artemka's Journal

artemka's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


26 entries this month


18:46 Dec 31 2006
Times Read: 832

A forum post brought back a lot of bad memories. I managed a halfway civil reply and hit post, logged off and burst into tears. I hate that

Interestingly though it was when I realised what other people might think that I had meant, that made it all stop and me dive back on to say sorry before my post could upset anyone. It only lasted minutes. It used to last for hours - maybe I am getting over 'it'





21:04 Dec 30 2006
Times Read: 834

Does the US Government have any 'normal' or 'regular' agents ... or just special agents

If they only have special agents, what makes them special ?




Sire !!!

06:07 Dec 30 2006
Times Read: 844

Well Journal, its 4.54am and I can't sleep - so I've given up trying and logged in here.

Really mixed feelings here ... weird.

Dad's "Vampire thing" surprise was a lifetime membership not a T shirt like I thought, but I do get a T shirt with it. He had tried to arrange this for my birthday but, without my login, it wasn't possible. Anyhow last night when I was logged in he got it for me.

I'm not sure if it is automatic or if it was something to do with missing Dad's eMails trying to arrange this as my birthday surprise, but I got the mark of Cancer.

A great honour and I'm really happy with that.

Cancer's mark along with images' add a massive 15% to my status and it pushed me solidly into Sire in a single minute.

I was stoked at first until I looked at the status table : my page views / time spent would have me at Necromancer

Half of me is really happy that I'm a Sire, the other feels like I've taken a shortcut and cheated all those people who are struggling along without marks - but then I must have earned those marks somehow

I dunno, one of my problems is OCD which is probably why I like this site because I can see everything adding up as I spend my time here - I have a problem with such a big jump

Oh well .... inflated / deflated LOL read the handbook

I'll just keep on doing what I do

4m 3d




Never ...

21:48 Dec 29 2006
Times Read: 848

... invite Jessica Fletcher to your house





15:09 Dec 27 2006
Times Read: 855

Today I ate a whole box of Mingles (chocolate with a hint of mint) ..... I am now sitting really still and trying not to think of my poor tummy




Christmas Day

13:56 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 870

Stayed up late Christmas Eve, Santa tracking online, Still managed to wake up early LOL

Went to Auntie Anne's for Christmas. I don't think she's really a sister of my stepmum, I think she's just a good friend that we all call Auntie for some strange reason. Anyhow she has this daughter, Jayne, about 8 years old who is ill and takes a bunch of tablets everyday - man, that has gotta suck big time.

Anyhow the lunch is put in to cook and the olds go out for a walk to build up their appetite. I'm left to watch SuperTed with Jayne, no problem.

Planet Spot is all rescued so I turn round to ask Jayne what DVD she wants to watch next and there is blood everywhere !!!!

Now for all sorts of reasons I can't cope with stress at all. She's got a nosebleed but this isn't like a dribble, this is pouring out. I lean her forward and pinch the end of her nose, it stops coming out but she soon starts spitting out great lumps of semi-solid blood. She starts to barf and I want to.

So I find the phone and start to call an ambulance when Dad arrives. He is just AMAZING, he takes it all in with one look, the oven is switched off and Jayne is bundled off to hospital in the car. No panic, no nothing, just awesomely calm.

Anyhow we get back to the house about three hours later. Jayne is all fixed up, seems she was taking some meds that thin her blood and the nosebleed needed to be cauterized. We all get cleaned up and, apart from the couch and a bit of carpet, there's no real trace of the crisis.

We turn to the oven and there's a cold, yukky, half cooked Turkey, sausages and potatoes all swimming in a semi solid cold lake of greasy goo. The veggies are all crumbly in the steamer.

Auntie Anne starts crying, so Mum gets the wine out. Dad and me finishing trashing the lunch and doing the washing up, then we start looking round the kitchen cupboards. There's a lot of cookery shows in the UK where famous chefs produce epic meals with a few basic supplies in record time. So I find some microwave rice and cans of stewed steak in rich beef gravy. Using all my skills that I have learned from watching those shows, I serve up rice with stewed steak in rich gravy.

Everyone seemed to enjoy it really very much, there was nothing left afterwards. Lots of mince pies and a mountain of ice cream topped it off (and more wine).

