SwedishVampire's Journal

SwedishVampire's Journal


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1 entry this month


L x Raito

11:46 Dec 06 2009
Times Read: 552

I sat in my armchair looking on the TV-screens when I heard someone knocking on the door. I stood up and walked over to the door to open it but got only half way when I heard the door open. I stood still, looking against the door. Then I see Watari walk inside.

"Hn? Any news?" I said while watching him.

"They would cooperate with us" He answered after closing the door.

I walked back to the living room, picked up some candy and start eating. Sits down in my armchair again and keeps an eye on Watari.

"and?" I asked with my finger on my bottom lip. "any requirements?"

"They said they had to meet you first before they could decide"

"Bring them here on Thursday" nods slightly and puts a lollipop in my mouth.

I sighs as Watari left to get the police officers over. Walks over to the bathroom, takes a fast shower and then walks over to my bedroom. I changes clothes and lays down on my bed.

Later when I hear Watari come back with the police I walks out to the living room to great the others.

"I'm L nice to meet you" I introduced myself and sits down at me special place in the couch, takes a bit cake to eat while listening at their questions and what they think about the situation. I nods some and tries to explain the most from their questions.

Next day I walks outside in the town while Soichiro puts up cameras and mini mics in his son, Raitos room. Sighs a little and enters a store not far away from where I live. Looks around at some sweets, hears a voice a bit away but in the same compartment as me. Looks over at him even through I mostly looks at some candy, sees that he writes in a black book and turns my sight to some snacks in front of me.

"Can that be Kira?" Thinks and looks at my phone a little "Shouldn't he be on his way to school in that case?"

Hears him getting closer, looks pretty fast at him in the corner of me eye. Sighs lightly and picks some candy. Feels a hand on my shoulder and looks at the boy over my shoulder.

"Hn? Nandayo?" I asked with a calm, low voice.

"Are you a cop?" He asked really low.

"No.... Who are you anyway?"

"Don't lie! I saw how you looked at me before" He said with an angry voice yet pretty low and turned me around.

"Just cause I looked the way you where at it doesn't mean I looked at you!... And answer my question" Looks him in the eyes.

"Yeah right, keep up with your lies your damn cop!"

"You're Kira aren't you?" I said calmly.

"So what if I am? gonna arrest me?"

"Well no... Just wanted to say if you are you're skilled"

Feels how Kira lets go of me, sighs mentally and still looks at him.

"And shouldn't you be on your way to school by now?" I asked him.

"Hn?" Looks at his clock "damn... yeah I should... thanks" runs away.

Sighs, pays for the snacks and walks back home.

"Ain't he a bit lost to be in that store when he should be on his way to school?" Asks myself as opening the door and walks inside. Puts the snacks on the living room table, walks over to my bedroom and lays down on the bed. Looks up in the ceiling.

"Damn it seems like I can't get his face out of my mind" thinks.

Falls asleep after a while, but wakes up shortly after when hearing someone knock at the door. Sighs and walks to open it. Sees Soishiro when opening the door

"Ah Soichiro... So you've fixed it now?" I asked and walked inside.

"Hai" He nodded a little "I didn't disturb did I?"

I let him in and walks to the living room after closing the door and turns on the TV-screens.

"No you didn't" yawns a little. "well they seems to work at least" points at the screens.

I looked at Soichiro who sits down in the couch then back at the TV-screens.

"You did a great work, Yagami-san" Looks at Soichiro again and sits down at my usual place in the armchair. "You can go now"

"Arigatou" I heard Soichiro say before leaving.

Looks back at the screens to keep an eye on Raitos room until he gets home.



Looks out through the window and barely listens at what the teacher says

"I truly can't get his face out of my head" I though and looked out stairs at the sunny schoolyard.

I sighs lightly and tries to focus on the school.

"He sure was cute" Thinks.

"Yagami would you?" I heard the teachers said.

I stood up and translated from the book as I was meant to do.

"Very good as expected from Yagami" The teacher said and I sat down again.

I kept looking out through the window the rest of the lesson.

I was pretty irritated on Ryuk that day since he just nagged about that he wanted apples and thought school was boring.

