The Society System Marks
There are 3 Marks:
Mark of the Prince
Mark of the Master
The Mark of Shame
The Prince can mark any member of any House or Coven. A Society Master can mark members of their own Society only. How The Prince and Masters choose to issue their marks will vary.
A Mark awards a member a bonus to their Status. Mark of the Prince is 10%. Mark of the Master is 5%. The Mark of Shame is worth -10%. This means the most a single member can accrue is 15%. This bonus is applied to the member's Status and it is substantial. The higher the level of the member the more significant the bonus. As an example, a level 20 member with Mark of the Prince is instantly bumped to level 22 (20 * 1.1 = 22).
A Master may only mark up to 30% of their Society. |
Vampire Rave is a member of
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