Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


41 entries this month

21:07 Mar 31 2019
Times Read: 1,135

Had 2 new guys in the astral prison. Comin in.
One I will call Astro, the other
Homey. Astro stood up for a long time. Nemo was laughing and trying to unlock door. Homey sat on cart and took out a wrestler belt and tied it on astro.

Homey wanted his own cell. So gave him steel door cell. And he played w chips and me. But no good. May not be able to open door.

Nemo had tv. Homey had room furn. So what you want Astro. . . . Door might open before Homeys. Lol




19:01 Mar 30 2019
Times Read: 1,053

Oooops Carl, My Avatar Shifted. LOL Nemo was getting bored anyway!

Beatiful day today. Goin for a walk in the dark! If you know what I mean.

What was last night in purgatory hall, hmmmm
some idiot yelling, stop f*&&^% with me,.... over and over again.... LOL The crazy met a mirror image.

Well, on the astral level,.... someone wanted to play checkers with me.... hsssssss to uptight..... bug off, if you know what I mean....

Other wise a, great day..... got to work with it.....

Wonder if I can bring 2 in.
Heathens. Suicide Squad




20:38 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,058

My legs felt so much better today. Slept on the floor. Not the broken Fulton. Hmmmm

But, because of the rift last night, my phone died. When I got close to work I put on about a hour and a half early. They at first said see you tomorrow. This is for the convention center temp service. Said I thought today. Because I confirmed Yesterday. This morn they must have tried and with commotion my phone died. Thanks to my crap night. Or maybe I was a stand in. He said something about a prefer list. Mon Dieu. But, wait. Then I got a text to leave. OK. That is it. Doing another temp. and a service job app. no pay this week. Cuz, was the week of mardi gras. Was Shut Down. That is how long it takes to pay.

Maybe is good. I pee too much when I drink/eat from there. And for tomorrow, the registers do not lock. So maybe for the best. But wasted money/time.




08:49 Mar 29 2019
Times Read: 1,064

Well. Guy next door yelling take it out oe my pocket, over and over again in hall to kings woman on the other side. Mon dieu. Goes in, says pop pop. Am I wrong about Febe. Think not. Crack hour. They were quiet when on electric outside.




14:58 Mar 28 2019
Times Read: 1,073

Saw some astral people trying to talk to me. Maybe the dead. Only saw mouth movements.
Yup. I see dead people.
One woman w dark long hair stuck out
I did read her lips.
Forgot. Lol. Reminds me of Nemo stuff.

So far my spell sucks, w stonehenge. Great weather, though.
Maybe I shouldn't have included health.So Sucks, so far. Not Stonehenge though.

Well kid next door screamin and tryin tn get out. Well. . . . At least nobody is threatening to drop him on his head.

Sat. Is an if. It will be as hard as the Saints game. Hmmmm

Went a few days w/out pain killer.

Hall monitor is raping. At least I know what he is up to.




06:09 Mar 27 2019
Times Read: 1,079

Someone mentioned Leonard Nimoy's B day. I mentioned the first time I saw him on stage, at a park. Remember him saying that he got his ears grinded. So laid a call to sis. She remembers him stepping on her 3 fingers. Cuz she was gripping stage. When he sang a few songs. I forgot all that. Was all about album.

After she mentioned, I have a hazy memory of her telling mom, something about fingures. LOL. . And an outline of him singing.

Have to check out on youtube. LOL. Forgot completely of singing.

She wasnt hurt. She thought was great. LOL.

My sis. LoL. Mon Dieu
When Star Trek was on. Remember being let to stay up. But, use to cave into sleep.



12:16 Mar 27 2019

He was aamazing:)


19:49 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,083

Was thinking of contacting Febe (FBI). About hallway assailant. Or should I say want to be assailant. But, I don't know. It said. . . . Like when I reported the guy following me that I should call 911. Can call about the noise. But, they are just going to come and him to be quite. He is always talking about taking someone down. And, hmmmm I do have an unlisted number on the library computer. HMMMMMM

Did check the photo's. LOL he comes close to one. But, can't be sure.... Maybe, I should just catch him in the act, and call.

