LadyDarkRayne's Journal


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22 entries this month

06:55 Jul 31 2009
Times Read: 898

stolen from De's Journal lol

60 Things You Didn't Know About Me
1) Are you bored?not really
2) What day is today?friday
3) Are you happy?sort of
4) Do you have a lot of friends?Yes
5) Are you close with them?Yes
6) Who do you tell everything toTami
7) Is that person your best friend?Yes
8) Does your best friend call you their best friendYes
9) Does your best friend have other best friends?no
10) Do you ever fight with your best friend?of course we don't always agree on everything
11) Does your best friend know everything about you?yes, she could write a book
12) Do you know everything about your best friend?yes I do
13) Are your friends jealous of your best friend?Nah
14) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?Yup I have an Ole Man lol
15) Do you have sex with that person?Nope
16) Are you close with your boyfriend/girlfriend?Umm, I would think so.
17) Do you want kids?Its crossed my mind
18) Do you miss being a kid?sometimes
19) Who was the last person to call you?Dana
20) Who was the last person to text you?Brendan
21) Who was the last person to comment on your myspace page?Liz
22) Do you have facebook?yes
23) Who was the last person to write on your facebook wall?not sure
24) Which do you like better facebook or myspace?facebook
25) Have you ever cheated?nope
26) Have you ever been cheated on?yup
27) Would you ever cheat?nope
28) Do you have any tattoos?yes
29) Do you have any piercings?yes
30) Do you have any regrets?nope everything happens for a reason
31) What are you wearing?tank top and shorts
32) Do you have plans for the weekend?nope
33) will you be with your friends this weekend?yes
34) When was the last time you were drunkcouple weeks ago
35) Do you ever lie?nope because it always comes back to bite ya in the ass
36) Do you enjoy sex?um who doesn't ?
37) How often do you have sex?been way too long
38) What was the last movie you watched?The watchman
39) Who was the last person to email you?Brendan
40) Is that person a close friend?ya
41) Would that person do anything to hurt you?he better not
42) Does that person know a lot about you?he knows more then most
43) Who was the last person you talked to?Dana
44) What did you sayNo Im not driving to warsaw I feel aweful
45) Do you wish you were somewhere else?Yuip sure do
46) Are you a nice person?yes I am NOT mean
47) Do people like you?generally
48) Do you have friends from out of state?yes
49) Where do they live?all over the place
50) Do you have friends from out of the country?yes
51) Have you ever been out of the country? and if yes where?Canada, Mexico
52) Where would you like to go?Egypt
53) What song are you listening to?Crazy Train
54) Are you getting bored of this survey?nah
55) Are you close with your parents?no
56) What's your favorite thing to eattositos and salsa
57) Whats the thing that you hate the most to eat?beets
58) Do you think anyone will do this survey?nah
59) Do you think 60 questions is too many to answer?IDK
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19:53 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 903

Alot of things are easier said then done.. such as forgiving those that have done you wrong, spend as much time as you can with the ones you love don't always think the worst (Gemini Trait) And Don't take the the little things for granted





12:54 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 907



10:33 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 919

Again....im finally able to sleep and then the dreams start......... ok so this morning we dream of tarot cards and repeatily pulling justice the lovers and the devil 3 of cups and 9 of cups ......which is all very good ...but the song playing was love me when im gone 3 doors down..... off song i thought ... so why the hell am i waking up in a panic????? Ok we are gonna try going to sleep again.........




03:59 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 923

There out to be open bow hunting for ex's





22:57 Jul 17 2009
Times Read: 930



19:20 Jul 17 2009
Times Read: 939

a reading i had done :

WUNJO -- A feeling of joy, rejuvenation, an abundance of light and relief from all burdens awaits you.

EIHWAZ -- However, you must use foresight in your decisions and protect yourself from any negative energies that may block your good fortune.

DAGAZ -- Wisdom, foresight and vigilance can be instrumental in transforming discordant energies into positive outcomes, thereby laying the foundation for increased prosperity.

ODIN (Blank Rune) -- The key to a positive outcome lies in your ability to trust your inner wisdom and your tools of guidance.




12:38 Jul 17 2009
Times Read: 944

I have been up since first light, went for a walk in the woods with the dog, went down to see the new colt,he is so cute. I then walked back down along the river , just observing and thinking about a lot of things. Still haven't come up with the answers for the questions that have bee on my mind, but they will come in time. I have been pretty withdrawn the last few days and am in need of some rejuvenation. I'm thinking a nice drive up into Naples would do me some good today.




do our cats control us ?

10:39 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 964

LiveScience Staff

LiveScience.com livescience Staff

livescience.com – Mon Jul 13, 12:50 pm ET

If you've ever wondered who's in control, you or your cat, a new study points to the obvious. It's your cat.

