things have been going good lately, just been working alot with 2 jobs, I love my new job its so much better then subway. And things are going great with the new guy so i guess you can say we're a couple now :) oh so i found out that my sister is gonna have a baby! so i will be a aunt again. im so very happy for her she found a great man and is now starting a family. Im glad for myself too that i found a great guy finaly i think this one gonna be good for me which i need ive had alot of shitty relationships in the past. no one should have to go through what i went through. another plus is my bills are almost paid off so that means i can start saving to move out soon! life is just great lately im going forward and not feeling like im stuck in nuetreal anymore.
Well its 3am wow! yup just got home from my date which started at 5 30 pm been gone along time. Had a really great time. yup so yeah i thinks that i really like this dude alot and he likes me so thats always good. anyways its off to bed for me Have to work at 10 am.