artemka's Journal

artemka's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


30 entries this month


20:04 May 29 2007
Times Read: 834

PC went and died, its a hard drive and something scussie

School internet suite is offline til after exams are all done

I guess I won't be on for a while, but I WILL return mwahahaha




Busy, busy, busy

20:06 May 26 2007
Times Read: 839

I was out early cleaning ponds, I've just about mastered this business stuff.

Today we went to a man who had tried to do it himself, mostly by buying gadgets rather than trying some common sense and effort.

He had bought a skimmer and this seemed to make things worse ... now ...

A skimmer is like a bowl that floats just below the water surface. A pump sucks water through it. Leaves and floating stuff get drawn in with the water and get stuck in a filter that you simply lift out and empty.

Man had connected his skimmer to the pump's output not the input. So the pump picked the stuff off the bottom of the pond and up through the skimmer, where it then got spread all over the surface.

Me and boss both knew what he had done wrong but both of us kept quiet. I connecxted the correct pipe in about 30 secs and spent most of the day cleaning out the pond which we could have just left to settle out.

The bill was £200 and he was happy with that !

Sort of makes up for the day's work I put in last week cleaning an old lady's pond that had been her dead husband's pride and joy - I am sure Boss only charged her £5 for the whole day !

Called in to VR at lunchtime and had SEVEN messages and 3 databse things in the queue - got it all done before going out to check bird box.

Party in village tonight, so I'm off out - might be back later :)





23:00 May 25 2007
Times Read: 847

We had our exam finished by about 11am today, bus back home wasn't going to be about until 4pm - I guess if I had really thought about it I could've cycled in - so we scrounged a lift into town on a minibus for the afternoon.

After a quick mooch we all decided to revisit the coffee shop. Rent A Cop was nowhere to be seen and the place was all but empty.

There were eight of us so we all give Tanya our money and order and pile over to the comfy sofas. It was seconds before the owner was making a fuss.

Now Tanya has a stammer when she gets stressed, she's a really nice person and really very clever.

Owner guy has started to have a go at her about all of us being in at once, then he asked her what we all wanted - well he had sort of demanded - Tanya got stressed and started to stammer - he then started to speak louder and louder, stressing her even more

I go over to be all diplomatic. Just as I got there he turns to one of his staff and says quite loud "retard" - staff member laughs and manager smiles at being so clever.

I sorta lose my temper a little and give him my opinion on his shop - his prices - his coffee - his food - his signs - his hair loss - his weight - his wife's weight - his parentage - his low sperm count - his personal hygiene - his brother ....

Anyhow to cut a very long story short. Guy was a mite annoyed and I am now banned for life !!! (I should have asked whose life, mine or his, cos one is much shorter than the other - but eh I missed the chance)

I told the school and my rents what had happened in case he complains, they don't seem too bothered about what I had said - but aren't too pleased with him

There is justice in this part of England.




Double grrrrr

21:25 May 23 2007
Times Read: 860

I rate the usual stuff, go to post to the House forum and it switches off. Get it to start again and then go to add a couple of things waiting in the procurator queue and it shuts down again :(

I have £9 in my dish, think I'm going to need more

*having VR withdrawal symptoms*





19:23 May 23 2007
Times Read: 863

Spent about an hour switching the computer on. Each time it goes on, I connect to the internet and it switches off completely.

Seems OK now so I am going to rate stuff while I can


Now the grass is gone and the nut feeder is empty - I'm hoping that they've come in and emptied it in preparation for moving in




Bad decision

15:57 May 22 2007
Times Read: 871

Once in a while I make a bad decision

eating a box of ready to roll icing (frosting) for lunch was one of them

I will return later





23:37 May 21 2007
Times Read: 882

So there I was ... airbrushing a nipple out of a book cover picture, so the database entry complies with the VR handbook ... and in walked Dad ! Now THAT took some explaining, but in the end he was laughing at me trying to convince him it was no pervy sorta thing

Anyhow 2001 entries on the database now ... woooo a milestone that few will even notice, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

Updated my avantar pic

its been a really active day here :)





21:27 May 20 2007
Times Read: 890

I was looking on the 'net about how to keep squirrels from attacking my bird feeder and found this ...

made me laugh anyway




Ooh errr

15:34 May 20 2007
Times Read: 899

Computer woke up this morning with the little blue light flashing away but nothing showing on the screen, had to restart it twice before it worked.

