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PRO-LIFE quotes and ABORTION statistics

23:51 May 07 2009
Times Read: 579

"God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't. That decision doesn't belong to us." -Mel Gibson

"Why women have abortions? 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient)."

"Ive noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born." - Ronald Reagan

"It is a poverty that a "child must die", So that you may live as you wish... - Mother Teresa

"Worldwide- Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million. Number of abortions per day: Approximately 115,000."

"Indeed the tragedy of abortion haunts women from all walks of life. Abortion advocates are spending millions to package their tired rhetoric and half-truths in cutting-edge advertising campaigns targeted to young women." -Patricia Heaton

"I had the abortion and paid for it all my life." -Jennifer O'Neil

Abortion kills not only the baby, but it tears apart the heart of the mother. Many women who have gone through this horrific experience live to regret it most of their lives. The women I know who have gone through with this procedure wish with everything in them that they could take it back.

Abortion hurts. It hurts the women who have lost their baby. It hurts the man who would have been a loving father. It hurts the children who have been robbed of a sibling. It hurts the grandparents who would have rocked the child to sleep and spoiled it with affection. And most of all, it hurts the child who never got the chance to laugh, cry, or dream of the future.

Stand in the gap for those who can't speak for themselves. One of the speakers at the Walk for Life said: "Don't you think that those 5 million babies who were aborted would be walking behind you if they could?" The thought nearly brings tears to your eyes.

Be in prayer. What is God calling you to do to help out in the "greatest civil rights movement of our time"?



00:08 May 08 2009

Pro Choice,Pro Freedom Of Expression,Pro America.

i am all for everyone choosing and making their own decisions and choices,it's about individualtity and what works for one person might not work for the next person,the only thing i am against is followers and ignorance.

10:26 May 08 2009

A shame that Mel and co don't pay for the childs food, clothing, education etc, if they did maybe they would would have a stronger arguement.


Mother Theresa's quotes against abortion.

23:46 May 07 2009
Times Read: 580

"I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself."

"And if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"

"By abortion the Mother does not learn to love, but kills her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibilty at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women to the same trouble. So abortion leads to more abortion."

"Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion"

"Any country that accepts abortion is the poorest of the poor"

"Many people are concerned with children of India, with the children of Africa where quite a few die of hunger, and so on. Many people are also concerned about the violence in this great country of the United States. These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is the greatest destroyer of peace today- abortion which brings people to such blindness."

"We must remember that life begins at home and we must also remember that the future of humanity passes through the family"

"The way to plan the family is natural family planning not contraception. In destroying the power of giving life, through contraception, a husband or wife is doing something to self, and so it destroys the gift of life in him or her"

"Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily"

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you live as you wish"

"Be humble like Mary so that you can be holy like Jesus"




PRO-LIFE Day of Silent Solidarity

23:38 May 07 2009
Times Read: 581

I just wanted people to know Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity is October 20th 2009.





01:21 May 07 2009
Times Read: 585

Pro-Choice is Pathetic!!!

Anti-life organizations incessantly portray pro-life and pro-family activists as radical, right-wing, woman-hating, clinic-bombing, Bible-thumping nuts.

Aside from simply being bitter, ignorant, domineering bullies, there is a reason why these organizations carefully craft and propagate this false façade. See, the thing is, pro-aborts do not 'convert' people to be pro-abortion. They assimilate. They target kids who are still in school and inundate their world with false stereotypes of the angry anti-choice extremists and the big, brave, beautiful pro-choicers.

Do you realize the enormity of this? Think about it. The group that supports pedophilia, the Chinese forced-abortion program, child pornography and third-trimester partial-birth abortions for convenience have successfully labeled individuals who oppose child murder as the extremists! These are the same psychos who label little old ladies with rosary beads outside of abortion clinics as 'scary'.

It's laughable, but the youth of America fall for it.

It never ceases to amaze me how baffled students get on campuses after meeting life activists. It's so surprising to them when the dangerous anti-choice extremists are simply politely dialoguing with students and providing facts-based information. Then things get really confusing when the pro-life kids start getting verbally and physically assaulted on all sides from the peace loving pro-choicers, bless their courageous little hearts.