Household cats exercise this control with a certain type of urgent-sounding, high-pitched meow, according to the findings.

This meow is actually a purr mixed with a high-pitched cry. While people usually think of cat purring as a sign of happiness, some cats make this purr-cry sound when they want to be fed. The study showed that humans find these mixed calls annoying and difficult to ignore.

"The embedding of a cry within a call that we normally associate with contentment is quite a subtle means of eliciting a response," said Karen McComb of the University of Sussex. "Solicitation purring is probably more acceptable to humans than overt meowing, which is likely to get cats ejected from the bedroom."

They know us

Previous research has shown similarities between cat cries and human infant cries.

McComb suggests that the purr-cry may subtly take advantage of humans' sensitivity to cries they associate with nurturing offspring. Also, including the cry within the purr could make the sound "less harmonic and thus more difficult to habituate to," she said.

McComb got the idea for the study from her experience with her own cat, who would consistently wake her up in the mornings with a very insistent purr. After speaking with other cat owners, she learned that some of their cats also made the same type of call. As a scientist who studies vocal communication in mammals, she decided to investigate the manipulative meow.

Tough to test

Setting up the experiments wasn't easy. While the felines used purr-cries around their familiar owners, they were not eager to make the same cries in front of strangers. So McComb and her team trained cat owners to record their pets' cries - capturing the sounds made by cats when they were seeking food and when they were not. In all, the team collected recordings from 10 different cats.

The researchers then played the cries back for 50 human participants, not all of whom owned cats. They found that humans, even if they had never had a cat themselves, judged the purrs recorded while cats were actively seeking food - the purrs with an embedded, high-pitched cry - as more urgent and less pleasant than those made in other contexts.

When the team re-synthesised the recorded purrs to remove the embedded cry, leaving all else unchanged, the human subjects' urgency ratings for those calls decreased significantly.

McComb said she thinks this cry occurs at a low level in cats' normal purring, "but we think that cats learn to dramatically exaggerate it when it proves effective in generating a response from humans." In fact, not all cats use this form of purring at all, she said, noting that it seems to most often develop in cats that have a one-on-one relationship with their owners rather than those living in large households, where their purrs might be overlooked.

The results were published in the July 14 issue of the journal Current Biology.

Top 10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Animals

Video: See How Cats Walk and Stalk

All About Cats

Original Story: Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds

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18:42 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 967

Just sitting here looking out into the yard and watching Alex run around with Koda pretending to fight of monsters in the woods. Feeling the warm breeze as its whispers through the huge black walnut trees. There are so many thing I love about NY and yet so many reasons why I can not wait to leave it. Driving up into the foothills that surround the fibgerlakes here in WNY, and looking down into the vineyards around the lake, getting lost in thoughts wandering around the woods surrounding Hemlock and Canadice Lake, driving down to Zoar valley and hiking down into the gorge, all the festivals all summer long....-sighs-




17:12 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 968

Wondering how someone makes a Heart, Arrow or even a TM trademark symbol with their Keyboard?

All you need to do is Hold down your "ALT" key and press another key on the keyboard to create a symbol. Here is a list of some you can make. Have Fun!

Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol

Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol

Alt + 0174..... ®... .registered trademark symbol

Alt + 0176 ...°....... .degree symbol

Alt + 0177 ...± ... .plus-or-minus sign

Alt + 0182 ...¶....... paragraph mark

Alt + 0190 ...¾...... fraction, three-fourths

Alt + 0215 .... ×..... multiplication sign

Alt + 0162... ¢...... the cent sign

Alt + 0161..... ¡...... upside down exclamation point

Alt + 0191..... ¿..... upside down question mark

Alt + 1.......... ☺... smiley fsce

Alt + 2 ......... ☻... black smiley face

Alt + 15........ ☼... sun

Alt + 12........ ♀.... female sign

Alt + 11....... ♂.... male sign

Alt + 6......... ♠..... spade sign

Alt + 5.......... ♣.... Club symbol

Alt + 3.......... ♥.... Heart

Alt + 4.......... ♦..... Diamond

Alt + 13........ ♪..... eighth note

Alt + 14........ ♫.... beamed eighth note

Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)

Alt + 251...... √..... square root check mark

Alt + 8236..... ∞.... infinity

Alt + 24........ ↑..... up arrow

Alt + 25........ ↓..... down arrow

Alt + 26........ →... right pointing arrow

Alt + 27........ ←... left arrow

Alt + 18........ ↕..... up/down arrow

Alt + 29........ ↔... left right arrow




10:04 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 976




09:30 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 977




06:42 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 980




stolen lol

03:26 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 990

I stole this from Nightgame who got it from LadyKrystylnDarkstar who got it from Isis101's journal who stole it from CarnelianMyst (I actually answered them too):

