Lifes too short to waste time on the petty shit
Set at 11:06 on June 22, 2010

Quote: Who said we were meant to live in the light!
Well I have returned to the Rave after a long absence checking out all the new changes to the site all I can say is "WOW!"
Glad to be back hope to find old friends and make new ones here.
This profile is a little rusty changes to come soon so bear with me.
I am a bit of a loner although I do like to have fun as some of you will find out sooner or later : )
A bit about me if you care to read it....
I am a lover of nature and all things natural. You could easily find me in the woods sitting beneath a cedar tree just enjoying the smell of it drinking in the silence of the woods around it watching the moon rise over the trees.
I find solitude pleasing and nature calming to my soul. When I am in need of finding my center it will be in the woods lying beneath the trees listening to Mother Earth speak softly to me.
I am a mother and a grandmother i finally got my first granddaughter this past year after four grandsons...Yay me! lol
My daughters and grandchildren are my world and enjoy them so much.
Well i just wanted to add a bit more about me will add more I had noticed my profile was a bit bare of the shall we say "bare" bones of me?
Keep an eye out more to come

The Music I Listen to!
Cradle of Filth
Led Zeppelin
Marilyn Manson
Stevie Raye Vaughn
The music I listen to is a very eclectic mix it depends on my mood and if it hits the right place inside me.
This band is far and away the band that is my hearts beat
Type 0 Negative

Peter Steele what can I say.... a great loss to us all

Just some of them! More to be added later!
Some protection stamps from those i call friend here on the Rave

Some of the things I like...
I love wolves...
and of course.....

When I saw this picture and the quote with it...I thought how perfect a thing to beleive! Walk on the earth like spirits in the night and leave no visible trail. Leaving it as pristine as it was when you began your path on it.

This quote by Ghandi says it all why is it such a hard thing to have come into being?

Dark thoughts go through my head like lightening and sometimes I wonder, do others feel as I do?

To those of you that know me, you know that I have another profile here on the Rave I am also Misbegottenlust. She is my "darker" more fun side.

This quote says alot about the way VR has made me feel....So to all of you out there I say thank you for being there. This door opened onto a place of infinite belonging'
After a lifetime of feeling I didn't quite "fit" I think I may have found a place to "be" for once! After reading the many profiles of those of you that stopped to rate me and leave words of encouragement and welcome.....to you I say.....thank you and I begin to feel I may have found others "like" me! I am so glad to be here in the warm dark thanks again...Gwendolyn
To all that stop to rate me, feel free to add me to your friends list just let me know that I may add you also!

Member Since: | Apr 26, 2007 |
Last Login: | Jan 07, 2012 |
Times Viewed: | 23,149 |
Times Rated: | 1,515 |
Rating: | 9.197 |
Rate this profile
Jan 07, 2024
We stand as one, though our paths are many.
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