
Quote: "Waiting on an Angel" Ben Harper
~~Proud Coven Member!~~
I am so happy to be a Coven Member of the

Light is something to strive for in all aspects we need kindness generosity and love beyond everything else..It is those of us here who have had to much anger pain and hatred that seek to find true light and goodness which is hard to come by in todays society..I feel we all need to realize its not about white and black its about the grey and the middle ground..And the good that we can offer to those around us.Yes I know we all have darkness yet there are those of us who seek not to let it consume us..

~Welcome to my profile I hope you enjoy your stay!!~

I am a 33 year old single mom of one daughter 8 years old..She is my everything!!
I am a Bisexual Big Beautiful Woman who isn't ashamed of who I am.. I have been going through a lot of changes lately and to be quite honest it scares the hell out of me..
Finally got my divorce from a stupid man who said he'd never give me one boy did I prove him wrong!!!
I write poetry, and work with photoshop all the time..I love to read anything by Stephen King or Anne Rice.I'm very open minded which could be a problem lol..I am to emotional..And when I give my heart I give my life, and my very soul as well..I do not LIE to anyone for lies cause great pain..I am very loyal to friends and mostly to my family..
I am often plauged by nightmares, I have had visions since I was 13 years old.. I also do a lil reading of the tarot as well. I also read people through pictures and through the way they write as well...
I am at peace within the graveyard that is on the adjoining property of my home. There are many things about me that many do not know or choose not to see..
I am an Aquarius and a true one at that lol..
I love violent thunderstorms with lots of lightning..and rain is an awesome thing.

Things I love
Horror Novels
My daughter

My Music
I love all types of music
cradle of filth, pantera, korn, tool, h.i.m, devil driver, slipknot, crisis, arch enemy, icp, and otep!! I have a wide scale of music taste I love country pop rock some rap classical and some blue grass heavy metal and folk music as well..I was raised up on country and love the oldies..

Lost and Lonely
A poem written by me
Here I sit alone again with more time upon my hands. I sometimes wish the world away like the hourglass sands. When will pple see that hurt is all I know. With out hurt my soul is unable to grow..I feel as if time must stop for me to truly know.. Where I must be or where I must go.
More of my poetry can be read in my journal for anyone interested check it out..
~~My Protection Tags~~

Member Since: | Dec 20, 2005 |
Last Login: | Jul 07, 2016 |
Times Viewed: | 25,849 |
Times Rated: | 1,762 |
Rating: | 9.844 |
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~You have been visited and fairly rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn...Enjoy the night~
Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.

Enjoy the darkness..
[ All Comments ]
Bestial Spirit (27)
Let's Go Eagles!!! Fly Eagles Fly!!
17:45 - February 09 2025

Hellion (73)
Don't forget to spay or neuter your pets.
16:28 - February 09 2025

Pain Giver (55)
Yesterday's Loss is Today's Sauce.
10:03 - February 09 2025
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