Welcome to 'my' succinctly Humble Abode
An Occult Dwelling..............of a Light Worker

The Bookcase is on lock though there is an interesting read in the Journal, 'Me' photos in the album/Portfolio and the Paintings on the wall are surly to enjoy : ) *these featured paintings on the wall are meaning-full

Float'n on -as we are here, my description is as follows:
Slendor yet Lean and well formed Pisces Horse Young Man; Dark Hair; Dark Brown Eyes; about 5' 10/11 maybe (definitly not shorter); Very Intuitive; possess a Magical Hand; Well informed (to say the least) of most Esoteric Sciences, favoring Hermetics(Spherical & Ritual Magic, QBL, Alchemy, Astrology,etc....)

However, that so-called I (my desription and proclaimed attainments) is all Transitory. Yes, This Will All Change. This body/ID will go. This Shell, which is strickly for the development of that which embodies it will accordingly deteriorate................

Long before then............................
........as for this Incarnation......................
...I've experienced a very versitile childhood. Mostly, now looking back, went through things at more of an observers perspective rather than an culpret/victim view ; )
Speaking of observing, I think here's a fitting place for some childhood memories in the form of a list I'd like to call 'going back down Movie-Lane'

The Goonies

The Navigator

The NeverEnding Story

Trolls (i think thats the title -w/that witch and her mushroom familiar. and strangly enough the father & the son were named 'Harry Potter')

The Toy (Richard Prior & that boy was HALARIOUS)

The Disorderlies

License to Drive

Big Trouble in Little China

Mommy Dearest

Toy Soldiers (not that computer animated cartoon)



The Last Dragon

Howard The Duck (YES)
this list is undone

of course, not all these "which & what....are you?" ready made depictions best capture me in those categorical areas. The Bulk of which I decided on posting in my Spell section of my Journal

You're like a Unicorn!
?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
It wasn't until 2001 that I finally clearly heard and heeded that Great Voice of the Higher~Self resulting in a Transformation of my Lowerself (that 'I') which is still -needless to say- under the 'Carnal-Mind' knife.
The effect of the Alchemical Crows Caw was enormous at that point.
I traded in my musical endevors and PROJECTS for a Harmony my Soul had Hungered; Desruction of a building for mere blueprints of a Temple!

...And 'What a Temple in progress it was! My Spiritual Eye was allowed to open -though cracked, it was enough to allow vision of the Western Mysteries to pierce bits of its Light through to be deciphered.
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Esoteric Sciences; Occult blah blah, Open Nature, Active fun also Chill State, Being a people person, & searching for permenant communion w/ Holy Guardian Angel aka Higher Divine Christ~Self; Alchemical Marriage; Holy Union.

Regarding the -after next- 'Green' Post:
For those of you who know, please Enjoy. For those of you who dont, Presented here is one of Our original Treatises left to us and written by Thuti; Thoth; Hermes Trismegistus.....
...interupting w/ Wall Painting of Thoth

...For all, there underneath is an more modern version written by Dennis W. Hauck.
...............i know i know -how informative i can be lol

Truly, without hype, religious exploitation, or commercial consideration, you can experience Higher Consciousness.
That which is Matter corresponds to that which is Energy, and that which is Energy corresponds to that which is Matter, in order to accomplish the miracles of the One Light. And just as all things came from this Light, through the concentration of One Mind, so do all created things originate from this Light, through the transformation of Thought.
Its father is Energy; its mother Matter; the Spectrum carries it in its belly; its nurse is the Brain. It is the origin of All, the consecration of the Universe. Its inherent strength is perfected, if it is materialized.
Separate the Light from Matter, the Subtle from the Gross, gently, in deepest Meditation. The Light rises from Earth to Heaven, and returns again to Earth, thereby combining within itself the powers of both Energy and Matter.
Thus will you obtain the Glory of the Whole Universe. All Darkness with be illumined to you. This is the greatest Force of all powers, because it overcomes every Energetic thing and penetrates every Material thing.
In this way was the Universe created. From this comes many wondrous Manifestations, because this is the Formula.
Therefore, am I called Thrice Greatest, having united all three parts of reality and seen the underlying relationship between Energy, Matter, and Light. Herein is completely explained the Operation of Consciousness.

...you can only imagine, after that text, how many & various the Imaginations were, truly attempting to comprehend it. So some time later -aeons later- someone of Geniushood converted The Emerald Tablet into an Engraving he entitled Tubula Smaragdina
...It wasn't 'til much later that I delved into the abysslike awakenings of the Eastern Traditions/Mysteries.
Eastern Meditations, Chakra systems & symbols. Intergrating an East/West fusion within seems only fitting for me ~hence Flux; *Fluctuation*

CHAKRA = Wheel; Energy Center

crown chakra ~ Wisdom; yellow; 2 Ray; 1000 petaled Lotus

Third-Eye chakra ~ Vision; green; 5 Ray; 96 petaled Lotus

Throat chakra ~ Power/authoritive Word; Blue; 1st Ray; 16 petaled Lotus

Heart Chakra ~ Love; Pink; 3rd Ray; 12 petaled Lotus...

Secret Chamber of the Heart chakra (Literal Heart region & not the same position as the Heart Chakra) 3 plumes of Fire ~ Love, Power & Wisdom; 8 petaled.
*colors obviosly differ from Kundilini Yoga
...my favorite forms of the Secret Arts has been Spherical Magic and evocation...

and oh how I Love a 'perfect circle'

...and the Rituals that form them
'nother Wall painting:


the Three in ONE depiction

For all you astrology lovers...........

............. heres my natal

Keep in Mind that 'No Matter what the Gloom, the Sun is always shining and the Murky Whirlings of the World are sure to pass'.
My Journal expounds on 'change', 'time', 'polarity;good/bad' and the like : )