WeepingAngel's Journal

WeepingAngel's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month

18:38 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 804

~*~Choose your own adventure~*~

The adventures of a VR Whelp

You join VR, you look at the profile edit box, and fill it with a couple of random pictures from other sites and 'if you want to know anything, ask me'.

By most standards, that's not worth a 10.

Then a couple months later you decide you like VR and buy a premium membership.

You then proceed to go through every rate you've had since you joined, most of which will naturally be low because of a lack of profile.

Now pay attention, because here is the choice you have to make:

Do you:

A - Wait until you've done up your profile with the nice new CSS function, visit all the people who rated you low, and ask them nicely to re-rate?

B - Choose a VR skin, visit all the people who rated you low, and give them the same rating, despite them having a good profile?

C - Choose a VR skin, visit all the people who rated you low, ask them to re-rate you, then cry because you still haven't gotten the 10 you feel you now deserve.

If you chose A, you're a decent person of the type we like on VR, and will most probably get a 10 or close, just for asking nicely.

If you chose B - you should've stayed on VampireFreaks where 10's are handed out like a joint at a stoners convention. Now go away until you can learn to play nicely.

If you chose C - Buying premium doesn't guarantee you a 10. Make an effort like the rest of us and EARN one.




08:01 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 812

*sigh* Another revenge rater, this time in the portfolio. He had 2 pictures uploaded and one in the GD of something he drew himself. in my rating system, each picture is worth 2 points. so I gave him 6.

Profile for guitlystar2


| Block |

Date: 05:02:03 - Mar 31 2008

Rating: 6

I've got a ton of pics in a scroll box on my GD, as well as 8 pieces of my own art in the thumbnails too. Doesn't exactly compare, does it?

And please, learn to spell your name properly! Nothing looks more retarded than a misspelt username, seriously.

It figures i'll get a lot of these with the fair rating policy we're doing in Bohemia. But to me, a revenge rating is NOT a fair one.

Early mornings make me crabby...I really should stop checking rates and things at this time of day!




12:31 Mar 28 2008
Times Read: 821

Ye gods...I've just looked at my profile in a 1024x768 resolution...is that what people are seeing when they look? I think I should start designing for that resolution as well as the 1280x1024 I currently use...pain in the ass!




21:33 Mar 20 2008
Times Read: 870

Now, I'm not going to point out every single thing about this profile...most of it speaks for itself. I just thought i'd keep it for posterity, and to give me a giggle when I need cheering up.

By the way, the atrocious spelling is his own work...

Quote: i sever my mistress till the day i am bested

Think he means 'serve'??

I am the the vampire king Alucard i serve my mistress in anyways shape or form!!! I am also the servint of the pandor1aMaharet. i hunt my owen kind to protect man kind from the forces of darknessbut there are time humans get in my way and i deal with them in a horible ways i am amonster and i will do what needs to be done!!!

i warn every one now if they cant handle a monster like me leave me the fuck alone i do not wish to be bothered by human, vampire, lycan or hybrid cowards i hade enoght of ppl ether running for help or picking a fight with some one its very boring give me some one thats worth fighting not some lil coward that will run on the hint of danger!!! Cuz i tell you now i will carry out my orders!!!

i warn you now piss me off in any way i will deal with you my self i fear no one in this god forsaken world so bring you minions and pothetic dogs i will slauter them all if i feel threatened cuz i am a monster and not afraid to kill!!!!

my alpha female fangsmakemesing i love and care for her and her pack there importent to me so hurt them in anyways i will hunt you down!!!!!

i will protect my pack forever

along with the lil pups there so bloody cute

the ingnorince of humans is amusing

He must find himself hilarious then

Why would i ever hide from an apponint im always waiting for some sort of fun and entertainmint

i am pleased to see there's some ppl that will challenge me the world would be so borring with out idiots that run at danger!!! cuz i would be waiting on the other side of the door waiting for you!!!

i enjoy feeding and turning the ppl i bite to train them to be a true vampire!!!

my protectors nah dont need them but have them

this poem i deadicat to my love

night by night i think about you!!

night by night i cry of the thoght of not holding you!!

night by night i wish i could make you the happyest woman on earth!!

night by night i know my love towards you is true!!!

night by night i wish to hold you!!

night by night i think of my love for you!!

night by night i wish i was with you to hold you in my arms!!

night by night i die inside cuz your not with me my love!!

night by night i sha'll always love you every night and every day with the hope to hold you in my arm's one day to show my love for you!!

this poem is for my love only if i se it in any profile but mine i will kill!!!

