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my life path

16:40 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 630

Maria, your Life Path of 4 ...

You are a trustworthy, practical and down to earth individual who places ethics above materialism and greed. You are a humanist at heart, and your life path focus is usually related to manifesting the greater philosophical ideals into practical reality. For this reason your expectations of yourself and others are unusually high.

You are a doer, more than a talker and nothing annoys you more than an individual that does not follow through on what he or she says he is going to do. You don't suffer fools gladly and have no problem swiftly eliminating people who you consider being a liability from your life. You especially have no tolerance for silly, neurotic or shallow people.

One of the problems of being a four is that you expect others to be of demanding of themselves as you are of yourself. It is painful for you to realize that others simply don't have the same perseverance, dedication and devotion to improving the world that you do. Many 4's are also extremists, tending to be very right wing or very left wing in their thinking.

Your incredible stamina, perseverance and will power allow you to accomplish ten times the amount of work that anyone else can in one day. Others often realize this about 4 and take advantage of your almost superhuman qualities. Your organization and planning skills are exemplary and for that reason you are a fantastic strategist, administrator, project manager. You are a perfect example of how "slow and steady wins the race."

However, it is part of your life path to learn how to delegate responsibility and let others take care of themselves every now and then! Many 4's are unhappy campers by the end of their lives simply because they chose the path of the hard-working martyrs while others reaped the benefits of all of their pioneering work. To avoid this you should always spare yourself the trouble of always making things right and let others be accountable for their own mistakes.

Often your tenacity and strong will is perceived as stubbornness. Fours often don't make good leaders as others see them as too autocratic and demanding. Of all of the numbers, you are most prone to such disorders as obsessive compulsive disorder and being addicted to perfection. The plus side of this is that many of you own dream homes that are spic and span from top to bottom. You are also an excellent landscaper and interior decorator.

You choose your friends and business partners wisely and function best in a team of two. You may have few close friends during your lifetime but the ones that you do have are loyal for life. You are dependable and trustworthy and more willing than most people to sacrifice what you have for greater good of all. Those who witness this are often touched by your kindness.

You are enraged by any type of social injustice and can be quite outspoken about politics, religion or ethics. Although your intentions are good, it is also one of your life challenges to learn to be tolerant of other's beliefs and opinions.

As the number 4 is associated with the earth element and the four elements you a re the most grounded of all of the numbers. This makes you an excellent parent and provider. You usually marry early in life and because of your conscientiousness about money are quite wealthy by the end of your days. You also love animals and will probably enjoy the company of many pets during your lifetime.

My expression number

Maria, your Expression of 6 ...

Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

You are a peace loving, harmonious individual who is a natural born diplomat. You detest conflict and will bend over backwards to make others happy. The ultimate height of your personal self expression is healing. Nothing gives you more satisfaction then knowing you have corrected a situation that was whirling out of balance.

You express who you are by caring for others. This is why so many sixes are doctors, healers, counselors, psychologists, policeman and therapists. Your philosophy usually relates to the idea that the world can be healed of all its ills if we heal one person at a time.

You have a brilliant, creative mind and many different talents but chances are you will forsake a career in the limelight to work in humble, yet helpful occupations. You are quite philosophical and believe that one should sacrifice oneself for the good of all.

You excel at making others feel good about themselves and have the ability to instill new hope in lost hearts with a kind touch or wise words. You are also a very affectionate person and comfort others with your easygoing nature. Others are attracted by your empathy and your friends often seek you out for advice.

You make a wonderful parent and teacher and have a way with children. At some point in your life you may find yourself coaching, mentoring or adopting a child or a teenager.

You are naturally full of vitality and enthusiasm. You exude a personal charisma that makes members of the opposite sex consider you to be a "catch." Once you are caught you are usually loyal to that one person for your entire life.

Honesty and openness is very important in your relationships and if someone breaches your trust you are not likely to speak to them ever again. You consider yourself to be a very ethical and moral individual and are deeply pained by any situation that falls into a moral gray area.

You are also deeply spiritual and have a great faith in a higher power. However when that power seems to let you down you have the power to spiral down into a deep depression. As you are all about balance, you are a nightmare to be with when life knocks you out of balance. You may express your bitterness at being let down by God with addiction, codependent or destructive behaviors.