This false stereotype not only controls the ignorant youth of America, it is controlling pro-lifers as well. Too many activists are walking around scared of asserting the truth of abortion for fear of falling into this fabricated joke of a typecast. Too many people get overly defensive and let the pro-aborts control them by playing along with the semantic games. Words like 'murder', 'pro-abort' and 'baby killer' are taboo and are dutifully replaced with words like 'decision', 'pro-choice' and 'abortionist'.

While we're off playing nice, groups like Planned Parenthood continue to systematically attack, slander and smear the image of lifers - all the while innocent children nationwide are being killed in nazi-esque disassembly lines. On college campuses - where the false image of pro-lifers is most vital in its effectiveness - if abortion is spoken of in anything other than glowing terms, you're considered an offensive extremist who should be shunned by polite society.

Uh, question. Why should we worry about not offending the baby killers? Killing babies offends me! If speaking the truth in love boldly and unapologetically is offensive, then pro-lifers need to get offensive.

We are battling against a wealth of lies and well formed propaganda that is deceiving a nation. It's high time that pro-lifers shatter the false stereotype of "anti-choice extremists" by pointing out who the real extremists are and why.

When I call pro-choicers 'ignorant', it is only because they deny the basics of elementary school biology, modern medical science and common sense. (Ig.nor.ant - 1. lacking education or knowledge; 2. unaware or uninformed)

When I call pro-choicers 'violent', it is only because in the past six years Human Life International has documented well over 8,500 acts of violence and illegal activities by pro-aborts. These crimes include homicides and other killings, arson, bombings, vandalism and physical and verbal assaults. (Vi.o.lent - 1. emotional agitation to the point of loss of self-control; 2. prone to commit acts of force)

And when I call pro-choicers 'pathetic', it is only because anyone who knowingly supports the act of a helpless child being savagely ripped apart and torn piece by bloody piece from its mothers' womb is a pathetic human being. (Pa.thet.ic - 1. miserably or contemptibly inadequate; 2. causing or evoking pity, sadness or sorrow)

When society recognizes pro-aborts as such, how many impressionable youth do you think will be jumping on the 'pro-choice' bandwagon? Their harebrained logic should be ridiculed. Their idiocy should be laughed at. False pro-life and pro-choice stereotypes need to be challenged.

But we will never win this battle against the preborn when we're playing by their rules. What favors are we doing the youth of America by censoring facts or jumping into the wordplay rhetoric that is the triumph of Planned Parenthood? What good are we doing leaving impressionable kids a safe haven in ignorance?

In late 2007 Jill Stanek conducted a poll in which she asked pro-lifers how they viewed the term, 'pro-aborts'. 24.8% of respondents voted that the phrase was, "Inappropriate, inaccurate and accomplishes nothing." That's 24.8% of pro-lifers that need to snap out of it.

Pro-choice advocates advocate abortion. Therefore they are pro-aborts. Abortionists know that they are killing babies. Therefore they are baby killers. Who cares if they don't like these titles? Forget the word games and tell it as it is. Why should we continue the ineffectual coddling of the vilest aspects of the abortion community?

Mass idiocy persists because complacent people allow it to. If anti-slavery activists insisted on the coddling of slave traders, slave owners and dehumanizing rhetoric that many pro-lifers seem keen on adopting for pro-choicers, we would still have slavery in our midst. We are fighting for victims who do not have voices of their own. We don't have time to play games and let supporters of mass baby slaughter sit cozy in their cocoon of idiocy. If abortion is murder, let's act like it and tell it like it is.




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT:"What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?"

01:15 May 07 2009
Times Read: 586


"What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?"


If a man told the police that he beat his ex-girlfriend to death because, “If I can’t have her, nobody can,” no one would buy that as a defense for what he did. That’s because society expects men to accept that they don’t own their wives or girlfriends, and to have the emotional strength to deal with knowing that “their woman” is with someone else. But the pro-choice mentality is that women are too hysterical and weak to live up to that standard. Instead, behavior that is reprehensible and criminal in men, must be treated as a “choice” for women. It is also interesting that the same people who say women risk being traumatized by placing their babies for adoption, also sell the idea that women are never traumatized by having their babies butchered.




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT:"Why don’t you help people who are already here, like the homeless?"

01:12 May 07 2009
Times Read: 587


"Why don’t you help people who are already here, like the homeless?"


