
Quote: Accomplishment is the key to immortality.
Important Notice: I am not a 1000 profile rating a day, 400 people on my friends list kinda person. So please ASK me or possibly, because it might help... TALK to me before adding me to your friends list. Thank you, you may proceed.
Hello and welcome to my profile. I am not going to bore you with my sad and pathetic life story. However I will say this:
- If you're intelligent(smart) I'll probably(stress this) like you... mmm maybe, probably not.
- I love to debate about almost any subject. (True but.. It just sounds lame when i say it back to myself)
- I am very interested in hearing your views on politics and religion. (This ones just dumb..)
- (Insert deleted)
- I also like to think that i'm funny
Slashing through my wrists with a pair of rusty keys,
Jumping off a cliff landing on my knees,
The ground is turning red,
I think I'm almost dead,
And Santa took a 22 and blew off my head!
(Ha ha ha ha ha.... No, not funny you say? Damnit all!)
I fear global warming...
I fear if Canada gets too warm it will start to melt and the provinces will begin to break apart. It has already started, just look at Newfoundland.
I hope Quebec is next.
(Comon that ones funny..)
The important notice was placed at the beginning of this profile for all those attention deficit fucks out there who cannot seem to read past the firs line of a profile...
Member Since: | Aug 10, 2005 |
Last Login: | May 26, 2007 |
Times Viewed: | 3,909 |
Times Rated: | 415 |
Rating: | 8.605 |
Rate this profile
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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Premiere Sire (123)
No risk no reward.
07:32 - February 17 2025

Carnal Creature (56)
Welcome tp Mortuary and Pizzeria
21:57 - February 16 2025

Spook (24)
21:55 - February 16 2025
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