Well anyway. Primary reason, I am here is job searching. This way I can use all day pass for two days. LOL




06:12 Mar 26 2019
Times Read: 1,085

Sounds like an insane asylum tonight in the hallway. Lots of threats. Why is it that they need to bring me into their lousy life. When I dont need to bring them into mine.
Wont be sleeping or doing anything else tonight.

Maybe this is the microwave effect.

When someone said this I understood.
Harmful radiation waves from the sun that the ozone cant filter. Causes brain damage.




22:58 Mar 25 2019
Times Read: 1,094

Another day without soda. Miricle
Still think I need blood.

Another job search day. Tomorrow.




17:55 Mar 25 2019
Times Read: 1,107

Why did I even come to the computer. But, have to borrow to go to the city.

Oh, and yesterday, I did a Stonehenge. Yup, called the Trilithon. And said what?. . . . ritual this time, think. Saw a square pit with a fantastic flame coming out on the right side. Didn't look like a food pit, it was level with ground/down. Looked open. Def. not a food pit. Or is it left in astral. Hmmmm never saw that in the actual. Is that where the bed is now. HMMMMMMM There is no square pit that I see. Oh, and everything is so bright, when I use..... When the Trilithons were first put in place.

I looked in pictures and saw a big square pit. But, dead were in it. I think astral it was deep due to the flame. Didnt actually look in. There was a pretty ridge. But, the flame was pure. Like that in front of metairie cemetary. It was much larger. But, at that time it didnt look like it was burning anything. Would have black in the flame. It was a pure flame.

Oh, one more thing. Speculation. If I look arial down. 3 D view. Have sun, w moon on top. Maybe craters. And the benter device, on top.

Heh Heh London. I need your rock...... LOL Hand it over Babe!!!!

Ohhhh my sis, husband is dying of cancer. Actually, was going to send a card, but, she said no. He has a tumor in stomach. Ouch. 3 hospitals are trying to help him. will need to wait for chemo. Poor thing. Should I do something, or will that drag him. HMMMMMM

Me, I wore heals Friday when looking for a job. My knees were not ready. Snap.... crackle .... POP. No soda yet.




23:02 Mar 24 2019
Times Read: 1,113

Another day without soda. Miricle
Still think I need blood.

Another job search day. Tomorrow.




15:55 Mar 24 2019
Times Read: 1,118

I don't know about Google. I see the old name that I had, which in fact the court said I never had to use again.

And, my never mentioned marriage in public is on there. Mon Dieu. And, I only have a fair rating. Probably, due to credit.

I don't know about that.




21:40 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,123

Hopefully, yesterday wasn't too late to do the re-do the spell. Started around 830. Today is waning. Whew pretty close. Needed Equinox. Come on London, give me your rock. LOL

Looking around city to see if something new.

Nails, are moon, sugar.




00:28 Mar 22 2019
Times Read: 1,128

The spell was good yesterday. But think it could be better. The circles weren't right.

No soda again. Can walk much faster. Still feel swollen.

Lady in store thinks I crave caffeine. So got drops.

Ok. Goin in my forte tonight.




06:45 Mar 21 2019
Times Read: 1,131

New circle spell done. Lets see. . . .




Spring Equinox

15:43 Mar 20 2019
Times Read: 1,144

Today is in balance.

Today, officially, I should thank Stonehenge for such a mild winter. When you cant afford electricity, its hard. Maybe will make a lil spot for it.

Now, if it affected others in a bad weather way. Then. . . .

If only, now, it could get me a decent job. Lol. Yeah I know. No hope in louisiana. Vodoo capital. Lol.

Yesterday, that woman that acts like a child was sitting near me, again. Her companions never pay her to much attention. At park they talk to a male while she sits on bench on side. In library she is the same. Companian sits down and chats online.

This time I chatted a lil. She does make sense. And she can spell. She likes to look at transportation. And
Looked at Lakeside Mall.

If she had proper training, she could live on her own. She does coloring like a child. The desk gives her pages. But, honestly, I told her that she is a smart cookie. But, she not my problem. The couriers maybe hospice given.

No lil check today. Have pic of signatuse. Because they replaced original sheet at the end of ball. Hmmm

Goin to work on something new w the Stoneghenge.

At least I can walk now.
Second day of no soda. Going to need pills to replace. Or blood. Lol. My body cramping up is sooo painful.

