Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


38 entries this month

15:37 Feb 28 2016
Times Read: 1,192

Really, need to clean my apt. Lol. Just mess up, right away .... But..... Maybe will get dog food first.

Ate a bag of chips, for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Lol not dead. Not even spinning. So what was in those franks. Lol

Have been so quiet, between Nemo, and Mr Drones. Sweet. May first is coming. Nemo is on list. Just a little worried, it gives him power.

Time Magazine has Stonehenge, on the cover.

Someone wants me to read for him. Maybe later. Use to do it years ago, at Metagion. A store we rented, near college hill. Then,for a while, in New York. Stopped when I saw a lot of flame and devil cards for a friend. Turned out, her business went bankrupt. That was Wade's x accountant. Use to visit her business in long island. Awwwww What was the name, Pudgies, lol. Shame

Might stay w this phone, even though android is a little better., they are giving me extra time. And Virgin, cut their free month short. Hmmmm




03:28 Feb 28 2016
Times Read: 1,198

OMG. I thought that that I had two more weeks 4 phone. Which is good. I thought. Lol. He just gave me the phone, and guess what? It is off. My pay doesn't come in till Friday. Mon Dieu, thought I had this figured out. What a world what a world. Lol

The persons check, comes in, Monday. But, I don't want to touch it, till I meet her. Except, for her payout. Which I have to do. Sooooo. Poor Jerome. Ouch. At least he is getting overtime.

Still haven't found her address. Why do I smell a rat. Have landlord checking for envelope, just incase. Lol. What did I get myself into.




22:46 Feb 27 2016
Times Read: 1,204

Saw another post, from supposedly new employer. Just left a message, with my old lawyer, that Im worried, might have to come in.

Hmmm. Think I am goin to switch to my old phone and phone number. For two weeks. Just to save a buck. Actually, my schedule app will come up on that one.

That other interview, I actually was contacted by. Gave two dates for, now in person dates.

Still listening to the other interview, astrally. What's with that?

"Fool" said I

"You do not know, silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you"

But my words like silent raindrops fell

And echoed

In the wells of silence





17:16 Feb 26 2016
Times Read: 1,215

Well, so far, restaurant, is not doing well. Was going to do two but,.... The over staff is not needed. Uh oh. Maybe shouldn't have wore my work shirt, at interview. Saw theIr little eagle died. Lol awwww Everybody has to play nice. Only part time, anyway.

Truthfully, I agree, it was more like an Alan Funt, thing.... The construction paper, colored markers, stick ons, so on.....

My answers were, a little..... Lets say....

Answer one.... Down with the sickness....(Sorry, couldn't use Mercy)

Other, Dutch chocolate hmmmm....lol

Uhmmmmm. 5 things, well she told me she used make up, so I thought she was tellin me somethin. Lol. So I thought I should use that, perfume love letters, instrument (didn't say what cuz funny) and something else. Was going to say friends, but, she did say things. Truthfully, should have said phone shoes, underwear, bra.....lol. Last.... Was a New York experience, left out running in heels to pizza place to call cops. And running back w a guy, to break it up! Plus, I had to turn it into a plane. Soooo made it a kiddy, jet... Lol. Think I flunked playschool! Although, I like my little eyes and stars, on the wings. Lol. Oh and my doodles, may not have made it. Lol......

So I am up to fix, my bike. Hope it had nothing to do with them having to park my bike in the back!!




18:03 Feb 25 2016
Times Read: 1,220

Well..... Had the most fun at one of my interviews.

Oh my god, really fun. I don't want to give their secret tactic away. But... After lots of candy, pastry, fun.... Lol... I really needed that. If it is the witch, with Hanzel, and Gretal. Oooops, lost my virtue, just joking!

The other, OMG, I didn't answer.... I thought it was one of those dialup calls, that I've been getting, God, at least 4 times a day. Left an explanation and apology.




12:11 Feb 25 2016
Times Read: 1,224

Couldn't find address..... The number jumped... But, I did see the jacket thing astrally, so..... But....

Everything is on email anyway. It is excepted in a court.

Googled the person, found one.

Should have contacted my x husband, doctor in NJ, to check out.