I reckon its slowly dying


Tsk ... now squirrel has attacked the nut feeder under the box




Ice Station Zebra ...

23:05 May 19 2007
Times Read: 908

... I just knew it was going to be the russian guy *nods*

The computer had another blue screen moment, still something to do with saving physical memory. There doesn't seem to be a reason for it, it just happens when it feels like it. I'm backing up every week now *gulp*


I now have a peanut feeder attached to the bottom of the bird box. Sneaked a look while I was up there, nothing, not even more grass :(

Not to sure how I can refill the feeder without disturbing the nesting box if I ever get anything in it, but I'll pip that grape when I come to it





16:03 May 19 2007
Times Read: 914

Today is a good day.

I had to put in a new pond pump and filter, I like doing that. I don't get to join the electrics up though, the boss does that. When I looked inside the waterproof junction box thing the wires there were red, black and green/yellow - but the wires that came out of the pump etc were brown and blue - so maybe its just as well I didn't have to guess.

This filter was a pressure barrel, you bury it in the ground and it has a lever that switches it to backflush to clean it all out - really neat. The lady was really nice and gave me a £5 tip.

I bought a huge bag of peanuts for my bird feeder. I'm sure somewhere I have seen an old green plastic nut feeder so, if I can find it, I'm going to hang that off the bottom of my bird box in the hope that something is going to actually move in, rather than use it as a grass store.

Hoping to have the VR database top 2000 entries by the end of the month (700 books now) wooooo




Is it just me

22:12 May 17 2007
Times Read: 926

Some people may know where I read this:

ACC 230 Accounting I 3 98.0% 100.6% 69.5% - A+

Is it just me who is wondering how accountants can have a mark greater than 100%




Forum Threads II

23:26 May 16 2007
Times Read: 938

Its just plain awful when someone reposts a question a second time.

Most of the time at least part of the question has already been shown to be plain wrong in thread #1, but still they repost it word for word like nothing has been learned.

The more responsible ask for people to add to the replies in thread #1, but when people come in 'new' they often raise stuff that has been defeated already - you can't really reply without C&P from thread #1






23:04 May 16 2007
Times Read: 940

Twice now I have this blue screen shut the computer down, something about saving physical memory

Spent the evening copying everything I can think of to our USB hard drive, remember my Sims back up this time

Hope it isn't breaking ....




Bird Box Update and stuff ...

23:02 May 15 2007
Times Read: 955

I think I had best not keep climbing up to look at what's going on through 'the hole', but at the moment it looks like blue tits are storing grass in there so they can live in this nearby hole in the wall - I mean, I know they only have little brains, but I offer them a £2.99 designer home .... and they chose a hole


The death toll rises (14 and counting), I am now baiting Mr Trap with crunchy peanut butter - we use some boxes with poison in them for pond edges when rats are a problem - I wonder if I can use one near the shed ?




For those of you that know what happened

21:32 May 14 2007
Times Read: 977






17:30 May 13 2007
Times Read: 1,003

All night the rain was blowing hard against my window, it hadn't stopped when I woke up.

The pond we're working on at the moment is a village duck pond, at least I think its a village - it has a green, a pub and a few houses. It had turned into green gloop and stank, really spolied the 'chocolate box' image.

We had started yesterday putting in the chemicals and had a foul water pump just dumping the bottom water into a sort of mesh filter. We'd taken about two hours with a BIG pump to lower the water about 10cm. I had sprayed and jet washed the edges yesterday.