If you've ever used an album cover for a dustpan. (yes)

If you've ever run a race barefoot in the middle of the street. (Yes)

If you had a candy lady in your neighborhood. (yes)

If you ever had to pick your own switch or belt. (yes)

If you had to walk to or from school. (yes)

If you ever used dishwashing liquid for bubble bath. (no)

If you ever mixed Kool aid one glass at a time because you got tired of everyone drinking the pitcher of Kool aid you just made. (no)

If you ever played any of the following games...Mother May I, Freeze Tag, Red Light Green Light, Hide and go Seek. (yes)

If your neighborhood had an ice cream or icee cup man. (yes)

If you refer to "Now and Later" candies as "Niladers" (no)

If you've ever run from the police on foot...and got away. (no)

If you ever had reusable bacon grease in a container on your stove. (yes)

If the batteries in your remote control were held in by a piece of tape. (yes)

If you have ever worn any of these fragrances....Jean Nate, Hai Karate, Old Spice, Chloe, Charlie, English Leather, Stetson. (yes)

IF you've ever used Tussy deodorant (no)

If you've never been to the dentist. (no)

If you had a friend or family member whose nickname is the same word twice...Dee Dee, LeeLee, Ray Ray etc (yes

If you ever paged yourself for any reason (no)

If you ever wore house shoes outside of the house (yes)

If you ever drove on a donut more than 2 weeks after your flat (yes)

If you use "'n them" to describe a group of people..."mama n' them" (no)

If you ever slept in a chair to avoid messing up your hair (no)

If you ever left a social gathering with a plate of food (yes)!

If you don't have your own place but your child has a leather coat (no)

You constantly hit *69 and ask "did you just call here?" (no)

You think Tupac is still alive. (no)




07:23 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 999

The longer this goes on the more I just have less and less emotion, until eventually I just don't care about much about anything. There are very few people and things that I even do care about, been burned enough times that I know better. You can never count on any one else because people will always let you down, no matter how much they say they will never do anything to hurt you they do and it is not always on purpose sometimes they just have no idea how lil a few words or no words at all can have an effect on you... One of my oldest and dearest friends called and woke me up an hour ago as she is driving to albany, hada long talk about about a lot of things, and she reminded me of a few things that I seemed to have forgotten thru out this whole mess. She said, " No mater what has ever happened I always land on my feet somestiomes rather shaky but always standing". She said where the hell did my best friend go, the one that never gave up, the one that would never ever let any one get her down. Told i dont know but if you see her let me know.




you know your on VR way to much when this happens...

04:42 Jul 10 2009
Times Read: 1,011

So this morning I had the strangest dream.... me and the ole man were on a trip to TN but we drove seperatly... and we ended up going thru a drive thru n some small town and Billy Lordxofxwar was working there and they served waffles with whip cream and fresh blueberries and stuff so we place our orders and of course mine was messed up so i went back in to make em fix and there was Billy. So i get the order corrected and go to leave not noticing that the ole man hadnt stopped and was still going...... i was following him because i had no idea where were going... So i pull over and for some reason i was driving in European car because the steering wheel was on the right .... so im trying to call him and then all of the sudden cherry blosson jumps in the car and says whats wrong i explain I am lost, she says well i know where you need to gp so we are driving and then there is a red truck infront of us but it kinda has like a hologram of a wolf on it and it was morphing into some one ... and i got kind of nervous and then i looked over and it wasnt cherry blossom it was someone else and i about jumped out of my skin she said I would never get where i was going because of what I did ..... and then the ole man texted me and I woke up




18:29 Jul 09 2009
Times Read: 1,021

I am so freaking confused I can not seem to make heads or tails of anything... and its really just making me very frustrated , stayed in bed most the day simly because im just so stressed out, got up a while ago and started packing more ...stuff putting things in piles of domestiv violence shelter church keep piles I have already taken two carloads of boxs over to both places... its crazy now im working on da kitchen, my domain...., boxs are piled so highj i cant see from one room to the next lol i feel like im in a maze...





06:55 Jul 06 2009
Times Read: 1,033



18:04 Jul 05 2009
Times Read: 1,036

Absolutly nothing in this world is unreachable if you just believe and have the tinyest bit of faith in what you desire. There is no limit to the amount of happiness one can endure when they have the things and people that make them happy. In my own days I couldnt be happier then I am, because all good things do come to those that wait. *winks*




06:09 Jul 05 2009
Times Read: 1,043

have this song stuck in my head fro some reason lol





07:46 Jul 03 2009
Times Read: 1,051


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