Sometimes you may also mistakenly believe that your mission on earth is to set things right. This can lead to a fanatical need to prove a point or get revenge on the individuals or organizations that you think are causing the disharmony for yourself and others in the first place. Many activists and cult leaders are number 6's who have succumbed to this kind of black and white thinking.

On a less extreme level, your concern for others may be perceived as interfering or meddling as you just can't help yourself when it comes to helping others. One of your life challenges is to let others make their own mistakes rather than trying to save them from themselves.

You often dress conservatively and are humble in your appearance. This is because you spend so much time focusing on others rather than yourself. Ironically, you may be good at caring for others but not so good at caring for yourself. If you are a six it is important for you to take time out to pamper yourself every now and then as your tendency to overwork yourself can lead to health problems in the future.

My soul urge

Maria, your Soul Urge of 9 ...

What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

The highest expression of your soul's urge is to connect in a mystical way with others. Although your aspirations are lofty, you are also a humanitarian who is often gifted with a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Often you give up opportunities that should be yours, simply to help another. This is because your faith in yourself, god and the future is so strong that you live by your conviction that the universe is always unfolding as it should.

Others simply do not possess your spiritual sophistication and may be amused or repelled by what they see as your irrational talk or beliefs. You may be accused of being stupid or foolish simply because you won't take the bait (of a job or money) at the expense of your ethics. Compared to the other numbers, you excel at letting go of lovers or opportunities simply because you know you can't take emotions and material goods with you when you die.

As you are driven more by compassion than common sense, you are the first to fall on your sword for a worthy cause. You may often be broke because you see money only as a tool of change. You would much rather spend money on art, charity or a trip. In fact, ostentatious displays of wealth anger and disgust you because your ideal is a world where all humans are equal.

You might appear very eccentric to others who don't quite understand your fascination with the spiritual world or your insistence on being a seeker of truth. Furthermore nines tend to get carried away when it comes to trying to heal or connect to others. The biggest mistake you could make is to try and be an "agent of karma" by meddling or interfering in other people's affairs.

As you are so talented psychically, you often become a liability in business simply because people in authority resent your ability to perceive their secrets. You rarely rise very high on the corporate ladder simply because others see you as a threat to their cloak of political intrigue.

You have a soul that must be continually assured and fed with new sources of spiritual information. To stay healthy, your psyche may require that you make special trips to holy or mystical places. You may have to seek out special teaching to help you understand and cultivate your talents so that you are in control, as opposed to terrorized by them. Being able to foresee the future or see through other people is often painful, so some therapy might be required in your life to help you detach from your own sensitivity.

One of the sins you are most vulnerable to is spiritual pride. This can bring you situations that cause your faith to be seriously tested or where your pride can take a big fall. Many nines often find themselves subject to a lesson in becoming humble by the cosmos simply because they were too boastful of their talents. Making money off of your psychic talents may also cause you some problems, as part of your path is to heal without the expectation of reward. If you are working professionally as a psychic and are a nine, then remember to tithe at least one tenth of your earnings towards a worthy cause. However the highest calling of your soul urge is to share your intuitive talents for free.




my astrology chart

16:07 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 632

Natal Astrology Chart:

Name: maria barrera

Date of Birth: Thu Mar 15 07:00:00 EST 1984

Place of Birth: Alice, USA

First house is in

Aries Myth: You Rush forward with over confidence, feeling successful before success is achieved. However this brings in an inventive and creative mind. THUS allowing one to pioneer the new and unexplored. Drastic fluctuations can occur. You have the need for freedom. You have dominating mental energy and powerful thoughts. There is cruelty from uncontrolled use of language, either as gossip or criticism. The symbol of evil is a sea monster, the enemy of little fish, and wild horses representing the devastating effects of wrong speech. This is the sign of the thinker; “you are your thoughts.” The biggest problem associated with Aries is that too many thoughts flood into your mind thereby making it hard not to be reactive. Words have a way of erupting. Simply because there are too many at once that plague the individual. Where Aries resides in the natal chart is where these overwhelming experiences within the mind will show up. The Planet-Mars rules Aries. Mars represents pain and separation. This pain and separation forms a pattern. Aries is the "I am" and Mars is the "I do", therefore "I am what I do". Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $25.00. Just click link!

