Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


16 entries this month

22:31 Sep 28 2024
Times Read: 103

Well, didn't need much for art class. Bought a candy dish, to replace her missing one. Lol. Actually, a funny one. For the record, I looked all over for the same small one she had. Ended up getting a Halloween tray w two skulls for handles, and cute saying on tray. Plus, got a box of twelve rice crispie treats.

I saw something , that I wanted on tv. That Bulls eye. It's twenty though, as much as the carpet.

At least I bought the money order. Can run and pay Monday. Forgot to bring back book again. Maybe I'll bring it w me Monday, and drop off .




07:02 Sep 28 2024
Times Read: 113

Awwww Maggie Smith is dead. 🌹.



15:47 Sep 28 2024

What?? No!! :O I liked this actt)ress, she was such a great woman :(

17:53 Sep 28 2024

My her soul rest in peace


07:01 Sep 28 2024
Times Read: 114

Awwww Maggie Smith is dead. 🌹.




07:00 Sep 28 2024
Times Read: 115

Awwww Maggie Smith is dead. 🌹.




03:00 Sep 28 2024
Times Read: 121

OMG, I finally saw a repeat of the movie. It's name was baffled. Lol I didn't see the wolf rings. Charms. Still don't get it... A satanic cult. Wolf cult. Still baffled. Lol no different in understanding. Cute movie though.




20:05 Sep 26 2024
Times Read: 152

Ohhh. Just saw something that they closed a street I need for tomorrow. Hmmmm have to give money order. Going to see how tomorrow is. I think we are going to get rain tonight.

The poor art person, she lost the candy plate. Someone had to take it from the locked case. Cuz, I'm sure she would have noticed while packing up. There was one time I left to wash cup, and brushes. But, if someone grabbed then, she would have noticed. I'm sure I can find a cheap replacement, somewhere. White, and grey would be good.

Well, I thought what to do for more space.... Those racks that I've seen at Home Depot. When using, I can make spaces,, and make high.

The laundry place, is over priced here, and the dryers suck. So I'll have to bring to the Chinese place. Once I get something to store all the blankets in.

I thought about bringing the mail, that isn't mine, when I drop off MO. But, I can't believe someone grabbed it. Amazing.

So I go to pay tomorrow, or Monday the latest. The first is Tuesday.

LOL, I watch this old movie channel. Tomorrow they are putting some horror flicks. One with Leonard Nimoy. I think I saw that one, at a Drive-in. All I can remember is him, a cult that wears wolf rings. I was too young to remember much
Just setting up wagon. Running to the swings, slide ark. Starting w soda, popcorn. Running to concession stand at break. Getting to pick my own treat. My favorite was French fries w ketchup. Watching the next feature, going home after. I can't wait to see if it's that movie. No vomit bags were given for that one

OMG, I use to ride those animals on big springs. They had handles on the heads, and moved back, and forth.




08:03 Sep 24 2024
Times Read: 176

OMG, I so lucked out. That socket fan/light.... I found in clearance section, for twenty dollars. Yippee. Had to get less food for me. But, so, so content. I so wanted one in the bathroom, to replace the bulb. Was so surprised it worked. Plus, the remote had a battery. Awesome. Just saw it on TV. What a deal, I found.




06:03 Sep 20 2024
Times Read: 204

This poor guy, at the bus stop. After the buses door closed, he was staggering in front of it. He was so diluted. As the bus took off, his head hit the other side door. He wasn't coherent, at all. I gasped, and said that was his head. There was a loud bang. But, nobody cared. I wonder if he will know what happened, once he becomes conscious. Poor guy.

Another night, not being able to sleep.




01:57 Sep 16 2024
Times Read: 226

Well, hurricane over. Lost electricity, ten, to ten. Not bad.

Glad that's over with.

Next, the person that helped me the most, w her friends, birthday went by. So, pretty soon, I'll pick something myself, cuz, she didn't get back to me... Lol, there is the rice cooker on TV, it steams vegetables. Maybe, a toaster oven... Maybe, a 50 gift card. . . I don't know. She loves jewelry. But... She's been sick.




02:49 Sep 12 2024
Times Read: 252

Can't believe it came on shore as cat 2. Lost electricity about eight. Kenner lost electricity earlier. Guest I have to live by romantic candle light 🕯️.

There's something about a other storm behind this.




17:23 Sep 11 2024
Times Read: 270

GlAd, I bought food, it's storm coming closer to New Orleans. They just put us in a state of emergency.

I better vacuum, now. Lol

It's only a cat one... So, not too bad.

Guess no art class tomorrow. Did buy a few things in case. Rice treats, glitter, glue, scissors. Just lil cheap things.

Glad, they are opening shelters. Although, people who asked me for money, yesterday, said they were homeless... Had expensive rain gear on, and expensive umbrellas.... What's wrong w that picture... I don't even have an umbrella. But, glad Orleans Shelter is opening. Although, I'm sure they took bus home. If she asked for food, could have helped. But, pretty broke now. Helping friend threw his rough time. End of month. Lol




17:23 Sep 11 2024
Times Read: 271

GlAd, I bought food, it's storm coming closer to New Orleans. They just put us in a state of emergency.

I better vacuum, now. Lol

It's only a cat one... So, not too bad.

Guess no art class tomorrow. Did buy a few things in case. Rice treats, glitter, glue, scissors. Just lil cheap things.

Glad, they are opening shelters. Although, people who asked me for money, yesterday, said they were homeless... Had expensive rain gear on, and expensive umbrellas.... What's wrong w that picture... I don't even have an umbrella. But, glad Orleans Shelter is opening. Although, I'm sure they took bus home. If she asked for food, could have helped. But, pretty broke now. Helping friend threw his rough time. End of month. Lol




23:48 Sep 10 2024
Times Read: 290

Well, Walmart still had bread left. And, can goods. Dollar tree had liter water bottles. And, Walmart had plenty of cat food. Dollar tree was empty on cans, and cat food.

So, my cat has two weeks of cans, a month on dry. Plus, litter, I bought yesterday. Yeah done. Just cooking meats I had in Fridge.

Raining today. Tomorrow, storm Francine starts around eleven. Buses stop at ten.

Now I can sit back and relax.

Another storm... Luckily, my sister called Monday, and warned me.

I'm sure we are going to lose power, tomorrow. Bummer




10:07 Sep 10 2024
Times Read: 303

Up all night again. Lol saw this old Ed Sullivan act . . Sammy King, and Fransisco. There are so many ventriloquist murder mysteries...

How would I make this one a killer. Make him demonic goofy bird. Making Sammy possessed. Lol. What I think of late at night. Make the it's a Cuban drug lord ...😂..




00:54 Sep 10 2024
Times Read: 321

Storm coming. Went to local store, found out they are almost closed. No more cheap meat. Going to Walmart, hopefully, there will be food there. Tomorrow.

Will cook sausage, that should last.

Bought scissors, Little multi glitter packet. And, glitter glue for art class. If there is an art class Thursday. Think I'll get box sweets incase,, of no class.

At least I had exercise tomorrow.




03:20 Sep 05 2024
Times Read: 619

Well, another art class. Was too tired to think about baking cookies this week. So, bought two packs of rice treats. And two packs of stickers, two small glued, and wiggly eyes. Just a lil add on to hers. Cuz, more and more people. Next week will cook cookies.

Luckily, went to store cuz, found a bed set for thirteen dollars.

And, in two weeks, paying someone to take me to cheap laundry, so I can catch up.



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