Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


36 entries this month

18:36 Jan 30 2020
Times Read: 800

I got my new job check at the same time, as the old . 3 weeks for one. .
Need sneakers and bike, and machia machine license. Which I heard, I have to front. Should hold, till I see other license, come in.

Let's see. Need a 3 day job.

God, I am so boring. Need to do something astral. First must buy aleve.
Ok. Got shoes and pants cheap. So, got flea collars. Had to get stuff for hahr. So have to minus food for me. But, pets got theirs.

Got text to work early tomorrow. Good. Last week only 4.

And, have to check on free medical. When virus comes.




13:01 Jan 30 2020
Times Read: 809

Over 6000 w the CoronaVirus.

Nnw, Global emergency.

Maybe, we should be wearing 2 masks.




15:15 Jan 29 2020
Times Read: 821

Ha, got to the other job. Got home at 608, then left at 650. Whew. After being up all night. Need some 2sino music.




09:56 Jan 29 2020
Times Read: 828

God, I had to pull over due to rain. Now, it stopped. But, think it is to late tn make it home on time to make it to the conv ctr. It will take to 5. And. . . Maybe. . . .

Like my bartender job, a few tips at the casino. But, so far from city. What to do. What to do.

Lol. Started raining again. Ran back in. Mon dieu. Waiting for 5 bus.




09:23 Jan 29 2020
Times Read: 829

God, I had to pull over due to rain. Now, it stopped. But, think it is to late tn make it home on time to make it to the conv ctr. It will take to 5. And. . . Maybe. . . .

Like my bartender job. But, so far from city. What to do. What to do.




08:36 Jan 28 2020
Times Read: 851

Loosened up front tire, and adjusted the back. And, when I started to peddle almost feel. Because it was to easy to peddle and my legs went to fast. So, shifted the speed to a harder peddle. And, it is back to a weak break.

Whew. So tired from last 2 days walking, that I am waiting for morning bus. God, yesterday was awful. Wish I had remembered that the bike problem I had before. Lol, man, yesterday I was sitting and think the same place midway.

So, I should be fine tomorrow. I mean today. Hope landlord wakes me if check comes.

Was busy today, at job. Girl cried. Said she was told to appologize. I gave her a hug. And, explained that I said only the first half she was bad about tips. But, she did say again that she was goin to quit w me there. What a situation.

OMG. CORONA The death toll is up to 100, from 40. Now, over 1000 infected, from the 400s.

Went in the cold, to wait 1 1\2. I put phone away and noticed a large, heavx man. He walked towards the the levy. I lept I kept staring at him. Finally, he was making around me. So I walked tn a locol store. Got coffee and went to bus stop

He had follwed me. How he later got on the other side of me on the levee, I dont know.





08:35 Jan 28 2020
Times Read: 851

Loosened up front tire, and adjusted the back. And, when I started to peddle almost feel. Because it was to easy to peddle and my legs went to fast. So, shifted the speed to a harder peddle. And, it is back to a weak break.

Whew. So tired from last 2 days walking, that I am waiting for morning bus. God, yesterday was awful. Wish I had remembered that the bike problem I had before. Lol, man, yesterday I was sitting and think the same place midway.

So, I should be fine tomorrow. Hope landlord wakes me if check comes.

Was busy today, at job. Girl cried. Said she was told to appologize. I gave her a hug. And, explained that I said only the first half she was bad about tips. But, she did say again that she was goin to quit w me there. What a situation.




20:04 Jan 27 2020
Times Read: 858

Can't believe that I walked to get pet food. They should be set till tomorrow. Cashed that 10 dollar check, that nobody wants to cash.

My Boo can't gets boogers that I have to pick off. That rain gave him awful ones. Like super glue. Lol. Today, nothing. Good.

Goin to bring some tools w me, for bike. Tired right now. And no check from my hospitality job, as of yet.
At least they have direct deposit.
If they mailed Friday . . .

This other job is goin to mail also. Mon Dieu. On Thursday. It anly takes 3 days top for in state. I can get one from Rhode Island in 4. So . . . What a WORLD WHAT A WORLD.




06:32 Jan 27 2020
Times Read: 871

On my normal break, on route did a lot better, so far. But, I don't feel like it.

