It's been raining over a month now, wow. The hill on my driveway is showing the effects of all that water.. slides are appearing above my gravel road leading to the house. Trees are not able to hold the hillside together. Few trees are showing their ass by exposing their roots out of the dirt.
Heavy rain today, hearing it bang on the metal roof of the house. Ugh hope I don't get blocked in by the slide. What's bad is the road above my place will be gone and several houses up on the top of the hill. Mother Nature is angry once again..
Well the holidays have come to the land, the wind is howling singing christmas carols in the trees, the rain keeping tempo as the drops hit the ground. Birds chirping in with melody as the sway on the limbs of the trees.
The grandkids are hearing running around the house cooking Crack candy for the holidays. Me trying to sit and watch TV and be out of the drama of kids life in school. The kids will be here tomorrow morning. The grandkids are from previous kids relationships. Can't leave out no one
Merry Christmas to VR and my friends. May the season be filled with love and joy: and hope the new year is a great one for all.
At least the rain and wind storms died down today, checked out property this morning. 6 trees down and more work for me thanx Mother Naturre. We'll firewood should be plentiful next year.
To wet to do anything more. Will have to wait tell springtime to get done. Finish shopping and meet friends for the football game later. Stay dry my friends.
The darking nights seem to linger these past few days. The light of the mill is my own sanctity for not being blind, the fog from the river shrouds us half the night in its blanket of dew. reminds me of one of my favorite horror films "The Fog." yet the week has taken its toll on my body, I seem to limp around from the ache in my back and knees, that it seems that I am 90 years old.
Glad it's my Friday night, yet I feel empty in thought for my brain has difficult time putting things in perspective. Rambling thoughts of a broken mind that sometimes I have an Issue understanding my own point. LOl
Hope I get better, or they shall lock me up in a padded room with crayons. MMMmaaahhaaaa
They don't use asylums anymore now-a-days its control through computers that creates the illusion one is free so they can profit from their own negligence or perhaps it is merely the price for the pleasant fiction of freedom we Americans hold to.
Thanksgiving dinner tonight, since the kids were working on the actual day. So many people in my little house with my kids and hers, I felt so overwhelmed and closed in. Forgot to eat but I guess a drank a whole bottle of wine. Was good tho.
Everyone just left, worn out or tired from getting up early and putting the turkey in the oven. Resting on the couch watching college football. Ugh. Hate holidays anymore but I gotta be nice.