Checked in at an department, instead. Just to be on the safe side. Just taking precautions.

Anyway, just in case, up. Two interviews to do.... One, pays really, well... Plus, going in for 2-9.




03:25 Feb 24 2016
Times Read: 1,245

Truthfully, I don't really want to. Back room is all black people. Front room, is almost all white. You know the south. I told them, that I would like grill. But there was a ton on first day. And , next day too many for prep. Not the right color. And I was given trouble, right at first.

The woman, who is moving from NJ, is paying 17. Said she is sending a check to hold me. Hopefully, true.

Meanwhile, those from the house of shock, is reading my journal. And, one of them let loose....." Your not laughing now" at the new job. Satanist, Lol. So truthfully, don't want to go back. So, told po'boy place I would go back if there is an open position. They might harass. But, white. Not Satanist.




22:37 Feb 23 2016
Times Read: 1,247

We were suppose to have terrible storms. And, no didn't check the Weather. So... Library, and a lot of others, closed at 2 and three. So drenched. Definitely needed a pod.




16:07 Feb 23 2016
Times Read: 1,253

Woke up and started looking at the menu. Lol. I don't have the other book. Dropped out of pocket, and someone grabbed it.Welcome to Louisiana, and boss didn't have a copy. The prep book is all written down, so that is easy. Hopefully, someone will copy some more books. But, I was a back-up hire, anyway.

Someone, said that they were going to send me a check. Being that the person is leaving, for two weeks, and wants to place a hold . Hmmmmmm. Is someone pulling a prank. Maybe those who love to scare. Mon Dieu.

Have done a lot of financial agencies, few hospitals, few management companies, few publishing, few lawyers.... Lol. Temping! But. No one ever paid me ahead. If it is a prank guys....




20:39 Feb 22 2016
Times Read: 1,255

Still, do not have a steel plate. Hmmmmmm

Walked partially home, listening to sounds of silence. By Disturbed. Lol. Love his voice. Started singing, that's a first.

Been on the phone, looking for a second job all day. Notta..... Although, a lawyer emailed me with her address. That sounds to good to be true. But, emailed back. She said she had a sickness in family, so I hope her well.

Guess, I should study the menu. A little disappointed.

Those hotdogs really, sent my blood pressure up. Lol. Should have stuck to chicken franks. Been three days.

Friend starts his job tonight, finally.




02:59 Feb 22 2016
Times Read: 1,263

A wonderful thing happened, at Audubon: After that scruffy guy, walked in front of me, all the way from a few blocks near my job. To: Inside Audubon, when I sat down. He kept walking. So when I got up, I cut to the side street, from the center. As I was walking down, this guy from one of the side houses, calls me over. Not only, has his worker pump up my tire, but, gave my bike a lube job. Lol. Awesome. Who was that blonde guy, awesome.

Still think that scruffy guy was waiting for me at the front of Audubon park.lol




18:37 Feb 21 2016
Times Read: 1,269

OMG. This little homeless guy has been walking in front of me, with a sign, since way up Magazine. Yup. Bike went flat. When I changed back to the original wheel, w slime, ...... problems. Inner pin is still in the wrong position. That's OK. Will straighten out eventually..

Saw something else on magazine, on web, but must have walked by, already.

Saw me. Drone, w his leg cut, the other day! Hmmmmm.

Well, took the scenic route. Lets see if that little guy is waiting, for me.

Really need a steel plate, for free! Have some cords, hmmmmm!!! Lol. Maybe, I'm making that contraption, on ET.




08:19 Feb 21 2016
Times Read: 1,276

Another morn. Lol. Boyfriend, grabbed my purse, in a dream. Called cops, had to have him cuffed. Typical boyfriend / dream.

Room not spinning, but... Shouldn't eat any food, everything has too much salt. So will drink a little, live alot.

This new job seems like a hotel job, so tryin hard to get a second, something full time, to go w this. Trust, it won't add up to too many hours. Heard from those who like to scare, at the end of shift. Or should I say.... Those who like it in the rear!!! Not good. Mortal enemies. Lol. Sooooo




23:30 Feb 20 2016
Times Read: 1,281

Was thinking back, on how to do elementals'. You know the energy between the hands, thing. Then the visualization.