"Stupid god of death that can't be quiet"

When the school day was end I stayed in town a while.



"I need to take a walk" I said to myself and looked out through the window and down over the dark streets.

I walked over to the door and put on my shoes before walking out on the street. I felt a strong smell of pollution. Even a strong smell of alcohol and smoke as some people passes me. I walks against the store as I was in earlier that day when I see Raito stand there as if he was waiting for someone. I was about to pass him but got stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"What is it now?" I turned around and met Raitos gaze.

"I just need to talk to you, c'mon" He grabbed my wrist and start walking.

"Where are we going?" I though as I silently followed him into a dark alley.

Feels that Raito Suddenly stops and is about to walk onto him, but stops just some millimeters away from him.

"Can't you at least tell when to stop" I told him a bit irritated but yet calm voice.

"Sorry" I heard him mumble. "You haven't told anyone about earlier this day, haven't you?"

"No, not yet... why?" I looked at him.

"Then keep it a secret" He held me against the wall and looked me into my eyes.

I didn't answer so I just nodded and stayed quiet.

"I am the one you're looking for, I AM Kira" He said suddenly.

"You? you're Kira?" I said with a low voice.

He nodded slightly without letting go of me.

"What did you wanna talk about anyway?" I asked.

"I've already said it"

"Then why do you still keep me stuck to the wall"

Feels how he presses me harder to the wall and grabs my chin but doesn't protest.



"He's so different to everyone else, he doesn't protest or anything" Thinks, still has a grip of Ls chin.

Moves my arm over his chest and pulls him even closer to the wall. Sighs mentally and tries to ignore Ryuk as good as possible while keeping an eye on L.

"You know I can't say that in public" I said "And I hope I can trust you to keep quiet about this" I said with a low voice and sighs lightly.

"He is...cute... no wait, what the hell am I thinking on? I can't mean that or?" I though pretty confused.



"I know you can't but what makes you tell me that?" I said and looked at Raito. "What makes you believe I'm so trustful?"

"You're good at keeping things secret since you work with the Japanese FBI"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I have to keep this a secret, you know" I said with a stern voice, just realizes that Raito has moved closer to me.

"I know that you don't have to but please" He still looked me in the eyes.

I kind of knew what was gonna happen yet I got surprised when Raito kissed me softly.

"Sorry" He said with a low voice.

"It's...okay" I said still a bit chocked

"What the hell is wrong with me? It's not okay...He's Kira for fuck sake!" I though with a pretty confused and angry voice.

"I'm still sorry about that" Raito said and looked down at the mart, lets go of my chin.

"It's not your fault" Smiles weakly as saying it and leans closer to Raito.

Still looks at Raito and sees that he blushes slightly. Still smiles weakly and hugs him. Looks at him a little before kissing his neck, still hugging him.

"This sure is something that have to be kept a secret for our own good, ne L?" Raito whispered in my ear.

"That would be a good idea. We could get in trouble to meet this way"

"I know"

"For me it ain't any problem I'm usually out at the nights."

"But for me... I'm usually staying home to study"

"How about weekends?"

"Might work... Just to say I've got a friend and shall go train with him" Kira said and smiled a little.

"You should go home I mean you still have to go to school tomorrow and it's pretty late" I said as I looked him in the eyes, holds my hands on his waist.

"You're right and I still have homework to do" Raito said with a sigh as he looked back at me. "Shall we meet on Saturday?"

"Sure, we can meet at the store around 5pm"

"Then... see you on Saturday" Raito kissed me and away.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I though as Walking back home.

When I came back home it was quiet and dark except the light from the TV-screens in the living room.

I walked to the bedroom and gone to sleep.

I woke up pretty late next day when the phone called in the living room. I tiredly walked to the living room and answered.

"Any news? And what the hell is the clock?" I said with a really tired voice.

"It's noon, and you've been asleep I guess" Watari said.

"Noon already?" A little surprised voice. "and yeah I was asleep"

"Well we've got a tape from one who claims to be Kira. But if you're tired you should sleep"

"No... I'm on my way" I said with a sigh, walks back to my bedroom to get dressed.



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