We got around to opening our pressies at about 4pm !! I got a pair of boots : here's a net pic of the exact same ones I got

I also got a game for my Playstation - I don't like the new game consoles at all, why waste your money - I have a PS1 and I am so proud of it. Somehow Mum has managed to get me Twisted Metal for it, its an epic game but really hard to get for my poor old machine.

I have some new thick slipper socks, I think that's a hint to stop walking around the house barefoot. Of course I got C H O C O L A T E

Anyhow it hadn't really occured to me that I had kinda dealt with all that fuss with no panic attack, no tears .... I hadn't even thought about it, but Dad talked to me about it in the evening and was way impressed. He's going to chase up that [quote] "Vampire thing" [unquote] - I'm hoping its still the VR T shirt, when we're all done celebrating I'm going to just let him order it when I'm logged on - simpler eh.

Anyhow I hope y'all had a great Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful New Year




Well ....

14:59 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 877

I posted yesterday's entry to my journal and did one last round of VR before going to bed. Logged off and lay in bed couldn't get off to sleep no matter what I tried - think it was the amount of cola and chocolate I had had but I could be wrong :) So I ended up curled in duvet in front of computer, as ya do.

Then a message arrived from my House Master, imagesinwords, asking if I wanted to be an Assistant House Manager - it was still my birthday - just. It was an epic end to the day. Deadphara even managed to get me a new house card before the strike of midnight.

I mean like woah, then I really couldn't get to sleep - I started to re-rate everyone in the House, finally fell asleep at about 2am - up for work at 6:30am. explained my new position to the rents who said it was 'nice', they really haven't got to grips with VR yet.

Anyhow didn't even mind being up to my elbows in freezing green pond gloop this morning. Had a flash of inspiration about my profile, going to add something to it ... no reader, you gonna have to wait LOL

Anyhow, not a lot going on in the threads that I am following, so I'm off to rate things :)





23:21 Dec 23 2006
Times Read: 886

It was good, very good :)

Boss let me go early from the car wash - that was nice of him.

I got my bike tyre, a USB stick drive thing and chocolates - not bad at all, I'm pleased with all that.

Didn't get my VR T shirt. Apparently you can't buy them in the VR store without logging in - wouldn't have been much of a surprise if I had logged in for him eh, so Dad e-mailed Cancer direct but one of the addresses bounced back as 'inbox full' and the other wasn't answered. Anyhow here's hoping it all gets unclogged by Christmas :)

Went to take the birthday countdown timer off my profile and got carried away : redone most of the pictures. Made another dark and sinsiter piccie but I dunno, I'll wait and see how I feel about it tomorrow before I go and change it all again.

Found a bunch of photos of me in the Ukraine - those done by the adoption agency and when I've been back to visit my friends there - might start a portfolio but might not - it's a lot to share with everyone on the site

Anyhow came online to check my messages and say thanks to my House who had a 'Happy Birthday' thread open just for me. Mooched around on the Rave until everyone was ready then we went bowling

Out of the bowling, into KFC then back onto here

Its funny but I can't remember much of what my birthdays were like at home, I'm not sure if that's good or not .... anyhow I'm really tired ....






17:36 Dec 22 2006
Times Read: 890

Well the day went good ... we all got to play games most of the morning. My computer station was pretty well up together so not much to do. Managed to sneak onto the rave during the breaks but not long enough to do much; the censor password is *password* while they set it all up - d'oh I should have guessed.

Went down to the old folks home mid morning. They were mostly sleeping so we were put to work. I was given this big knife and asked to cut up meat into cubes. This wasn't no little lump of meat in a plastic tray, this was like a dinosaur or something - it was HUGE. Managed to cut it into smallish lumps eventually. Then spin it around in a fry pan, batch by batch until I had it all brown.

Tanya had been cutting all sorts of veggies into cubes. So we carefully put the veggies and meat into neat layers in the pot. Then this woman came in and stirred it !!! Anyway it will mean that they should be munching, gumming and slurping their way into the stew as you read this.

