
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Spook (24.81)
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Look behind you in the dark that is where i dwell


Bite ImortalAngel

Stalk ImortalAngel



In the shadow for always "Mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of children" " Cities burn ppl die but love is forever"

Tu est......

Tu est un toucher veloute
Tu est une memoire de blanc et noir
Tu est un baise de fleur parfume
Tu est une magie embellie
Tu est le chevalier de mes reve aimer

Tu est le tous de moi
Tu est le tous
Le tous

Mon esprit est pour toi est a toi et seulement a toi

Je suis pour toi.........

Here I am all of me what you see is what you receive i have just newly become a night club owner the plans of its construction are in progress.. Hoping with in a few months it will be ready ...who wold of tought a submissive owning a night club .. but yet again I am no ordinary submissive... Oh and i am also the proud owner of a Cafe that will be next to the club open 24 7 to accomadate all walks of life including our dark friends... So for the enxt few months i shall seldom be online but i will check in time to time to make sure my friends are well and safe.... after all so many of you have inspired me to do this on so many levels......

be well to all and be safe let the night guide you to your destination ......


Is this world our reality? Or is it our dream? Do we not make it our own everytime our eyes close do we not decide our faith or is this a contraption that surpasses us beyond our beleifs.
I would rather live in a dream then live dying each day plainly existing as no one, as in my dream my world is alive and it is mine. I am its ruler for all times.
If i were to tell you my blood is more ancient then you could comprehend. would you beleive me? I would think not so in this case you are not my kind and probabilities would then tell me that you are to young or to naiive to even understand my mind the way it thinks feels sees the world.

"It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not." - Kurt Cobain
Let men worship what gods they will it is no ones right to tell them who to love and obey as no man should obey no gods but themselves and be rulers of their own castles and lives.

Paleness of my skin is pure as snow.

The coldness of my body is all I know.

The green of my eyes can seek a foe.

My long brown hair in the moon will glow.

My lips alone contain the power to say no.

My heart and soul have a powerful blow.

My embrasse belongs to my Dark Knight you know.

Heaven Said my soul was damned.

Hell Said my Heart was lost to another

And Earth Said I did not belong.

Now I walk the Darkness,

The place Were I was destined to dwell.

For ever searching for my Dark knight

to seek me out and come and take me into his

darkened soul embrasse and deliver me from this

prison, And into is ever lasting caress and

his undying love. knowing that day now will never come.
About me:

Who are we really but mear cacoons of our true inner self parading around like a maskerade, Never knowing our true self or for this fact never truly knowing Anyone else. Why do we feel the things we feel why do we see the things we see why do we speak the way we do? Why love. cry, smile, laugh, caress, touch, feel, hear, speak, hurt, dance, run, walk, listen, change, live, die, write, sing,r ead. The things we do to jusify our selfs as humans are insane at times, but why not be ourselves humm? There is an idea!! lets dare to be different and independent from the mainframe, Fuck the mainframe be you the only you that you can be. Im a single mother i have a son I love him more then anything in the world i am ,emotional ,sensitive, sensual ,romantic (but hey i can still kick your ass if you piss me off) but i am patient ,crazy ,weird ,dark ,funny ,a prankster ,im a wild driver, tattoo lover, down to earth, funky,i even sometimes cry myself to sleep why , who cares i just do, i laugh at little things and i dont take life to seriously, i know were i am going, i do stop to ask directions, i like to flip my jeep when ever i can, I hike as high as i can just for the fuck of it so i can feel the endorphines troughout my body giving me this amazing natural rush , i dress sexy i feel sexy, then i dress casual because its comfy, I like to hug, cuddle run my fingers trough your hair, i like to whisper sweet nothings in some ones ears, I am independent, I will not CARRY YOUR ASS so make sure you can keep up. I am a friend , never let you down , i will pick you up and i will make you smile, drama, liers,headgames,depressive,ppl are not my thing, but hey it dosent mean i wont talk to you. but tell you what my cards are delt all here on the table i dare you to show me your true self!

He is eternal darkness

Standing at my darkened opened window

I see a myst forming near a tree a willow

A shadow casted upon it Powerful and Strong

And my eyes searches deep and long

A wind enters my cold dim chamber

As my hair dances to it, I remember

Something in the air, it is familiar

The wind caresses my pale skin, I shiver

I look to the outside again, I feel him

Watching, thinking, knowing I sense him

A whisper carried within the wind reaches me

His voice resonates trough the air suddenly

I look to see only his eyes upon me, seductive

Trapped by his gaze, unable to move or leave

From a far I feel his touch against my pale skin

My eyes close, my body sways as i know he will begin

His voice now closer whispers into my soul soft words

Deep in his hold he says "you are mine forever loved"

I am inside your dreams, You know my touch, my kiss

Memories from long ago, of imortality and bliss

I now know who he is, as he moves near me i see

He is the Dark Knight and has he once again returned to me?
The mistery of the night is what fascinates me.

To live by the moon's light is what surrounds me.

To see trough the pitch black of the night is what delights me.

To hear the whispers of the nights creature is what captivates me.

To live in solitude compels me to whimper.

To live without love pushes me to grow colder.

To be without my kind deprives me of many pleasures.

To hear the wicked souls lie to my heart brings me to anger.

Maybe our dreams

Are not near always out of reach

Always to far to hard to long

Maybe our existence is just to merly exist

At the end on hard road another begins

Another journey, adventure another stretch

Always one more, one more mommy around the park

One more icecream one more ride one more night

Always wanting one more something

Maybe our dreams are right in fornt of us

But maybe we are to blind to see them

One more time to look around and see

One more time to realize a dream

One more time

Oh yes And I must also state that THE CROW is the best movie for me.

You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

Adritha is your Vampire name.
You are stunning to look at and to talk to. No
other type of Vampire has your creativity.
To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:

What is your Vampire name?
brought to you by Quizilla

I find that destiny makes itself known in so many ways... i have loved only but a few times my heart is precious to me but it seems others do not see it that way.....i have opened my self to ppl only to be let down you would thingk after some time this would make a person bitter or cold hearted ...alright I do admit i have become cold hearted to a point but my compassion is there still...lurking in me.... But now i do tend to pull away from ppl makingm y distance safely within reach I have no choice to do this really insanity sets in after a while making you think about the world and its being in different ways.....sometimes being alone is the only way I can survive the moronic and stupidity some ppl do......But beeing alone also has its distastul events... i know this... but then i simply ask myself is it all worth it to do it all over again open up let them in and have them rip out your hearth like an old toy that has outlived its purpose.......no it is not...but ido admit the warmth you feel when another shows you love or kindness wether it be in a kind word or compliment or in a gesture of toughtfulness or a touch it makes one...yearn...dream... but also sad knowing you want it so much but ...cant....perhaps one day one will come and show me a different side to all of it but alas until then i would rather put my heart away on that high shelf hide it to be safe........sorrowful nights feel me whole lonely days empty my soul....but to all of you a word...Love is something rather extraordinary, magical let it happen if you encounter it i have simply chosen not to for my own beileifs and fears.....but iknow and remember it can be a mistycal experience witht the right person..

be well and safe every one
Video provided by The Source

Member Since: May 06, 2005
Last Login: Nov 22, 2005
Times Viewed: 4,908

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