Well today I figured I was simply going to get wet, I put on my wetsuit and waders and got in. Looked kinda stupid I guess but it was OK. Hauled out a lot of garbage and blasted the bottom sludge with a pressure hose to push all the dirt into solution where the pumps can sort it out.

It's not finished yet, I think the boss will have to finish it tomorrow by himself - but at least its looks sort of brown and just dirty now :)

As soon as we left the rain stopped and the sun came out - typical

I'm knackered and going for a snooze before I do anything on here LOL




Eurovision Song Contest

13:59 May 11 2007
Times Read: 1,031

I have just seen the Ukrainian entry ...

*hangs head in shame*





21:28 May 10 2007
Times Read: 1,036

There is more grass in the bird box !!!!!! woooooooo





10:24 May 09 2007
Times Read: 1,049


Usually when I go on the forums I have the family about. Its good, we actually have discussions about what is being said (sometimes the thread is closed before we're done discussing though hehehe). We chose the wording and plan what we're going to say, hoping the other person takes the route that we want them to.

Today, we were in ICT and (as usual) I was visiting the forums and saw a post that needed my attention - we had three people dashing backwards and forwards all helping compile an answer - we actually checked every word in the references that had been quoted - lets hope he takes our bait *waits to pounce*




Rent a cop

19:42 May 08 2007
Times Read: 1,059

There is a *new* coffee shop in a nearby town, actually it isn't new at all. It used to be downstairs in a really really small 'mall' now its upstairs.

The owner actually wrote out a sign that young people had to wait at a sign before being let in - he looks you over, checks you have enough money to buy something then lets you in - after a few minutes you get not too subtle hints to hurry up and leave.

Today there was a uniformed guard at the desk !

He looked like the owner's bother. This uniform was really over the top, lots of badges and a sort of strap that went around his arm, under his shoulder flap thing and onto his belt ? Ideal if you want to strangle him I guess.

Anyhow he wouldn't let us in until the 'others had left', even though they were the ones we had gone there to meet ... so I start chatting about his career in law enforcement - I asked him how many times he had applied and been turned down by the real police

I am now banned for 24 hours ... I'll try not to lose any sleep over it




Bank Holiday Monday

20:05 May 07 2007
Times Read: 1,064

Invasion of the Body Snatchers wasn't worth the time to stay up watching ...

Its a national holiday in the UK, called 'Bank Holiday' I have no idea why. It was a really quiet day for me until noon.

Got up this morning to try and beat my 'how many items can you list on the database in one hour' record - unfortunately I got interupted, so my record stands :(

Had a pond emergency call oooo *drama*. It's funny really because it looked like any other job to me. Pond had gone green in the sunlight was all (green will never kill your fish, it will just stop you from seeing them). I got dropped off with trailer and boss picked me up a couple of hours later. The difference between routine cleaning and an emergency seems to be £110

A guy on the news was diagnosed with terminal cancer and went out and spent all his money. Now he's been told he hasn't got cancer, but he's also got no money left. I was in sort of mixed feelings especially as he's now sueing the hospital for his spending spree - really mixed feelings. Then the news report says he's having to sell his home to cover his debts - seems to me he was planning to use other people's money during his spree thinking he couldn't be chased to pay it all back - with that all sympathy vanished




Ooh errr

23:41 May 06 2007
Times Read: 1,071

I know I'm mid discussion on some threads but I have to leave

Its a public holiday tomorrow so I am staying up watch "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" mwahahaha





22:19 May 05 2007
Times Read: 1,080

It's been a busy day, now I am all fed and watered ... its VR time :)

I had to go all the way to Birmingham today, that's like 2 hours in the bosses truck, towing the trailer.

We get there and do the magic on the pond, maybe it would have been easier if he didn't let the empty beer and lager cans into the pond.

