Moon sisters and brothers. Come gather around. Can you feel and hear me? Come join me. Open and listen to the message and blessings about to be recieved.
Your higher power, no matter which name you call too.. has a message for you. Listen and feel the sun and moon on your face, feel the wind carress and kiss you.
Feel the power of the water flowing. Walk with the animals, feel the beat of your heart. Open and accept the Moon Blessings
Your True Self
Get in sync with your true self. Things in your life will begin to shift and change.
To make room for new and better things. Your path will be revealed one step at a time.
Trust that everything is going to be alright, and your moving into the right direction.
Pay attention to your intuition for guidence to prepare you for your next phase in life.
You are never alone on your journey, there are spiritual beings always watching over you.
They will send messages along the way.
Accept changes and new events in your life. Within divine timing, you will be guided and transformed for your life purpose.
Believe that every change in your life is beneficial to you, even if it doesn't feel that way.
Change is the opportunity for growth.
It is so easy to list the flaws of others.
Why not take a look inside at yourself, and list flaws that need worked on?
At your heart's core trust your inner voice.
Understand what you want to change in your life,
Will help you move forward on your soul's mission.
You will know your decision is right when it brings,
freedom and inner peace.
Always follow the wisdom of your soul.
Have faith that you are being supported and guided in your decision to move in a new direction.
With every breath and step you take in the direction of your soul mission,
will carry a specific energy that will become a beacon .
You will attract people, places, and things that match your energy.
Physical life areas are attracted to the type of energy that you project.
Positive energy will bring life experience , a path of peace.
Where your soul desires to be.
With this understanding, you become more aware of focusing your attention,
on the positive forces in life that bring peace and happiness.
Be aware of everthing that is happening in your daily life.
When new situations arise at unexpected times,
Pay attention to how you feel inside.
In this spiritual connection sense everything you see,
as a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions
that are deep inside. Like a mirror the world is reflecting
what is inside of you.
People in your life are your "teachers" in disguise.
What they say or do can impact you.
They play a part in your transformation, of who your becoming.
Thru observation, you realize their behavior helps you gain insight.
Find your courage and share your voice.When you embrace your strength,
You stand firm in your values, your courage will be admired by others watching you.
Through your behavior, you lead and inspire others.
The world is your greatest teacher, your lessons are being reflected all around you.
Be the best you that you can be.
Be your true self.
Many Blessings...
This whole sector of a sub-culture value individuality and being real. Biggest mistake I did was to follow my dreams and passions.
It's all friction I tell ya.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.