07:49 Sep 14 2024
Times Read: 62
I've been sick the past few days. Like sick, sick. Mostly a hot/cold infection type thing. I started feeling better yesterday which is good because my sister and nephew surprised everyone by showing up from Texas. We've been planning on surprising her for Thanksgiving so no one was expecting her to make the long drive here. So I kinda had to get over it yesterday to spend time with them even though they'll he here til Sunday. I've also just been busy. Actually, I've been spending a lot of time in the big open market they have in the middle of the city. It's one of my favorite places, it's full of fascinating people. I met a couple pirates there last weekend xD Well, a couple guys dressed like pirates. Guilty pleasures definitely include pirate speak, and sea chanties, like I've said I was definitely a mermaid in a past life. I'm doing all the things I love since I don't know how long I'll have to do them. In reality, none of do. Something could come crashing down from space, and smash your skull in any second. You never know. But with my health as delicate as it is right now... It kicks you in the ass to get things done, to realize what's important, and... what should be let go. Like I thought I wanted to leave this whole thing for Wolfie to potentially find, but I don't think that would be good for him. So I deleted it all. I think the best thing I can do for him is leave him alone, and that's what he asked me to do anyway, that's what he chose so. I'm feeling better today. It's weird because I was totally fine all day Tuesday, I had been playing Fallout a couple hours, I ran upstairs to grab something, and as soon as I got back downstairs I was hit with these shivering convulsions, I was freezing cold in like an instant. Like Death had reached put, poked my spine then ran away giggling. And the strangest thing,I had no fever. Like I thought I might be going septic, but... no fever, no pain, just ice cold for absolutely no reason. So I spent the next couple days in bed. My body may just be going completely haywire, doesn't surprise me.
22:53 Sep 14 2024
I'm very sorry to hear you didn't have a fantastic Friday the 13th. Almost always a good day for me.