Read more of synchronicity. He is losing me on the marriages.

On way to get more pet food. Lol.
Would have cleaned sheets. But, Pye and Scooby was sound asleep. Lol. Yup, got to get food for the gods. And

Someday, I would like to be a god.




Spring Equinox

14:03 Mar 20 2019
Times Read: 1,146

Today, officially, I should thank Stonehenge for such a mild winter. When you cant afford electricity, its hard. Maybe will make a lil spot for it.

Now, if it affected others in a bad way. Then. . . .

If only, now, it could get me a decent job. Lol. Yeah I know. No hope in louisiana. Vodoo capital. Lol.




22:33 Mar 19 2019
Times Read: 1,150

The Stalker I have not seen. Luckily. Another is trying today. Blew him off.

Now I know why Carl Jung never stopped to talk to anyone. Mon Dieu.

Job Boards look awful. As Usual. Going to try walking around looking, tomorrow.




00:43 Mar 19 2019
Times Read: 1,152

Still smell pet bug stuff. Dog collar sucks.
Took long nails off, too long. And didnt do right. So this time cut them even. Pastel pink w sugar on top. The dollar big pack is great.
Speaking of, I found a dollar adult maze book. Love it ! First one I did was too messy. Second good. This one made only one wrong turn. Love it. Couldnt afford one. Then saw one at dollar tree. Fun. First pic. Forget it. Second baseball. 3rd ink was to light.

Need to do astral work till job search.
What is moon phase.




21:25 Mar 18 2019
Times Read: 1,153

Legs killing me. Had a Ripit. Ouch.

Came out of apt. At 310am w mace in hand. Made the city bus. Yeah. Bus driver waited at coffee spot. Jump back on. Got to work early. Someone started conversation about stalker. I chimed in.

Didnt get break again and they take out. But old sandwich great. Kitchen food awful. Lol. What is the old funny words for that. Puke and spoon or something like that. Lol. Plus a hell of a walk.




10:32 Mar 17 2019
Times Read: 1,156

Slept like a rock. The lookout for the side apt. Still there. I never had seen this since the 80s movies. You know whem huggy bear devulges a location of business. Lol. Starsky and Hutch.
Today, wont know unless talking in hall.

Been a week about since it followed me home. Ever since I took it's picture when waiting for the bus and it sped off, luckily not see much of him. If it was it in Walmart. Lots of bald men. Hmm




00:21 Mar 17 2019
Times Read: 1,158

Up all night w noise of the ugly crazy man next door. Worked today. But, tom6row would be very early. And I would have to tackle crazy man. Plus. He will make noise again all night. Could call police.

Checked at work if he recognized stalker. Said no. I dont remember him there, either.




YouTube video of the New Zealand attack

17:08 Mar 15 2019
Times Read: 1,174

The terror in New Zealand is on You tube. OmG. It looked like a game video. But, no. Real. He video taped from car. Went in shooting. Went through open rooms shooting. Went back to car. Went back and reshot victims. Left and still shooting. Got in car.

What was so bad that he ruined his life. Or is he crazy and playing a video.

Goin for some protection, myself. Later.

The guy in the hallway, has a long blade in his pocket. I saw him pull it out outside. Before the stunning guy with glitter jeans chased him around the building. Have to think of him when I buy....

Lol. Have a portable mallot among other things. Lol. Who does that remind me of.

Wonder if the police have classes for firearms.

Think I saw the stalker at Walmart. But, he didnt go near me.

P.S. Best place for hot items is Academy. Walmart for others. Lol. Need to paint something.





23:59 Mar 14 2019
Times Read: 1,175

Soda is a def no. Yesterday, I suffered for the day before. A gulpie, and coke. My knees sounded like breaking bones. Ouch.

Powerade, and Gatorade is bad to. Had my cats foot print on leg.

Lol.... Maybe should try blood.

Today, was Pie day, I forgot. But, ate Mcy ds pies. Taste better when there old. At least I had my piece of pi. Lol.

Google horoscope said I should watch out. Hmmmm

Saw trailer with Jafar. Cartoon is better. Only character that rates is Wil Smith.

Going to be cool tomorrow. Pets will feel better.