At work I'm stepping on someones feet. As it turns out, for the next 2 days. Uh oh. She wants the tips.

And, I meet someone that . . .

We now have 5 cases of the CoronaVirus, in the US . Hmm need health insurance. Or, maybe it will be an easy out.

Ok. Fallin asleep need to head home.

Well, the break is rubbing in the back. Should be home. Maybe I can loosen it so I don't hear a rub.

I think I had this problem before.




08:56 Jan 26 2020
Times Read: 878

Was good night. But, when I left tried to do a short cut. That was a long cut. LOL. Then had to double back. Go up and over, and lucky I walked it. Cuz . . . Was buckets brooms and more walking over. Then everything is choppey w tar. Till I got to my familar place. Then zoom I'm down street, taking a break. Rest is familiar . . .

3am. Almost. Talked for a while before leaving job.

Out of shape. Let's see how long it will take me.




18:14 Jan 25 2020
Times Read: 885

Man, messed my tube, on route. Then had to fix. Then put air vac. Stupid. Then figured out I can switch in mid, so didn't have to do again. Tried, a lil. Seems good. Have to adjust a few things. Ready.

Offering 12 at conv cen. Must b low on staff. But, they said perms get 1st bid. Sooo. Will put in for mid week.




01:58 Jan 25 2020
Times Read: 900

Dustin Hoffman, Outbreak. That is what the CoronaVirus is like now.

Man, now the death rate is in the forties for the CoronaVirus. And, now France has some and more other places.

1000 cases



04:14 Jan 25 2020

Just like the Black Plague 1000’s get sick and die. But, what if it’s one of God curses on the world to get rid of the masses that run over broad. No, cure in sight is it all part of his devine plan. Who knows perhaps but it’s here now unleashed.


10:41 Jan 24 2020
Times Read: 912

Forgot to mention. I was walking by the hospital and saw people sick all over the lawn, astral. Ignored it. Cuz I thought someone was thinking, is all. But, CoronaVirus is jumping up in staggering numbers. Their even closing off a province, in China. And, it has reached here. Was 17, than 440, now in the 800s.

Hope all is well, for Nemo.

Reminds me of that movie, w the guy that was dressed as a woman, in another movie..



17:33 Jan 24 2020

CoronaVirus Update from this morning news: In china 14 cities in lockdown millions under quarantine 26 dead up from 25, 85 sick in china. 1 new case in Chicago. flights to china from SFO are being cancelled. People coming from china being screened. Symptoms. This is a tricky one. Looks like a common cold. If you are worried see your Dr. for more info. Haven't heard anything about what is going on in other countries. Possible news black out to avoid panic.


02:09 Jan 24 2020
Times Read: 917

Was a good day, just tense. Lots to learn. Heard only one bad thing said about a person, is all. Gave me some hours today. And, tomorrow. Before sched. Sweet.

Luckily my phone went down before I tried for something w other job. Only will have wedn, thursday, friday off.




18:25 Jan 22 2020
Times Read: 926

Weather called upon or not, God will be present! JUNG
I would love to see his home.

I screwed up, my phone didn't have a 3 day warning. I guess when they switched my service, I lost that. The phone went off this morning. Aaaargh, bad timing. Hopefully, my check will be in the mail. Or, I have to get the that phone on, some other way.

Went for the interview, and the gentleman was actually, nice. Let's see, it is for four days, steady hours. The hours to start are great, nights. Will have to bike home, again. Till I pass threw their primary time. Then I can buy a motor for my bike. And, I can would still work the Convention Center. Hmmmmmm Not bad. Hopefully!

OK, just got the job for sure!!!!

Funny, coming home will have to bike for now. LOL But, good hours. He notified me from the internet job board messages. Good, will be able to do both jobs.....




16:14 Jan 21 2020
Times Read: 937

OMG. I left and caught the 715 bus. Decided to switch, seeing it was early, to the one that comes close to work. Big mistake. At 805, still did not appear. And will hit traffic. So jumped on one that goes to canal. Lol. Bigger mistake. Didnt get on streetcar till 835. Then had to get on bus. BIGEST mistake. That bus goes to Poydras and just comes back. GAWD. SO, WALKED. NO MORE TRANSPORTATION TODAY.


Got here almost ten.

