Lets see if any remembers this display pic... its a old pic from 2003 i believe but its a favorite. i just remembered i had it still was looking though all my old pics.
Man it feels so nice to drive again ^_^ Went to go start my car yesterday and the battery was completely dead I was like WTF man go figure something had to happen the day i can drive again. wasnt a big deal charged it for 10 mins and i was good to go. Im just happy that no one has to drive me around anymore. I get my back struts fixed on saturday, im very happy about that. everything seems to be going good right now which is nice. I just want to be able to get this job, i should call them tomorrow that always helps.
I can drive again my licence got reinstated today!! oh so happy ^_^
So my ex sends me a message today saying he's getting rid of the other dog that we had when we were together. He wants to know if i want him and I do want him back but my parents well mostly my dad doesnt want a dog in the house and i just cant move out right now or i would ive been wanting to move so much lately but no money to move. yup its the same deal as when my ex got rid of our pit bull and i wanted him and couldnt have him here but its the jack russel now. :(
ive been trying to get my parents to let me have one of my friends puppies too but that hasnt been working out so good been trying to get a puppy since before they were born.
some other news is I cant live with my parents anymore. My dad and I have the same personalities in many ways and we clash. Been alot of yelling. cant take it anymore i really need to figure out how to move sooner. it should be a little better since I get my license back tomorrow! yay for me thats one good thing in my life right now another is i might be getting a job at a gas station and that means i get to quit subway for good! ^_^
Yup tomorrow will be good. I will wake up and check out the dmv site to see if my license is reinstated or if i have to wait a few more hours then its off to hayward i go. Man its gonna be so nice to drive again. not having anyone run me around all the time. leave the house when i want to get out anytime. yup i cant wait less then 24 hours to go. ^_^
*sets pen down* Im done I just filled out the app. for one of two the gas stations in town. wish me luck i really hope i get the job. The guy who owns it asked my friend about me so thats good and i guess the 2 night people have put there 2 weeks notice in too. so yeah it looks good just have to turn it in tomorrow.
So I've been thinking about this for awhile off and on and lately its been everyday. I want to move but I just dont know where. I love it where I live right now been comming here since I was a baby, its so beautiful here and then theres my hometown that I miss so very much. all I know is I want to move back out of my parents house again. I have all my bills paid off from the year i lived in menomonie, that was a bad year. Right now the thing is i dont have any money saved up well i did but I needed to buy a car. So the first goal is to figure out my jobs, I need to quit the good old subway job that drives me crazy. I am applying to a gas station this week and hope to have that for a full time job, and keep 1 or 2 of my housekeeping jobs partime. the second goal of this plan is to start saving money up and catch up on the few bills that I owe. I plan to save up for the next 6 months or so and then the 3rd and finial goal is to decide to move somewhere here or move back to my hometown. well it sounds like a good plan, it should be a great time.
Well I'm back been away for 3 days just relaxing over at a friends. It was nice I needed a break from everything. well im off to rest now still alittle sick :( and pretty tired.
Argh... So I went out to eat with my friend today at the local cafe for lunch it was nice. good food but i have food poisoning now its not that bad but it sucks. I think i shall lay down now. other then that it has been a great day off just hung out and watched some tv and movies. back to work tomorrow.
Fuck it! I was going to work today but I just decided that im taking today off. hehe. Im bad. ^_^ Ive beeing busting my ass for 3 weeks spring cleaning by myself, only had a few days off cuz of the snow storm and going to the hospital 2 times. I dont think my boss will care fuck we are family shes my cousin so its all good. Hmmm what shall I do today? maybe go have lunch with a friend, that sounds good. man it feels nice just to say fuck it with something. sometimes you just need to think about yourself and take a personal day.
Well that made me happy, I started a painting!. Im going to be painting a willow tree, it sucks right now but i hope it turns out good in the end. I hope that i can finish it too i never finish anything it seems. maybe i will post it on the house art page too. ^__^
good for you, hope you finish it.
