Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


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18 entries this month

17:49 Oct 27 2016
Times Read: 765

Tried a little experiment. Something different. I did the pre-empt from a lying position. Just said everything out loud. Projected for a place that would do ........xxxxxxxx. Private. What it did is the cord went completely around me, the above position. And I saw bright light.

I don't know, how that could help at all. LOL.

Maybe, if I immersed. But, that is for future tests.

Always have that trail from my upper self that goes within the circle to a designated point, where it clicks in.

Started reading a new/old book Life on the Edge, Johnjoe McFadden and Jim Al-Khalili.

The introduction, is rather poetic. And as usual, I am skipping around to Newtonian Mechanics, and the three layer question.

But, I did put in my app for a sales position. Weekends only.

Have another offer for tomorrow. Hopefully, I can find something better.






06:46 Oct 24 2016
Times Read: 772

Saw a wonderful video, on the subject.

States that the past only exists in the here and now.

That in the physical, there limits, death. But in the numbers life is limitless. A whole. We are the screen that the photon passes through. Having a machine that lifts the screen????

Or does it have to stay to just numbers. A world where past , present and future doesn't exist. Just is. ....




21:27 Oct 22 2016
Times Read: 788

Here is my theory of er=EPR.

You have a ghost town. And it it is entangled with a live town. Now the live town is easily measured. Buildings, land, area, people.

Then you have the ghost town. The circumference. Would be the same. Everything measured, if measured with the ghost fabric, would be the same, because the building decay would be there.

The two states are entangled. .

To me, to measure the ghost town, you wo;uld have to see like a reverse. You would see what doesn't look like it exists, and not see what is physical. Light is dark. And dark is light. Than the ghost town would be alive.. contrasted

Beginning to feel like Baron Frankenstein. Let's hook it up to the lightening bolt.

Lost in an Echo, Lincoln Park.

How can you measure an echo. Sound bouncing?

Say that the town with life has a particle holding it. But, the ghost town's particle is just observing.




05:36 Oct 19 2016
Times Read: 792

Been so good for a couple of nights. Job hunting, again. Keep seeing man w mustache. But, who knows. 4 apps everyday.

Woke up to do a few things. Might as well get a quickly in. For time sequence.

Works best if I do a circle, first. Then, lay flat on back. Envision self going through oblong hole. All the way to destination.

Make sure in ritual, when you write words, circle them a few times. This helps make the clock.

Use energies of Thoth, Hecate and Einstein. Might say, have to revive the dead.





03:52 Oct 14 2016
Times Read: 808

Lot of black hole waves going on. Could be a good thing..

Maybe, another journey. Something fun. But, no touching done. Could be dangerous what I'm thinking of.

So first ritual. Then..







11:49 Oct 13 2016
Times Read: 819

Tried a new time thing. Partial hypnosis. Might say used dark stuff.

Trying to ease leaving body, for more shelf life. Maybe I should change the hypnosis.

Just saw person w feet up.

Old way was better.

At least this is second morn without vertigo. Went from light speed slower, slower finally stop.

Maybe I should use something tech. So need a better shelf life..





13:39 Oct 10 2016
Times Read: 838

Did another ritual.

Did another test. Went to a place and time that would be comfortable. Went the old way. Tried to jump on the ground. Saw something. Went totally unconscious. So 1st attempt. Failed.

Oh yeah! Now I remember. Ran like a animal. A weird one. Was looking for the people, and the fire.


Two people use animals that are similar . Nemo, and let's call him... Edison. But, Edison knows nothing of me. But, his animal matches. Hmmmm. Or maybe dog. But, moved animal, human like.

Thinking I should change my safe space. Cuz if it is the dog, then it's the proprietors.

So what would be a safe space?




13:32 Oct 09 2016
Times Read: 847

Tried to do time run. Couldn't do it the same way.

Year 3000, was ships. Last one I saw was Russian.

Saw man in present rip a sheet off. Like a reader machine sheet. Or better yet. slip.

But, none of which was like before. So back to ritual. To bring the other way back. Trying to put my first foot in the time. Someone stated that it would have to be within someone else. Like a possession . But, will see.

Linking Park

Somewhere I Belong.




13:15 Oct 08 2016
Times Read: 857

Was going to do something last night. But, needed a new space and time. Need lots of practice. Need a place/person . What have I always wondered about. Something of my interest.

OMG. I thought of something. Someone actually. But what time

Or maybe it should be the future.

Saw something on Fox Business that talks about an asteroid. I really thought it was fake. There has been so many briefs on YouTube. The answer, some kind of weather thing. Was to deep for me to understand. But, maybe people are right, the end.





13:06 Oct 07 2016
Times Read: 873

Still ill. But, still able to participate.

Hate having to eat. But, spinning stops.

Sure, there are some people who are happy about this. But, there is always a replacement. That one won't be so nice.

Did the throwing of the line, last night. Line was in front.

For someone here now. So I guess the future would be the line being above. Did three spells for this.

My blood pressure goes up every time. Well, I did OK change. One of the links to do this was Einstein. And yes I did Cheat. Used the best. But, feel hot each time.

Meanwhile, at the OK Coral, my check was short. The proceedings are underway. After, that place, I think twice about eating out anymore. How would you like to get an eggplant with a sliver of.

Well the last time I looked someone didn't slice the chicken. Sauce straight from can. Meat left out all day...so on...Think twice now before I eat out.