To re do, I was thinking of using a steal plate with a mechanism. Heavy incense, beneath. A circle of candles and a repeated visualization but set upon on an outside force




16:14 Feb 20 2016
Times Read: 1,294

OMG,... the new job, has a lot of nice people. Even though, I love the work, there are not any of my make and model, lol, behind the counter. OMG.

lol Wish I could find a job extra, like the one with ......(secret) Productions.

I am going to be massacred.

On top, my blood pressure is high, spinning room.

The fog was so thick in the morn. Went by the street, cuz it looked dark. Went 4 up. Then flat, happened. Now usually at this point: I would say, that something is trying to stop me from going, and turn back. But, had to go. Lol.




18:09 Feb 19 2016
Times Read: 1,306

Saw some interesting plates, at a new restaurant opening up! Eggs Benedict, Banana Eggrolls, Chocolate Beignets, cinnamon beignets...

Biscuits, w sausage gravy and one poached egg.....

Yummy, yummy

Home early, need to exercise and study. What a beautiful day.

Home early, need to exercise and study. What a beautiful day.

Ok did speed walking, biking. Need to do some sit-UPS. Would still, prefer a zumba vid

Know the first 15 plates. Not bad. But, the omelets are a bit hard. Need to review.... Next .....




08:39 Feb 19 2016
Times Read: 1,308

Time to get up! Witches hour is over!

Dreamt of attacking my would be aggressors, again!




20:17 Feb 18 2016
Times Read: 1,317

Bike is done. Turned out phone cord was the issue, tried two found last one. Sooooo. Need to exercise. Would love to do zumba. But, don't have a tape. So, guess time to jog.

Lol. Man twice as big as me ran better. Lol. Did sprints, and fast walk.

Saw something awful on levee. They dug up and took out a lot of trees. How sad. Worst of all, that turtle I rescued and put there, probably got kill. Sad




12:31 Feb 18 2016
Times Read: 1,322

I have a sick phone. Hmmmmm. Put in in rice, maybe got wet in the rain. Hmmmm

Someone asked what I saw w drone couple. . Well, leopard guy has wrinkles around neck/shoulder line. Weird for a young guy. And I did feel a surge, when guy was there. Lol. No offense.

Need to fix up bike today! Must get started




01:04 Feb 17 2016
Times Read: 1,327

Had such a wonderful pick-up, from the family I applied, with.... Said the family was very, very nice.

Have to be careful, because Jerome interjects. Lol. What a character.

And, when I was at the other location, I heard that Guy from, the guys who love to scare. Have to proceed w caution, with that one.

But, the first one said something about.... I mean astrally, that you have to watch out for those who say perky, they are up to something. Actually, I had that happen a long time ago. Hmmmmm

So, need to get in better shape for this one. Guess going to start jogging, or try to. Lol need stamina.

Not that she said it.... Just would feel better. Better take out the exercise cloths. Program phone for instant, 911.




08:59 Feb 16 2016
Times Read: 1,329

Was walking earlier, all of a sudden, it was a hot pocket, than it dropped 13 degrees in a few steps. So weird. How nature amazes me!

Trying to beef up profile. Lol. Need some sex photos




13:44 Feb 15 2016
Times Read: 1,338

Well, Valentines over! Lol. Truthfully, my friend has been picking up my bills, even though he hasn't been working. Gave me a little heart last weekend. Been buying lunch ever day. Paid on my electric. So yesterday. He snuck up on me, in the library, lol we had whopper meals. Lol. Listening to Frank Sinatra, lol. And what, no candle. Well, we had an instant one. Lol

So, back to work, on apps.

Redid my profile, Almost happy with it





16:20 Feb 14 2016
Times Read: 1,345

While I lay here peacefully deep dreaming

I hear my heart pounding with some meaning

Telling my soul to take flight, as a dove

To find you and gently whisper, my love




Happy Valentines: to all the Vampire Rave Sweets

15:41 Feb 14 2016
Times Read: 1,348

Yesterday, was such a computer era day. But, almost got everything accomplished. Almost. Whew. Not easy!

