Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


Honor: 146    [ Give / Take ]


16 entries this month

06:35 Jan 31 2025
Times Read: 47

I believe you mean more charismatic, and badass than ALL GTA protags...
But I was never a GTA fan~




22:22 Jan 28 2025
Times Read: 96

Umm, I'm not.
I'm not calling for either of these.
The thing about pausing... It gives you time to think. Which gives you time to overthink. In my vast FromSoftware experience, the best way to fight a boss is just do it, all instinct. Generally, the more you try, the worse you do because you're stopping to overthink it. But no, please, let's continue to whine that a difficult game is too difficult until they completely change it, you little bitches. If you need a difficulty setting then you need to get off these fucking games, they're not for you, sweetie, go back to Animal Crossing~




01:38 Jan 28 2025
Times Read: 132

There are some things I've been waiting to see in the Atomic Shop...
But haven't come up in all my time playing 76. But. Bethesda allows you to request old shop items in exchange for Atoms on your account. They have a whole form for it on their website that's actually pretty easy to fill out. So hopefully... Imma finally get my devil horns😈




02:29 Jan 27 2025
Times Read: 180

Playing around with my build...
Can be dangerous. Obviously what I had was working, and worked well. But was there room for improvement? Mostly in my Legendaries. I'd had the same Legendaries since level 350, two in particular I felt I could replace. Ammo Factory and Far Flung Fireworks. Ammo Factory obviously you craft more ammo when you go to make it, but I'm kinda past my ammo issues, I can pretty much afford the supplies to make as much as I need, that's typically what I dump most of my caps into. Far Flung Fireworks makes a certain percentage of your bullets explode on kill, and as fun as that is, it's not super beneficial. It dies do damage to surrounding enemies, but only really noticeable to weaker ones so. It's better to increase your base SPECIAL stats with those legendaries, it's a noticeable difference in the before:
And after:
The extra AP is just... beautiful. But nice difference in health, and damage resistance too. Next I'm going to work on the Legendaries on my armor because apparently some I have don't stack so it's wasted potential for something useful. I did notice that after I reworked my build a bit my damage, despite not trying for more damage, I am doing it. Which I guess could be from kinda going for a food build, having cards that give you greater benefits from eating and drinking, and keeping full. I did consider going Junkie, but... It's easier, and more consistent to find food than drugs xD You pop Perfeft Bubblegum, that's an hour without having to eat, and gum is fairly cheap. The next Legendary Perk I'm looking at getting rid of is What Rads? Which essentially quickly heals any radiation you take. But... that's all it does, and there is a Legendary Mod in armor that also automatically heals rad damage so if I can get my build, and my armor on the same page we'll be able to put another five points into a SPECIAL which means more cards for more perks although I'm not sure what I'd add at this point🤔
A lot of people have been working on new characters, getting ready to turn them into ghouls when the update drops. I dunno, after just getting to 1000 the thought of starting another character... Maybe some day. The thought of being a ghoul doesn't entice me. Let me be an assaultron... then we'll talk~




04:39 Jan 26 2025
Times Read: 232

The Deathclaw Hunter Outfit
Never seen it before. It's semi-rare, only drops from Mole Miner Treater Hunter pails. Probably not something I'd ever wear, but still nice to have found. I'm anxious to see what Valentines Day rewards we'll get. The pink jumpsuit I've been wearing the last few months was last year's big reward, and I love it. Pretty much everything pink I have came from a V-Day bundle so hopefully they'll release something good this year. Unfortunately, Fasnacht Day also occurs around this same time... but I've heard one of the new masks is a Jackalope... so obviously I need that~




18:20 Jan 25 2025
Times Read: 264

When there are three level 1000+s patiently waiting for players to join the event, and the level 25 bumrushes over to start it immediately...
Thanks for saving us, Captain Moron, we definitely couldn't have started it without you~




15:22 Jan 24 2025
Times Read: 296

Personally... I don't think Fallout 76 needs a world chat because I don't need people telling me how to play, where to stand, what to shoot, and most importantly, that I'm killing things too fast because after two+ years of playing you come to realize that the Wasteland is full of decent people, but also an overwhelming amount of man-babies who can't stand anyone playing a game better than them, and the tantrums that ensue are often hilarious, but also extremely pathetic. There's enough toxicity through gestures, imagine the shit-talking through text. Cause sure, you can get on mic, but most people are unconfrontational pussies who would rather hide behind text than voice. And honestly, getting into an argument over a game in any form... If you don't like someone, hop servers. I enjoy a bit of competitiveness from other players, let's see what you've got, let's see if you can out-damage me, but the ego on some of these idiots... You'd think you were dealing with children, but in my experience most of the 76 players I encounter are around my age or older. And that makes sense because Fallout is an older series, a tougher game, and I wouldn't really call it a trendy game. The TV show helped, but I think a lot of people are kinda over that. Unfortunately, the TV show brought an influx of new players, and it drastically changed the game in a lot of negative ways. They keep pushing it into more of a generic MMO instead of the wacky, quirky thing it was before. People complain about the bugs, and the glitches, but... that's Fallout.