****Linking Park Breaking the Habbit!


The Catalyst




10:55 Oct 06 2016
Times Read: 884

Did nothing... yup

But, I picked up a protector, astrally anyway. Wonder who made it. Says I'm going to meet someone they call father. Hmmmmm. Interesting. Well, no spinning today, But, hungry. Only ate cookies. Till later..well, feel good enough to job hunt. Final nap berore start time.

Somebody suggested that Farther, is like Mother. Gotcha. Saw that series.

And, I think it was father who held me while spinning.

Sweet. Never sour.

The man hanging, didn't have a head band. But, may of had a mercy killing. Usually, death takes a long time. All was due to an overthrow.





08:13 Oct 05 2016
Times Read: 901

Project: to see if a person really existed. .

I was to see a scene, I if person was real. A butterfly if not. .

The problem: if. You go too far back, the end goes underneath. The Stonehenge didn't go as far back. Like a person standing in front of a Hugh clock. You set the line, but, it has to make the way around you, to the position.

Trying to steady my equilibrium.

If I use that line trace like a square slinky, it works. But, have to float down middle not touch the wire. The slinky end went underneath , behind. Because the end was like that coming back, I flipped and kept spinning. When I awoke the room spun. Ouch.. Going to say awesome later. Just have to shake it completely off.

BECAUSE OF THE CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECT, I DELETED THIS SECTION. Also, only a fifteen second window. Can say: I did see subject in past, was hanging, was dark. Was one drop of blood.

Just going to concentrate on job hunt, for now. .





14:40 Oct 04 2016
Times Read: 920

No headache. You don't know how wonderful that is. Just resting a little more. What a painful day yesterday.

Tonight, I work on an anchor. It would be nice, if I could last in the time realm, longer.

Problem: when I start to think, I come back.

Enjoying Hummelflug Cartoon, Bumble Boogie. So True. Time to get going.





12:54 Oct 03 2016
Times Read: 923

I woke up w a realization, the very fast travel may not have been what I thought.

The broken rocks, I thought, may have been in a murder. Sorry, that Celt video, w off w there heads, played an important part in the thought process.

Thought of the bones of a child, that they had found.

This morning, it made more sense. The rock, could have been in the shape of the Sun. And, he, of course, had just broke it Change of seasons.... THAT WOULD BE A RitUal. It was far more dramatic. Which means the druids were the first at Stonehenge . At least for ritual.

Would have loved an anchor there. But, when I become conscious, I come back. Same as in a dream. How can I stop myself from my live state, long enough.

The druids had used a globe, in the present. That druid used a stone or brick, that was round shape.

The echo of myself carrying a basket was odd. Not quit astral, but, in between.

Had such of massive headache. Had to stay in. My own fault ate Doritos a few days ago. Guess to bring myself out of depression. Must look for work. Lol. Hmmmm.

Why did I put Celts as the title. Should be time travel.

OMG.... I did the food thing...... they don't have restaurants. How lamo I am sometimes.




18:13 Oct 02 2016
Times Read: 932

Someone said that the Christ rescue would have to take place before the imprisonment. Hmmmm

And would that make a parallel time.

For the first destination. The first ritual at Stonehenge.


Was broken red rocks. And a man crying so loud. So heartfelt. So brief..

The effect... so far OK. Just felt as if I was walking somewhere else carrying a basket. While I was walking home with groceries. And Memo needs to cool off. Didn't know you had it in him.




ghost or dare

01:45 Oct 01 2016
Times Read: 864

My phone has been giving me so much trouble. Typed to quit earlier, on it own.. It didn't save. Truthfully, they were pushing me to quit, and now that it is all black, think best I do. Did. Well, at least my phone type works now. Ghost better help find a job. Please not another cook job.

My experiment started. I'm trying to go inside out, just like a black hole. My first started w a few links. Was very fast. Next will be soon. Just have to keep reformatting. Nemo wanted me to introduce him in the past. But, no. Need to go my own way. Next time.... will change a little more.

My group: I see you staring. Cute.... so bad.

To my ghost... I want my Comet TV back.




01:44 Oct 01 2016
Times Read: 864

My phone has been giving me so much trouble. Typed to quit earlier, on it own.. It didn't save. Truthfully, they were pushing me to quit, and now that it is all black, think best I do. Did. Well, at least my phone type works now. Ghost better help find a job. Please not another cook job.

My experiment started. I'm trying to go inside out, just like a black hole. My first started w a few links. Was very fast. Next will be soon. Just have to keep reformatting. Memo wanted me to introduce him in the past. But, no. Need to go my own way. Next time.... will change a little more.

My group: I see you staring. Cute.... lol

To my ghost... I want my Comet TV back.




01:43 Oct 01 2016
Times Read: 864

My phone has been giving me so much trouble. Typed to quit earlier, on it own.. It didn't save. Truthfully, they were pushing me to quit, and now that it is all black, think best I do. Did. Well, at least my phone type works now. Ghost better help find a job. Please not another cook job.

My experiment started. I'm trying to go inside out, just like a black hole. My first started w a few links. Was very fast. Next will be soon. Just have to keep reformatting. Memo wanted me to introduce him in the past. But, no. Need to go my own way. Next time.... will change a little more.

My group: I see you staring. Cute.... lol

To my ghost... I want my Comet TV back.



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