08:10 Sep 02 2024
Times Read: 414
I had a pretty hilarious encounter in 76 today. I showed up at Moonshine Jamboree, got in my usual spot, and started doing my thing. Until some fuckboy decides to jump up in front of me. And he's facing me so I know he's deliberately trying to say to me, "Hey, I'm blocking you." Sigh... So I move closer to the spawn point. It never works out for people who try to block me at my original spot, it just makes it worse for you because you're forcing me to move closer therefore I'll be killing things even faster. And again, Moonshine Jamboree has THREE moonshine stills to protect, there are other places to get your kills. After I move, I make sure I'm on the very edge of the rock I'm standing on so dude can't get up in front of me again, and he does try, he tries jumping up front of me several times all to the reaction of me throwing him some laughing and heart emotes. So he gets on his mic, "Leave some kills for the rest of us you son of a bitch." First off... I ain't a son of anything. Also, very importantly, from the moment the event started some motherfucker was launching mini nukes EVERYWHERE, at EVERY still, taking kills from EVERYONE, me included. Why aren't you getting in his fucking face? Why are you up my ass, on my one still, when there's a douchebag actively trying to ruin the event for everyone? There were over ten people there, you don't need mininukes, that's a douchebag being a douchebag just to be a douchebag. But sure, come at me. And this is the mentality that being nice to lower levels has created. They carry this expectation that no matter what level you are, if they're lower then you should hold back. This guy was in the fucking 200s, and he's whining, wanting me to let him have kills. Nah. At level 20, sure. At 200+, earn it yourself you whiny little bitch. People have this perception that your character gets more, and more powerful as you level, but you don't. There's no level cap, but there is a cap to the benefits you get from leveling, past 200-300 it's literally just a number. So I have the same power level as a 200. At that point it comes down to skill and build, and most people don't understand how to properly build their character. Sorry you suck, that means I should hold back? Nah. And it's pathetic for a grown man, or what sounded like a grown man, to even ask, and to pull baby shit like trying to body-block me. Sorry you brought a chainsaw to a gun fight xD This is why... Bethesda needs melee only servers. I understand wanting to use melee, it's fun, absolutely useless during events, things get killed by bullets much faster than you can get to it with a melee weapon. That's just the painful reality of bringing a melee weapon to an event with 10 people who are all using guns, it doesn't work. And throwing a tantrum when people won't simply allow you kills, it's like a kid getting mad you won't let them win. Grown-ass people acting like this. And people say, "Well they're gamers, what do you expect?" I don't act like that. If someone is annoying me in a server, I hop to another one, easy. I would never lower myself to asking anyone to let me get my kills. Fucking weak~