With Aries ruling your first house, you will project yourself in a very confident, if somewhat over bearing manner. You will exude leadership skills, and may exert control over others. The personality and or the ego will need to be managed. At the same time, you will also need to control your thoughts and words, so that you are not destructive to others. You must learn the right use of language and not use it to criticize and gossip. Indeed, you must try not to be so eruptive and you must try to maintain self-control. You do not give up. In fact, you persevere until you achieve what you desire. Language can have an effect on your image; either by being perceived as a direct and out spoken person, or being the recipient of cruel gossip. Most likely these will be alternating experiences.

Second house is in

Taurus Myth: Alone one seeks, sad and conscious of need. There are problems of sex, and elusive states of sensitivity. Wherever Taurus is, there is always a long search, and feelings of confusion, because you are dealing with the problems of illusion. You do not see things clearly as if you are under a spell. You can be caught up in the world of glamour, because the soul, through desire, takes a body. You understand the law of attraction; the instinctive urge to create, but many pains accompany this urge. Life is stormy, and you are lost in the storm. You are dealing with desire, and trying to control that desire. Falling into a dark abyss, lost in fantasy. Trying to determine what is real, and what is not real. Enlightenment comes when the eye is opened. Three one eyed giants, or initiates live on an island, the island is you alone in the world, a bull in a holy place. It is important to control desire. A dove represents the purity of intention, and seven sisters singing, represents the healing power of music and song.

Ruling Planet- Venus rules Taurus. Here you will have confusion. There will be a tendency to loose your boundaries. Often stepping out of the box of conformity or morality. Illusion exists where Taurus resides. There will always be feelings of loneliness. Taurus is "I desire" Venus is "Love". Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Taurus ruling the second house, you may get confused about money, sex and love. You have a strong desire for money. However, you need to work through the illusions that come with money. Therefore, you may have to re-prioritize your life. There is confusion about how to earn money. “What should I do, or what should be my profession.” You can make money in the music world, or with film. Remember, money can keep you lonely. Since Venus rules Taurus, love and money can get confusing. There can be deception in partnership over money. You may have dealings with money that can get entangled.

Third house is in

Gemini Myth: : In this labor, you must make contact with the soul. Belief becomes knowledge. It is the meeting with the higher self, as teacher. It is the recognition of the higher self through flashes of illumination that are fleeting and elusive. It is to search without discouragement, deception, or haste. It is being aware of wasting time with false teachers. Realizing that you are safe when you raise your thinking to the light. Know that truth is within. The golden apple is deeds of love and service to others. The five senses open up, in Gemini and the mind makes its' appearance and we enter into the world of duality. Man emerges as a spiritual being. Where Gemini is in the chart is where there is a desire for discipleship. The house that is ruled by Gemini is how we might serve. Knowledge must be transmuted into wisdom.

Ruling Planet- Mercury rules Gemini. Wherever Mercury is in the chart is where you will feel nervous and distrustful. You can have excited feelings. There is always a little bit of doubt creeps in; like it is too good to be true. Remember the arch deceiver and the false teacher. Learn to listen. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Gemini ruling your third house, your search is for knowledge and wisdom. You have an active and highly curious mind. You will have both good and bad experiences with teachers, and may even become a teacher. Writing is a definite way of self-expression. With a highly tuned nervous system, ideas come to you in sudden flashes. A Gemini third house is a curious mind. You can be nervous and insecure in the classroom, or with education. You may have a sibling that can be a source of contention, or you may be nervous about a sibling. Perhaps there is something strange in your neighborhood that can bring you some “dis-ease.” You can serve the world through the use of language, or by teaching. Dealings with neighbors and or a sibling can have mysterious overtones, even some deception. You can be highly intuitive and even channel knowledge. Be aware of false teachers who make spiritual claims that are only egocentric manifestations.

Forth house is in

Cancer Myth: In Cancer one must decide which voice to listen to, so obey your heart. Wake up to an inner awareness that is your own truth. In order to obtain this state of awareness takes a deep silence. You need to quiet the chatter of the mind, to discriminate what is pure. You can glimpse a truth once, briefly and elusively, only to search over and over again. It is being lost in darkness, wandering in a wilderness. You must transmute instinct into the higher spiritual intuitive self. The home is essential for your well being. The true home is back with God; seeking God and seeking home is the same. The sacred doe is the symbol of the instantaneous recognition of truth, and that is what must be seized. In this labor, patience and humility are necessary for you to use and develop. The Pole star will guide you on your journey.