Friend is really, such a help. But,....

Gave the library info about the missing book, nobody checked out string theory, girl just took tape off. So honest😇

This week will be Great!




14:54 Feb 13 2016
Times Read: 1,357

Found a new way, to look for a job. Lol. Hope this one works. At least I should be thankful that I was out of the bigotry stuff, for a while. But, no time but the present. Time to do a little rit! Yesterday, I wounded up at a stage job. Didn't, expect that

Another day💚




16:33 Feb 12 2016
Times Read: 1,374

Have to say this: The coven that grabbed second, has a member that I have talked to often. And, he sort of asked to go steady. So.....

Truthfully, we have been that close already. Sweet. Didn't know he was in that coven




13:59 Feb 12 2016
Times Read: 1,376

Wow, saw Down the other day advertised for Mardi Gras. But, didn't see what happened. The dip, did a Hitler salute. At a gathering. Lol. Lots of Jewish people here. So, Down was cancelled. Truthfully, I'm surprised about down, which honestly isn't that bad of a group. He went w The Cowboys group, that puts up the third finger in every photo. Lol. I don't know about listening to a group that says f* u, to the listeners. Lol The hand salute would have been accepted in that crowd. Even though, bad media, has been printed about all the Jewish killings, recently, it is best to use a more objective formula.

Well, back to .....




14:04 Feb 11 2016
Times Read: 1,388

Oh no! Someone stole me from divine chaos.!!!! What a world, what a world.

Meanwhile, boyfriend is messed up! Great. Goin to leave him alone today! Maybe ash Wed. Sort of crazy. So when he acts out, I try to ignore. But, didn't see ashes. Lol. Guess, he was in the die mode. I give up!!! Been working so hard doing his resumes, and setting his phone up. He needs a man to do it. Then he would follow. Guess I am in a tiff. Lol




14:07 Feb 10 2016
Times Read: 1,403

Uh oh! Need to be a premium member. But clicked for mentor. Did it🙌

Someone said that that cross spinning looked like Wonder Woman.😃 Fe Fi Foe Fum! To funny!




21:33 Feb 09 2016
Times Read: 1,408

Lol. Had a phone interview, for a 15 an hr job. But, still have to take another interview. So, going to a 630 interview, for a homey place. Tried to find lurking option. Lol. Help!!!!!! Not in dashboard, not the other. Maybe profile. Choose a group. Said didn't matter if it takes me awhile. So, that's the one!!!!!😃




12:46 Feb 08 2016
Times Read: 1,415

Kept hearing astrally, an electronic voice, but too distant to make out. Saw a page that was see through with an orb on it. And two bottles . Something like the sqeezy kind. Think it was the gay guys. Don't get me wrong gay is ok. But, gay stays w gays, blacks stay w black, and so on...

Big storm going on in Britain. Maybe they need the sun back. 63 ft waves, 100 mph winds. Wonder why they only had a yellow alert. Maybe the stone circle should take it's sun back.




12:15 Feb 07 2016
Times Read: 1,422

Woke up early, new today! Our lousy holiday is continuing . Lundi gras, and fat Tuesday. Hate it. Then lent. Lol. What a world, what a world!.

Just thinking about my gay dream the other night. Wonder, why, at the end, I heard myself do the prayer for Stephen Hawking. And I saw his face flash. That was a long time ago. And it had nothin to do w the two gay guys. Then, I heard a female talking, about how I always say sweet to everyone.

Was it an open con at the end. Hmmmmm didn't hear anyone asking. Well. No need to rack my brains over it. Lol. Maybe that is why I brought him up yesterday. Just still thinking why I heard my request.




17:00 Feb 06 2016
Times Read: 1,431

Read something, so sad, from Ellen, a witch regarding her illness. Was so beautifully, written.

My answer to her was; We as witches are linking with everything. Mostly, to the Devine. But we are body. Our villains being air and time. The reasons our bodies exists.

As witches we separate, when the magnitude of pain deepens. The one reason, why we can not be destroyed. Why we still survive. The more pain, the higher we get. The greatest reason why we stay witch.