Went to Asda and pushed two old ladies round in their wheelchairs, getting stuff off the shelves and put it back. Was OK, I actually enjoyed it - even though lady #2 had miserable down to a science. We all got our oldies into a semi-circle to watch the choir, luckily none of mine tried to join in or fall asleep so I managed to get my two into the start of the line to be hoisted into their mini bus.

I got two bars of chocolate and a furry frog from the olds. One of the choc bars didn't really survive the bus ride back and Tanya got the frog as a Xmas pressie - the last bar is going to be my stay-awake fuel for tonight.

Birthday tomorrow woooooooooooooooooo





23:04 Dec 21 2006
Times Read: 892

Well tomorrow is last day of term.

We don't do a lot, mostly play games and tear all the stuff off the notice boards to make them blank for the next year. We have to tidy down all our computer files and make every nice and neat.

In the afternoon we go off any help push oldies around Asda to get their Xmas stuff. Its not too much of a chore and I guess it cheers their day a little. Then we get to stand with them and listen to the choir in the lobby - its an OK way to waste an afternoon I guess.

Next year is GCSE year, because of the sort of school I am at, we're expected to sit most of our exams a year early - its OK but we just had one girl who was 12 sit five GCSE's this summer and she aced them ... I just know we're going to get that waved in our face all next year.

Well day after that is *cough* my BIRTHDAY. I've searched the house top to bottom but can't find a clue. I've asked for a VR T Shirt but there haven't been any overseas packages to the house (unless Dad has it sent to work). I know they've been looking in at VR because I found it on the URL bar - I sure didn't type it in, its in my favorites. It's either that or a front bike tyre.

Anyhow its wayyyyy late, so I had best get some sleep





20:56 Dec 20 2006
Times Read: 899

Why can people on here have such long names ?

When you scan down the Who's Online page only to have a scroll bar at the base because someone has a name that is 22 characters long

Luckily most of them don't stay on too long but, if they do, and they start posting to the forums, their posts get all scrunched up in what is left of the space.

Anyhow I made this:

Good eh .... well, I think its good




Must get a life

22:03 Dec 19 2006
Times Read: 908

Today I went to court ... nooooooo they haven't caught me, it was a study trip.

They showed us where everyone stood and what they all did. We saw how the jury was selected and watched them all getting told what to do. Then we all sat in the public gallery and waited ... and waited ... after about an hour the defendent hadn't arrived, so the judge issued an arrest warrant for him and everyone went home - cost to the tax payer about £8,000 along with the clogging up of the court. So we all went to McDonalds while the minibus was called in early.

Managed a late lunch visit for about 5 mins on the rave, not enough but it keeps the withdrawal pain in check :)

Dived in here as soon as I got back thinking I was going swimming but my ride didn't turn up - I'd done all my homework in the afternoon freed up by the court thing so I was free to sit here and play enough hangman to add about 100 favor points (about 300 games I guess) re-rated most of the Sires and Necromancers in my 'rerate from top down scheme' and all the newly registered whelps.

Started to write a second article on Vampires of Myth - couple of entries on the forums - 1143 pages visited and 4 hours on line - now up to 41% Necromancer

I must get a life ...





19:57 Dec 18 2006
Times Read: 917

In my desperate attempt to win some more favor points, I managed to push my time spent and page views well into Necromancer (30%) - that's kinda funky I guess.

Problem is I look at it as 70% off Sire and there's not a hope of steaming towards that now I can't log on during lessons :(

Oh well, necromancer sounds good - LOL some guy actually bowed at me - some take this status thing far too literally I think

I've now rated every profile, portfolio, members article and database thing - I still only have 97% - I keep finding whelps who registered just a few days ago that I haven't rated, I can't help but think something was lost along the way. Oh well, I'm now re-rating everything from the top down - that'll keep me amused




Must remember to eat ...

13:08 Dec 18 2006
Times Read: 924

Lunchtime computer club is made for VR. Find a corner and tap away lots, no-one asks - if they do ask, just give them an evil smile.

Geography sux btw




BBC Brainiacs

15:26 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 925

BBC science correspondent this afternoon talking about the failed UK's Beagle II Mars mission of Xmas 2003, when asked if NASA could have done it better:

"So what if NASA put a man on the moon? I mean, its hardly rocket science."

well ... d'uh





12:15 Dec 16 2006
Times Read: 936

In the Xmas break looks like the school are filtering out a lot of websites and, yup, vampirerave is on the list - man, that's going to slow my status down *pouts*.