Kill what precisely? Doesn't he know you can't murder through a screen...?

i have fallen inlove with an angel that has fallen from heaven

i am waiting for combat so dont mistake my pationswith cowardis

fight me i am ready for you you might loose a leg or 2

i await thos who seek me out in the darkness of night come to me my vampire children and i sha'll teach you how to be a true vampire

i love calm and beautifull nights its makes me want a bite to drink

as i said before i serve the pandor1aMaharet

i love the darkness as it was my home i do not hide from any one or any thing i am a monster i fear no man or woman!!

Apparently the only thing he fears is a dictionary...

i watch over my mistress during the night so be warned hurt her in anyway shape or form ill deal with you my self!!

and yes i do bite

ok if you are going to add me tell me i do not in joy not knowing the one who adds me its very its disrespectfull not telling the one you add so tell me unless you want to be shot...

It's also very disrespectful making threats over the internet. No wait, I don't mean disrespectful, what's that other word...pathetic...

rate me fairly and you sha'll reseve the same treatmint

Meaning; Give me a ten or else I'll cry

So, there we go. My little bit of fun for the evening. Anyone wants to know who's profile this is, ask me privately, or look in Daire's journal. That's how I found this little gem...




Mood - confused

20:53 Mar 19 2008
Times Read: 896

Now, I can kind of understand the mentality behind adding someone to your friends list because they have rated you; a misguided idea that they may actually be seeking out your online company...

But what's the deal here? "iowabunny" has just added me to her list...I've never rated her, she's never rated me, she joined this site today...

What gives?

Oh well, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and see if she tries to initiate conversation. If not...i'll crack the old message open again!




21:22 Mar 18 2008
Times Read: 913

Expecting a ten for doing sod all?

Get real!

Expecting a ten simply for joining up?

Hell no!

Expecting a ten and spitting your dummy out when you don't get one?

Typical childish behaviour!

Some people just get on my nerves.

Think of it this way. Giving a ten to someone with a few lines and pictures defeats the whole point of numbers 1-9, and means that a 10 given to a profile that actually has evidence of work on it is meaningless, and unfair to the person who has made the effort.

You want a ten?

Fucking EARN it, like the rest of us!

[end rant]




00:59 Mar 15 2008
Times Read: 934

I hate ungrateful people. I made three graphics for someone, and he never bothered to thank me, or even acknowledge that I sent them to him.

I mean, I don't expect a life-long friendship to spring up from doing a few graphics, but I would have liked a thank you at least.





07:18 Mar 13 2008
Times Read: 956

Random thought....I wonder if there'd be quite so many inane and 'I don't know' posts in the forums if posts didnt count towards levelling up...




07:51 Mar 11 2008
Times Read: 1,061

My friend was berated by this particular master for not reporting a portfolio with contraband in it.

Below are the rules which 'Bob' and my friend, both mentioned in previous entries, were expected to follow. Bear in mind that these rules pertain ONLY to a particular society, NOT to the whole of VR, except the italic section, which is part of TOS.

Most anything is fine on a profile, unless it is against VR policy. You may not post illegal material. You may not post any pornographic or obscene material. If you are ever in doubt, ask one of the Assistants.

•Anyone who rates a profile that has been suspended for infinity with a welcome message will be suspended for 3 days.

•Anyone who rates an empty profile with a 10 will face a 3 day suspension.

•Empty (very short, 2 or 3 lines) profiles don't get automatic 10.

•Suspended accounts get a 1 and no stamp.


Portfolios are personal pictures, artistry the person created and pictures the person has taken. If they can’t verify that they have the copyright to the pictures they have on it, it is considered illegal by VR standards. Here are the Portfolio rules.

•No copyrighted work unless you own the copyright.

•You may post pictures where you are the model or where you are the photographer.

•Currently there is no limit to the number of pictures you can upload. Please do not abuse this or a limit will be imposed.

Nudity policy:

What is allowed:

- Side nude shots.

- Female breasts shots that do not include the nipple.

- Butt shots that do not include the anus or genitals.

What is NOT allowed:

- Pictures of genitals.

- Pictures of sex acts.

