ventrueprince2's Portfolio
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Who am I?
I am the greatness that at times appears as failure. I am remarkable strength that is sometimes masked by traces of weakness. I am powerful beyond measure even though I often see with eyes too focued on limitation. I am the possibility of awareness and enlightenment, striving to love and to forgive- myself and others. I aspire to be the peace I seek, and to live in a place of gratitude. I am the energy of my thoughts, actions, and deeds... created in alignment with the Spirit of magnificence and perfection. I am the hope that believes everything is possible... and so I am.
-source unknown-

Total Pictures: 16
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Last Updated: | Sep 22, 2011 |
Times Viewed: | 6,333 |
Times Rated: | 1153 |
Rating: | 9.934 |
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