
Quote: My love died, where did yours go
Vampires Of Anne Rice..(girls) - guys coming soon
I love my friends i'd do anything for them But i love David and Jon most of all they are my life they are in their thirties and my aunts friendsbut i adore them i love them more then anybody they are my life i am not a very nice person but if i like you then everything will go great
"i love romance and a guy who knows his manners i am a happy entergetic person but my heart can be broken very fast i love to laugh
i love classical tecno classic rock death metal heavy metal emo screamo werid yes strange yes if you dont like my choose in music fuck off
i am mean and evil and when i say that you better believe i hurt someone who loved me and pushed them away they're terribly messed up now the differences between us were of to many i dont want you to love me because i will abuse the word i will hurt you and decive you people come to me when they're hurt i am sympithitic torwards them and if i truely like you i'll never let you go i am either mean to you or i hold on to tight i push and shove till you are of nothing left i will flirt with your friends i am a girl and girls are like guys they are shollow and they lie but these are the habits of human beings take warning my dear childern what will pop out of the box once you've stopped turning.maybe i am nice maybe i am mean maybe i am both i'll tease you and laugh at you with your enemys once my love is gone our flame will flicker out. i have fought for my life and the life of others you may think your life is terrible and think of suicide but once you are gone there is no coming back your friends will weep your parents will cry your birthday will go by with no celebration presents or cheer just one empty seat at the table and a hole in loved ones hearts classmates will stare at the empty chair no more laughs your time has come and gone life is fragile dont throw it away because people die i dont trust anyone anymore i dont want to love anymore love is the one thing that will destroy me my trust is harder to get now then anything i'd rather die then tell you my secrets or what i have planned girls are the one thing that will hurt you they will lie they will decive and then they will laugh it hurts to come to realize that you werent loved and that they didnt care i dont like secrets anymore i will only tell a piece of paper what i have been thinking my thoughts are brutile,desgusting,gory,they're full of hatred things that are look down upon i am shamed people dont like me to them i am stupid and weak vunerable but they do not know what i think they do not know my secrets i am used like any other toy i am used people mess with my mind they toy with it then they let go something i'd rather them kept to themselves girls complain they're frustraing and confusing gay guys are lucking they dont have to deal with their mess i wont date a girl unless i have to but i will 3 girls on a bed i will look at models and want them baad girls are to much trouble guys only use what the fuck are we to do but live and die i wont trust you i wont trust them i keep my friends at a far away distance i keep from them what i think dont tell me i am wrong dont tell me i am confused i've been confused its nothing like this this is hatred strung together with resentment head warning young boys what will hurt you when your older what will comand and abd hurt i'd just go gay but i am not you and you are not me i thought i had a friend but she lies and complains it hurts in the end i thought i had loved but i had loved something exactly like her
Member Since: | Mar 30, 2005 |
Last Login: | Mar 19, 2007 |
Times Viewed: | 5,552 |
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