that song. Maybe for the Hecate sight, someday. Lol

As a rememberance. . . . Shirley Bassey. . . . Get the Party Started. . . . But, no. . . . It has been a year. Whatever from that should go into Null and Void. LOL

We could do her sight in May, or the Harvest.

But, it would be good for me to check the ritual site. To see when it's streghth is at it's peak. Some talk of when the moon rises in the Dawn, and sets in the dusk.

Lagina's Sanctuary of Hecate,. . . Will tell you when, after investigating.




23:37 Dec 05 2020
Times Read: 971

Might have a cashier job, unless I answered too late.

Birthday went well.

Sabrina Carpenter Thumbs

In a music mood I guess.




13:15 Dec 05 2020
Times Read: 986

Well a hospitality job started up again. Had to learn Microsoft Meeting. My phone wouldn't do something. But, the video and chat is fine. Great experience for job searching.

Other job ended yesterday. So, have to play my fairwell song. . . . Clean Bandit - Tears (feat. Louisa Johnson) [Official Video]

🎂 Needed to prep for my Friends BDay!

He likes Cartoons so and t shirts. Sooooooo

. . . .

Oh well. . . .

Lil Wayne . . . Imagine Dragons A sucker for Pain from Suicide Squad

And, soon

Heathens. Warner Brothers.




08:39 Dec 03 2020
Times Read: 1,006

This is the last week at this job. Well. I made it a long time. Further in the hole, financially. But, at least it was something. The next one HAS to pay the bills. . . . Man o man, I felt so awkward doing Subpoenas.. . . Awkward about doing all of it . . . . Not use to being the bad guy, not physically anyway. . . . Have to find one that pays at least twelve. . . . With the vaccine in the works,. Maybe I will have a better chance.

Guess I am off the Rollercoaster. . . . Like in the dream. . . . I have to stop looking at the Six Flags abandoned park. Lol.

Wow. Waiting for the bus, this black guy that I saw here. Kept talking to me using the word bitch. I think it is because he asked me for change, a while back, and I saw he had money, before. So no. No money to throw away. Not yet anyway. . Just told him that I am calling the cops and he left. Nothing new for Louisiana. Lol. I was at the bridge where my dream ended. Where are the cars to put back. And when I did, I saw that it was not locked in safely. Felt a lil tense, didn't want to ruin the coaster. But, it is not easy to put a car back on a coaster track.

Being silly. . . .

On the pets side, the new food, is not making them throw up. Yeah. . .

I think the temperature went up. It was too hot, with the heat fuully up. So turned it off. Back to usual.




07:26 Dec 02 2020
Times Read: 1,023

Got up and heard noise from my phone. Got back to my bed, grabbed my phone: to see what made that sound. And I was in YouTube, on my phone w Jafar doing a old lecture. Let's call it The Hair and Snare. Regarding Mum. . . . "No harm ever came by reading a book." The Mummy. Guess the main point was halo nuclei. Weird that that was playing on my phone.

Well. . . . Had this fun dream the other night. Was watching proper people. The abandoned amusement park, here. And dreamt I was on a roller coaster, and I took my car off and the old woman's car off. Or was it that she took her car off first. Whichever, I thought she was my mum. (Didn't look like her though) The cars were taken off att the real bridge, near - by, that is barred. (But, I still walk over it.) Then I didn't want to get in trouble, so I put mine back on first, without me inside, of course. Kept thinking that it wasn't on right. And then put hers on. Just was so cute, that I remembered, even though it was a dream?????

As far as ghost goes. I put the shower on to heat the water. Takes a while. When I came back, it was off. Weird.

Lol. . . . What you think of in the middle of the night.

Well. . . .I did fall on my phone, in bed, while I was clicking it on.
So maybe it somehow brought a old Jafar show up.

And, for some reason, maybe I turned the shower off again. Can't remember if I did. And, why? The water barely trickles out.

The bureau draws are staying closed, today . . Maybe wood swelling. Usually all three open. . . . . Lol. But, that could be that the floor is tilted. . . .




18:31 Dec 01 2020
Times Read: 1,040

Well, another 10 has bit the dust. I'm sure it was at the apartment, during shower time. Usually, I take my purse with me. But , I left it in the other room, first time in a long time.

Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice shame on Me. Mon Dieu. Had the dog w me in the shower, so he wouldn't bark. So left the room open.

Or, could have been done at work. But, I doubt. The first ten I lost was in the apt, the night before. When I went to pay, it wasn't there. Could be someone below me, might hear the shower. Or someone on the side. I always shower at the same time. Maybe I can block the door, also. I know I counted 31. I give twenty to someone at work, a week for food. Truthfully cuz she is ill. . . . And she didn't have anything Monday. So had the 💰, on me. Or should have.

Will have to take it out of my rent. And have to keep looking for another job. Need 3 days overnight or something.

Sure it wasn't a ghost, they don't need money.

But, for now on . . . . Money in my bra at work. And I have to block the door at the apt.



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