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Limbus Patrum (Coven)

no time to chat. busy rating and adding. sorry everyone
Set at 13:24 on October 18, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

Status:  Bestial Spirit (27.17)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  October 31, 1986
Age:  37

In Lucifer's home


Bite Creed

Stalk Creed



selling your soul doesnt mean you are low-life


Hi I am new here please take care of me



Hello everyone on this mysterious rave.

I want to say just a few words so please do not take it to the heart of how harsh I might be, by saying to these words. I am here to make friends. Due to several good reasons and for security I will add people only if I feel I can trust. but I will surely rate you back if you do so with me.

Dragon Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

I am an art student full-time so I have no time to waste much here and make it to premuim or decorate alot this profile. :) If you want to email me you are free to do so but dont add me before asking me. And please really, ask my permission for that. but rate me if you want and I will give you the same rate. talk to me me and be nice, and polite and I will do the same. and when I reach level 20 do not induct me without my permission. if you do I will delete this profile. Ask me if I like to become a member and wait for an answer.

Autumn Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Autumn Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

if you want to ask about my personal life and I won't respond to certain questions do not force it, cause if you do I will lie.

I am a normal human being here with many faults and goods. Do not judge me for who I am and what I do, cause no one is better than anybody. everyone is different in many levels but we are still on ONE simple level. We are all humans

Thank you Very much
Good Day or Evening or whatever


Gothic Comments

Magickal Graphics

Fantasy Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Fantasy Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~


Alchemy Is a Craft

(from "The Alchemy of Craft" in A Way of Working by D.M. Dooling)

The gold of alchemy was simply hastened perfection, inner and outer, the divinization of matter and man. This idea is certainly not strange to any craftsman. "When a man undertakes to create something," wrote Paracelsus, "he establishes a new heaven, as it were, and from it the work that he desires to create flows into him." In order that it may be expressed, that it may resound, the Word must be made flesh; immortality must be incarnated outwardly in gold and inwardly in the development of a subtle body within this ordinary body: the "glorious body" or "diamond body" of oriental tradition, the "spiritual body " of the Christian.

Absinthe Comments=

~Magickal Graphics~

This "becoming" is what alchemy is about. Its process can also be expressed by the traditional formulas of initiation: the suffering, death, and resurrection of the god or the neophyte, represented by the substances in the crucible or by the material of the craftsman -- the symbolic formula of transformation. Whether raw material, base metal, divine or human spirit, there must be the suffering of purification and separation. The patience that is the quality more vital to the craftsman is, in the final analysis, no other than this suffering, as it applies to the process of creation operating in and upon the artisan himself (Latin patiens from pati, to suffer).

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

And as the alchemical substance is "punished," so is the craftsman's material: clay is pounded; flax beaten; wool teased, carded, and twisted; metal softened and struck. The substance, whether material or human, must change its character, be torn into separate elements in order to be reformed into something other -- it must "die" in order to be reborn.

And here we come to the central tenet of alchemy: its chief absurdity, proof (some would say) that in its operational sense at least it was all superstition and quackery; the idea that matter is alive. Yet, strangely enough, this is something that all craftsmen know to be true. They know that their material has a life of its own, a history, a character, needs, and possibilities unlike any other. They know that they must feel and understand this life so that a relationship can appear between it and their own. They accept a pattern for their work that is not theirs, that comes to them, as it were, from Above; but their work is not merely to obey and to imitate, not even only to "speed the process of nature," but to bring something peculiarly their own, some element of themselves, to unite with that other living entity, the material between their hands. Otherwise the relation does not exist; the material is indeed dead, and they themselves no more than copyists. The gold of the alchemists was not the same as natural gold; it was "living" god. The craftsman added something even to the noblest of metals by his active relation with it.

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

The craftsman, as well as the alchemist, knows that his central task is the creation of himself; and it is above all for this aim that he strives with endless patience -- as it is said in the Emerald Tablet of Trismegistus, separating "the subtle from the gross, softly and with great care" to make what his hands touch turn to gold.

Alchemy Is a Science

(from Alchemy by Franz Hartmann)

Alchemy is a Science of Soul that results from an understanding of God, Nature, and Man. A perfect knowledge of any of one them cannot be obtained without the knowledge of the other two, for these three are one and inseparable. Alchemy is not merely an intellectual but a spiritual science, because that which belongs to the spirit can only be spiritually known. Nevertheless, it is also a science dealing with material things, for spirit and matter are only two opposite manifestations or poles of the eternal One.

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy in its more material aspect teaches how minerals, metals, plants, animals, and men may be generated or made to grow from their "seeds." In other words, how that generation, which is accomplished during long periods of time in the due course of the action of evolution and natural law, may be accomplished in a comparatively short time, if these natural laws are guided and supplied with the proper material by the spiritual knowledge of man. There is no doubt that gold can be made to grow by alchemical means, though it requires an alchemist to make the experiment succeed, and he who is attracted by the material power of gold will not obtain possession of the spiritual power necessary to practice the art.

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

It is therefore a grave mistake to confuse alchemy with chemistry. Modern chemistry is an artificial science that deals only with the external forms in which the elements of matter are manifesting themselves. It never produces anything truly new to creation; it can only recombine atoms and molecules into different substances. We may mix and compound and decompose chemical bodies an unlimited number of times and cause them to appear in various different forms, but at the end, we will have no augmentation of the underlying substances nor anything more than the recombinations of the substances that have been employed at the beginning. Alchemy does not mix or compound anything; it causes that which already pre-exists in a latent state to become active and grow. Alchemy is, therefore, more comparable to biology than to chemistry; and, in fact, the growth of a plant, a tree, or an animal or the evolution of whole species are alchemical processes going on in the laboratory of nature, and performed by the Great Alchemist -- the power of the divine Mind acting in nature.

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy Is an Art

(from Alchemy by Franz Hartmann)

Alchemy is also an art, and as every art requires an artist to exercise it, likewise this divine science and art can be practiced only by those who are in possession of the divine power necessary for that purpose. It is true that the external manipulations required for the production of certain alchemical preparations may, like an ordinary chemical process, be taught to anybody capable of reasoning. However, the results that such a person would accomplish would be without life, for only he in whom the true life has awakened can awaken it from its sleep in matter and cause visible forms to grow from the primordial Chaos of nature.

Alchemy Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Alchemy in its highest aspect deals with the spiritual regeneration of man and teaches how a god may be made out of a human being or, to express it more correctly, how to establish the conditions necessary for the development of divine powers in man, so that a human being may became a god by the power of God in the same sense that a seed becomes a plant by the aid of the Four Elements and the action of the invisible Fifth Element (the Quintessence or Life Force).

Member Since: Sep 15, 2011
Last Login: Oct 24, 2011
Times Viewed: 5,359

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