Their letting me work at 1145.

And, interview that I passed up, for today, just changed to Wednesday, at a casino. So, I guess everything fine. Jurt feel woozie.




23:51 Jan 20 2020
Times Read: 944

Gave dog 2 cans of mighty dog. And, he is not happy. So gave him ravioli w cocktail franks, when he feels better.

Workin tomorrow. Would have bought a tire, but, to cold. Can't wait for check.

Weather is weird. It is hot. But, the breeze is cold cold. Had to put lining back in coat.

Someone ask for interview short notice for airport. But, had already confirmed for other job. Left message for any other day.

Last job was too far to walk. Pass Mardi Gras World. But, the building had a plantation in it. That was fun. Fake trees and everything.

After that one, I was fine. But, the one before, that night, lol, had the worst leg cramps. Actually, inner thigh. Weird. Couldn't stand up to walk the cramps off. Didn't have sex, so whats w that.




15:18 Jan 18 2020
Times Read: 965

The other night, tried astral to meet Jung after retirement. All I saw was person swinging on a rope and wood swing. Was it really him or someone else. Was really old fashion w a thick seat and thick ropes. Who knows. One of those briefs.

Someone asked about cyber attack. Way Before I saw it that night on news. . . . Don't know. If I hear, I'll say.
Really, don't want to get involved. Would be like FX.
Wonder if I'm still working today. News said issues.

Real stupid for me to take these 4 hour things. Mon Dieu

No Halloween. That sooo sucks.




23:33 Jan 17 2020
Times Read: 974

Wasn't too bad at a Halloween thing. Actually Sweet.

Late start tomorrow so lookin for and job before.

Maybe, will do old fashion style in hair. W sides rolled up!




20:47 Jan 16 2020
Times Read: 988

Well, after Saturday, will have a few cool days. So, gave my dog, my Jurassic World II blanket. Hope he appreciates it! Sob Sob LOL

Time To Say Goodbye | Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom | SceneScreen

My favorite Scene. LOL

I don't have a wig, so will have to tie my hair. Saw something on Youtube. Found stuff for 2. Lets see if I can do. Have to get up early. 4 or 5. In case

Tried using that sponge thing. My hair is a lil short. But should be able to do something. And, fix bangs. Saw on Youtube.

Man o man, I wish I had that dog, on Birds of Prey, to laugh at my Jokes. Oh yeah. . . . BRUCE

Speaking of man o man. I didn't read any of Jung's book, today.

Well, Mr. P. is goin to court. But, the voices in my head say he is goin to get off. Let's see!

They marked down a rainbow cake at walmart, to almost nothing. So grabbed it. But, all I could think of is this lil girl who got expelled for a Rainbow cake pic in social media, w her shirt having a rainbow. Too sad. Whats that song. Clean Bandit Baby




23:08 Jan 15 2020
Times Read: 998

The only scene I saw on the monitor..... LOL..... at the Dome.

President Trump draws cheers at college football national championship

Well anyway, that is it. I got to have something else tomorrow, with this temp service. Hmmmmmm has to be by foot.

Looked at place where other girl had one, only saw retail. But, applied anyway!

I am very boring today!




23:03 Jan 14 2020
Times Read: 1,018

So the bus ride last night, was with a 62 year old woman, under the influence. Whom kept asking is he still there. Referring to the guy, on a bicycle, with a motor. . . . turns out, when I got off, he was still following LOL. Young black man. LOL

0:32 / 5:04
lady gaga - Bad Romance - Lyrics on screen

Well, I saw by luck, Trump on the screen. Telephone-Lady Gaga ft Beyonce, Lyrics There was something prior that nothing is to be said. There was secret service men, all over. So, the joking got worse. I kept saying to my new buddy, that she obviously was a fed. Just toooooo nice. LOL. Truthfully, I have joked with Mr. P, on another occasion. I think dancing or something. Was a while ago that I did the astral.

I actually made friends with two women. One talked me into, going back to the Airport. She is in Hospitality. Said, people get fired and they get another job in there, right after. My two quits is nothing. LOL. The other was fun, also! But, we couldn't get work together, although we tried. She ended up low in Dome, I, way up! And, whew was so busy, ran out of soda and water. Even with all the vendors.
More activity, then even the Saints.

