Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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4 entries this month

Eyes Wide- Cadrewolf

22:04 Dec 19 2023
Times Read: 132

Eyes wide but cannot see

The visions of ones soul

Written on blank pages

That no one has control

A mirror is a false illusion

That holds us in its grasp

Showing us what society

Has deemed as outcast

The Moon has vanished

Behind clouds it seems

Darkness fills the night

Allowing shadows to creep

A minds twisted illusion

A darkened soul in despair

A path once more divided

Worlds grasp to much to bare

Words should never be said

To show emotion of heart

Temptation of the flesh

That should never start

A Mouth shall be sealed

Never to utter any words

Of societies taboo beauty

And its noises to be heard

Once again this soul

Shall hide and sleep

Only muttering thoughts

To himself shall perceived

If to teach is to learn

By bringing words to lite

Than this solemn voice

Will always be Quiet

No this from deep within

My words i did show

To unbind a trapped soul

Never to hurt or condone

I shall venture off

Blank pages never filled

A single word or two

May only be spilled

Look into the night

If no moon to be seen

Remember my words

Enchanted they may seem

Look into your depths

And down in your heart

Feel those emotions

the art of words will start

Write to the heavens

Let the words sing out

Cover those blank pages

Of your life's solemn bouts

Become my voice

Of where I taken thee

And you'll be the teacher

For others to be pleased





00:59 Dec 14 2023
Times Read: 159

In the light of the moon

On this clear clear night

My mind seems to change

And my soul takes flight

The blanket of earth

Which I do call home

Fails to comfort me

As my body seems to roam

A hunger deep inside of me

Takes over my emotional state

Looking for inner peace

To quench a dark flame

Peace will come

When the hunger is done

But who on this night

When all sense seems to bond

Passion or emotion

Which feeling is right

For when the light comes

Will tell my story of the night

Death does come

On the wings of night

To cause mortals fear

With a single bite

To feed and feel

The passion that’s drained

A lifeless soul

Which another I have claimed




Christmas at the Elks-Cadrewolf

22:02 Dec 06 2023
Times Read: 188

T’was the night before Christmas,
And all through out the stores,
Men were looking for gifts
For the wives that they adore.

Undies and nighties were hung
On the racks with care
Creating traffic jams in isles
As the men stopped to stare.

Dave, John and Steve were huddled
In the sportswear instead
While visions of hunting
Danced in their head.

While Ed in his boots
And Darrin in his cap
Were rolling on the floor
Fighting over a grinch lamp

When in the next isle
There rose such a clatter
I raced around the corner
To see what was the matter

Bob was getting angry
The swear words seem to flash
For he tore open his wallet
And Betty had stolen his cash.

He threw from his chest
A ring made of gold
Gave a small clank as it lay
On the isle floor below.

And what to my ears,
Should be heard
Laughter so ridiculous
It could only be absurd

With a little skimpy dress
And a boa that coiled
Shoes and earrings to match
Oh, my god it was Oboyle

Laughing and giggling
As happy as he came
He whistled and danced
And called out my name.

As I shook my head,
And was turning around
I bumped into Dewayne
Check out he was bound.

Dressed all in black
From his head to his toe
Hoping to do shopping
Without no one to know.

And there was Kevin
A face quiet and droll
Looking for a real gift
Other than a baby of snow.

Mr. Wehrley was walking
Down each isle with a grin
Since it was Christmas Eve
His shopping was to begin.

He chuckled and laughed
At all the idiots around
He just shook his head
Grabbed the first thing he found

So then I was off
To the check-out so bliss
Checkers so slow
Oh what could they miss?

Skip was in the next line
Towering over them all
I just chuckled inside
He was on a horse so small.

I ran through the door
And away in my car
Hoping the next year
I just could be at the bar

I sped through the parking lot
As much as I dared
I rounded the corner
My luck Mike was there

He smiled and waved
Gave a merry jest
Ticket in my hand
As my Christmas gift

I sat at the Elks
And gave a sigh of relief
I made it through shopping
On yet another Christmas Eve,




Life is a Mystery-Cadrewolf

22:39 Dec 04 2023
Times Read: 203

Life is a mystery
For all not to see.
You live and love
What else could there be?

A life of love,
True and bold,
A woman and child
In their arms you hold.

Life so simple
Yet so true,
A love so strong
No reason to be blue.

Moments you share,
A life of dreams.
The love you give
Foolish as it seems.

A heart to be broken
Or maybe to cherish.
Love uncertain.
Never embarrass.

Life is a mystery
For all not to see.
You live and love.
‘What else can there be?

Love of a wife,
Simple, but true
From the very start
With the words of “I do”.

Warmth of her flesh,
Gentle a kiss,
Taste of nectar,
Love is bliss.

A birth of a child,
So small and sweet.
Love of parents,
Nothing can compete.

A child will grow,
Dreams they’ll share.
Memories never lost,
Hate never bared.

Life is a mystery
For all not to see.
You live and you die,
What else can there be?

A day will come
Uncertain but true.
One love will perish,
The other to be blue.

Uncertain destiny.
Memories yet lost
Maybe a new love
What will it cost?

Dreams of old,
A child pulled apart.
Memories of new
And maybe a fresh start.

Love renewed
Warmth of a heart.
Dreams to share,
Love never to be apart.

Life is a mystery
For all not to see.
You live and love
This is all there can be.



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