All3yCaT's Journal

All3yCaT's Journal


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6 entries this month



20:12 Oct 12 2005
Times Read: 725

When you think of your past and remember that day,

just think of the choice that sent you this way.

Try to comprehend how the pieces fit in,

realizing the enigma as the shadows wear thin.

Timing is everything to see the next step,

a wrong choice or decision is a long non-stop trip.

If we could see answers to all life's little ways,

it wouldn't be so hard to see through the haze.

Seeing is learning and that is the test,

if you made the right choices at the start of this quest.

Live in the real world, a life and a goal,

good friends and true meaning ~ let love feed your soul.

So be careful of false signs, of tricks and of strife,

you'll remember those choices when you look back at your life.

The right things in life are here by your choice,

you made this yourself, now sit back and rejoice.

Don't cry over spilt milk, the past or the curves,

your choices just bring you to the place you deserve.




The Art Of Looking

20:10 Oct 12 2005
Times Read: 726

Look clearly at your life and not just your own,

how much is reality, and how much is unknown.

It's not measured in beauty, possessions or wealth,

but measured in consciousness and judged by yourself.

Do you wonder is this is your chance,

to examine the future and all that might last?

Material things just gather the dust,

whereas tought becomes life force and this is the thrust.

A look in the mirror at the start of each day,

a vision of emptiness... but a nice resume.

It's all in the cards ~ but its not yet a deck,

sit back and slow down, take time to reflect.

Look clearly at life and into your own,

understanding the choices that cannot be postponed.




Cause and Effect

20:08 Oct 12 2005
Times Read: 727

The search for the answers to life and its laws,

is rooted in everything, since effects have theyr cause.

It's as easy as saying when words hit a wall,

they come back at the speaker like a red rubber ball.

You can't hide any garbage, or mess up in this dream...

all your actions are viwed from beyond the mainstream.

The ancients all look for that place ~ Shangri-La,

and reflect in the knowledge of what is known as Karma.

You can study the ancients for all that's concealed,

or you can look toward intentions to have all be revealed.

It's as simple as saying that your toughts are alive,

they create actions and reactions unseen to the eyes.

It's difficult understanding that life's a charade,

or that feras create reality... if you're slightly afraid.

A guru can teach you the path that's unsaid,

these words try to show you that it's inside of your head.

The effect of knowledge is about to unfold...

the missing link in this puzzle is not seizing your goals.




Fountain Of Youth

20:07 Oct 12 2005
Times Read: 728

Beginning from children we search for the cure,

that will change our opinions from doubt to secure.

A miracle potion that just takes one drink,

turns dreams to reality... in the time of a wink.

You want in an instant ~ what takes a life time,

not willing to study or develope your mind.

But if you're a taveler on a search for the truth,

you could glimpse that illusion, that Fountain of Youth.

It begins as an image that seems inside-out,

with depth and with substance when clearly thought out.

Some think the fountain is a place you can find,

and spend theyr life searching... when it's all in the mind.

Start on a journey that will change your whole life,

look inward, with eyes closed ~ to master foresight.

Change lessons to harmony, and deception to truth,

you can attain all you search for ~ that's the Fountain of Youth.




Starting Points

20:06 Oct 12 2005
Times Read: 729

The world as we view it is much like a dance,

you can take what is coming and live it by chance...

Or seek answers to questions and live it by choice,

just follow your heart and answer its voice.

Chance brings that karmic phenomenon,

manifested reactions from what you have done.

Look for a place that's hidden within,

search for the message, that's where to begin.

Talk to yourself, have conversation inside,

it's a matter of choice, create from the mind.

Picture yourself in a world all your own,

then bring it to life from the seed to the sown.

Search and discover the source of white light,

don't settle for anything, reach for the heights.

Your goals are the answer to what you achieve,

and it's almost like magic when you start to belive.

Truth and intuition... bring gifts to rejoice,

go it by chance or live it by choice!




My sin...

16:41 Oct 07 2005
Times Read: 732

Tears will fall from your eyes

And fear will feed on your cries

Cause where was once trust,

There is now only dust

And where was once love,

Now lives only lust.

The world will stop smiling at you

Cause they will only see through.

Darkness will cover the rainbow that was

And death will steal the innocent rose.

Rain will fall down your golden throne

Until gold turns into black stone.

And where was once gold,

Now lies a graveyard stone.

Not to forget the sins that you've sinned,

The white rose turns red as it bleeds.

And tears will fall from my eyes,

And fear shall feed on my cries

Cause love never dies,

Not even in a pointless life...



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