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19 entries this month


American Pagan Folk Protection

22:48 Aug 18 2009
Times Read: 716

American Pagan Folk Protection

The Pennsylvania Deutsch Magickal Arts of Warding and Banishing

© Jill Stefko

Apr 25, 2007

Pagan magick includes warding, protective magick against negativity and harm, and banishing, making the unwanted leave by the use of positive energy.

Warding: Protection Against Negativity and Harm

Protecting the health, safety and mental well being of one’s family and self, animals, the home, health and property is of major importance to people writes Silver RavenWolf in HexCraft,(Llewellyn Publications, 1995). Protection is a preventative measure. Positive energy is drawn upon to deflect negativity and harm and make one’s position in life stronger. It is not used to cause harm, negativity or interfere with another’s free will.

The first book written about Pennsylvania Deutsch PowWow or magick is John George Hohman’s PowWows or Long Lost Friend, (self published, 1820). Many later works, including HexCraft, reference this book.

Warding can be done in different ways. It can be done by charms called amulets or by only words. Some of the hex signs of the Pennsylvania Dutch are amulets in that they are protective.

In spellwork, one has to feel the need and accompanying emotion for what is desired, create the spell with or without a magickal object, then visualize it as a fait accompli. Words, spoken or thought, are used in creating the spell because they draw desired positive energy. Repeating them three times or multiples thereof increase their power. They may or may not rhyme and can vary, as long as they keep the same meaning.

In order to create an amulet, something as simple as a piece of paper and a writing instrument can be used. One of the most ancient incantations written on paper or another surface used as an amulet follows.








And this be guarded here in time

And there in eternity.

Sanctus Spiritus means sacred or holy spirit or ghost.

Banishing that is not Wanted Including Negativity in People

Banishing is a form of warding and, basically, is getting rid of anything from an animal that is destructive to one’s yard or house, such as squirrels, rats and roaches. Turning back negative energy falls into this category. It is analogous to telling a stranger you do not want in your yard to leave.

When a person sends negative energy, libels or slanders another, harasses or in any way makes the target feel uncomfortable, it is ethical and moral to return negativity to the sender. It is like turning down a second piece of dessert. This must be done without anger because anger will cause the turning back to have negativity and become a curse. Turning back negativity or evil also protects and releases the intended targets from potential harm. This is especially suited for difficult, negative people.

RavenWolf writes about different ways to do this. Two of the easiest are as follows and the words have been changed from hers.

Shine a copper, brass or silver pot, tray or other object and repeat the following incantation, either aloud or in the mind. Object of magick, gleam for me! Turn back the negative energy! Return it thrice times three. May the negativity not touch me. As I want, this shall be.

If one is face to face with the difficult person, the easy way to turn back energy is to imagine a brilliant shining blue pentacle on the person’s forehead. A pentacle is a pentagram or five pointed star, like children draw, within a circle. The accompanying words are to the effect that the person’s negativity is banished in the names of all of the Universe’s positive forces.

Read more about this in the following related topics:

Pennsy Dutch Magikcal Art

Pennsylvania Deutsch Grimoire

PowWow: Pennsy Dutch Arcane Art




Purifying Emotions

22:43 Aug 18 2009
Times Read: 717

Purifying Emotions

This spell may be performed on any evening during a waning moon.

Place these elements in front of you:

a white candle,

a bowl of water,

a bowl of salt,

dried sage in a vessel in which it can be burned.


I gather these elements to cleanse any toxicity that

may cloud my ability to be in the flow of this cycle.

I release negativity in my fire

(wave your hand over or through the flame)

I release blockages in my earth

(rub salt on your hands)

I clear my own air

(wave the smoldering sage in front of you)

and I purify my water

(dip your hands in water).

I ask that this release be gentle.

I affirm my trust and faith in my own abundant flow.

So be it.

And so it is.