Ruling Planet- The Moon rules Cancer. Where the Moon is you will experience similar feelings for security and a home base. It is also a place of emotional ups and downs. You are navigating the elusive states of intuition. Your lesson is learning to trust your own inner voice. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Cancer ruling your fourth house, you are truly attached to your home, unless there are conflicting planets. With a Cancer fourth house you crave the home as a hiding place from the rest of the world. You respond well with children. Your mother may live with you. Naturally intuitive, you are a good listener. You may prefer to retreat to a place of quietude and serenity. Ties with the mother can be problematic or too intense. It is best not to be influenced by the mother and instead seek your own truth. Your home can be the cave in which you hide. Your spiritual side is deep.

Fifth house is in

Leo Myth: In this Labor is the need to listen on deep inner levels. You must quiet the ego, so the inner ear can be heard. Where the house of Leo is one can tremble and hide silently behind a locked door. Here the loud and frightening sounds that create fear need to be cast out. Rage and fear can both exist in the house of Leo. Until you summon courage, you will not succeed. Hercules only weapon is his club. He blocks the opening of a cave with wood and sticks, and blocks out the light of day, until the lion grows weaker and weaker. That roaring lion is the personality or the ego. The ego can create fear, especially when it seems threatened. Hercules goes deep within where it is dark to confront the personality. You can experience an inability to speak, sometimes getting choked up emotionally, or not being heard, because someone else is making a lot of noise.

Ruling Planet-The Sun is the ruler of Leo, and where Leo is the Sun shines. There is a burden that comes with this, because the Sun is life, and life is about pain and struggle. Leo rules the heart. One must have courage in order to love. Through heartfelt experiences one can suffer, with an unmentionable pain. There is also a need to be seen. If you are loved then you are seen. Where Leo is there is drama, because there is a need to shine and to be noticed. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

A Leo fifth house makes an actor, artist, or a creative person. This placement makes you highly individualistic and independent. You love children, and you love to be childlike. It is what you cannot talk about in your own childhood that hurts. With Leo ruling your fifth house, you will exude creative talent in the arts. You will also have a special way with children, bringing fun and playfulness into their lives. You may have pride in your children and can get choked up emotionally whenever you are thinking about them. In the business world you can take chances, gamble and have a sense of adventure. Real estate can work well for you. Confidence and courage alternate with fear and anger. Watch out for arrogance. Try not to dominate in love relationships.

Sixth house is in

Virgo Myth: "The powerful hand grip in Leo becomes the healing hand of service in Virgo." High upon an altar stood the Queen Hippolyte wearing the girdle of Venus, signifying love and a symbol of the sacred child. Hercules did not listen to her fair words. He struggled with her and killed her; the one who was giving him a gift of love. Virgo is the oldest of all zodiacal signs. You must shield and nurture your hidden spirituality. You have in Virgo two directions, one of virtue and one of vice. There is the ancient war between the sexes that takes place in Virgo. I am the mother and the child. You must ask, “How can I best serve?” You must respect the child within yourself so you can recognize the vulnerable and sacred child in others. It is through the house that Virgo occupies you can find the best way to access your inner child, and extend that loving respect to others.

Ruling Planet- The ruler of Virgo is Mercury. The house where Mercury resides is where one is mercurial. This means that you vacillate with a nervous excitement. Happy then scared, not trusting, but wanting to trust. Afraid the little child is going to get hurt, because the little child did get hurt. Love was rejected, so, therefore, there exists an anxiety about love. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

A Virgo sixth house can make you nervous about your health. You may have experienced illness in your early years, and now have become a hypochondriac. Perhaps, you simply decided to heal others. With Virgo ruling your sixth house, you will learn to serve others. Be sure not to discriminate in your dealings with the opposite sex. You can use your healing nature to serve those in need. You may help sick children by giving them hope. You extend yourself to co-workers. You can also help find people work, and help them regain their self-esteem. You are an excellent technician and operate with a high degree of perfectionism. This can make the work place stressful unless you learn to just relax a little bit in order to help things flow better.

