
Vampire Rave member for 14 years.

Status:  Malcontent (9.49)
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Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Illinois, USA


Bite Amoryxya

Stalk Amoryxya



It has been said that "Time heals all wounds." I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. ~Rose Kennedy

Welcome to my profile. You have made it this far. Why turn around now?

Anyways. My name is Andrea. I'm 17 and I live with my mom and my little sister. I'm a second semester junior in high school. I will be a senior this January, and I could possibly graduate this year. I'm excited about that. =]

My favorite thing to do, besides hang out with my friends, is write. I mainly write fanfiction, but I can write other stuff too. I'm a very big dreamer. I love daydreaming, it gets me through the day.

I'm really hoping to go to college for anthropology and psychology. I'll eventually be Mastering in both Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Psychology. For some reason I am attracted--not in the romantic sense--to the crazy people. Another thing is that I seem to dislike people, yet I want to take on the two subjects that center around them. Gods help me.

Anyways, moving on now. I can be a very complicated person, or a very simple one. It all depends on the angle in which you see me from. I have been told that I look like I have a shield up around everyone, and I probably do. Though I am trying to break that shield down. It's taking a lot of time and strength, but I'm getting there. I hardly dress up for anyone, unless it is myself. Even then I become disappointed because I seem to be so hard to please. When I do dress up, I have to look absolutely perfect. Anything else would be an insult to my inner muse.

I am very interested in the occult. I love my oracle cards, but I haven't found much that I can do with them other then simple guidance spreads. I am also interested in learning about past lives. Though I am hesitant on find out who I was in the past, I would really like to know. I honestly don't know all that much on the subject and I am willing to learn anything and everything. If you would like to share anything I am willing to listen!

"Break, away from everybody. Break away from everything. If you can't stand the way this place is. Take yourself to higher places."

I have a cat. His name is Shiloh. He would tell you that he is going to destroy the world one day. I would tell you that he secretly loves attention, even if he is glaring through the whole process. He is a black cat that likes to run outside and pretend that he is an outside kitty, when he has never lived outside once in his life. His favorite little adventure was when he ran outside while my sister was paying the pizza man, at night, during a new moon. We only had one flashlight and had to go by the sound of his name tag jingling against his collar. That was fun.

My family also has two other cats and four dogs. No we're not crazy, my sister is just stupid when it comes to proportions. We manage though, some how.

My pet peeves. Prepare yourself. Fake people. Oh wow! Looky there! That's original. Anyways, it's true. I hate it when people start liking or hating something just because it is the 'cool' thing to do at that point in time. Note: You're just making yourself blend in more. Soon you'll be bleaching your hair blonde/dyeing it dark brown, and wearing clothes that could fit my six year old cousin.

I also think it is pointless to take yourself too seriously. I undestand if you are mad at the world, or if you think you are all that and a tootsie roll, but honestly. People aren't going to like you anymore then they like a stalker following them home. Plus, it isn't healthy. You're either going to lose all of your friends that you have left, or someone is going to come up to you and smack you up-side the head until you start thinking straight. Won't be me though. If you want to fuck up your life, go right on ahead. It's your own damn fault if you come out of this war alone.

Wooh! Sorry about that. I didn't think I would go into a tyraid that bad this early on.

I suppose, since I was on the subject, I should tell you that anger is always caused by a form of sadness. Technically, anger is a form of sadness, not just caused by it. So hating everyone, just ends up hurting you more. It leaves you lonely, which then triggers more sadness. So, you are screwing yourself over by being angry all of the time. Breathe, it gets better. Trust me.

To all of you who think you are the bestest of the bests. Grow up. In the end you are going to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Looks can't get you everything.
Also, yes, I know that bestest is not a word.

Sorry about the intensity there. I've just been noticing how immature people at my school seem to be anymore. Though most of the seniors this year are pretty mature, surprizingly. Anyways, I need sane people....Well at least sort of sane people.

"We should be ashamed. We had a chance that we ignored. Now it's too late; the end is knocking on the door. Ready to claim us. Drink this blood and we'll become immortal baby. This love, is breaking the one last bond."

I'm usually pretty calm, but I can be very energetic. I have a sense of humor, it just isn't the same as yours. I love to make people laugh. I don't know why, I just do.

I loved vampires before Twilight arrived in this world and I was a trekkie long before the new Star Trek movie came out. Getting away from that, I do like Twilight and Star Trek. I think that people should quit disliking things because they are popular. It's unoriginal and makes you boring. If you liked the book/movie/song when you read/saw/listened to it the first time, you should like it now. Who cares what everyone else thinks about it, right?

I love meeting new people, but I hate being around stupid people. If I have to repeatedly tell you something and you still don't get it:

Example: "Put three cups ot water into the bowl." "Huh?" "Put three cups of water into the bowl." "What?" "Put three fucking cups of water into the bowl!" -Stares stupidly-

Yes, this has happened before. I almost, almost, dumped the water all over that girl's head. So, you have been warned. If you don't take me seriously when I am being serious, I will treat you with the same respect.

Still reading this? You're amazing!

I love psychics, werewolves, vampires, faeries, elves, and other creatures that most of us humans fantasize about at least once in our lives. I also love super powered humans, or aliens. Which ever floats your boat. I love Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, and Wolverine. I've also come to adore Davis Bloome a.k.a. Doomsday, because of Smallville. There's just something about a guy being able to lift me up over his head and throw me that makes me giddy. That's a little off the rocker isn't it? Eh, you let me have my fantasies and I'll let you have yours.

I completely detest people who try to make their life seem worse then it really is. Not only are they being fake, but they are taking the attention away for people whose lives are really screwed up. Note: You don't have to have an abusive family to have a screewed up life. Depression and anxiety do that all on their own just fine.

"You changed my whole life. Don't know what you're doing to me with your love. I'm feeling all superhuman. You did this to me. Superhuman heart beats in me. Nothing can stop me here with you."

Please, if you want to talk to me, that's great! Though, do not ta1k l1k3 th15. I can't even type that right. It makes no sense, and I would rather not have to decypher your terrible typing. Thankyou and Goodnight!

Or not....

I don't like drugs. I believe that weed does kill brain cells. I don't care what scientists and doctors say. No one should see the world like they are running around in the Across the Universe movie. That's just creepy.

I'm not a tree hugger, nor an activist, but I don't think that it is right to cut down so much of the Earth just to put up buildings that are going to collapse, crumble, fall, tear apart in a few decades. I do love plants. I want my garden space back. -_- Evil tree decided it was going to put a huge root there one winter. I really don't know how that works.

I'm very opinionated, though I try to not press my opinions on to others. If you tell me that something is wrong, I will find a way to fit your logic to mine. In the end, I will be right. You just won't understand it. Haha. Not that I conform, to the contrary. I would rather take my beliefs and block yours from ever entering my mind. Sounds a little stubborn and conceited doesn't it? Oh well, that's me then. Deal with it.

Member Since: Nov 07, 2009
Last Login: Nov 24, 2009
Times Viewed: 2,411

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Apr 20, 2022
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Oct 23, 2020
You have been fairly rated by Premiere Sire Amaranthine.


Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Enjoy the Darkness...
Oct 01, 2019

I have smelled your soul and rated your work.Don't trust everyone around here.That is my advice.

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