First, unborn children are already here. If that were not the case, there would be nothing to kill. Second, there are about 3,000 crisis pregnancy centers in America, each funded and staffed by the pro-life movement and each providing its services free of charge. Third, when pro-life groups solicit money to finance these centers, our biggest problem is that almost every pro-lifer we approach is also contributing to other organizations whose sole purpose is to help people.

This claim that pro-lifers only care about abortion is an outright lie. However, let’s assume that no pro-lifer anywhere in the world is involved in even one effort to help other people. What does that have to do with our efforts to keep the pro-choice mob from killing every baby they can get their hands on? Where is it written that when someone tries to prevent innocent human beings from being butchered, they are responsible for solving all the world’s social problems? If a man tries to stop a poor child from being murdered in a drive-by shooting, do we say it’s none of his business unless he has a plan to end poverty?

There is a legal group called the Innocence Project which represents prisoners who claim they were falsely convicted. They have been successful in numerous instances where they were able to prove that a man was on death row for a murder he didn’t commit.

When they are trying to save the life of a condemned prisoner who may be innocent, should they be told to butt out unless they are doing something about homelessness, child abuse, hunger, and all of the world’s other social problems? As ridiculous as that sounds, that is precisely what the pro-choice crowd says about abortion. They say that unless the pro-life movement can solve all the problems an unborn girl might face in her life, then we have no right to keep them from killing her.

The reality is, when the choice is between helping people who have no place to live or helping people who are being butchered by the millions, we have to choose the latter.

However, if the pro-choice crowd is so concerned about homelessness, they have the power to end it anytime they want to. All they have to do is pick out one homeless person and take him home. Since there are more abortion advocates than homeless people, this would end the problem instantly, without controversy and without tax money. In fact, they could use this “adult adoption” plan to eliminate hunger, poverty, unemployment or any other social problem.

Of course, the pro-choice crowd is never going to go for this. Their only interest in the homeless, or the poor, or the unemployed, or the hungry, or any other disadvantaged group is to use them as a skirt to hide behind so they don’t have to defend abortion.




Early Feminists were PRO-LIFE

01:09 May 07 2009
Times Read: 588

*How can any woman call herself a feminist and believe that killing a child is ok? When I think of a Feminist, I think of a REAL Woman who will take responsibility of her actions to care and love for her child, NOT destroy it's life so she may live as she wishes.

Modern day feminists need to study their history of feminism. The early feminists would be appalled to see how modern women believe that killing their unborn is the only way to retain their rights as women.Look at these quotes:

"Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who...drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!" -Susan B.Anthony in The Revolution, 1869

"Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child, nor think of murdering one before its birth." -Victoria Woodhull, America's first female presidential candidate.Wheeling, West Virginia Evening Standard November 17, 1875

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton in a letter to Julia Ward Howe, October 16, 1873. Recorded in Howe's diary at Harvard University Library.

"Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women." -Alice Paul, the author of the original Equal Rights Amendment (1923)

"The gross perversion and destruction of motherhood by the abortionist filled me with indignation, and awakened active antagonism. That the honorable term “female physician” should be exclusively applied to those women who carried on this shocking trade seemed to me a horror. It was an utter degradation of what might and should become a noble position for women." -Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female physician, in her diary, where she recorded her thoughts about Madame Restell, an early New York abortionist. 1845.

I wonder what these women would say to Gloria Steinem, Patricia Ireland, Nancy Pelosi, Dawn Johnsen, and all others who support murdering unborn children.




What's your view on birth control?

01:06 May 07 2009
Times Read: 590

This is not my belief. I'm a taker of birth control.

Except, I'm pregnant, so not at the moment.

What are your views on birth control?

Some Pro-lifers think that birth control is ok while others believe that it is also a form of abortion. What are your views of birth control and why?

I myself am guilty of taking birth control in the past. I took birth control because I got pregnant at the age of 17 (and yes, proud to say I kept my baby) but I was sexually active and at that time I didn't know the risks nor that birth control can actually let you get pregnant then do away with the baby so that he/she cannot implant.

I personally believe that life begins at Conception. I think that anyone who does not want to get pregnant should understand that birth control is not always accurate in preventing pregnancy and it can also allow you get pregnant, but can terminate an existing life.