19:03 Mar 14 2019
Times Read: 1,177

Man, I had someone asking me to work for 6 weeks, for a temp today. Tried to confirm that it wasn't out of state. Said that there was a Louisiana address. But, no. Went in the website, was nothing in Louisiana. So, no.

Other was out of state. No. No lawyer wants an out of state money issue.

The other is an insurance which needs a car.

Still haven't heard back from that job yesterday, said that it was an online paper work..... Had to get on the computer to see about that other temp.

On home front, dog is still scratching. He has drops, I sprayed pads, and he has a collar. What to do. I have more stuff for the pets. Maybe I should throw out some plush blankets, that might contribute.... let me think.

Have one more week for the drops to end. hmmmmmm Mundane life....




22:57 Mar 13 2019
Times Read: 1,181

Today, had to go to thrift, half off day. Cuz pet threw up on black interview dress. But, was a lil short anyway. So, got work slacks. Casual shirt, and interview dress. LOL. Time to sing thrift shop song. Almost bought marconsins that someone else had been walkin in. But, remembered the song and tryed to go fancy. Found glass looking sandals, for 4.99.

Left there. Was starving took bus to place for 2 dollar meal.

When sat down, noticed call for interview. Called. But, splattered white shirt w coffee, w one hand. At 315. Asked to go for interview for 400. Said yes. Looked at time for buses. Had to throw dress on. Ran out door. Bus at 330. Other bus close. Got there. Got job. Whew. Just need computer now.

Macklemore and Lewis, Thrift Shop Feat, Wanz Official. . . . LOL.




00:52 Mar 13 2019
Times Read: 1,187

Had to get mop. And uh oh. They had a can of orange vanilla soda. But, no worry, it doesn't taste like an orange julius. So much for coke.

Yup. Went off my soda ban, due to a lil tension. Hit circle k, and of course Walmart. Soda soda soda. Got to get up early, clean clean. Washed Poe today. Back to no soda tomorrow.
Jeesh, tension.
Still on job search. Doing work Sat. Maybe Sun.

Saw favorite bus driver.




21:24 Mar 12 2019
Times Read: 1,192

Well, in continuance of the stalker, who is not on this play line. Wow. He came by me when I was going for my check, at the bus stop. Wow. Got a pic, and his license plate. Made a report, at the other location where I picked up my check. Woe. Can't believe he is really following me. Wow. At least, if I disappear like the woman had suggested. It is now officially logged, with his plate number. And, I took a pic.

Yesterday, after that hall guy chatted with me, that night, a guy whispered that he knows where I live. Mon Dieu. Can't believe I have to deal with it. Left a message on chat at my other company, that mentions this instance, seeing that he said I worked with him. Just don't remember.



21:44 Mar 12 2019

I would be really careful if I was you. He might end up doing something. The police are never really do something unless something happens to you.


23:24 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,201

Synchronicity, is so related today. Yup. CARL JUNG.

So . . . . After rereading, he is rigt about space and time not being relavent . Except w Stonehenge. That it is a chain of events. Truthfully, mine has connection . But, today, the meet. And I got my answer. Who.

I think there was a movie w that. Where the person kept seeing blinking red.

Carl goes on to say about birds approach when someone dies. I've noticed that myself.

The psychic test were true, also. If a person likes the media of the tests, they score better. Gawd. I remember when I was a kid playing w those circle, square, triangle cards. When my Dad was dying of cancer, and I went home to sleep, I use to see him struggle in my mind. Then he would describe the scene, next day. And he was a normal. A good guy.

I don't know about Carl's table cracking and knife exploding.




18:15 Mar 11 2019
Times Read: 1,208

I found out who ID my door to the stalker. The new crazy, in the old crazy's apt. I still have pics from that one. The red robe and garbage. This one likes to live in the hallway, also. He asked me why I rejected his home boy. Lol. Unbeleivable.

I told him, . . I didnt call him. I dont like being talked to like a prostitute. 400 in car. And he wants to live w me. Now. To a sane person, he would not go further. To an insane, I will have to call the police. Everything happens for a reason. I was suppose to be in the city. But, synchronicity. What stopped me from going today. That guy is certainly not asking for a date.

Have to take a pic of him and his car.