Dispose of the ingredients immediately. Use the candle again for any

other waning moon spell.

http://members. tripod.com/ ~RavenSilverwing /bos/emotion. html




Spell Box For Psychism

22:40 Aug 18 2009
Times Read: 718

Spell Box For Psychism

Author Unknown

A blessed and consecrated box (small wooden box, cigar box, craft box

etc..) 1 large bowl 1/4 cup lemon grass 1tsp.whole cloves 1 tsp. nutmeg,

ground 1tsp. orange peel, dried 3 small polished aquamarine 1 small

polished citrine 1 small quartz crystal 1 small bottle of rain water

(tightly capped) 1 blue candle

Mix the herbs together into the bowl, smell them, meditate with them for

a couple of minutes as you stir them together with your fingers.

As you do chant...

"Herb and seed and flower

Lend to me your psychic power."

Add them to you box.

Next hold the stones in your hands, visualize and center

As you do chant...

"Moon light, Moon bright

Waterfalls of trembling white

Mirrors of the unseen plain,

in my visions I shall gain."

Place them in with the herbs.

Finally do the same with the bottle of water chanting...

"Dew and rain, fog and sea

Awaken psychic energy

this is my will, so mote it be"

Place it in the box with all the other stuff.

Charge the blue candle. Let it burn for 9 minutes in front of the "open"

spell box.

Close the lid of the spell box. Burn the candle before the spell box

everyday for nine minutes until the candle is gone.

Whenever you have need of the box to help enhance your psychic powers or

dreams just place a blue candle in front of it...

Open the lid and slowly chant....

"Conscious mind...

Is now blind.....

Psychic mind...

Is now mine...."




Open Chakras Spell

22:38 Aug 18 2009
Times Read: 719

Open Chakras Spell

When discussing the chakras, we generally think about the seven main ones, but there are also two pairs of chakras at the soles of the feet and centers of the palms. These chakras are our connections to the world, influencing how we feel and sense the world around us. Opening them will allow you to connect to the elements, which is great when you need to be grounded or balanced. To open them, sit with your legs crossed and your bare feet sticking outward. Place your hands, palms up, on your lap. Place quartz crystals on each palm and by each foot. Chant the following:

Feet and hands,

Wheels of light,

Open now,

Shining bright.

Repeat for a few minutes. When the chakras are open, you might feel a normal warmness or tingling where they’’re located. Now take a few moments to feel each element and engage each sense. Enjoy the sensation.

By: Olivia O'Meir




Midweek Protection Spell

22:26 Aug 18 2009
Times Read: 720

Midweek Protection Spell

For some protection from midweek demons and other such trials, gather together a pinch of cumin and of salt today. Run your fingers through the herbs, thus allowing your energies to attune to each other.


"Spirits of salt and cumin, I invite you to this place. I honor you and ask that you bless my spell with your protective energies."

In a glass bowl, combine the herbs with some warm water. Hold the bowl in your left hand, and hold your right hand open over the water, as you say:

"I ask the God and Goddess to bless this mixture. Guard us and guide us with love."

Visualize nurturing, protective energy filling the bowl. Anoint yourself at each chakra point with the liquid. Feel divine loving protection permeate your being. Anoint any others who share your home -including pets. Take the remaining liquid, and sprinkle it at each opening to your home.

By: Kristin Madden, Llewellyn




Neptunian Magic

04:30 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 722

Neptunian Magic

The power of the sea is awesome, and anyone who has ever sailed upon it or swum in it has felt that power. Today we can begin to access the power of the sea in our own lives today with the New Moon in Pisces. If you live near the ocean, do this ritual on the shore. If not, create Neptune’’s Kingdom on your altar. For this, you will need a shell-anointing oil, a blue altar cloth or beach towel, a Mason jar, and a tape of ocean sounds. Anoint yourself with the oil. If at the beach, wet your feet (even if it’’s cold). Take the jar and fill it with seawater and a little sand. Add pebbles, small shells and a drop of the anointing oil, then place it on the altar. Say:

King Neptune, mighty ruler,

Look fondly on me.

Grant me ocean strength,

Ocean power.

King Neptune,

I bow to you.

If doing the ritual at home, fill the jar with salted water and purchased sand, shells, and pebbles. Whenever you need ocean strength, shake the jar and repeat the words above.

~ Denise Dumars




Protection Charm Bag

04:29 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 723


Garlic is a great protective herb. Besides its supposed properties of keeping away vam­pires and the roaming undead, a clove of garlic comes in handy for kitchen magick. For this kitchen charm, use a four-inch square of black fabric and about six to eight inches of black ribbon. place the clove of garlic for protection and purification in the center of the fabric. Add a pinch of salt to break up any negativity you feel may be surrounding you or the situation.

