The Society System Score
The Scoring System is a complex, extremely accurate score of a House or Coven. A Score is broken down into the following parts:
33% is based on the average Rating of all House/Coven members.
33% is based on the average Status Level of all House/Coven members.
34% is based on the amount of Favor the House/Coven has.
The total House/Coven score is a value between .66 and 10. Although a score of 10 is theoretically possible, in practice it is not attainable.
This portion of the score is easy to compute. The Profile Ratings for all House/Coven members are added together. The total is then divided by the total number of ratings. Finally, this number is multiplied by .33 (one third).
This portion can range between .33 and 3.3.
To achieve this portion of the score the numeric levels of each House/Coven member are added together. The total is then divided by the number of House/Coven members. Next, the number has to be proportioned to a scale of 1-10. If this is not done (to reflect a score similar to the Rating portion above), one third of this value will over balance the total score. This is how the score is proportioned:
House/Coven Status Score X
--------------------------- = ----
29 (Highest Possible Score) 10
Solve for X then multiply by .33 (one third). The result will be a score between 1 and 3.33333.
This portion can range between .33 and 3.3.
Favor of the Prince is won by a House or Coven by member participation. This portion of a House/Coven score is 34%. After Favor has been earned, it may be traded or given to another House or Coven. It can be considered currency, and is often used to facilitate trades between a House or Coven.
To achieve this portion of the score, the total Favor of a House/Coven is divided by the Maximum Favor (This is the House/Coven with the highest Favor). This number is then adjusted like the Status Level portion to represent a score between 1 and 10.
House/Coven Favor X
------------------- = ----
Maximum Favor 10
Solve for X then multiply by .34 (one third). The result will be a score between 0 and 3.4. Because Maximum Favor will always be held by at least one House or Coven, this portion of the total Score can be maximized to a value of 3.4.
Finally, the total Score is achieved by adding together the above three parts. The result will be a House/Coven score between .66 and 10.
Because of the complex nature of how Scores are computed, Scores are only updated every ten minutes.
An Alliance is formed between two or more Societies. When Societies align, their favor and members are combined in the computation of Society Standing.
Members of an Alliance can freely move between aligned Societies. When you are in a Society that is in an Alliance, you can move freely within the other Alliance Societies. You can access their news page, message archive, chat, polls, forum, and private internal pages just as if you were a regular member. You can also post in their forum or vote in their polls.
Superior Sire (141)

Premiere Sire (126)

Premiere Sire (120)
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