I usually have a lot of tabs [we use firefox] open in lessons and most of them are around VR ! Geography is never going to be the same again.

Oh well, won't be online much today folks - going ice skating in Bristol later.

Buh byeeeeeeeeeeeee




Wot ?

21:26 Dec 14 2006
Times Read: 943


I swear hangman is getting harder





13:31 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 953

Tsk ... apparently someone has been abusing the school's internet facilities for 'extensive unapproved surfing into non-educational webforums'

.... oh





21:09 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 957

If you want to solve the national energy problem , all you need is a potato - we learned that in science. I can't tell you how it solves the problem because I got distracted, but if I find out I'll post it here





15:11 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 961

I don't know if anyone remembers the game I had trying to get myself on the top row of the 'Who's Online' page. Well today, in the middle of my ICT class, I achieved the absolute target

# 1 position

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com





11:02 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 963

I make a forum topic, I thought it was good

Angels, good or evil - I was hoping someone would follow the lead and come up with something on the most pure thing there is making the most evil thing there is.

It was trundling along - on topic and everyone being nice - not too many "interesting" and "well done" comments of people hell bent on pumping up their status

I go to bed and its RIP'd for length - wasn't helped by one guy c&p another persons whole post into his ! Once again my thread got hijacked; people tried to get the thread back on topic - people begged to get the thread back on topic - but hijacked it was until it ran out of length

I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed





20:49 Dec 09 2006
Times Read: 973

Today has been a really calm day

I went to work washing cars, that was good but I leaned too far over a car and got wax polish all over my overalls.

That was a mess - everywhere I went there was this sort of crumbly white dust, put them in the machine as soon as I got home, Just as it started going I suddenly wondered what would happen with the water / wax thing. It seems to have coped quite well, think I'll mention it in case the next lot of clothes through gets a coat of wax

Came home and got on here mid-backup. That sux, its soooo slow. Anyhow did some tidying, deleted old saved messages - read my fave journals - all the slow stuff you can do while waiting for a second page to load y'know.

Needed a banner for the House Eternal Adopt A Whelp scheme - I ask and within minutes Deadphara has produced EXACTLY what I needed. Then I figure out (all by myself) how to link the banner thing to the webpage and AND how to have it open up in a new window. That took some doing - I had ElderDaniel's excellent articles open all over the place - anyone looking at my poor profile in the middle of that lot would have wondered what was going on - but I done it :)

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

Looking through the Argos Catalogue now to find Dad's Christmas present - that ain't easy but eh

Still an Iconoclast I see, dunno how - I only had 4% yesterday and I don't post much to the forum anymore, so I expected to slip back a little but i haven't. might go play in the Sandbox if there isn't anything I know about in the main forum

Catch you later





22:02 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 982

Iconoclast: One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions. One who destroys sacred religious images.

This evening I became an Iconoclast, I am spending wayyyyy too much time on this site





A VR Day

15:03 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 986

The weather here in the UK went screwy today - A big Tornado today in LONDON !!!

Where I am is on a hill on otherwise low lying moorland. It flooded because someone didn't know to open some gate somewhere - nothing is getting in or out of the village until late evening, so I get a VR day !!!

So far I have annoyed people mostly on the forums ... the vampbox is next muhahahaha




Merry Chrimbo

12:15 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 991

I was going to put something about this on my profile, but I figured I had best respect the different faiths and beliefs of the folk in here; didn't want to offend anyone.

So I thought I would put this in here, figure very few people read this anyway.

I just LOVE Christmas, I have so many happy memories of things back home, so I'm going to say this just the once





LOL Rock on ....

17:16 Dec 02 2006
Times Read: 1,009

OK so I wander down the forum, look longingly at the Sandbox, but don't go in ... post a few things in 'safe' subjects on the main forum ... nothing new in Mascara ...

then I look at 'EVENTS' and it has changed colour !!!

The whole front page is RIA'd - I'd been wondering when someone would compare the forum category to the content




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