Gather up each edge of the square, naming them for each of the four elements. After you gather the comers together, tie the bag closed with the ribbon. Take a careful look at this kitchen charm, the directions are all laid out for you.

By the powers of earth (pick up one comer)

And air (gather the second comer)

And fire (pick up the third)

And water (add the last comer)

I create this Witch's protective charm.

(tie the fabric closed with the ribbon)

Grant me safety and shield me from all harm.

Remember to seal this charm with the closing line,

By all the powers of three times three, As I will it, then so shall it be.

You may keep the charm bag on your person or tucked away in the most-used room of your home to boost your magickal household protections.

Book: Cottage Witch

Ellen Dugan




Spell to Draw Spirits

04:26 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 724

Spell to Draw Spirits

To draw beneficial spirits toward you, place an Ouija board in the center of your table for three nights, but don’t use it. Later, get together with three spiritually inclined friends. Light a candle, hold hands, sit in a darkened room, and call on the spirits. Make up a name for your ghost. Ask: “Jack? Is that you?” If the spirit is not named Jack, he or she will then correct you. Watch your candle flame dip and dart. If the fire appears to go out and spikes up again, you have likely made spiritual contact. Ask your spirits to reveal themselves. After contact, consider the words, thoughts, and pictures that surface in your mind. Examine such thoughts carefully. Telepathy is the usual way most spirits communicate with us. ~Susan Sheppard




13 Bewitchin' Kitchen Tips

04:18 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 725

13 Bewitchin' Kitchen Tips

1. A quartz crystal placed on or near the stove when cooking makes food taste better.

2. A pot of basil herb grown in your kitchen keeps the area safe from evil forces and negative spirits.

3. Candles keep their shape better and longer when chilled thoroughly in the refrigerator.

4. A witch's kitchen should never be without a lunar calender or chart showing the phases of the moon and its movement through the wheel of the zodiac.

5. A full moon increases extrasensory perception and is the ideal time to prepare and use potions that increase the psychic abilities.

6. Love philters and aphrodisiacs should always be prepared during the waxing of the moon.

7. The best time to plant an herb or vegetable garden is when the moon is in Cancer, Scorpio, Libra or Pisces.

8. Homemade magickal incenses, sachets and potpourris become more fragrant if aged several months before used.

9. Homemade incense always should be stored in tightly capped or corked jars.

10. Unlucky influences should be kept away from the kitchen when cooking or preparing magickal recipes, and this is accomplished by stirring in a clockwise direction.

11. An aloe vera plant should be kept in the kitchen, as its juices are an instant cure for minor kitchen burns.

12. Herbal preparations should never be boiled in aluminum vessels, but in only copper, earthenware or pyrex to avoid contamination of the medicines.

13. Before casting spells or preparing potions, always keep in mind the Wiccan Rede: "Do what ye will an' harm none."

From http://groups. msn.com/AradiasA tticArchives




Apples of Knowledge Spell

04:40 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 731


For this divinatory spell you'll need your divinatory tools (tarot cards, runes, etc.), an apple, and a pinch of mace. Mace is a great­ tasting spice to add to old-fashioned and country apple dishes

and recipes. Apples have long been considered magickal fruits.

Their associations run the gambit from love to divination to healing. Slice the apple crosswise to reveal the star that is hid­den inside. Dust the apple with a pinch of mace to encourage psychic powers. place the apple pieces inside of a bowl and intone the following divinatory charm:

Apples of red, green, and gold,

show me what my future holds.

Mace is a spice that encourages foresight,

Help this kitchen witch's spell to turn out right.

Now cast your runes or deal out your tarot cards. when you are finished with this kitchen charm, leave the apple neatly outside for nature to reclaim. Or you could eat the apple for a snack, thus taking the power of foresight and knowledge into yourself.

Tell me, Gypsy, what can you see in my cup of tea?

Can you predict my future, tell me my past?