- Everything not listed in What is allowed.

*Portfolio's not meeting the above criteria may be deleted without warning by the administration.*

Suggestion on how to handle it if you come across a illegal profile or portfolio:

Rate them a 1 with an explanation which picture or what is considered illegal. Explain you will re-rate them, once the picture is taken off. In a couple days, check back and see if they have changed it. If they do not heed your warning, notify XXXXXX or any VR Administrator and give him the name of the Profile or Portfolio in question. Again when in doubt, contact one of our Assistants or XXXXXX himself.

An example of what to write: Unfortunately, some of your pictures on your portfolio are illegal from VR standards. Copyrighted material is not allowed here, if found by a admin, your portfolio could be deleted. I am rating you low per my own house rules. If you remove the copyrighted material, I am willing to re-rate.

*Anyone who rates a portfolio with contraband images in it and doesn’t mention it to the owner will face a 5 day suspension.*

Of course, the fact that these are only the society rules didn't stop the master coming after ex- or non-members of said society for breaking the rules of the society they're not a part of...you see where I'm going with this?




23:10 Mar 10 2008
Times Read: 1,071

Throwing your weight around and threatening my friends is not mature behaviour. She doesn't belong to you, what she does now is none of your business. And don't expect her to do your job for you.




08:24 Mar 10 2008
Times Read: 1,087

This will probably cause a barrage of nasty comments if I use real names...so to avoid stressing anyone (including myself) out, i'll be discreet. But it's something I would like to vent about; and being my journal I'm damn well going to do so!

As I perused the journals I came across one entry about a member (i'll call them Bob) who got downrated for - shall we say - a rather petty reason. Now, I'm not calling the rater (who i'll call Bill) up on their reasons for rating - we all have our own ways - but the thing that got me way that this member tried to make out that they'd downrated this person for violating TOS.

Bob had rated a VR member under suspension with a ten. In itself pretty pointless, but you don't always see the red writing atop a suspended profile. But then Bill comes ditty-bopping along and rates Bob with a 1, citing the fact that he did it because of the rate that Bob left. Bill then beseeched Bob to 'grow up and read the VR manual'.

Now, if I have understood the context of this correctly, Bill is trying to make Bob believe that rating someone a ten while they're under suspension contravenes TOS. It doesn't. We are free to rate anyone whatever the hell we please, and there is nothing in the manual or TOS that says otherwise. Bill was in the right to give Bob a 1, but Bob was also in the right to give Bill the 1 back, as he did, and also to give the 10 to the suspended member.

There is one explanation for this; Bill is a member of a society which states that if a member is under suspension you should not rate them any more or less than a 1. Possibly the society master has added a rule that anyone who does should also be given a 1. That's their prerogative. And would have been fine...if Bob had been a member of Bill's society.

But he's not. Although this society is a prominent one on VR...the rules followed within do not apply to the rest of us. The society is not the be-all and end-all of VR, by any means. Bob does not have to follow your rules, nor should he be punished for not doing so. Nor should he be made to think he's broken any rules of VR by not doing so.

*sigh* Thats way too long a rant for 8.30am!




21:34 Mar 04 2008
Times Read: 1,099

I wish we could group the people on our friends lists. Like, one group for coven/house mates, one for random people, one for people you talk to regularly...etc.

Just a thought. I'm musing.




There's always one

20:40 Mar 01 2008
Times Read: 1,133

I had a great response from the message I sent out asking people to remove me from their friends list. To date, 11 people have done as I asked, with no quarrel or nasty comeback.

Except one. There's always one.

From the bottom:

Message To: evildiva32

I'm sorry, I didn't think I was being bitchy! I could have been...but the fact that I put 'Many thanks' at the end kinda took away from the bitchiness. I simply asked politely. You have a funny idea of bitchiness. And nobody else has had a problem.

Thank you very much for removing me from your list, and have a lovely weekend x

On 10:46:45 Mar 01 2008 (-6 GMT) evildiva32 wrote:

With attitude like that we would have nbever been anyway. You've been removed but you don't have to be a bitch about it!


On 13:33:26 Feb 28 2008 (-6 GMT) Maledicta wrote:

Please remove me from your friends list because we are not friends.

Many thanks.

With attitude like that, i'm glad she removed me from her list, as I don't wish to be associated with someone like that! Thanks dear, you've done me a huge favour!



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