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The Coven of Purgatory

This one is strong in the darkside.
Set at 18:10 on July 22, 2024

Vampire Rave member for 4 years.

Status:  Ophidian (66.97)
Rank:  Member
Honor 1,460    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven of Purgatory
Mentorship Pupil of THE ROOST.
Account Type:  Premium
Referred By:  UniqueWanderer
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  January 3, 1969
Age:  55

Slumming it in Purgatory


Bite Neowise2020

Stalk Neowise2020




Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another. Aleister Crowley

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I think it is wise to pay the advance. Here is my second YT playlist. Note you can navigate through different songs using the Playlist Icon in the upper right corner to choose what you desire.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Greetings. My nickname's Tree. I tend to be a loner being hypersensitive and empathic as it is how I've maintained my sense of self and sanity. But we humans are pack creatures and that's not healthy so you have to have some social interaction to be whole.

Am I a vampire? I think most empaths develop vampyric traits from being able to sense others on a spiritual level. Pending their personality strength and type they just naturally create bonds and much like a magnetic field different subtle energies are exchanged. I prefer term occultist as it most accurately captures who I am.

Vampires were creatures formed in legend to me largely out of superstitions of our ancestors that didn't know any better. Medical advancement in the days of yore were restricted to concepts like the four humors and blood equated with life force thus superstitions regarding creatures of darkness were conceived coming back from the dead to take it from the living. Now when you have individuals who could manipulate subtle energy and have out of body experiences that allows one to circumnavigate space and time it can be misconstrued as departed ones projecting from their remains in the future from the past when they were alive as a vampire rising from the grave to feed off of or haunt the living. To me it's just a matter of perceiving things correctly. Apart from that the works of gothic fiction concerning the vampire really captures my spiritual path in this life well so I draw on the legend of the vampire for this as a spirituality; There is also power in blood covenants when it comes to the subtle aspects of the mysteries concerning one's microcosm.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I'm an eclectic occultist. Developed my own unique way. In a nutshell it just means I use ritual magick to achieve my will. My ultimate goal has been self transformation and understanding absolute truth or as close as I can achieve in this incarnation. I don't believe in objective divine beings but as an occultist one may subjectively utilize such beings for the emotional power it generates to social creatures as magick deals with raising energy to create change. Spiritual beings are just archetypes to me created by people's imagination to bring order and definition to a chaotic cosmos; Now the people that create these beings in their imagination can be linked up with and their power exploited. I however mainly work with the Elements of the wise and the forces of nature that I've conceived of from my unique experiences in life. It's really hard to say how well they match up with what others think as I've found some serious differences.

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Hobbies. I've had many of these over the years but whatever I'm immersed in at the time seems to reflect them. Since devoting myself to occultism now it seems more in the realm of collecting magickal tools to use. Here on the internet I use music and do a fair bit of collecting of different albums on Bandcamp platform. I also like using scent as I think it is one of the most powerful senses in my rites so aromatherapy has become a relatively new one. I like hiking in the wilderness and photographing it especially at night. Sometimes I fly drones too. I used to do a fair bit of gaming and reading but that's seldom of late devoting more time and energy to spiritual devotions now.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Sexuality. Hmm...I'd have to term myself as a super-sexual as of late having incorporated spiritual and tantric practices. The normal mundane stuff just doesn't satisfy me anymore. But I consider myself heterosexual as other guys just don't appeal to me. But since I've been in relationships with t-girls and being empathic there tends to be a blurring of that in the strictest sense. I try to respect another's sexuality but many just don't know or their personalities just aren't defined like some. It's in that confusion that most problems occur as they are insecure in who they are.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I'm not too fond of that picture I uploaded of myself above where I let my beard grow out during the covid lock-down but it coincides with the timing of the profile creation. Okay an important part of my crafting of my magickal tools here on the internet is the date they are created. Like this one was created when the Neowise comet was visible in the night sky as illustrated above by a professional photographer. But on the night I went out and took the picture and created this profile it was overcast as it shows below. But that is the way of nature. Then when I first uploaded it in my portfolio it was upside down not having the software or service to correct the meta-tags that do that to people who upload stuff on the internet from mobile devices. I've evolved. The picture is of The Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park and the comet would have been seen in the sky in upper left corner.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

This is an alternate profile my main one being OccultRanger. So for a more detailed description of me refer to it. This one I use as a back up exclusively on Firefox browser in a different skin.

So I got kicked out of Hell-damn harpies just couldn't handle me and ended up in this one Purgatory noted by its crest below that I decided to shrink to fly size to buzz around down at the bottom where all the bat shit lands. Satire is a part of this site like Cancer's radio show or the Deb of Night from the video game VTM Bloodlines. With the so called it crowd on this site dishing out the ridicule. So one should develop some patience in dealing with it to develop their character. Induction and earning one's sire status to be free is a cornerstone to this site. So just have to put up with it if you find yourself in similar conditions.

Again the purpose of this profile is mainly for the 50 megabytes of additional file storage to my main one OccultRanger and what endeavors I use there. Sharing pictures and graphics on Cancer's servers permanently seems like a good idea to me and it helps keep his business going.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

The Coven of Purgatory

Member Since: Jul 16, 2020
Last Login: Jul 27, 2024
Times Viewed: 10,173

Times Rated:213

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Jul 23, 2024
Jul 22, 2024
Jul 22, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Viewed and Rated By Thunder

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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Real Vampires love Vampire Rave.

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