Some reflections about what Sovereignity is09:57 Apr 05 2022
Times Read: 178
Someone told that we all, Real Vampyres, are Kings and Queens, Princes and Princess. A Vampyre is different of all those poor human beings that destroy their planet with wars and all sorts of malices. We, Vampyres, have sovereignty, that's to say, the supreme power or authority... but atention! What does it means?
It doesn't mean that we, Vampyres, rule other people but we, Vampyres rule ourselves, our life, our body, our emotions, our thoughts, our spiritually... We are our Sovereigns.
Vampyre, or any other spiritual being in which one identifies with, Willpower is everything (well, most of it at least).
We -as spiritually advanced beings- are able to manipulate energy, merely by speaking, but by mind too. So one must have complete rulership over oneself.
The three essential foundations in which sovereignty is formed are:
1) If you say you are to do something, do it!
2) If you say you will not do something, then- for the sake of your dignity- do not do it!
3) If you are unsure of something, objectively seek a solution as best you can.
•Be not a hypocrite! And keep in mind, we are all subject to making a mistake.
If that is the case, merely admit your faults, learn from them, and move on like the badass being that you are!
Have a nice night!