Good luck ^.^
I always prefered painting models and minitures, but that's if you have good eye sight for all the tiny details >.<
lol i dont i suck at painting alot i just like to think im good i cant blend colors good lol
Well I think that I will paint. yup that sounds like a good idea. Since i bought new paints, paint brushes and canvases 4 months ago and there just sitting there collecting dust. but now the question is what should i paint? hmmm this will be interesting. I will be happy with myself if i do start painting something.
*hits head aginst wall over and over again* Well Im bored theres nothing to do. I wish i had my licence back right now so I could at least drive around right now. 11 more days and i get it back! yay for me well thats one good thing in my life right now. I guess i shall dig threw some movies and find one to watch. blah thats all i seem to be doing lately is watching a shit ton of movies. i kinda want to drink right now but i dont have any mixers for vodka so thats out of the question. If my friend shows up at all today which i highly doubt will happen I could finsih cleaning there house and have something to drink there since half my stuff is over there. yup thats right besides haveing 3 jobs I kinda have a 4th one cleaning my friends house. I feel like im always doing something for someone else.man there i start to ramble again i dont mean to it just seems to happen. man i think im gonna start saving up for a vacation that sounds like a good idea ^_^
*runs away* man that would be nice. I need a vacation so bad im not kidding.
Well if i ever get sick again I am telling the doctor to never put me on these meds ever again. I feel to many of the side affects. the one thats really been hitting me is the mental/ mood personality change aka Depression! All day Ive been very sad thinking about how my life sucks its not were i want it to be and i want to quit all 3 of my jobs. I want a job that i like I want a carrer I want to figure out what i want to go to school for. I want to be able to move out and support myself. I want independence so bad. I want to be able to have a relationship and a family some day. ARGH there i go being a downer right now but thats whats been on my mind so much the past few days. Is that to much to ask for? I guess so it seems to be happening every slow or on hold right now. And I want to see my friends so bad in my hometown i wish i could drive down there right now but i have to wait til may, i want to stay down there for a week but that wont happen so 2 days sounds good. AnyWho My plan tonight is to get pretty drunk and watch the movie Juno. man that felt good just to get that out sometimes you just need to let everything out I have alot more that i want to let out but will not right now. Man someone cheer me up!
Well I'm starting to feel better I can notice the difference with the meds but also the meds are making me feel like i want to throw up all the time and i its hard to sleep that should go away in a few days when im done with the meds. Once i start feeling better Im going to plan on working on a diet and a work out. I really need to lose some weight, i really need to stick to it this time since i never stick to a diet lol. well im gonna go lay down and finish my movie.
Well Im going to try and work today. i know i wont get a full 8 hours in but somethings better then nothing. i can do something easy like clean the kitchen in the cabain that shouldnt be to bad i hope. I do feel a little better from the meds my cough sounds better which is good. i slept pretty good only woke up about 2 times which was nice. man sometimes i feel like im just falling apart lol something is always wrong with me im either sick or i end up hurting myself. it really sucks being accident prone sometimes.
on a lighter note been thinking a bout going to college but im still not sure about it yet. its been then the back of my mind for awhile it tends to pop out more when im trying to figure out my life. I hope my life starts falling in to place soon that would be nice.
Man bronchitis is so much fun... not! the doctor gave me prednisone to help with it, i have to take that for a week. I should start feeling a difference soon. So yeah I think im going to quit smoking ciggs for good or at least try to, the smokeing is not helping since im prone to having bronchitis. I used to get it when i was a kid, then it stoped. then i got it in 2006, 2007 and now 2008. its hell i can handle just about anything else but i cant handle bronchitis im a big baby, i just cant stand the coughing spells it really hurts alot. last week when i had went to the hospital for my eye i told my mom just wait and see what happens next week lol i was only kidding about that but damn i ended up going to the hospital anyways who would have guessed that i would have gotten bronchitis, it always almost comes in the fall. i think last year i got it in october so it hasnt even been 1 year i just went back in my myspace blog wow and the time before i think was in november or december 2006. I really need to change something. Man its going to be hard to quit smoking fuck. i will figure something out time to rest again.
so im off to the hospital again. I have bronchitis and i need meds. last year i toughed it out but ive been coughing non stop since 5 am and before that in less then a hour ive drank a half bottle of robitussin and it really hasnt done much.
man i feel like im in a snow globe its so pretty out side. the snow is still falling about 10 inches right now and we are supose to get about another 6 inches. there is a blizzard warning out til tomorrow at 7am. the news channel is telling people not to drive unless the have to, its only going to get worse ouside. im taking the day off today its bad out there with the wind and all the snow. I do have some pics my mom and me were out taking pics. I will post them later.
you're so lucky. can't wait until i move home to washington state in a few years....i'll have the snow back.