There's very little oxygen in the pond water, which is why the fishies are gulping air (he thinks the fish are *frisky*). I start up our air pump and drop 10 big airstones in the water thinking that will soon get it sorted, the pond vacuum I use will make sure the water is well circulated so no prob

I finish off with a chemical test - the test strip goes shades of blue, this went green! Luckily the boss is just coming back to help me pack up, I'm worried if I have done something wrong [I didn't think you could over-oxygenate but I was in a panic] - boss has seen this before, talks to the guy and - yup - he's been using washing up liquid to clean the stones around the edge of the pond !

We do a part water change to help it out (£ 40), well I learned something more today *nods*




This is how it's done ....

20:25 May 05 2007
Times Read: 1,087

THIS is how to get my attention, respect and a re-rate


| Block |

Date: 19:34:38 - May 05 2007


Comment: hey there, would you pls consider a re-rate? i've just updated my profile. thanks ;)


AND (just realised) he was my 1000th rate - awesome





23:38 May 04 2007
Times Read: 1,110

Well I thought I would turn lurking off a while to try and get a 3 in a line with Cancer at the top, Sentoran middle and a procurator at the bottom [see my game from previous months for details] - Hah! that was a mistake

I get two '1' rates straight away, nice of them

but here I am trying to do procurator magic while I am getting 9 whelp one-line messages all saying "greetings" "how old r u" "do u got gf" ... I deleted them and ignored them, but I had to stop what I was doing to read them ... I love getting messages but I have standards LOL

Lurking gets back on, it will be a while before I switch it off again





11:22 May 03 2007
Times Read: 1,130

I thought if I made the hole bigger I would get a bird faster, so I went up the ladder to take the box down to use the jigsaw on it.

Inside the box is some (not much) grass .... wooooo. I snuck down and now check it every 20 minutes or so :)




Debating ...

16:41 May 02 2007
Times Read: 1,150

There are two absolute no-no's when debating formally;

The 'lead to fall' - this is a tactic when, while appearing to agree with a part of the motion, you seriously undermine it but lead on by supporting the next part. Then, when answering the second part, you absolutely destroy the first part and undermine the second part but appear to be supporting the next part. At the end of the debate, your opponent will actually think they have won, because you have at some time supported every part of their motion. They don't realise that, to people who are not so close to the subject, their case is in tatters.

The 'stomp' - this is a tactic where your information is better than the opposition. You break their motion into bite site chunks and absolutely smash it by saying - that is wrong because, oh and that and that. If the opponent has made a stupid mistake you don't just correct it, you make sure the world knows it. You use short sentences and take a short moment between each one, to make sure the audience realises your opponent has no argument left standing.

In online debating both of these tactics seem to work really well, I think its because you lack the visible clues that you would usually use to know when to expand on a point or make something clearer.

The problem is online, no-one notices that the motion has been defeated, and keeps propping up a lost cause.

I might try an experiment in a day or two ....

be afraid ... be very afraid





20:41 May 01 2007
Times Read: 1,155

Stonehenge has been restored to the general forum :)

I managed to list an entire authors series on the Database, closely pursued by a rating hound ;)

Its been a really productive evening

All I need now is a bird in my bird box and I will be content





16:28 May 01 2007
Times Read: 1,166

I'm following two threads at the moment.

One on Vlad the impaler, mostly because I know something about him and can speak the language a little. He wasn't a vampire, in fact he did nothing occult - ever

The other on Stonehenge, mostly because whenever we get bored, its where we get taken (to prove you can get even more bored, I guess - they're rocks people!)

Anyhow the henge predates any mention of vampires and most modern religions, they're surrounded in mystery, they're all caught up in pagan ritual, ley lines, sacrifice .... they're still used by druids - they are 100% occult

So it gets moved to the Sandbox, "the place where the cat does its business" all that effort, just thrown out to be RIA'd in a few hours



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