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Sex Spell

02:12 Oct 08 2016
Times Read: 285

What you Need

A garnet crystal

Rose petals from one red rose

Red wine in a chalice

A container with soil (optional)

Center and ground yourself, then cast your circle with all the spell ingredients in front of you. Gather the rose petals in your hand, and say: Venus, Goddess of lust and passion, Please bless my circle with your presence. Feel the Goddess fill your circle with her passionate and sensual energy. Place the rose petals on the ground before you (or on top of the soil in the container). Now place the garnet crystal on top of the rose petals. Gaze gently at the crystal, while bringing to mind one or more sexual fantasies. Visualise in as much detail as you can, place yourself in the fantasy and use all of your senses to make it as real and vivid as possible. Take as much time as you need – it’s best to spend at least a few minutes immersing yourself in this fantasy. Now take the chalice with the wine, and ask the Goddess to bring you the sexual experiences you desire. You can write down your request before performing the ritual, and read it out or memorise it, or you can simply speak to her from your heart. Do not bring other people into your request – this spell is not meant to influence people to have sex with you. Ask for the sex that you desire, and those that feel called will choose to participate with you of their own free will. Now slowly pour the wine onto the garnet, and let it sink into the earth as an offering for the Goddess. Thank the Goddess for blessing your circle, and bid her farewell, then close the circle. If you performed the ritual indoors, take the container and pour the wine-soaked soil and the rose petals outside in a place that feels beautiful and peaceful to you (preferably near flowers). Keep the garnet and place it under your pillow or near your bed.




Strong Desire Sex Spell

02:04 Oct 08 2016
Times Read: 286

What you will need:

One red candle

Lover's oil

Lover's incense (optional)

How it works:

It is not necessary to burn incense during the spell, but it is recommended. So, if you decide to use it, start by burning the lover's incense. Then, dress the red candle with the lover's oil and say the following:

Spellbook"I am possessed by the burning love for this man/woman and this love comes to me from Apsaras, who is ever victorious.

Let this man/woman yearn for me.

Desire me.

Let his/her desire burn for me!

Let this love come from the spirit and enter him/her.

Let him/her desire me as nothing has been desired before.

I love him/her, I want him/her.

He/she must feel the same desire for me.

O spirit of the air, let him/her burn with love for me."

For this spell to work, you have to say this three times a night for five straight nights.





02:11 Oct 01 2016
Times Read: 278

Ring of Binding Spell

This is a protection spell you can use to prevent people from having negative influence against you. You’ll need to have:

A black ring (or one with a black stone)

black ribbon or yarn

6 black peppercorns

Use a ring that will fit one of your fingers because you’ll have to wear it for a few days after the spell is finished for it to work.

Cut two lengths of ribbon or yarn, and tie them to the ring. Hold the ring in front of you, with each piece of ribbon in one hand. Repeat the following words while focusing on the ring.

Never ending, never bending

Round the circle, round the ring

Put the ring on a finger (any one), and repeat the words again. Now set it on your altar, and place the peppercorns inside the ring. Now repeat:

Never ending, never bending,

Circle round, [person’s name] bound.

Leave the ring sitting with the pepper overnight, then you can cut away the ribbon and wear the ring for the next 3 days. After that repeat the words one last time and leave the ring somewhere safe to help protect you from that person’s energy and influence.

Ace of Spades Spell

This particular bit of dark witchcraft will create illness for another person, though nothing life-threatening. You’ll need:

The ace of spades from a deck of playing cards

Rusted nail

Piece of black cloth

Piece of paper with black marker

Before you cast the spell, bury the cloth in the ground for 3 days. Dig it up and you’re ready to cast the rest of the spell.

Lay out the playing card, then a piece of paper with the other person’s name on it, then cover with the cloth. Drive a nail through the center of all 3 items (have something sturdy underneath, like a piece of wood). Say out loud the words of the spell:

By the power of my will,

Make this person get very ill.

Magick power, ace of spades,

Many days until it fades

Bury the whole charm where you had the cloth at the start. Leave it for 3 more days, then dig it up again. Burn it, and the spell is complete.

Key to Protection Spell

You don’t need to go killing any animals for the bone in this spell. A chicken bone from a drumstick would be just fine. You’ll also need:

A spare key to your house

Black yarn

An iron nail

A clean bone

Black marker

Sit in the doorway to your home when putting this little charm together rather than your usual spellcrafting spot. Draw a small Algiz rune on the key (scroll down this page on runes to see what it looks like). Hold the key, nail and bone together and start wrapping with yarn. With each wrap, repeat out loud:

Iron and bone,

Protect my home.

Wrap it very thickly so it looks more like a little ball of yarn than a bundle of items. Tie the end down securely. Bury the charm outside your back door. If you are in an apartment, you can still cast this home protection spell, just keep the charm in a pot of earth instead.

Embrace the Shadows

Get in touch with your darker side with this night ritual, performed on the night of a new moon. You’ll need the following:

A dark bowl

Black ink

A sharp pin

Black pepper

1 black candle

On the night of a new moon the sky is dark, and the perfect time to tap into your darker energies. Light the candle, but place it as far away from you as you can, but you should still be able to see what you’re doing at your altar. The point is to work in shadow.

Fill the bowl with water, then add 9 drops of black ink. Wait for a few moments for the darkness to spread through the water. Sprinkle pepper on the surface of the water. Just a pinch is enough.

Now repeat the words of the shadow spell:

Shadows of darkness, spirits within

Harness the energy, let it begin

Draw down the moon

Bring me the shadows

I am ready to see

My other side

At this point, prick your finger with the pin and let a drop of blood fall into the water. Repeat the words a second time. Take the bowl outside and dump it all out into the Earth. You’ll soon start to feel new connection to your darker shadow spirit.



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