Seventh house is in

Libra Myth: Balance and judgment are required for tasks in Libra. Take the time to nourish yourself. This is a test of friendship and courage. Here fear and terror exist, but no weapons are used in this initiation, for fear of killing another. For in the labor of Virgo, Hercules kills the Amazon Queen. Librans have a tendency to forget their mission in life, and often take up in carousing with friends. There is a messenger of death once more, this time between friends. It is a crisis that puts you back on your spiritual path. You may harbor feelings of being put in a cold place, alienated, and often having no support. This will actually drive you forward to success. Subtle skills are needed, since a Libran will not confront. This is one of the most difficult signs to understand. It is the symbol of the spider because the Libran is always weaving a perpetual web of entangled relationships. However, this is the only labor that has laughter, even in the worst experiences there will be some laughter from a Libran. Try to make decisions, since there is a difficulty in decision making with this sign.

Ruling Planet- Venus rules Libra. Venus is not just about love and beauty, but also truth. Anything that is concerned with love is concerned with truth. There is no love where there is no truth. Distrust resides where Libra is, or the house that contains Venus. Disappointment comes with this placement of Venus. The Libran labor is marked with crisis, but this is the very thing that leads the Libran individual to another level. So do not be overwhelmed by the thought of a crisis. Most Librans can marshal their energies to deal with the crisis, and this can make them great leaders. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Libra ruling your seventh house, you will be learning lessons through relationships. There is a deep need for partnership and sharing. You are not happy until you share your life with someone. A Libran seventh house can make you suffer in a crisis through partnerships. You can have a partnership in the art or beauty business. You are social and need to network with others. Your partnership can involve many different people from all walks of life. This brings many interesting contacts. Again Libra is the house of crisis. It is the crisis that keeps a Libran on task to completion, otherwise complacency, which is considered a spiritual sin, takes place. Therefore, learn to welcome the challenge of Libra, get on path and do your work.

Eighth house is in

Scorpio Myth:- This Labor is simple, just surrender. Do not struggle. Let go of control. In Scorpio you will have a feeling of sinking into quicksand and being surrounded by the dark and damp earth. Know that you sink faster in the quicksand if you struggle. In this labor there is darkness and perpetual night. However, Scorpio does not always require the daylight, and has an affinity for a dark cave, or a desire to be enclosed and hidden. Scorpio uses strategy. You must expose the ugliness that is buried deep within to the air and light so the darkness will grow weaker and weaker. Accumulated mistakes, failures, and evils of the past must be dealt with before you can find the hidden treasure, the buried jewel. This is an endless struggle, since life is always testing you. You must find at ‘one-ment’ in this world of duality. This is a technique that can keep you centered.

Ruling Planet- Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Mars is focused energy. Whatever house Mars resides in is where you are focused. Pluto is transformation. Where ever Pluto is will give you a life altering experience, from which it can be hard to recover. When you are transformed then you become empowered. Both Mars and Pluto are highly eruptive. They represent extremely intense energy that will create dramatic results. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Scorpio in the eighth house means that you are very psychic, but you are also very secretive. You may have secrets involving other people's money. You can analyze finances and make very sound judgments involving the use of money. You can inherit lots of money. Money can come with mystery, and you may have to be silent. A Scorpio eighth house can bring power struggles with other peoples' money. You can have dealings with the underground, or you can make money in the psychic realms. You may have deep-seated fears involving death, money or sex.

Ninth house is in

Sagittarius Myth: In this Labor you are guided by a fierce desire for truth. The sounds of aggression, hate, and prejudice come from these birds, with beaks that are as sharp as swords with talons to match. There were so many birds that they hid the sun, the light of the world. These highly aggressive birds represent the misuse of language. It is language that can pierce you, and cause you much pain. There is no comparison to be made, nor competition to be had. You are on a private and intimate journey, only God understands. Each one of us is an aspirant, going straight, like an arrow, to our destiny and to our highest goal. Spirit must manifest through the souls endeavor to purify. Keep your eye on the eagle, and never lower your standard.

