Shaizeve's Journal

Shaizeve's Journal


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2 entries this month


11:26 Jul 06 2013
Times Read: 428


I am otherkin, my best friend Nique is the same as I. I have a feeling she knows more of what we are than I do, as he is constantly slightly bowing to me. She owns a bar, down at the docs, a strange place for such a wisp of a little asian girl, but she makes up for her smallness with quick agility. She is rather reckless at times, which is how she ends up losing her bar to a man, not any man, a vampiric warlord, who owns the bar just down the dock, now he owns the entire dock. Being a gentlemen, and fair player, he gives Nique 25% of the conjoined bars, as all he really wanted was to expand and I think he had a thing for Nique, but never knowing we were not human either. We came upon one of his human girls one day, she had just come from feeding him, which is not unnatural, as she has been with him many years, she told us he was around the next bend, at the large stone rock.

We were sauntering towards the rock, when we heard a large fight. Upon arriving to the scene, our vampiric lord was on his deathbed, near ash, as he turned to me and verbalized giving me his ¾ shares of his bar, which included his underground home on the shore and all its possessions. What the hell was I to do with a bar? A vampiric bar at that! It was not that it was a blood bar, it was a sexual tension bar, people came there to dance erotically and have a good time.

It was on a night, 2 years later that my life spiraled out of control. Nique, after visiting with our friend Lise found me sitting upon the upper dock, watching the dancers below. This was my favorite place to be, I could soak in their energy, watch as new people came, and enjoy the music at the same time. It was never my place to join anyone on the dance floor, that was not my calling. As Nique found me, she told me lise had given her a gift and that she had the same gift to give me. Knowing Lise, I was a bit afraid of what it might be, her sense of humour was always alittle off. Nique sat next to me and reached for my hand, I thought she was going to kiss it, when 2 things happened at once. I received a feeling from the enterance of the dock at the same time I felt a searing pain up my arm. Nique had bitten my wrist, and was sucking my blood from my vein, the pain was unweilding, but it was nothing compared to my heart. At the enterance of the dock stood Kitari, my soulmate. I had not seen him in more than 10 years, our parting was not very cordial, and I had left him with no note, I just vanished. He had wanted me to become a vampire as he was, and I was afraid as I was otherkin what that would mean. His eyes locked with mine, as he realized what Nique was doing. That is when it hit me, what she was doing. I then felt Lise at my other side, giving me her blood. I was now what I had not wanted to be, and Lise looked at me and simply said “It was time”.

Hours later I was pacing on my overhang, watching Kitari dance so smoothly, his hips girating behind a inconsequential female, near him was Nique. My heart was in shreds watching him, he knew I was watching, but did he know it was killing me? Did he know I still cared? Im sure he did, as I was as sure as he had lost every feeling for me. I used my wand, pointed it over Kitari’s head, and spoke a dead language to Nique, who had excellent hearing over the music, and stated “My weakness” as I turned and left. Nique found me later, sitting alone, when we heard the call to arms. It was not a verbal call, but a feeling inside of us, part of our otherkin.

A hand touched my shoulder just as Nique and I shifted to the spot of calling. Never had I brought someone with me on a shift, had you asked me, I wouldn’t thought it possible. I turned to look at that hand, and stared up into Kitari’s eyes and he leaned over and whispered in the same dead language “You have always been my weakness, and now we are the same”. The same? Im otherkin and now vampire, how can we be the same? Then I realized, I did not shift him to this location, he was called as well. Just as I was about to ask more questions, he kissed me and a large blue light enfolded him, Nique and myself just as the opposing forces showed up.

There were to battlements, one race I did not recognize, the other were bionicle. The race I did not know bowed to us and addressed us as “your highnesses”. Talk about total confusion, I wasn’t royalty, hell I didn’t know who I even was, I just became when I was a teenager. I am not sure who was going to be fighting, who was in this battle, whose side was I to be on, for that is when I woke.




7/6 What am I?

13:50 Jul 05 2013
Times Read: 433

Im not sure what I was in this dream…at first I thought I was a panther, my soulmate Max decided that in this lifetime, he wanted us to try to be “cousins”. I was of the age we attended high school. I was a magick weilder, as were many, but they didn’t know of each other. In order to get to school you had to go around this large stone wall, but if you were a magic user their was an opening you could wave your hand and an archway would show. One morning I was doing this, and there were 2 boys on the other side. The shock on their faces told me that they didn’t know it was there. One was mortal, the other was a large teddy bear of a boy, named Merc. He was furious he didn’t know about this, or the fact their were others that had magick like him. He had a gift for removing memories, which he did with his friend. Thankfully he could do that, or I would have had to go find Max to do it for me, as I lacked that talent.