My body hurt so much today, but could be the cup and a half of soda. LOL. The boots that are two sizes to big, kept my knee in check. But, cut into me above the ankle. Free blood for Vamps. LOL My fault, tied them too tight. And, by the end of the night, I am sure my feet swelled up a size.

Oh, yeah, for some reason, I felt the presence of Jafar. A lil worried? But, I'm sure that Mr. P, doesn't really know me, since that Astral. Telephone-Lady Gaga ft Beyonce, Lyrics




08:05 Jan 14 2020
Times Read: 1,024

Left at 930 am back at 140am. Feed pets. Ouch. No pain, no gain

At least it was a lively bus. An oldie but a goodie, had a man on a motorized bile follow her. Lol.




12:55 Jan 13 2020
Times Read: 1,030

Hitting snooze button, since 6. I can do this. LOL. 1st feed pets. . . .





13:07 Jan 11 2020
Times Read: 1,053

What a drab day! There was no storm, although I had a warning call from my sister, in the East Coast. Not much of a storm at all. Well, at least I have my RV sheet, in case, for Monday.

Got RV, last year 21. Aaargh. Well anyway. Asked, boo, if could lend me 10 even though he is not workin much. And, he did. Look for over an hour for treadsafe. Not my size. Went for cheap sneakers. Went to get cat food. Went around corner, oh my god oh my god. TreadSafe boots for 7, mark down from 30. So bought 3 dollar markdown interview sandals. Total 10. Ready.... for work. Better try to walk in them tomorrow.

A friend of mine, drove me home. I thought she quit. She is so nice, even when she is off she pulls over to offer me rides. Said her Son died. Omg. Head problems. So horrible. She is so nice. Awww. Been so long.




14:23 Jan 10 2020
Times Read: 1,059

Well, the storm weather started early. But, nothing much.

The new guy in our Astral cells, is ok. He left a few times, tried to orchestrate a few times. Said that Astro is in for playing w . . . But, not true. Tabloids say diffrent. And, you can't share cell w Jafar. All cells are private. Be nice! Home away from home. But, will make a barter for Candy Crunch.

Cute monkey kiss Nemo. But, no vehicles in cells.




18:56 Jan 09 2020
Times Read: 1,084

Left, and dumped garbage, as usual. Found a new TV Stand. Sweet. Thanks. Hope it wasn't from the guy that died next door, his own went in with facial masks. But, my baby loves it. His for now.

Looked on line, nothing yet. Except, yesterday's, that is not till Monday. Better hit the beat. Applied 2 on foot, another today. And web.

Meanwhile, I think that DJ, should be indoctrinated. LOL. Yup, got to find him a cell. Maybe, will put him next to Astro! Astral, of course.

twenty one pilots: Heathens (from Suicide Squad: The Album) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Well, looks like US is goin to war again.

And, have to batten down the hatches, for friday storm, incase.

I have Freud books waiting. But, I found a book, that I don't think I read, of Jung. Modern Man, In search of a Soul. Was highlighted on shelf. Should have checked Facebook to see if I read.




19:05 Jan 08 2020
Times Read: 1,095

Back w old agency. Have to update resume. Lol. Had 3 diffrent outfits. Lol.
1st, 2 black dresses. New jeans new t shirt. Jacket. Then, what I'm wearing my waitress outfit. MON DIEU

Now to hit the street.

*Some people want an astral tour of the mansion. LOL my make believe huddle.




13:53 Jan 07 2020
Times Read: 1,117

Well carnal creature is up now. That could be interesting. Lol. Just don't feel that way anymore. But, sweet.

Well, up early to do another job search. Should bring back my demon friend for that. Oh yeah, forgot to talk to my astral friend Bill. Guess you could say my pretend friend. LOL

Have to mention a Dr. Phil's Mansion, up for sale. A psych person. Lol. Who did the enclosures. Maybe the candy crush wife. Or, maybe a true: man cave. The stairwell being string theory or brush. A royal bar. Gun wall w statues all around. Guess that will keep you on your diet. Dolls, guns, statues, maybe they are all tokens of former therapy people. Fun. Sorry to say. . . WEIRD. MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE INVITED HIM. BUT, I DON'T SEE CLOCKS.