OK found an email, of the police office, in case something happens, like the French woman suggested.

Tracer is the word I am picking up on.

Ok. Got a response. Said to call 911. And to call 911 if approached again. Just wanted to make sure there was something in case I dissapear.
Like that woman advised.




19:48 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,215

Lol. French lady spooked me near hospital. Said I should have called the police. So I checked on line, said I should have called 911. Even if it isnt life threatening. She said should havent told police, in case something happens. Said . . . Now she is worried. Lol. Never thought of that. Just pets. That is why I go look for work every day. No matter what.
If there is a next time. I will call. Now I know why Carl went into seclusion. Lol. The guy singing around the building is another looney. Have to find steady job so I can get that metal door lock for pets.




12:25 Mar 10 2019
Times Read: 1,223

I had a feeling, around 8:30 at night. That the guy that followed me. Twice. And this week started to walk me home, uninvited, is a problem. I thought, I heard his voice, last night . Ignored.

This morning at 630. He knocked again. Yup, it was him. OMG. He followed me. I opened the door and said that he really shouldnt be at my door. He said that he was visiting someone. I repeated that he really shouldnt be at my door.

The guys that hang out in hall, must have told him. I made him detach at bridge, the other night. Never called him. Not that he is black. Just cuz of what he said. Inappropriate.

I'm sure this guy is a sleeze. After telling me about 400 in car. And he wants to live w me. Worried. He forward attached while I was working at the bakery, down the street.

Hoping my Carl Jung, you shouldnt be at my door unswayed him. Worried about pets.

Why couldnt he be like the white gay guy, w the business card, who sells pharmaceuticals. No problem.

I have his number. Wow.

I had someone mention that the brain needs oxygen to servive. And might I add enzymes. When talking about SH arain being inplanted in a AI UNIT.

But, someone else said that the earth is like a microwave. That does cause brain issues. But, there would be proof in the developememt. The structure would change.




18:02 Mar 09 2019
Times Read: 1,234

Gave the Bacchus toys to room below. Grandmother said she caught a stuffed animal. So gave her the toys for the grandD.

Oh yeah, I was off when an acid head made her media claim. And English chick that joined I.S.I.S. She astral touches everyone w the wet stuff and leaves them. Then she had a picture taken with all those spots. Was on Twitter. Hisssss. WTF. This is America. Our kids learn about acid in grade school. While arab learn about guns. Be careful England. Hmm what is her arab name. Shamima Bagum. Truthfully anyone can pick up a gun and kill. But, I feel as if some ISIS, feel different.

Maybe, her parents didn't teach her about acid. Which means.... They are good parents. Good people. Unless she is retarded, I have no sympathy for her. Did ISIS have sympathy for those innocent tourists, or those music goers. And what about the so called witches they killed. We protect are witches here.

Of course I had to stick my nose in this. Lol. Dont blame your failure on me. LOL and dont threaten nuclear, they shouldnt.

Ok, I am a lil of bad luck.
But, hey shasha. BETTER THAN NO LUCK AT ALL.

Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do




19:23 Mar 08 2019
Times Read: 1,239

Lol. Nails still did not come off. And, there was bad news regarding Family Dollar. Dollar Tree took over, and will be shutting doors and reopening. My dollar 24 hour pills won't be there anymore, I bet. Shoot, That lousy store next door will be it. So expensive.

I figured out who to give the toy bag too.... from Mardi Gras. There is a little girl below me, she would love what is in the bag.... That I got from the mardi gras crew. It's hers.

Someone introduced themselves, on the way here. He seemed gay. Could be wrong, but, doubt. He had a business card. Hey, maybe there might be a job from it. He thought I was someone else. But, you know, this street I walk, use to be a hooker street. LOL.

At least he didn't say anything like the guy a night before. He said that he had 400 in his car, and literally chased me down by foot. I explained, that usually, I don't give my number, just some guy looking for sex. And he saying that there is 400 in his car makes him risk A.
This is the third encounter with him. If I wanted to meet someone, I'd go to a bar. LOL Like I said, oh yeah, he wants to move in with me. AAAAAAAAAAhhhh no.