06:14 Jan 23 2025
Times Read: 328

He could lay anywhere in this house... this is an act of war from a fluffy anarchist~
Will I be buying the Switch 2? I don't think it's necessary. Obviously I prefer my PS5. I haven't hardly touched the gaming PC. I like my Switch, I think it's a great console, but I don't think I'd see the need to upgrade it.




04:21 Jan 22 2025
Times Read: 371

I'm standing in an event in 76, Radiation Rumble, going through my pipboy, making sure I'm ready, paying absolutely no attention to anything around me...
Suddenly a voice, probably the worst Joker impression ever, "Whhhhhy so serious?"
I slow turn towards him. I heart emote him.
He runs away...
Coward xD
Why so awkward?



03:14 Jan 23 2025

He'll remember that moment till he's forty.


21:59 Jan 20 2025
Times Read: 410

So if you're looking for 4-star mods the best place is camps that are parked next to the Gleaming Depths entrance. Makes sense, these are obviously people grinding them out. Supposedly there's an update coming out tomorrow that's going to affect Raids so we'll see if they get better or worse. Generally when Bethesda tries to balance something it ends up being worse for just about everyone if not flat out broken...
I did spend the 25,000 caps for Polished, but it suits my build.
I tend to repair my gun after every event so it's pretty much always at max durability except during longer events, but I also always carry improved repair kits. The only other compelling mod I saw was one that your weapon did more damage the more enemies around you. But enemies tend to die so quickly, especially during bigger events, that it's not really as viable in my opinion. Of course, this guy didn't have every 4-star, but I'm happy with my purchase, I think it'll do well with my gun. The only real issue with my gun is it's not super great against armored enemies. It can definitely grind them down, even bosses, but it takes longer than if you used a Railway Rifle. I dunno, I just don't like the Railway Rifle, I've tried it a few times even as a secondary specifically for armored enemies, and I don't enjoy it so I don't use it. I swear it's the choo-choos, I just can't xD




07:04 Jan 19 2025
Times Read: 452

If your wifey for lifey is a woman who planned the vicious assassination of her own brother... ya know, I gotta question your taste in women a little bit. And that's coming from a yandere. At least as a yandere I stand for something. I guess it depends on what you think Ranni's perspective is. Did she do evil to vanquish evil, and bring the world as a whole into a better Era? Or is she just a selfish girl trying to escape her destiny, getting everyone she cares about killed in the process? Either way, she does big fucking evil. I love her as a character, I absolutely would not trust her. Her character model is also a bit childish to me... so it's always kinda weird to me when people sexualize her. I get it, she's probably thousands of years old, and technically she has a doll body. Still... I don't look at her, and think physical attraction.
Personally, we all know Malenia is my favorite. At least she's loyal, and she's extremely willing to kill for who she loves. THAT'S the kinda evil I can appreciate. She's also very dominant, and she dresses like a fucking Valkyrie. Like... obviously that's my woman~
Then again, Ranni is loyal to her mother similarly to Malenia being loyal to Miquella. And Malenia does Scarlet Rot nuke an entire area, destroying many lives and the entire area with it just to beat her brother in combat, thereby ensuring his death. But... was it her doing it or the God of Rot inhabiting her? I never really thought about it, both Ranni and Malenia ended up being the cause of their brother's deaths... Obviously Ranni's is worse, having your brother assassinated vs openly challenging him. Definitely still choose Malenia❤




00:59 Jan 19 2025
Times Read: 484

Today in 76 I spent a lot of time player Vendor hopping, hoping to find a decent 4-star mod for Fenrir. I didn't find any good mods, but... true to Bunny, I decided to invest in some cute outfits xD Because would you expect any different from me than to buy clothes? I had max caps burning in my inventory, they needed to be spent. So, what we got...

