No you stupid fucking cunt. Negative honor because you decided to run your mouth about people you know nothing about. Ohh Yes it's so noble of you to defend a child predator with a known record. 🙄
But don't go and play victim now. I'm just getting started.
It's also not my fault you suck random cheese dicks at a glory hole for 5 cents a pop. You fucking dumb twat. Maybe next time you'll keep your stupid whore cock holster mouth shut before you try to play captain save a pedophile. While making stupid fucking comments about my coven family.
Bring it bitch , you're down -600 honor want to keep it going?
There's more where that came from. "Ahhh Struck a nerve" You say? More like you should of kept your stupid whore mouth shut. You seriously have no idea who you are fucking with. It takes a special kinda or drama leeching parasite. To defend a child predator with a record. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
You're nothing but a drama seeking attention whore.
I fucking don't care if you give me negative honor. Lol. I can definitely give you a lot more. Don't think you're going to talk about my coven family and expect me to just fucking roll over.
You like to sneak around and give members negative honor like we all don't know it's you. Bitch please I can drop you a negative -300 points in a day. You have now been blocked and deleted. So you may now kiss my ass.
what happened?
Love the song, BTW That profile Kantha is the same person. They just like to harass and blackmail women out of their profiles.
You obviously have no idea who I am. But please Keep making assumptions about things you know nothing about.
#1 Just because someone has been been a Sire for 7 years.
It doesn't mean they weren't traded on another account 10 years ago or whenever these events took place.
#2 How does someone that works 60 hours a week, live on a Website?
#3 Feel free to resort to childish name calling when all else fails.
#4 I honestly do not give a fuck who you think you are, Or what you have to say. You are nothing but a stupid fucking cunt if you're defending a child predator.
#5 The details of someone else's personal life is none of your fucking business. since you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.