Meanwhile, day 4 of having no soda. Ouch

Lowest lil check, not even enough for pets. Only 9 an hour, and there were no tips. Plus, the convention center, made us stay later, so that they could take a half hour off our pays. ..... But, the Mayor, wants to take a lil, off the millions that they have in the bank. Of course, it will probably come out of our pays. She said that usually, the state is fed 70 percent off of the convention centers. But, his one only gets seven percent. I know the feeling. And no.... LOL ..... I am not bad luck!




16:51 Mar 07 2019
Times Read: 1,245

Still couldn't do anything astral. But, pain in legs almost null. Havent drank soda since Lundi Gras. So this is 3 day. Was just able to lay on metal platform, astrally. Have to do something, tonight.

Hah. Found pinky nail that popped off. What is the luck of that. Shouldn't have bought pink set. But, cheap at FAMILY DOLLAR. LOL. That dollar super glue should have let go, by now. Lol. Nails still on tight. Lol.

DID job search late, last night. But, waiting. . . . And after another day! Yikes. There is still nothing, but, the blood bank, and I am the wrong color for that. Got to think of a new way. And, hopefully, not someone from here. LOL. I am kind of known. Really, is problem.

Really, dont want to go back to Walmart. They have new coke. . . . Orange and Cream. . . . Aaargh. No soda. Day three, without soda.




20:58 Mar 06 2019
Times Read: 1,251

Remind me not to drink anymore Red bull. So painful, yesterday. Able to move a lil today. Lol. Ouch.

Found another 4 leaf. Put on clear tape before it shriveled. Took pic. Is it clover, or weed. . .

Should have heard this guy trying to get in the apt. Next door. First fight. Then said he found item. Open door to appologize lol. Then came back demanding. Lol.

Trying to do a soda dryout. And need to find a real, full time job.

Expensive dog flea collar, Pod just kept scratching off. Finally, used extra drops for cats. Lol. He is so much better. Yeah

Cant do Rubic Cube, from parade. Lol. Forgot how. So, back to reading Jung.




13:20 Mar 05 2019
Times Read: 1,254

Ok. That plastic band says, in vina veritas.
Which means, truth in drinking wine. . . So maybe you wear it.
They got me on this one

And forgot to mention the ink stamp. Copper coin, light up balls, but the pets ignor. Protection glasses. Baccha kong rings . . .




23:50 Mar 04 2019
Times Read: 1,260

Cold in here. Caught bus.

Tornado in news. Damn. You always think of what to do. Hmmmm.

Lol. Yesterday, someone gave up his Acedamy Award bead. Thanks. So nice. Should have taken pic, he was everything. Someone else gave me his bag, lots of fun stuff, like rubics, paddle, disc viewer. Another gave me more candy. Some left red bull. AND, I FOUND A GARLIC BEAD, VAMPIRE RAVE.
Not to mention, a poncho, a football w King Kong and

Don't know what those plastic bands are for. Have glow rings, pass. . . .

Truthfully just wanted stuff animals. Lol.




04:44 Mar 03 2019
Times Read: 1,269

Whew, what a painful day.
Loved napping w pets.
Cleaned, did hair. Nails are so broken up from bakery job. So bought nails to put on. Not the ones that build up mold . Have a lil sparkle.

Big accident on Esplanade. 10 injured. Two killed. 3 critical.

Worried about workin Bacchus tomorrow.




14:52 Mar 02 2019
Times Read: 1,276

All the King's men are on the bed. All cats seems better. Think I should have gotten drops instead of collar for dog. Hmmmm. Plus . . . . I Accidently had a can of soda. Thought it was Hawaiian Punch. LOL. Legs wont straighten. Ouch. .w. . Well, goin to cuddle w pets.

Tom Jones, Give a little love. Z z z




04:23 Mar 02 2019
Times Read: 1,281

Have to give myself a beauty treatment. Lol. Look warn. And had enough to get flea collars. For the Pet Pouri. Remember raid. Cuz heat was on. Been goin since 2 am. Now ten.lol
At 2 went to do laundry. Then cleaned then washed dog. Then at 515. Went to work. 5 went to Thrift store for white shirt. Had, I think, a tuxedo shirt. But not sure it is the same. Love Then went to Walmart, and did multiple things. Went home, put flea stuff on pets. Sprayed a lil. Cleaned. FEED PETS,





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