The Bomber Jacket

The Spectacular Performer Outfit

The Pink Hazmat Suit

The hazmat suit is the only reward I didn't get from the last round of Invaders From Beyond, and I found it for only 150 caps. The other two I think probably collectively spent like 10,000 on which I immediately made back selling mods of my own. I do have one 4-star mod, but it's for melee only so it's basically the most useless one I could possibly get. I could build a melee build, but it just feels so pointless... I have noticed since the last big update that enemies are definitely tougher so I do need something. The problem is that everyone is looking for higher level mods, and a lot of people don't want to do Raids so they're even harder to find. I actually ended up modding my gun back to what it was with the Swift Magazine vs the Perforating Magazine. I had mentioned not too long ago that the Fixer innately comes with the Perforating Magazine which gives it +40% Armor Penetration. The trade-off is that the Swift gives you +15% Reload Speed, +25% Ammo Capacity, and most importantly it takes your AP usage from 6 to 3. That AP usage may seem insignificant, but for me, for my gun, for my build, it's extremely noticeable, and it's much more beneficial to basically be able to shoot endlessly rather than have a slight edge on armored enemies.
Right around the corner we've got Fasnacht Day coming up... Much as I hate the monotony of the event, it does open the opportunity to get more glowing masks for trade. Some level 100 offered me 10,000 caps for my Glowing Honeybee mask today... Typically glowing masks are above the 40,000 max cap value, and tend to be trade only. Obviously one glowing mask isn't as valuable for trade as, say, the Red Asylum Uniform, but... multiple masks, plus caps, plus whatever, yes. Even with all my cute outfits... I still need it.




19:39 Jan 17 2025
Times Read: 534

Baby... I missed you so much💗



22:07 Jan 17 2025

Now you can relax


05:14 Jan 15 2025
Times Read: 584

While I'm on bedrest, and away from Fallout... I still have my Switch. So I've been playing Vampire Survivors... which happens to have Castlevania DLC~
When Bloodlines starts it just makes my soul sing🖤




03:36 Jan 14 2025
Times Read: 622

Interesting... I never really considered the whole floating camp thing a cheat even though technically, yes, you're bending the rules to float your stuff. I haven't had a floating camp in a hot minute. It's cool to build, but then it's like, why? But also what's the real harm in it? I'm guessing we're going back to the newbies... It limits access to your camp, significantly more for newer players who can't yet jump high or jetpack. See, in my secondary camp where this is a possible issue, I went out of my way to build a glorious stairway of junk, almost completely safe for anyone to use even with your basic character. Because I'm considerate. I don't want anyone to feel unwelcome in my home. My secondary home is up as high as you can climb in the middle of nowhere so if you are there it's like... why are you here? But hey, you're still welcome to the facilities if you're in the area. I've come across floating camps that even I can't access. And to those I simply shrug, and move on without much thought. If you're going out of your way to make it impossible to reach, I obviously am not going to try, I do not care enough to, you don't have anything worth the effort I can assure you. So I think Bethesda is being a little unreasonable to ban people over it. If it's something harmful to the actual game, sure be strict with the rules, but floating camps have been sort of a wacky novelty of the Wasteland for as long as it's existed. Sometimes I think Bethesda simply wants the game to be as generic as possible, and that's not the spirit of Fallout. Fallout is meant to be glitchy, and buggy, and exploitative in fun ways that make it wacky. It's meant to have broken rules and physics. But nah, let's just take ALL the fun out of it, and replace it with the most bum-ass generic mmo Raids. And it's not that I hate the Raids. It's just... basic. It's not Fallout. Fallout 76 becomes a little less Fallout every update.




05:20 Jan 05 2025
Times Read: 780

Whoever keeps asking for easy mode in Elden Ring... fuck off you worthless little bitches, get off my, that's right MY, game, get out of my world🖤
Seriously. You don't need easy mode. You need to just play the damn game. Playing a FromSoftware game is like having sex. You can attempt to rush it, and have a really horrible time. You can bang on through as hard, and fast, and mediocre as possible. Or... you can take your time, learn the moves, the styles, the curves and eccentricities of your partner... and you can conquer them, devour them slowly until there's nothing left but your own satisfaction. A FromSoftware game is something you learn, it takes time, skill, technique. Playing correctly is something you master. Trust me, the first time I played Demon's Souls or Dark Souls it was pretty difficult. Personally, I loved the difficulty, and I don't understand all the whining. But again I'm a masochist so you know. I had a nurse come in to take my labs earlier, and she gave up after one attempt. I'm laying there like... You're not gonna stick me again? It's ok to try again. I can take it. Come on, you coward, stick me again xD You can tell I'm feeling better since I'm thinking about gaming. I miss my PS5 almost as much as I miss my cat.



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