MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


12 entries this month

07:43 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 813

The Coven is redone.

All the pages are recoded and fresh and new.

Now.. my eyes.. my... rest. :|




06:49 Apr 28 2008
Times Read: 905

Odyssee Infinite Vitalite is no Longer.

Things needed a change. Something that was new and fresh.

I fancy it. It's different.

Out with the Old.. in with the New.




01:19 Apr 26 2008
Times Read: 930

I feel........

burnt out. About things in general.

Here. Life. Meh.

Specially with people.

I think it would be different if my mind was stimulated. But rarely it is. It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much friggin text speak. It's one thing when you are one a phone, but if you are on a WEBSITE FORUM... stop. Just STOP. It makes you look like a fucking retard.

People want to have a discussion. They do not want to sit around and decode your shit before they answer. Just because a place is meant to be fun and interesting, doesn't mean you need to funk it up with dumb.


Just.... GAH.




21:07 Apr 15 2008
Times Read: 1,118

The mind of a Psychopath intrigues me. It always has. I have just always wondered what it is in their mind that allows them to carry out the crime and not feel anything towards the matter. What is it in their brains that cause them to think this way? And how can they LIKE to take the lives of others. Some are extremely intelligent. So do they link together? Can you be so book smart that you just are ‘insane’? I know it works this way with being to book smart and being socially retarded. (Not in all cases but some this does happen)

So the past few days I have been thinking about this. I am sure it stems from watching a marathon of NCIS. lol Then I got this Test through a group that I am in:

Psychopath Test

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?

[Give this some thought before you answer]

This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly.

So… I am reading it... HOPING like hell I don’t get the right answer. Even though it wouldn’t shock me if I did because let’s face it, I am extremely morbid. I mean hell, look at some of the stuff I have made. Some of it would make people cry.


No... Just kidding. I wanted to see some people run off scared.

The answer is just CRAZY in itself.

No, I am NOT giving the answer here. Because if you answer it right, I probably will just welcome you to my block list. It’s safer that way. Well OKAY if I really like you, I’ll exclude you from my block list. As long as you promise not to bump me off.




23:04 Apr 13 2008
Times Read: 1,164

If some people actually cared about the dishonesty of a single person, they wouldn't associate with a group of dishonest people. You cannot point to one without bringing out the faults of others you associate with.

I have no problems with people who chose to be hypocrites. What I do have a problem with is being who deny being one.

It is normally the people who always appear to be nice, that are actually off being more two-faced than the person who will be upfront and tells you directly to your face.

Not everyone is going to like you, regardless of who you are. To dwell on it is borders on the line of stupidity and insecurity. And to seek people to discuss it with, is well over the line of obsession.

In some cases, people of the same mentality and ways migrate towards each other.

To assume that you know the full story when it comes from one side is ridiculous.

These are just a few of the things I have noticed as of lately.




19:02 Apr 11 2008
Times Read: 1,183

I watched Saw 4 yesterday.

The gore factor was rockin', but the story line is just getting WAY to drawn out. I think if this was the last one and they wrapped all the ends it wouldn't be so bad. But nooooooo, they are making another one :|

And I have a an issue.. if I have most of the series of a Movie. I have to have it all.. no matter how bad it sucks.

It's just feels.. unfinished. :|




20:33 Apr 10 2008
Times Read: 1,198

I got my books today! YAY!

1. Falling - Christopher Pike

2. The Black Dahlia- James Elroy

3. The Snow Garden- Christopher Rice

4. Septimus Heap ( book 4) Queste- Angie Sage

5. Blood Memory- Greg Iles

6. The Husband- Dean Koontz

7. 18 Seconds- George D. Shuman

8. Hannibal Rising- Thomas Harris

:does the I got my books dance:




03:28 Apr 07 2008
Times Read: 1,256

I need to start working with my tarot cards again. I have close to 25 sets (give or take) and I haven't worked with any of them in quite awhile. I think it had to do with the winter.

Winter is just a miserable time. Specially this Winter. I was like a hermit this Winter. I didn't want to go outside for fear of busting my ass. And since I am not sure what would happen with my back, it was just easier to stay inside.

Now since it is getting nicer out, and I have came out of my Winter induced coma, I feel as though I need to get back in touch with my spiritual side. I feel very disconnected from that side of myself and I don't like it.