Book: Cottage Witchery

Ellen Dugun




In Celebration of Caffeinia

04:36 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 732

In Celebration of Caffeinia

April 17th, 2008

Color of the day: Purple

Incense of the day: Carnation

Ah, the blessed goddess Caffeinia, a grand lady whose blessing is required by many to get through the day. Today, let your morning brew, whether it is coffee or tea, be an act of blessing and thanksgiving. As you fill your pot, take a few moments to meditate over the water. Focus your intentions for the day into the flowing, clear water. Think about what you wish to accomplish, how you wish to feel, how you want the day to flow, how you want to be viewed as you move through your day. Brew your beverage. Take the time to savor your drink, drinking in once more all the intentions you set forth as you prepared the brew. Now go forth and greet your day with your energy focused for the positive accomplishments ahead.

By: Winter Wren




Friday Night Love Spell

04:24 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 733

Friday Night Love Spell

April 18th, 2008

Color of the day: Rose

Incense of the day: Alder

The lucent Libra Moon is close to full and Fridays promise romance. Venus is surely in attendance. It is a perfect evening for a little sex magic! In the Tantric tradition of yoga, couples practice postures to encourage a vibrational flow between them. They build a loving bond by engaging routinely in this very simple exchange of energy. To foster love and intimacy in your relationship, light a red candle next to your bed. Mist the sheets with lavender water to create a sense of calm. Lie down together side by side, facing in the same direction. Position your heart chakra next to your partner’s. Visualize a ray of green light emanating from this heart center known as Anahata, uniting your bodies as one. As you lie quietly, silently chant:

Lovers entwine,

Combine, align,

Our hearts like a poem pulse

In rhythm and rhyme.

Weaving our bodies

Together like vine,

Binding forever

Our love for all time.

By: Igraine




Making Your BOS

04:09 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 735

The Book of Shadows (BOS) is used to store information you'll need in your magical tradition. Many Pagans and Wiccans feel a BOS should be handwritten, but some use a computer to store information as well. Bear in mind that a BOS is considered a sacred tool, which means it is an item of power that should be consecrated with all of your other magical tools. Copy spells and rituals into your BOS by hand – this will not only transfer energy to the writer, but it also helps you to memorize the contents. Make sure you write legibly enough that you’ll be able to read your notes during a ritual!

Difficulty: Average

Time Required: Varied

Here's How:

To make your Book of Shadows, begin with a blank notebook. A popular method is to use a three-ring binder so items can be added and rearranged as needed. If you use this style of BOS, you can use sheet protectors as well, which is great for preventing candle wax and other ritual drippings from getting on the pages! Whatever you select, your title page should include your name. Make it fancy or simple, depending on your preference, but remember that the BOS is a magical object and should be treated accordingly. Many witches simply write, “The Book of Shadows of [your name]” on the front page.

What format should you use? Some witches are known to create elaborate Books of Shadows in secret, magical alphabets. Unless you’re fluent enough in one of these systems that you can read it without having to check notes or a chart, stick with your native language. While a spell looks beautiful written out in flowing Elvish script or Klingon lettering, the fact is that it’s just hard to read unless you’re an Elf or a Klingon.

When it comes to the contents of your personal BOS, there are a few sections that are nearly universally included.

Laws of your coven or tradition: Believe it or not, magic has rules. While they may vary from group to group, it’s a really good idea to keep them at the front of your BOS as a reminder of what constitutes acceptable behavior and what doesn’t. If you’re part of an eclectic tradition that doesn’t have written rules, or if you’re a solitary witch, this is a good place to write down what YOU think are acceptable rules of magic. After all, if you don’t set yourself some guidelines, how will you know when you’ve crossed over them? This may include a variation on the Wiccan Rede, or some similar concept.

A dedication: If you’ve been initiated into a coven, you may want to include a copy of your initiation ceremony here. However, many Wiccans dedicate themselves to a God or Goddess long before they become part of a coven. This is a good place to write out who you are dedicating yourself to, and why. This can be a lengthy essay, or it can be as simple as saying, “I, Willow, dedicate myself to the Goddess today, June 21, 2007.”

Gods and Goddesses: Depending on what pantheon or tradition you follow, you may have a single God and Goddess, or a number of them. Your BOS is a good place to keep legends and myths and even artwork concerning your Deity. If your practice is an eclectic blend of different spiritual paths, it’s a good idea to include that here.