Ruling Planet: Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. Remember that wherever Jupiter is, you expand or become overwhelmed. Jupiter is benevolent, and tolerant. It can give you grand schemes in life by mere exaggeration. These exaggerations can bring anxiety. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Sagittarius ruling your ninth house, you can teach. There is no limit to how you use your mind. . You can be athletic, and have a great love of the outdoors. You can have a love of travel. Your views will be expansive, grand and tolerant. Be mindful of slander and damaging words. Legal problems can arise, lawsuits as well. In-laws can be problematic. You can have strong and interactive language with an in-law. You can use language and make money by publishing. A Sagittarius ninth house can make you expands through your mind

Tenth house is in

Capricorn Myth: Gently touch your forehead, awaken your third eye, and see a vision. You are asked to be a savior. You must go to Hell and save Prometheus and release him from his suffering. The path of a world savior is the loneliest of all. You work for the benefit of the universe through individual experiences, which bring compassion to others. You must perform an act of service because good intentions need to be carried out. This is a sign that is both universal and impersonal. You must be impersonal in dealing with yourself. The Hebrew name for arrow means the desolate one. We must experience the pain and suffering first, in order to help others' with their pain and suffering.

Ruling Planet: Saturn rules Capricorn. Where Saturn lies is where you bury yourself. For example-if it is in the sixth house-you can bury yourself in your work, if Saturn is in the third house, you can bury yourself in your studies and hobbies, or bury a relationship with sibling. Capricorn is also the loneliest of all the signs. Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $30.00. Just click link!

With Capricorn ruling the tenth house, you would certainly connect yourself to the military or politics as a profession. You can go to the top, and also fall from the top. You are extremely organized, and regimented. Sadness can come through men, the father, or even a son. Although you may be surrounded by many you can feel alone at the top. You can also do serious world service, thus affecting the lives of many. A Capricorn tenth house can put you in touch with the military or with powerful men who have authority over you. You can work for a large corporation at the top.

Eleventh house is in

Aquarius Myth: In this Labor you will find no reward for your good work. You must seek to serve the world without recompense. Two rivers, one of love and one of life rush forward to sweep away the accumulated filth. You must clean up what is toxic in your life, as Hercules did when he cleaned away the accumulated dung in the stables. If you are not yet on the evolutionary path of a world server, then you maybe acting like an angry King, with distrust and a disbelief in others. You try to protect yourself by controlling and manipulating others because you are always thinking that they are taking advantage of you. You move forward by going back, to help others on their journey. Remember to serve without reward.

Ruling Planet -Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and whichever house Uranus is there can be sudden upheaval, uprooting you, and leaving you with no support. The only support would be from within, from your own inner faith. Also, whichever house Uranus resides is where you step out of the box; no boundary can contain you.

With Aquarius ruling your eleventh house, you will be in tune with the world. You may also be influenced and in step with friends. Friends can be manipulative or controlling. You can have uprooting experiences with friends, and experience sudden losses. You may be instrumental in serving the world through large group involvement. Part of your mission is to clean up what is toxic around you. An Aquarian eleventh makes you a powerful person in-group work. You have friends in high places. Your intentions must always have integrity or they will backfire.

Twelfth house is in

Aries Myth: You Rush forward with over confidence, feeling successful before success is achieved. However this brings in an inventive and creative mind. THUS allowing one to pioneer the new and unexplored. Drastic fluctuations can occur. You have the need for freedom. You have dominating mental energy and powerful thoughts. There is cruelty from uncontrolled use of language, either as gossip or criticism. The symbol of evil is a sea monster, the enemy of little fish, and wild horses representing the devastating effects of wrong speech. This is the sign of the thinker; “you are your thoughts.” The biggest problem associated with Aries is that too many thoughts flood into your mind thereby making it hard not to be reactive. Words have a way of erupting. Simply because there are too many at once that plague the individual. Where Aries resides in the natal chart is where these overwhelming experiences within the mind will show up. The Planet-Mars rules Aries. Mars represents pain and separation. This pain and separation forms a pattern. Aries is the "I am" and Mars is the "I do", therefore "I am what I do". Planetary influences can be found in more detail in the Full Natal reading available online for $25.00. Just click link!

With Aries ruling your twelfth house, your mind can haunt you because it is constantly in contact with the subconscious. You are always thinking, driving yourself crazy. Your thoughts are repeated over and over again, thus never giving you a rest. You live in secrecy, always hiding parts of yourself. You can be submerged into a secret world, in effect, living another life. Perhaps you are holding onto the past, and never forgetting an injustice. You can have powerful hidden enemies that can ruin you. You are silently driven.



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