I have stated before that I do not bash people for believing in birth control. However, I do believe that you should look into the facts. Birth control came from the infamous Margaret Swanger, leader of Planned Parenthood. She is also the one who stated that Abortion empowers women.

I would just like to hear your views on birth control. Do you believe that birth control is just an early form of abortion or do you really believe that it helps women from getting pregnant?

But you also have to think, a woman who is sexually active and doesn't take direct contraceptives, only uses condoms, or nothing at all can become pregnant, and her body aborts it before the egg can develop into an embryo.




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT: "Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one."

01:01 May 07 2009
Times Read: 591


"Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one."


This sort of arrogance is typical of people who recognize that their pro-choice position cannot be defended on its own merits. Of course, it must be difficult trying to make the practice of turning mothers of live babies into mothers of dead babies seem appealing.

However, this “don’t like – don’t have” idea has possibilities. In fact, it’s a concept the pro-life movement could enthusiastically support. All we ask is that the same offer be extended to the unborn. That only seems fair given that every time a mom has an abortion her baby also has one. Since it seems unlikely that unborn children like abortion, under this “don’t like – don’t have” philosophy they should be given the option of not having one.

That brings up an interesting question.Would all these people who call themselves pro-choice still be pro-choice if they were the ones being chosen? If it were possible to place them back into their mom’s wombs, and then interview them there, would they still have this cynical “don’t-like-abortion-then-don’t-have-one” attitude? Would they still be making this sort of moronic statement if they were the ones who might be ripped apart alive, ground up in a garbage disposal and flushed down the city sewer system?




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT:"What’s the big deal? Abortion is just a simple five-minute procedure."

00:58 May 07 2009
Times Read: 592


"What’s the big deal? Abortion is just a simple five-minute procedure."


So what? A criminal can hold up a convenience store and gun down everybody in the place in less than five minutes. A drunk driver can kill an entire family in a split second. In five minutes, a woman can be raped and murdered. These are just a few examples of “simple procedures” that only take a short time to accomplish.So what is the significance of how long an abortion takes?

Imagine that a baby girl is about to be aborted, but instead of doing it inside the womb she is taken out alive and placed on a table. Then, her arms are pulled off, her legs are pulled off, her chest is crushed, her skull is collapsed causing her brains to pour out, etc. There will also be a monitor hooked up to her so we can see her heart race as this simple procedure begins.

The only difference between this ex-utero abortion and the other 3,000 in-utero abortions happening today, is that this one is going to be shown live on national television.The question is, would the public’s reaction to what they saw be swayed by the fact it only took five minutes?




Pro-life Open House Meet-Up

00:31 May 07 2009
Times Read: 593

The Justice House Of Prayer in Washington D.C. (JHOP D.C.) is hosting an Open House May 6th - 8th.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area we would really like to meet and connect with you.

For more info visit: www.JHOPDC.com




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT:"Those graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.

00:10 May 07 2009
Times Read: 597


"Those graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.



To begin with, why would we need to use phony pictures when dead babies can be found in abortion clinic dumpsters?

More importantly, where would we get stillborn babies to photograph? Stillborn babies are legally required to be sent to either a funeral home for embalming and then burial or cremation.

Also, if those dead babies were stillborn and not aborted, where did all the wounds and torn-off body parts come from? Does anyone seriously believe that hospitals provide us with baby corpses which we then beat to a pulp, dismember, and photograph?

As for miscarriages, when they occur the medical standard of care is that the material is sent out for a pathology report. So why would a physician give it to the pro-life movement to photograph? Perhaps the pro-choice mob is implying that these photos come from women who have miscarriages at home. That could be. After all, when a woman loses her baby the first thing she probably thinks about is alerting the pro-life movement so we can rush over with our lights and cameras.

Of course, the real question is why the abortion lobby becomes so hysterical over these pictures. If legal abortion is such a positive thing, not to mention a “fundamental constitutional right,” these photos should be found in every abortion clinic ad and on posters hanging in the offices of every pro-choice politician in America.