Correspondence tables: When it comes to spellcasting, correspondence tables are one of your most important tools. Phases of the moon, herbs, stones and crystals, colors – all have different meanings and purposes. Keeping a chart of some sort in your BOS guarantees that this information will be at the ready when you really need it. If you have access to a good almanac, it’s not a bad idea to record a years’ worth of moon phases by date in your BOS.

Sabbat rituals: The Wheel of the Year includes eight holidays for most Wiccans and Pagans, although some traditions do not celebrate all of them. Your BOS can include rituals for each of the Sabbats. For example, for Samhain you may wish to create a rite that honors your ancestors and celebrates the end of the harvest, while for Yule you may want to write down a celebration of the winter Solstice. A Sabbat celebration can be as simple or complex as you wish.

Other rituals: If you’ll be celebrating each full moon, you’ll want to include an Esbat rite in your BOS. You can use the same one each month, or create several different ones tailored to the time of year. You may also wish to include sections on how to cast a circle and Drawing Down the Moon, a rite that celebrates the invoking of the Goddess at the time of the full moon. If you’ll be doing any rites for healing, prosperity, protection, or other purposes, be sure to include them here.

Herbs: Ask any experienced Pagan or Wiccan about a specific herb, and chances are good that they’ll expound on not only the magical uses of the plant but also the healing properties and history of use. Herbs are often considered the core of spellcasting, because they’re an ingredient that people have used for literally thousands of years. Put together a section in your BOS for herbs and their uses. Remember, many herbs should not be ingested, so it’s important to research thoroughly before you take anything internally.

Divination: If you’re learning about Tarot, scrying, astrology, or any other form of divination, keep information in here. When you experiment with new methods of divination, keep a record of what you do and results you see in your Book of Shadows.

Sacred texts: While it’s fun to have a bunch of new shiny books on Wicca and Paganism to read, sometimes it’s just as nice to have information that’s a little more established. If there is a certain text that appeals to you, such as The Charge of the Goddess, an old prayer in an archaic language, or a particular chant that moves you, include it in your Book of Shadows.

Magical recipes: There’s a lot to be said for “kitchen witchery,” because for many people, the kitchen is the center of hearth and home. As you collect recipes for oils, incense, or herb blends, keep them in your BOS. You may even want to include a section of food recipes for Sabbat celebrations.

Spell workings: Some people prefer to keep their spells in a separate book called a grimoire, but you can also keep them in your Book of Shadows. It’s easier to keep spells organized if you divide them up by purpose: prosperity, protection, healing, etc. With each spell you include, make sure you also leave room to include information on when the working was performed and what the outcome was.

The biggest dilemma with any Book of Shadows is how to keep it organized. You can use tabbed dividers, create an index at the back, or if you’re really super-organized, a table of contents in the front. As you study and learn more, you’ll have more information to include – this is why the three-ring binder is such a practical idea. Some people choose instead to use a simple bound notebook, and just add to the back of it as they discover new items.

You may want to use one notebook for information copied from books or downloaded off the Internet, and another for original creations. Regardless, find the method that works best for you, and take good care of your Book of Shadows. After all, it’s a sacred object and should be treated accordingly!


If you find a rite, spell or piece of information somewhere else, be sure to note down the source. It will help you keep organized, and you'll start to recognize patterns in authors' works.

Add a section that includes books you've read, as well as what you thought of them. This way, when you get a chance to share information with others, you'll remember what you've read.

What You Need:

Notebook or binder

Pens and Paper

Sheet protectors (optional)




Good Choices Spell

04:05 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 737

Good Choices Spell

One of the best tricks for being healthy and losing weight involves making good choices about what goes into your mouth. While the occasional bad food choice probably won’t kill you, and can certainly help keep you sane, too many bad foods packs on the pounds and causes other problems. Controlling your portions and making good food choices are the keys to healthy eating. Try this affirmation to remind yourself of good food choices. In the morning, look in your mirror and tell yourself, “Today I will make good, healthy food choices.” At the beginning of every meal, repeat the affirmation, reminding yourself that every bite brings you closer to your health goals. And remember, eating well doesn’t have to be boring.