So when we find a problem w our bodies, we link to the Devine, to see what to do. Again, sometimes time is against us. Maybe the cure will take time to create. Maybe, we have to settle for a lesser remedy.

Ex... Mr. Hawkings was so close to death, I felt so disturbed by it. Asked if there is anyway to reverse the villain, taking him. It told me the harmful progression has been goin on too long. Yet, I felt that the divine should administer.

Sometimes, like w my dad, it isn't good. One doctor claimed that he was like the guy in that horror flick, unable to leave the bed, but was being kept alive. I disagreed w him. To be body is a greatness. He got up. Even when they were drugging him, to put him down. He got up in the middle of the night to go to his car. A nurse had told me.

Life doesn't die, but our bodies do. This is what I have learned in my dimension work. We simply slip into another dimension. But, we as a body do die.

So think about our pain, compared to eternity.... In this dimension, it is brief




00:55 Feb 05 2016
Times Read: 1,447

Still dreaming:

So, lets see, saw a little guy with a leopard cat, someone put the cat in the tank. Meanwhile I kissed the lil guys neck. Hmmmm. I remember an episode on Star Trek, where the drones blink off w all that illogical stuff.

So some other lil guy, grabs the cat, then there is a casino race, then lil guy says sumthin about grits, after he stole his money back. Oh, yeah, he was dressed in a tux. Then I kissed his hand. Nemo.... All I can say, is that this is totally illogical. Nemo, you really need to explain.

Not the Fee Fei Foo Fum, thing, about smelling the blood of an Englishman.

Then the lil gay guy gets mad, and something about sitting with bums on a bench. Gee thanks Nemo.

Fee- Fi- Fo- Fum,

I smell the blood of an Englishman.

Be he alive, or be he dead,

I'll grind his bones to make my bread.




14:25 Feb 04 2016
Times Read: 1,453

Someone wanted to play truth or dare. Sooooooo. I'll give. There was a pact, made before the link w the stone circle. I don't touch a hair of it's chiny chin chin, if ditto. Pact was made. For three more months, last month it grows weak. After, lol, they can be invaded by the supernatural kind. It will be a pleasure, warmth is w him.

On the other side of the coin, integrating, is all.

I love to watch Nemo, cause he possesses something I wish I had. Maybe he can pull it out of the 🎒, for me, at the end of OZ story.




15:10 Feb 03 2016
Times Read: 1,460

Thanks to all that coaxed, Phil, the groundhog. Yes. He so no shadow. Spring will be early.

Well, we have to back him .... Tie a string to the sun and pull it down.

We're w Ya Phil!!!!

Put old phone together, it works.... Bastards!

Going to give it to my boyfriend. He has that service. That phone is a little better, if it stays working. Lol

Group Disturbed, turns out to be a group I liked, a whip back.... Down with the.....

Active morn, but didn't have much to do with me. So, time to get up!




18:36 Feb 02 2016
Times Read: 1,473

Well, went for restaurant interview. Lets see.

Meanwhile, other temp. service is setting up interview. But, like the job service says, best we both check each other out. Sick of switching.

Noticed for the first time, Reaper was played on the radio. My boyfriend thought it was great. The guitar work was complex. HMMMMM. Like I said, I think that was the first time I heard any song from that album on the radio.

Think they are gone, Au Revoir!

Wow, just heard The Sound of Silence, remade....


Hunts, finally emailed me! I had a bad can of the sauce, after all this time. Tasted sooooo sweet. Yup! thought it was me, at first. So, tried again. Yuck, was them. So, I email Hunts, to informed them. They said that they are sending me some coupons. LOL. It was only a dollar. LOL. Will go back to it when it is safe.

Well, checked my emails. Got a free month from Virgin Mobil. Those bastards. Ended service when I was at Cox. Had them for a long time. Now T-Mobile. Have to put the phone back together to see if it works. LOL




14:45 Feb 01 2016
Times Read: 1,478

Hot to get goin. Lol Mardi Gras, sort of slows things down. Tryin to stay out of the stone circle. Should be workin.

Tomorrow is groundhog day. Should be here, he definitely would stay out.



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