It is the ultimate in hypocrisy for these people to object when we show the bodies of the babies they killed, and we’re not the only ones who recognize this. In an article, Our Bodies, Our Souls, published in The New Republic magazine on October 16, 1995, the rabid pro-abort, Naomi Wolf, stated, “Those photographs are in fact photographs of actual D&Cs; those footprints are in fact the footprints of a 10-week-old fetus; the pro-life slogan, ‘Abortion stops a beating heart,’ is incontrovertibly true. While images of violent fetal death work magnificently for pro-lifers as political polemic, the pictures are not polemical in themselves: they are biological facts. ...How can we charge that it is vile and repulsive for pro-lifers to brandish vile and repulsive images if the images are real? To insist that the truth is in poor taste is the height of hypocrisy.

The pro-choice crowd throws a tantrum over these photographs for the same reason they panic over technology like 4-D and color ultrasound. Both expose realities which the abortion industry desperately needs to keep hidden. Ultrasound transforms the argument that unborn children are living human beings from a belief into an observable fact, and the graphic photos prove that abortion is the brutal murder of those children. For pro-aborts, that is a devastating one-two punch. They realize that when people see these images, the only way for them to support legalized abortion is to either deny what they are seeing with their own eyes, or harden their hearts to it.




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT: "Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.

00:03 May 07 2009
Times Read: 598


"Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.



First, only the earliest abortions can be bought for $300. Later ones can reach $5,000 to $10,000. But even if an abortionist only kills the youngest babies, it doesn’t require a degree in economics to figure out that $300 for ten minutes work is more than $5,000 for nine months work.

Second, when you look at the history of most abortionists, what you find is that they are not only moral degenerates, but also the washouts and losers of medicine. When a person’s medical career has deteriorated to the point of working at an abortion clinic, the choice he or she has is not between doing abortions or delivering babies, but between doing abortions or being out of work. The fact is, without the abortion business, these people would be washing BMWs, not driving them.




Church Denominations Allow Abortion and The Born Alive Protection Act

00:00 May 07 2009
Times Read: 599

Jill Stanek on the O'Reilly Factor





PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT:"Our abortion clinic routinely gets letters from women telling us how grateful they are for the service we provided them.

23:50 May 06 2009
Times Read: 600


"Our abortion clinic routinely gets letters from women telling us how grateful they are for the service we provided them.



So what? The man who is having an affair is grateful to his neighbors who keep his wife in the dark. The hit-and-run driver who kills a pedestrian is grateful to his friends who were in the car and didn’t call the police. The alcoholic who is always late for work is grateful to the co-workers who cover up for him. Gratitude just means that someone did what someone else wanted them to do, not that what they did was right. The gratitude of a woman toward the remorseless serial killer she hired to slaughter her child, is a textbook example of that phenomenon.

"CHOICE another pretty word for murder."




PRO-ABORTION ARGUMENT:"I’ve known several women who had abortions and they didn’t regret it at all."

23:44 May 06 2009
Times Read: 602


"I’ve known several women who had abortions and they didn’t regret it at all."


Adolf Eichmann went to his execution saying he did not regret his participation in the Nazi holocaust. That does not make what he did defensible. Lack of regret relates to the conscience of the person acting, not to the rightness of the act. If some pervert sexually assaults his neighbor’s five-year-old daughter, whether he regrets it or not is irrelevant.

Now if we really want to see what role regret plays in the abortion issue, let’s survey women who dealt with unplanned pregnancies in their past. Let’s ask those who aborted if they now wish that they had given birth, and ask those who gave birth if they now wish they had aborted. What we will find is that for every woman who says she regrets giving life to her child, thousands will say they regret killing theirs. That explains why there are now literally thousands of support groups across America to help women overcome the emotional train wreck of abortion, but no one has found it necessary to start even one support group to help women deal with the emotional toll of letting their children live.

The fact is, after more than 30 years of legal abortion, if there is one thing we know for certain, it is that regrets about an abortion decision are only experienced by women who have them – not by those who don’t.




Pro-Abortion Argument

23:42 May 06 2009
Times Read: 604


"Have you pro-lifers ever thought about the possibility that you may be wrong?"


Any rational human being considers that possibility regarding any position they take. However, this question is better suited for our opponents. If the pro-life movement is wrong, then we are guilty of trying to deny women a constitutional right. But if the pro-choice side is wrong, then they are directly responsible for the mass murder of innocent children. So the question is, would it be better to be pro-life and wrong or pro-choice and wrong?



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