Psi Vampire Abilities
Besides just the ability to feed off donors by absorbing their pranic or emotional energy, psi vampires have many different abilities that they need in order to survive. These abilities not only allow them to feed and do what they need to do to maintain their health, but they are also very helpful in self-defense and upon a psi vampire’s awakening, it’s important that these skills are learned so that they may learn how to live life as a psi vampire to their best advantage.
One of the most important abilities of a psi vampire is the ability to shield. Shielding allows a psi vampire to decide what type of energy they absorb while feeding. If they are taking energy from a donor that is very angry, they may choose to take some of this anger away by absorbing some energy but will want to avoid taking all of the emotion so they do not become just as angry.
The ability to link is simply the ability for a vampire and another person, to open up their energy channels so that they can both share the same energy at the same time. This is a very intimate form of two people interacting and can be very relaxing and exciting. Skelpting is an ability that closely resembles linking but it’s a much stronger ability and a much stronger bond because it requires a mental projection as well. Once the channel has been opened, both parties will meet in the mental projection and the energy is then exchanged within the projection.
Mental projection is done when two parties, usually a psi vampire and someone who is or is not also a vampire, meet each other in a place other than where they are. Psi vampires describe this as being in a fog and seeing the other person come through the fog towards them. Once they see the person coming through, they have mentally projected and the two can then begin to share energy. Astral projection is much harder than mental projection because instead of simply willing your mind to go somewhere else, you are actually willing your body to go somewhere else. Astral projection is another ability that psi vampires have but it can be quite difficult to do.
Awareness is an ability that allows a psi vampire to not only see things from their point of view but also from other’s point of view as well. This allows them to see how they are perceived in the eyes of others. It can be said that any person, vampire or not, can achieve a state of awareness and while this is true, it seems to be much more powerful when performed by psi vampires because it is actually like they are outside their bodies and looking in to themselves.
Blinking is an ability that is often seen performed by vampires in the movies. This is when they blink and all of sudden they are across town from where they were just a second ago. Psi vampires don’t actually have this ability in the way that it takes only a fraction of a second but by blinking and concentrating, they can complete a task within a few minutes that would have taken them hours. Most psi vampires start doing this by accident until they can learn to control it and do it whenever they want.
Mesmerism is an ability that psi vampires do when they have taken actions in public that could expose them as a psi vampire. Mesmerism is simply an act of convincing someone that they did not see what they thought they did. It’s usually done by speaking to them quite softly and placing a hand on their shoulder. After speaking to them for just a few minutes, the person will soon forget what happened.
The abilities of psi vampires can be quite difficult to master in part because there are so many of them. It’s important that soon after their awakening, beginners start to try to take control of their abilities so that they can lead a better life as a psi vampire.
13:11 Feb 05 2025
Thank you for that, Lady Devra.