Ten inches of snow would grind everything here in the UK to a halt for at least a week lol
Well it looks like winter again. We are getting hit with a snow storm. Supose to get 2 feet of snow or more! i dont want anymore snow it was just finaly starting to melt and now this. but its really pretty outside though. tomorrow morning when i wake up its going to be so gorgeous with the snow covering everything and weighing the tree branchs down. might be a good day to take some pics.
20 more days and i get my license back. i so cant wait ^_^ just have to fix a few things on my car and i should be good to go.
woot, you'll love that car, they're very reliable.
Well I can tell my eye is healing good. I cant feel the scratches anymore when i move my eye, which is really nice. 5 more days of eye drops all the time and it should be 100% better. ^_^
Thats a great sign! yay
fuck, that scared the shit out of me, but thanks for the good advice. you just "never know" when that awful spray will jump up into your eyes.
fuck i was scared alot but i handled it really well. the doctors were impressed :) its safety glasses for me for now on.
I wish my eye was healed or i didnt get the oven cleaner in it, The scratchy feeling is really just bothering me, it feels like i have stuff in my eye. i really should put the numbing drops in but it stings bad since i have burns/scratches on my eye.at least it should only be a week of this and i will be glad to have this over and dont with im gonna be sick of eye drops too lol. Im putting them in as much as i can i want it to heal right and heel good. man i am so glad this didnt happen to both eyes that would have sucked big time. I know im kind of whiney right now but you would be to if it happend to you.
well i went to the Ophthalmoligst in ashland today. that bill is gonna be nice since they are closed on sundays. The doctor said that my eye is healing really well. yay for me! She gave me a few more things for my eye. I have to put alot of things in my eye everyday for a week. I have to put tobradex drops in 4 times a day, Celluvisc/systane drops in my eye every 10 to 15 mins, and tobradex ointment in my eye before i go to bed, and if i need it put a drop of numbing eye drops in my left eye(which i wont need and dont want it it really burns bad!). if you ever get oven cleaner in your eye rinse it out for about a half hour and then go straight to the ER. its not a fun time but you dont want to fuck you eye up bad.
So I ended up going to the hospital last night. poisin control called me back and i told them how my eye felt scratchy and they said to go to the hospital, ended up going to ashland which is 50 miles away could have went to hayward which was 30 miles away but theres a better chance of a eye doctor in ashland. I was at the hospital for over 2 hours! it sucked, they put numbing drops in my eye which hurt llike hell. and flushed my eye out for an hour. man was that boring. they checked me out alittle more and then gave me 3 different things for my eye and some pain pills, man that throbing hurt really bad it wasnt a fun ride home i felt sick the whole way and ended up getting sick. I past out right when i got home it was a really long day for me. thats why im up at 4 am right now cuz i went to sleep really early. well i have to go to an eye docter at 8 30 today wish me luck i hope my eye will be ok.
im going to the hospital wish me luck damn oven cleaner in the eye.
so i was cleaning a oven at a cabain today and i got oven cleaner in my eye! my eye feels really fucked up right now. rinsed it for along time with water. my mom and cousin were helping and and calling hospitals and poison controll. right now we are just watching my eye if it gets wrose i get to go to the hospital. or if it is bad in the morning i get to go to the hospital too. I advise everyone to not get oven cleaner in your eye its not fun!. i really hope my eye is going to be ok.
Holy crap! Hope everything's fine.
so sorry.
I bought a car today!!!!!!!!! I bought a 1997 FORD ESCORT LE. its so pretty. it runs really nice too, just needs a new back strut thats about it. 24 more days and i get my licence back!
Congratz ^.^
Looks like it has alot of room in the trunk; possibly big enough to hide a... Well, you get the idea >.>
Looks good.
got me a '98. 120k and counting, runs like a top. :)