4 million. Not a penny less. Carl Jung, went into religion on his orifice. THE Cave Man: maybe started a new practice. Too bad it can't be a landmark. Sweet place.... dark but, not to dark. Light, but not too light. You know, how a wishing well it is: holds so many peoples wishes. Or maybe, his place holds peoples souls. Lol. Joking. What was that movie, . . . Oh, The Goonies! The wishing well scene underneath.

Yes, finally, I have a plan, a stupid plan, but, a plan....
how about.... a few part time jobs.... never did that before. Well, got to go to the old one tomorrow, they called today! Then the hunt!




00:03 Jan 07 2020
Times Read: 1,131

For all those who can put a binding spell, on the Australians who have and will try to start bush fires, that have killed and will kill many of special animals that live/d there. This is in the New South Wales, to be exact.
Please do as soon as possible.
There are a lot of ways to bind. I'll leave it up to those who will try.

I have never seen a kangaroo, or koala, live. What a shame so many perished. What a shame!
Meanwhile, finished the next psych book. It goes to make a plan. Like those who play sports. I'm lost on a new plan. I have tried door to door. Indeed, and others, signs. . . . Need a new approach. A new game plan.
I did write down what sense for new job image, and the back up words.

And, moving on to Freud, after starting jobs.




18:00 Jan 06 2020
Times Read: 1,136

Well, suppose to b wet weather, in Aust. God, now there prodicting cyclones. LOL. Maybe, w mine. Joking. Let's see. The other 2 vents might stabalize.

Actually, I just read that people, in New South Wales, set these fires. Maybe I should have said, New South Wales, instead of Australia. How dreadful for the animals. And, I noticed no one helped the road side ones. hmmmmmm I think the witch had a great idea with the healing globe. And, the moon magic from the Vamp's would bring rain.... mine amplifies..... Although, the rain is animate. Maybe, a better link is needed. And, I should have included the fire starters. hmmmmm People are giving lots of money. But, I have more pity for the animals. And, I don't think that the money is going to them!

*Didn't get call yet for season work., from the new position. Just the one I did last year. Wedn.




22:25 Jan 05 2020
Times Read: 1,147

Victoria had rain this morning! Yeah
Lets keep up the fight. Kangaroos, koalas. Victoria is the name they said next. Have a map. Had to be a real satellite shot. Not great though. Hurray for vamps, witches and all others in attendance.

DJ. Are u layin w my old doll on u. Don't peak under her dress. Drew all the parts. LOL




11:08 Jan 05 2020
Times Read: 1,166

I'd like to thank all those who participated, astral, and who attended, and did their own thing. Usually, it takes a few days... From the vampires. . . . Saw the pulse, and moon magic. From the witches. . . I saw a healing globe. And, from myself. . . A ritual that matter. I tried to take part in everything. Hoping. . . . Hoping the connection was strong enough. The beach was a good connect. But, the fire already went thru there. . . .
3. . .

There was another connect, through another standpoint. But, I was doing something outdoors, at the time. Looked good though. I think it was a sky munipulation.




20:40 Jan 04 2020
Times Read: 1,173

I saw few astral people last night. Sorry, I wasn't planning on Friday. And, welcome back Nemo! Hi Jafar, and the other, LOL.

I was thinking... when I did a dark matter peak, I saw a series of ventures.

What I was thinking, Australia needs help, it deals with weather, anndddd......




17:55 Jan 03 2020
Times Read: 1,181

Getting ready to re-sign up with an oldie, but a goodie. While I wait for the call.

Meanwhile, what DJ claims is right. I would have to get, in with the Southern helm. But, I kind of stick out. LOL But, Hey! Give it a try.
I don't think I can look black though, and spit, all over the place. LOL Only in Louisiana. But, I have met some nice ones....l You wouldn't believe that I had black friends in New York. Here..... hump! Of course, I don't remember any of them spitting all over the place. Supposedly, on my turf. But, lets face it, their spitting on there turf and themselves. But, hey! It's Voodou!

Creep - Vintage Postmodern Jukebox Radiohead Cover ft. Haley Reinhart

PS.... Anyone want to link with black matter.... Hmmmmmmmmm
this weekend!





06:26 Jan 01 2020
Times Read: 1,121



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