immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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14 entries this month

07:39 Dec 28 2016
Times Read: 1,316

Watching "Wishful Drinking" on HBO. Carrie Fisher was such an amazing and funny woman. She will be sorely missed.




23:55 Dec 26 2016
Times Read: 1,333

Liz finds out the sex of the baby tomorrow. We're going to have a small family dinner and do the reveal then. But, it won't be until the 14th of January, and, well, I want to know as soon as possible. I want to know if I'm going to have a little niece or nephew I get to spoil rotten. I'm hoping it's a girl, but that's just me being selfish. Everyone is saying it's going to be a boy, so, we'll see in a few weeks.




00:04 Dec 24 2016
Times Read: 1,360

Went and saw Rogue One last night, and it was great. It was a fantastic bridge from the events in the prequels to the events in the original movies. And Vader... Man, I fucking love Vader. I wish he had more screen time, but what he did have was great.

Honestly, it was really nice seeing George again. Just catching up and talking, hanging out and enjoying each other's company. He left this morning, which makes me sad. We only spent maybe, six or so hours together, three and a half of which were at the movie theatre. I honestly didn't want to leave. I could have just stayed in that bed, cuddling with him all night. Well, under the blankets because he had the air conditioner turned on and set at 60 degrees. It was freezing in that room and to him it was still too warm. Ugh. I hate that he had to go back up North so soon. But he did say he'd come back down soon. I won't let us go another 8 or whoever many years without seeing him again.




18:12 Dec 22 2016
Times Read: 1,380

Made the trek out to Los Angeles today with my dad, headed over to Calvary cemetery to visit my great grandmother and my grandfather (not by blood), Ralph, for Christmas. Left some very pretty flowers for my great grandmother and grandfather, great uncle Arthur, and for Ralph. It was nice to see that my grandmother and my aunt must have visited earlier in the week, as the graves were done up with Christmas decorations. Sometime before the end of the year I'm going to have to go visit David and my great uncle Del and my cousin Robert. It was far too rainy to make the visit to both cemetery today. Hopefully I can get back out there next week, weather permitting. I miss them. I miss all of them so freaking much...



12:44 Dec 23 2016

-Hugs- I'm sorry, sweetheart. Keep your chin up, yeah? I'm here for you.


23:22 Dec 21 2016
Times Read: 1,399

So, George is coming down tomorrow, and I am seriously looking forward to seeing him. But, of course, I'm sick. I was sick last week, but I thought I got over it, and maybe I did, but now I've got a sore throat. I hate the winter and my stupidly weak immune system. I won't let this tarnish this visit, though. I haven't seen my Georgie in so damn long. I can't freaking wait!




09:36 Dec 18 2016
Times Read: 1,423

I've started watching True Blood again. It's the funniest thing, the bar, Fangtasia, is actually a bar in Long Beach called Alex's Bar. I've been there a few times over the years, saw a really really bad David Bowie cover band there once... But seeing it in the dolled up fashion it is in the show makes me want to go back sometime. It actually is decked out in skulls and the female bathroom has murals of little vampire girls on the horribly pink walls. I'd love to know if they still sell the True Blood merchandise, since the show's been done for quite some time. I actually had my first overpriced bottle of TruBlood there. The little things that make me laugh, I suppose. I remember now why I loved and hated this show as I'm going through it again. Always a fan of Bill, even above Erik, and despite his character.



13:42 Dec 18 2016

Must be Bill's Southern charm. :)


10:37 Dec 16 2016
Times Read: 1,442

I've gotten really onto Westworld. I started watching it tonight, as a friend said it was good, it took half an episode to hook me. Now, 6 episodes in and I'm loving it. It's really interesting, to see how the stories play out, how disgusting humans can be given absolute freedom to do whatever and be whomever they desire. And how these creations, these artificially intelligent beings change as time goes on.



11:39 Dec 16 2016

Its addicting!!

17:24 Dec 16 2016

I just watched the whole thing again. But do we really have to wait two years for season 2? Some of these actors aren't getting any younger!


20:46 Dec 13 2016
Times Read: 1,465

Woke up feeling like utter crap. I think, when I get the car later, I'm going to have to go out and stock up on some soup. But for now, I think it's time for some medicine and a nap.



10:18 Dec 14 2016

Get lots of rest and feel better. My husband is sick too. He went to work yesterday morning saying he felt like he was coming down with something; by the time he got home he looked awful. Last night I woke a little after 3 to find him pulling on clothing; he said he was freezing. He was coughing and really congested.

He couldn't take today off. It sucks.


10:54 Dec 12 2016
Times Read: 1,494

So, I got back in contact with my Georgie. And, we have a date next week. It's been forever since he and I have seen each other, a lot of shit has happened in that time. It'll be nice just to catch up with him. Kind of glad I never deleted his number and that he had snapchat.




06:48 Dec 08 2016
Times Read: 1,530

So, I got my new phone. My parents put in half for it and called it my Christmas present. And, I love it. I was torn between the new iPhone and the Galaxy S7, but in the end I stuck with what I know, Samsung. I'm happy, since it only cost me around $150 (plus $11 every month for insurance) instead of the $350+ it would have been, plus they got me a case, screen protector, and car charger on top of it. Seriously, this is the best present I could have asked for, since I was in dire need of a new phone.




08:01 Dec 07 2016
Times Read: 1,563

It's been a year, I think it's time to get back on the dating scene. I love Chris, boy do I love him, but I can't keep holding on to someone who doesn't want to be held on to.



08:06 Dec 07 2016

I'm sorry you're going through this but I spent 3 years feeling the way you do so take time and heal your heart and get out there. let the right person see you shine take care..

08:47 Dec 07 2016

I know that to well and it sucks

10:37 Dec 07 2016



00:10 Dec 05 2016
Times Read: 1,591

I have decided, my little niece or nephew is going to be spoiled by their aunt Nicole. Looking at baby stuff is addicting. I don't want a kid of my own, not yet, but when my sister-in-law and brother have theirs, oh man, I'm gonna have some fun. Start them off young, get them into space and science and all things nerdy. That's the great thing about being an aunt, I get all the fun and none of the actual responsibility of having the child myself.



02:06 Dec 05 2016

It's great being an aunt!!! I love it!


05:55 Dec 04 2016
Times Read: 1,606

I walked into Verizon, just intent on looking at the phones available to me, and wound up nearly buying the Galaxy S7. But, I had to be the responsible adult and walk away since, at the moment, I cannot afford to buy a new phone. Oh, I desperately need one, the screen on my S5 doesn't turn on without me having to press the power button about 50 times, or take the battery out altogether, but, I really don't have the money for it right now. The girl tried to really talk me into it, oh, I could make monthly payments, oh, I could put down half now and pay the rest on my bill for however long it takes. It was tempting. Maybe for Christmas.




04:08 Dec 02 2016
Times Read: 1,626

Relaxing in my recliner, warm blanket and some hot coco from Starbucks, listening to Creepypasta stories on YouTube as I look at baby stuff I want to get for my brother and sister-in-law. Baby stuff is just so fun to look at.



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