With this also comes with more time away from online. I need the balance and the time away.

It will be good for me.

And I was going to say other stuff but.. I totally lost my train of thought. :|




02:26 Apr 04 2008
Times Read: 1,318

I forgot I have this little wonderful book of offensiveness. ♥

Slang and Euphemism

A dictionary of Oaths, curses, insults, ethnic slurs, sexual slang and metaphor , drug talks, college lingo and related matters.

Richard A. Spears

As I was looking at it I figured "Hey why not pick words and put them up there to offend the offend-able?" So.. here we go...

I will pick a random word every now and again put the word, meaning and use it in a sentence.

I like to do my part in educating. :)

round-pound: a type of mutual masturbation; the same as circle jerk.

"How about we get the boys together and do a little round-pondin' to cure the boredom."




01:49 Apr 03 2008
Times Read: 1,365


I..... have been busted out.

Now it is no longer a secret... I.. Moonie.. have been Doing VR for Three years. And during the times of my Doings I have not caught the crazies.

I was doing it and doing it and doing it well.

*skips off* :D




03:20 Apr 02 2008
Times Read: 1,400

I really need to step back and reflect.

I started VR three years ago. I stumbled onto the site by a person showing me something. At that time I looked at the forum and seen what was going on. I enjoyed everything that I read. I enjoyed the humor and wit of the people posting in the forums. I was amazed by the intelligence that came across when people posted. (And yes, at times people still amazement with the intelligence and way they choose to debate) I enjoy this site immensely, more than I have any other site I have been on. It is one of the main factors as to why I have stayed here so long.

I used to be a ‘regular’ in an aol chat room. When you are around a group of people that have nothing better to do than try to turn everyone against everyone else, invade people’s lives and start horrible rumors about people, you learn damn quickly that you keep to yourself, keep your personal business to yourself and be damn careful on who you trust. When you learn that you apply it to every forum site or site with other members, so you do not have to deal with the issues.

I have kept my person business very well under wraps. If I have any need to release some form of frustration and vent, I do so in a way that I do not name any names because they do not need to be named. If people choose to speculate or even assume they know who I mean, than that is one them. There has been many times where I have been asked who an entry was about and declined to answer the question because it doesn’t have any dealings with them.

There are only a small amount of people who can actually tell you more about me than what is listed on my profile or in my journal. There is even a smaller number who have actually spoken with me voice to voice. Not because I am ashamed of whom I am, or because I am snobby, it is my putting me first to stay away from the people who want to cause trouble. I am careful with who I talk to and what I talk about.

I am not here for anyone to be in my business, or me be in anyone else’s. I have enough stuff going on in my own life to sit and worry about who does what with whom and what said this about that… so on and so forth. Granted I will not deny that I have been involved in some problems, but nowhere near enough to have come face to face with a guillotine. I am not saying I am perfect, because I damn well am not, but I do know what I do and what I don’t do.

For three years I have stayed pretty much drama free on here. Which I think is pretty damn impressing with as much as the drama on here that is made public. I don’t even want to imagine the drama that goes on underground. I don’t think my mind could take it.

When I joined here, I joined to learn, read and interact with people who have a common interest as I. Maybe even make a few friends along the trip. Not too many because I cannot handle that many people in my inner circle. Those things have happened and still are happening. I still enjoy and love the site to this day. I do not get bored here at all. If I take a break it’s because I need to take a break from people, not the site. I didn’t join the site to be involved in everyone’s business other than my own.

So as I say that I will say this. Do not assume what you hear about my business, my persona or anything that has to do with me anything of substance. Because I can tell you, I am damn sure it probably doesn’t even come close. And if people are choosing to paint a picture of me in a negative sense, at least let me know so I can help you along, it is easier for me to have people not like me than to have people like me. It is much easier to not have to make small talk, keep to myself and do what I enjoy, then having to go around and have people pull me into issues that are based on some sort of fabrication of their own mind. Which in itself is getting old.

And I am pretty sure that I sound like a broken record but people just do not get the hint or the point. So once again, I have to repeat myself.




05:48 Apr 01 2008
Times Read: 947

I lost power tonight. :|

Actually it was pretty nice for a while. It only lasted for a couple hours, but within those couple hours I had a great talk with my dad and revisted some old memories.

I kinda wish the power wouldn't had come back on so soon. It's not very often we chit chat like that.



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