Merc was about 6/1 and about 300 lbs, he was a fine football player. After one practice, I decided to have lunch with the team, as they all had lunch provided after practice. I didn’t watch practice, but knew when it usually ended, so I went for a quick run. If was just my luck that it ended early, and Merc was receiving some taunting because I wasn’t there. They all thought because of his size, no girl would be interested in him, I jumped down over the edge of the bleachers, and they were all surprised at my agility and that a girl could do that. I gave them a knowing smile, and noticed my Max was having lunch and I received a dirty look from him. Merc had set aside a small spot for us, and I joined him, waved my hand and set a pretty scene that only him and I, and of course Max, could see. It was lovely.

It did not end lovely, after the rest of the team left, I somehow ended up with a huge needle in my butt and Merc laughing and testing my blood. He said he couldn’t figure out what I was, I was more animal than human. He let me go, knowing I couldn’t transform, he laughed. He had done something to hold me to this form. I needed to be near the water, I don’t know why, but I could hear my ocean friends calling me. They were telling me they could help. If I was a panther, a magick user, and now I had an affinity for the water? I do not know myelf what I was.

I knew Merc was following me, so I didn’t dare go to the ocean. I was walking by a stream when a young girl waved me over and asked if I wanted to swim with her. She gave me a knowing smile and said she was brought up in this area, my question was if she was from land or water. A twinkle in her eye told me she was from the water, but has an illusion of legs attached to her body. I swam alittle with her, but this river was not far from the ocean, and my insides began to cramp with the call of the ocean, I had to go, but Merc was still here, watching.

In the end, I didn’t have a choice, they told me to let him come. My new friend, walked out of the water on the legs that looked so human, and she even had a bathing suit on. I decided her and I were going to be great friends, and she said she knew Merc was close by, she was in a few of his classes at school and thought he was to dumb to know he had magick. I told her what happen with the needle and she just shook her head, shocked.

We made our way to the ocean edge, there was an inlet that many of my ocean friends were waiting for me. I found I could speak their animalistic language and called my dolphins to me first. I hugged, kissed, and played with each one. My mermaid friend had never dared come to the ocean, I found she had a fear of the unknown. She quickly became engrossed as each dolphin came to us, and she could speak to them as well. I was wondering what merc was thinking about all of this.. I new that after my friends surrounded me, they had done something to return my powers, I could feel it right to the center of my panther.

One of my favorite seahorses had recently had a young, and that young bravely approached me, seems his mother had told him who I was. I played with him for a brief time til he nipped me, and I laughingly scolded him and called his mother over. She apologized and promised to speak to him.. She was all silver white, and her mane was blowing through the air, as if she wasn’t just sunk in the water. I nuzzled her neck and spent several moments with her, she also shared her energy with me. My next friends I had to swim out to meet. My mermaid, would not venture out to this task with me. She was where I was heading and her fear held her back.

Shamath was the first to reach me, his cold wet nose kissed my cheek. He was the biggest cuddler of the entire pod, he was also the largest. I am sure that if I was a whale he would have claimed me as a mate. The strength his pod gave me, almost gave me a high. Soon everyone was surrounding me and singing. I couldn’t help but sing in human language, as they knew I would. Their voice, mixed with mine was pure magick.I do not know how any human never saw me like this, whether I case an illusion or my friends did, I never knew. I did not question how these enemies of the ocean could come together without fear of each other, I only knew they were all here for me.

After I swam back to shore to place more with my dolphins, they told me Merc had seen enough, and I was safe to leave now, he wouldn’t bother me again. As I started leaving the shoreline, I saw Max sitting in a treeline watching me. I wondered how long he could stand not being with me, a soulmate is only half a soul without the other. Is he finally learning this lesson, the love that was in his eyes watching me leave my friends, I thought he might be, but I couldn’t look at him as each time I did, knowing I couldn’t walk into his arms, my heart would break alittle more.

I walked right passed Merc, his eyes were wary, I wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t say anything. My mermaid walked beside me, and we ended up back at the school before we knew where we were headed. She ended up going home and I headed to the forest, within seconds my silver white fur flowed as my paws pounded along the forest floor, I was in my panther form, and loving it.

What was I? A magick user? A panther? Part of the ocean? I do not know, while running I was as happy as I was in the ocean. Maybe I am all 3.



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