By: Laurel Reufner




Spell for Refugees

03:52 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 738

Spell for Refugees

April 21st, 2008

Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Lily

Today is the second day of Passover. Jews all over the world will have a Seder, a feast celebrating liberation, and will pray that all peoples will soon be free. At the same time, people in many parts of the world live in refugee camps. Their freedom to live safely in their homelands has been cut off. Put together a package of needed goods—clothes, medical supplies, bandages, sanitary products—and send it to a reputable charity. (If you’re not sure what to send, ask the charity.) Before sending, imbue the package with freedom and safety. Visualizing a good life in a safe home, touch the package with each of the four elements, saying, “By [air, fire, water, earth] I fill this package with safety and freedom.” Use markers to draw a happy family in a happy home on a discreet spot on the package.

By: Deborah Lipp




A Prosperity Blessing

03:50 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 739

A Prosperity Blessing

May you be blessed with an amazingly abundant day today!

May the clouds break and the heavens pour down upon you more joy, more love, more laughter and more money than you could have ever dreamed of.

May the sun shine its golden light of prosperity through every cell of your extraordinary body.

May you be cleansed today of any resistance or feelings of unworthiness that you may still be holding onto.

May your false illusions of doubt, fear and scarcity gently fall away like soft white feathers on a gentle breeze.

May you be willing, simply willing, to allow the Universe to shower you with miracles today.

May the Angels wrap you in their shining wings of opulence.

May the fairies deliver you to their pot of gold at the end of a majestic rainbow.

May your eyes shine with the glorious truth of who you really are and may that truth uplift others in your presence to their own inner knowing.

May your ears hear the sound of perfection ringing in your soul.

May you taste the deliciousness of every precious bite of life as your day unfolds moment by moment with amazing grace, heartfelt love and a bounty of magnificent money.

As this day ends, may you slumber wrapped in an exquisite blanket of enduring peace and profound gratitude.

And may the last words you speak today be Thank You!

Veronica M. Hay

Copyright 2004




Simple Money Spell

15:55 Aug 10 2009
Times Read: 740


Green candle anoint with pachouli

Dress it with $$$$$$$ signs

Write a check with how much you need or desire

Place beneath incense of jasmine or pachouli

Light the Green candle let it burn down as you chant

Do this each night for 3 nights before full moon 3x chanting.

Element of earth

All in the realm of faery

Bring to me money

That all debts be paid

More then enough

That I may bless

Those who are dear

So Mote it be




Smooth an Awkward Evening Spell

15:54 Aug 10 2009
Times Read: 741

Smooth an Awkward Evening Spell

Before going out to an event you are nervous about, gather some basil, orange peel, and a few rose petals. Wrap them in a muslin bag, and take a moment to visualize them glowing pink or gold. Add the bag to your bath water, and soak in the energies of the bath for a few moments. Visualize yourself at the upcoming event, enjoying a wonderful time. Say to yourself:

Rose for joy,

Basil for plenty,

Orange for connection and fun.

May the time I am dreading,

Be wonderful for me.

So mote it be.

After drying yourself off, dispose of the herbs, and tuck a fresh pack into your wallet or purse.

by: Diana Rachel




Dragon Spell

15:53 Aug 10 2009
Times Read: 742

Dragon Spell

The dragon is the traditional guardian of wealth and treasure. Unlike Western stories that paint dragons as hoarding, mean-spirited creatures, East Asian dragons are benevolent and generous. Instead of killing the dragon,the desire is to make alliance with the dragon, to harness it's power to improve ones life. A dragon can't watch out wealth with it's eyes closed. A Chinese ritual seeks to open the dragon's eyes, in order to activate its energy in your life.

1). You will need a porcelain dragon statue. These are sold in Chinatown. You may also be able to purchase one from companies that promote porcelain-painting parties.

2). The Dragon Hour is between 7 am and 9 am. Open the dragon's eyes at this time by dotting the eye's with a new brush and black ink.

Two -dimensional dragons (prints, posters, painting's) should have open eyes in order to promote positives dragon energy. If they are closed or averted, use incense stick to ritually activate the eyes.

"From the Element Encyclopedia of 1000 spells by Judika Illes"



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