So bored. RTF on adds and rates.
Set at 17:52 on August 27, 2022

Quote: I am many
~About me~
My life is spent in the shadows of the Dragons, in the shadows of society. Hiding in plain sight. I creep around you, slithering over your skin when you are alone in your thoughts. I am a chameleon, forever changing and adapting to my surroundings. I have tattoos and piercings, loyal to the death, respectful, and fun. Sometimes I come off as a bitch, and trust me that is just a defense mechanism. I am a little bit of a narcissist. I have an affinity for darkness, for the safety provided by being hidden, I crave the light of the moon, the subtle glow. I love solitude. I believe what I believe, and I ask that you don't talk shit about my choices, they are mine alone. My heart and soul belong to my horned father. My love is Lucifer. My mistress is Lilith.
~Things that I love~
I love the night, the darkness, the moon, i enjoy BDSM, chains, cuffs, rope, biting, and things like that. I love art, photography, literature, the macabre, ink and metal, girls, erotica of all types. I love meeting new people. I love music. I love zombies. LOVE them. I love sugar skulls and skulls in general.
I know that the rating scale has the numbers 1-10, and I do utilize every one of the numbers. I am not a revenge rater, if you feel that I deserve the score you gave me then so be it. If you don't like the score that I gave you, message me, ask me why I rated you the way that I did. I will gladly answer you. If you have nothing on your page, I can guarantee you that you will not get a 10 from me. The same thing applies if you have a million graphics and they are all broken links, still not getting a ten. If you are suspended for eternity, instant 1. If you feel that you are best described in one sentence then that's your call, I won't rate you down because of that.
~Adding Me~
I love to meet new people, as I've mentioned. So, with that being said, if you add me to your friends list, please let me know. I would love to return the favor. Also, if you're adding me, make sure that you rate my page and definitely add my journal, as I post in it at random and it's usually pretty good stuff.
~Things I don't like~
I don't like ignorance, stupidity, pushiness, bitches, assholes, people that want to argue over nothing, drama, cam requests, picture requests, I do not like childish behavior. Please don't waste my time coming at me like I owe you something when I don't, petty blockers, revenge raters.
Thank you for stopping by!! Please come back again or drop me a line. I don't bite.
Member Since: | Jun 17, 2014 |
Last Login: | Aug 13, 2023 |
Times Viewed: | 8,830 |
Times Rated: | 453 |
Rating: | 9.909 |
Rate this profile
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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Antagonist (37)
I'm a bit better today
13:29 - February 17 2025

Premiere Sire (123)
No risk no reward.
07:32 - February 17 2025

Carnal Creature (56)
Welcome tp Mortuary and Pizzeria
21:57 - February 16 2025
Vampire Rave is a member of
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