Vampyre donors09:32 Jun 19 2023
Times Read: 128
The subject of donors is something that fascinates me and, in fact, I feel very identified with.
I have read Father Sebastian's book "Vampyre Magick: The Grimoire of the Living Vampire". In it he gives a broad classification of the existing types of vampyres (blood vampires, psychological vampyres, mixed vampyres and... donors).
A donor can be, in turn, a vampyre, or not. He/she is a person who freely, voluntarily and altruistically offers himself to another vampyre to provide him with different types of help, from a few drops of blood, vital energy, moral, personal and emotional support... to others.
I find that submission really fascinating... maybe the fact of being a donor is in the human nature/vampiric nature: one is born like that and only feels really fulfilled when he/she feels dominated by another vampyre.
It's not easy for a vampyre to find a good donor. But it is not easy either, when you are a donor, to find a good vampyre who knows how to make the most of the vampire-donor relationship. A bond is created that goes beyond sexual attraction, affection or energetic donation.
It is a subject, without a doubt, to reflect on.